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“This war against our republic is also a war against Iran’

the average person is geopolitically illiterate. This gets taken advantage of so easily by governments.

Iranian enemies are doing everything they can to try and blame Iran for this and turn Azeri Iranians against the government.

its almost about time for Iran to tear the disgraceful turkemenchai and golestan "treaties" and make territorial claims against azerbaijan and make it a long term policy to annex azerbaijan.

The azerbaijani regime thinks that because Iran is reluctant to take steps against it because of their azeri populace, this gives them a free hand to trade with Israel weapons for Zionist presence and spies on the Iranian border.

Azerbaijan has moved israeli spy equipment onto the Iranian border. Iran has every right in the world to take direct kinetic action against these zionist terrorist assets threatning Iran, and a direct strike on azerbaijan as a warning to never do this again

Iran cannot simply stand idle while enemies make moves against it right on her sensitive border areas.
the average person is geopolitically illiterate. This gets taken advantage of so easily by governments.

Iranian enemies are doing everything they can to try and blame Iran for this and turn Azeri Iranians against the government.

its almost about time for Iran to tear the disgraceful turkemenchai and golestan "treaties" and make territorial claims against azerbaijan and make it a long term policy to annex azerbaijan.

The azerbaijani regime thinks that because Iran is reluctant to take steps against it because of their azeri populace, this gives them a free hand to trade with Israel weapons for Zionist presence and spies on the Iranian border.

Azerbaijan has moved israeli spy equipment onto the Iranian border. Iran has every right in the world to take direct kinetic action against these zionist terrorist assets threatning Iran, and a direct strike on azerbaijan as a warning to never do this again

Iran cannot simply stand idle while enemies make moves against it right on her sensitive border areas.
Iran made a strategic mistake by preventing Armenia to go further with their offensive in the 90s. The best thing Iran could do is to share drone and missile technology with Armenia (at cost price).
Iran made a strategic mistake by preventing Armenia to go further with their offensive in the 90s. The best thing Iran could do is to share drone and missile technology with Armenia (at cost price).

Nakhchivan is a de facto Iranian protectorate. They get all their electricity and water from Iran. Iran is their only land connection to the mainland azerbaijan.

this gives Iran alot of economic and political leverage potentially. If Iran allows Armenia to take it. not only would Iran get flooded by Azeri Refugees (that might disturb public opinions in the north) but Iran would lose that leverage over azerbaijan.

however the Azeris have started to get a gas pipeline in from turkey to nakhchivan to cut that Iranian dependence. so who knows, the strategic geopolitical calculations of Iran regarding nakhchivan might have changed now, (though i personally doubt it).
Iran should send troops to the north, at least for sending a message to turkey and azerbaijan. i didn't hear anything from our armed forces after the rockets hit Iranian soil, this makes IRGC and the army look weak.
Same time Iran could give armenia drones and as a member said before in this forum Iran should make a 40km safe zone and send some AD systems also to make it difficult for the turkish airforce to use the airspace in the region. it would be ideal if Iran and russia could workout a none fly zone that would give the armenian army a big support and would piss off the turks.

Same time Iran should attack turkish troops in syria to show the turkish goverment that if they continue of supporting this war and help azerbaijan that their troops won't be safe in syria. i don't know if Iran is working with the pkk or at least somehow help them, if yes they should be also some attcks in this area.
As an outsider all I'll say is Iran is making a big mistake if it sees Azerbaijan as an enemy. Nuff said.

