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Thousands of strong force to take on China

So you accept that you will have to repair. Yes we do not mind. By the time you repair it, It will be all over.

We don have to launch brahmos from SU 30 MKI, Land launch Brahmos will do. We do not count Any J at all. They are no match to what we have in our inventory.
Bro, u forget now who stand more higher. PLA's rocket & missile can launch more further from the Tibet Plateau to India.

But i said without India attack first like 1962, Tibet PLA still a defense force. Both India and China can enjoy PEACE until India willing to do 1962 again, if it coming China ready !
So you accept that you will have to repair. Yes we do not mind. By the time you repair it, It will be all over.

We don have to launch brahmos from SU 30 MKI, Land launch Brahmos will do. We do not count Any J at all. They are no match to what we have in our inventory.
You should make sure you can destroy the rail first, you logic is very ridiculous, can't be understood, maybe for you, china will like a dumb wait your damage on the rail, don't compare the weapon in quantity with China, you too suck!
Keep this in mind when posting pictures of the PLA:

They have spent the last 30 years crushing unarmed civilians, not fighting professional armies or hardened terrorists.

If the PRC were to attack India the conflict could go badly for the PRC. Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong are all within range of Indias ICBM's. Wars are easy to start, hard to end. Just look at the Americans in Afghanistan.

No Brave army will ever kill civilian. Even Indian army denied to mess with Maoist.Only Coward army kills civilian. They will not be able to fight the war with a professional army.
While I read the news, I laughted, what a "creative" "tank"!:D

Stop using google translate man..I am tiered of laughing.. sorry ..I am tired:woot: of being laughted:-)

You should make sure you can destroy the rail first, you logic is very ridiculous, can't be understood, maybe for you, china will like a dumb wait your damage on the rail, don't compare the weapon in quantity with China, you too suck!

We will let you know that we will destroy your bridges ...let the war begin...
You should make sure you can destroy the rail first, you logic is very ridiculous, can't be understood, maybe for you, china will like a dumb wait your damage on the rail, don't compare the weapon in quantity with China, you too suck!
Let they dream to destroy QingHai-Tibet railway, In the future China will build SiChuan-Tibet railway then YunNan-Tibet railway ... there will be 3x railways to firmly connect Tibet with mainland of China, Indian no chance forever.
Stop using google translate man..I am tiered of laughing.. sorry ..I am tired:woot: of being laughted:-)

We will let you know that we will destroy your bridges ...let the war begin...
So idiot, what are you waiting for now? don't waste time here, go destroy our bridges!

Let they dream to destroy QingHai-Tibet railway, In the future China will build SiChuan-Tibet railway then YunNan-Tibet railway ... there will be 3x railways to firmly connect Tibet with mainland of China, Indian no chance forever.
Have to say, these indian too fool in military, for them, PLA and Chinese target is dumb target, don't know, before attack Chinese target, should know how to protect their own base first.
Maybe that's why india don't have famous militarist!
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Let they dream to destroy QingHai-Tibet railway, In the future China will build SiChuan-Tibet railway then YunNan-Tibet railway ... there will be 3x railways to firmly connect Tibet with mainland of China, Indian no chance forever.
Well we will have fun destroying these bridges ...and halting Chinese army at the time of war... till then... keep building.
New Chinese light tanks that are particularly suitable for Tibetan terrains:







And India's answer?




So You will decide Indian answer Right? You can win only if you will have to decide Indian answer. That is not going to happen so you .......... .
So idiot, what are you waiting for now? don't waste time here, go destroy our bridges!
Go tell you leaders to start the war... why are you wasting your time here.... go... protest in front of Chinese parliament... make them declare war against India.

Seems he is the latest addition to the fan-boy brigade.
That's very NICE, i forget Tibet PLA Army's HQ-9.
S-300MPU + HQ-9 enough to block India's Su-30mki, also Tibet deployed J-10A and J-11A/B fighters

HQ 9 is a Joke like Junk series fighter. A single strike of Prahar and HQ 9 is gone.
Why Brahmos is invincible? except indian, don't find other care the missile!

Any dispute, Chinese leader will first use negotitation, but not mean will quit military preparation, you said china backstabe and cheat you, of course, we know you indian think that, we chinese also think at right time, you india as a leader of Non-aligned movement countries, you are too self-rightous, and order china give the place that Britain want to india, you backstab us.

In 1962, you get the weapon from USA and USSR, you army is poorly equiped? I don't think no need to exaggerate the lack of weapon you army have, that's excuse for your failure.

As Arunachal Pradesh, yes, it is in your hand now, but we don't accept it is your land, we can kick you ***, and retreat initiatively, also mean, we can get it back.

The trust of your indian 1.2 billion population is not more important than that of Chinese 1.3billion population for China government, and because china kick you ***, so the world suspicious about our acitivities? what's the world? western and Japan? they have don't trust us, not because of you indian, don't think you are too important for the world!!!

Your advanced missile, don't forget the word: relatively, not belittle you, in China, Russian and Western eyes, you weapon is too backward!!

I just know, in india, there are more than million rebellion, they have always bomb your police and railway, each year, many people died from your independence, what a professional Indian Army is?

Chinese is slaughtered by guerillas? what a joke! you indian and vietnam believe the joke, I know it! and why involve Viet here? just show that you indian suck, or Viet is better than you?

Hmm ,I am not going to argue you.Afterall your knowledge is trimmed by CCP,so much censorship in China and I dont know what they taught you . As an Indian I know the real fact .Who order what ?give me some proof man
Many members in our familly worked in Indian Armed Forces and others still working .From their words I know what is condition of Indian Army in that time and present time and a chinese can just get a small information about Indian Army from your censored internet.US and USSR help come only after that incident.whether you accept or not,Arunachal Pradesh will remain our hands,We just dont care what you thinking and you government thinking.

Our Armed Forces is completely satisfied with our missiles.and that is enough we dont care what others think about it.Indian Armed forces only acquire a weapon if it has quality. Because they have no money to acquired a third grade weapon in quantity like others.;).And 4 decades of DRDO investment in missile sector gave them enough experience in missile technology even if they dont have other field like fighter jets.

You know what? from your reponse you know nothing about the problems in India.Yes some problems in northern area.And our government will take necessary action ,and it is already started.After all our country has so much diversity.28 official languages ,lot of culture.But one is sure our government will not oppress civilians like others.

Chinese is completely slaughtered by vietnamese.If you dont know about that.then it is not my problem.After all your knowledge is trimmed by CCP,so much censorship in China and I dont know what they taught you.
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