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“This war against our republic is also a war against Iran’

Absolutely atrocious that iran should support armenians over muslims.... enough said really...

Before Israel is bought up.....iran supported armenia in the 1980s

do you have any sources for this claim as far as i know it was in the early 90s not the 80s. the isrealis expand their ties with azerbaijan in 1990.
do you have any sources for this claim as far as i know it was in the early 90s not the 80s. the isrealis expand their ties with azerbaijan in 1990.

My point exactly....irans support for armenia against muslim Azerbaijan predates any Israeli involvement
Muslims love to hate each other!

And the funny thing is: Everywhere. So obviously it has nothing to do with religion, but with national interests and corruption and in some cases with megalomania too.
My point exactly....irans support for armenia against muslim Azerbaijan predates any Israeli involvement

if you read what i wrote then you would see that israel started their massiv coorperation with azerbeijan before Iran supported armenia.
well you can find many videos on youtube from erdogan his speeches. no need for Iran to make any propaganda.

Iran is not losing anything still we have the biggest influence in the region and it won't change i think you would wish so but won't happen.

it is funny how people from pakistan forget that pakistan was the main supply line for nato to attack afghanistan and unsing pakistan as a logistic hub to send their troops weapons food etc.
but you always scream about muslim unity when it comes to other countries where was your mulsim unity when isis beheaded sunni and shia muslims in iraq and syria.

We accept Musharraf was wrong and there was alot of anger against him, will you admit Iran was wrong to supply maps of Taliban bases to US?
My point exactly....irans support for armenia against muslim Azerbaijan predates any Israeli involvement

Israeli support is not that much with Azerbaycan as Iranians keep screaming.

Armenian far-right groups have ties to Zionists too. Actually many people in Israel would like to see ties with Armenia instead of Muslim Azerbaycan.
And the funny thing is: Everywhere. So obviously it has nothing to do with religion, but with national interests and corruption and in some cases with megalomania too.
y u hatin man y u hatin on a brotha
aint nobody goin around talkin trash doe aint nobody goin up actin like white trash
We accept Musharraf was wrong and there was alot of anger against him, will you admit Iran was wrong to supply maps of Taliban bases to US?

yes Iran did that and you know why cause the taliban showed us that they are our enemy by going to the Iranian consulate and killing our diplomats. so yes the Iranian had all the rights to help that the taliban gets what it deserve.
Absolutely atrocious that iran should support armenians over muslims.... enough said really...

Before Israel is bought up.....iran supported armenia in the 1980s
Israel gets about 40-45 percent of its oil needs from Azerbaijan via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline
Israeli support is not that much with Azerbaycan as Iranians keep screaming.

Armenian far-right groups have ties to Zionists too. Actually many people in Israel would like to see ties with Armenia instead of Muslim Azerbaycan.

if the support is not much why are israeli drones belonging to mossad flying from azerbaijan into Iranian airspace to spy. i think you know for a drone like the hermes you need a runway to take off and land.

thats not true israel don't even recognize the armenian genocide. so that says enough.

i forgot something so here teh edit:

On March 29, 2012, officials[who?] said that Israel was granted access to air bases in Azerbaijan through a "series of quiet political and military understandings." These airbases could potentially be used in a strike against Iran over its nuclear program and other tensions with Iran, and would be allowed by Azerbaijan.[58] Israeli and Azerbaijani officials denied these reports.[59][60]

On September 30, 2012, it was reported that Azerbaijan and Israel jointly examined the use of Azerbaijani air bases and spy drones to help Israeli jets perform a long-range strike on Iran. This would help Israel in regards to issues with refueling, reconnaissance, and rescuing crews, and could make an attack more feasible.[61] The plan apparently involves using an Israeli tanker aircraft painted in the colors of a third country airline company that would land and refuel in Azerbaijan and then refuel the Israeli strike aircraft.[62]

thats a direct threat to our security if thats not than i can't help you.
Despite what people think, Iran has stayed neutral in this conflict. So has Russia. There is a much bigger game being played in the shadows by China and Russia. There is a now a much better chance of Armenia and Azerbaijan making peace soon. And this is exactly what China-Russia want Geo-strategically.
First they will take Nagorno-Karabakh, then they will take southern Armenia and link Turkey with Azerbaijan.

Then Turkey and Azerbaijan will unite and Turkey will become a dominant power in the Caucasus, using Azerbaijani territory to destabilize Azeri parts of Iran and influence Muslims regions of southern Russia (Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia).

Also direct access to Azerbaijani energy will make Turkey more powerful and independent

Today Turkey sends Syrian fighters to Nagorno-Karabakh, tomorrow they will send them to Chechnya and Dagestan and Azeri parts of Iran

Also after establishing a land bridge with Azerbaijan and getting access to the Caspian---Turkey will establish deep ties with Turkic states of Central Asia--Turkmenistan/Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan/Kyrgyzstan

So a huge Turanian confederation/military union with population of 160mln people will be established on the northern borders of Iran and southern borders of Russia.

So it is in Iranian and Russian interest to make sure Armenia survives as a country
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