azerbaijan is not the enemy it's turkey. the problem with azerbaijan is that it rather has good ties with isreal and turkey then with Iran. they allowed isreali drones to take off from there to spy in Iran. in the past we shot down some israeli drones coming from azerbaijan. aliyev allows the mossad to operate from azerbaijan soil against Iran. as for turkey they try to get influence in the northen region in Iran where azeri speaking Iranians live (i don't say turks or Iranian turks cause they are Iranian). turkey is not happy power that Iran has in the region. since erdogan is in power he tried weaken Irans influence but never said it in public but action speak louder the words. so what he did is working with Iran in regional issues for example like syria but same time funding and supporting terrorist who fight against the Iranian backed forces and the syrian army. i can count other things where they did the same laughing in Iran face and back stabbing the same time. what turkey don't understand is that they don't have the capacity to fight in different fronts. neither they have the money nor the logistic to do so since they are depending on foreigne arms and tech. later or sooner they will have big issues at home cause of the desicions the goverment is making.
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azerbaijan is not the enemy it's turkey. the problem with azerbaijan is that it rather has good ties with isreal and turkey then with Iran. they allowed isreali drones to take off from there to spy in Iran. in the past we shot down some israeli coming from azerbaijan. aliyev allows the mossad to operate from azerbaijan soil against Iran. as for turkey they try to get influence in the northen region in Iran where azeri speaking Iranians live (i don't say turks or Iranian turks cause they are Iranian). turkey is not happy power that Iran has in the region. since erdogan is in power he tried weaken Irans influence but never said it in public but action speak louder the words. so what he did is working with Iran in regional issues for example like syria but same time funding and supporting terrorist who fight against the Iranian backed forces and the syrian army. i can count other things where they did the same laughing in Iran face and back stabbing the same time. what turkey don't understand is that they don't have the capacity to in different fronts. neither they have the money nor the logistic to do so since they are depending on foreigne arms and tech. later or sooner they will have big issues at home cause of the desicions the goverment is making.

Turkey is also not your enemy, you may have rivalry for influence in Azerbaijan, but they are defo not Irans enemy.
As an outsider all I'll say is Iran is making a big mistake if it sees Azerbaijan as an enemy. Nuff said.

I hope they commit the mistake so the war is brought to them directly.. There is no hypocrisy here broski if they bark at the wrong tree they will get what they ask for
Turkey is also not your enemy, you may have rivalry for influence in Azerbaijan, but they are defo not Irans enemy.

I really don't know how much you are familiar with the turkish foreign policy since erdpgan is presdident.
but believe you me if erdogan could he would take the north of Iran and claime it as turkish terretory.

i am not talking about the turkish people i have turkish friends they see it the way i do. i am only talking about the politics.

erdogan is trying leave all doors open, for example he says on tv that he will fight for the palestinan rights and so on. but never in the turkish history a goverment had so many economic and military coorporation with israel like in erdogans goverment. he wants to be respected as a nato partner and wants the benefits but same time using innocent immigrants from syria as pressure to get want he wants from europe. it is his words if you don't pay for my effort i will open the borders. same with russia shooting a fighter then making a arms deal with russia for the s400 AD system to get benefits from the usa.
Iranian propaganda, nothing more. Iran cannot do anything more to help Armenia, it has its own internal Azeri unrest.

It is pleasing to see many Muslims come together to support Azerbaycan, and now it seems Iran is losing its right to speak on behalf of all the world's Shia Muslims.

In sha Allah, I hope this issue will help Muslim world come together against sectarianism.

Every day the smile on my face grows larger seeing my Azeri Muslim brothers conquer more land from fascist, Islamophobic Armenians.
Absolutely atrocious that iran should support armenians over muslims.... enough said really...

Before Israel is bought up.....iran supported armenia in the 1980s
Iranian propaganda, nothing more. Iran cannot do anything more to help Armenia, it has its own internal Azeri unrest.

It is pleasing to see many Muslims come together to support Azerbaycan, and now it seems Iran is losing its right to speak on behalf of all the world's Shia Muslims.

In sha Allah, I hope this issue will help Muslim world come together against sectarianism.

Every day the smile on my face grows larger seeing my Azeri Muslim brothers conquer more land from fascist, Islamophobic Armenians.

well you can find many videos on youtube from erdogan his speeches. no need for Iran to make any propaganda.

Iran is not losing anything still we have the biggest influence in the region and it won't change i think you would wish so but won't happen.

it is funny how people from pakistan forget that pakistan was the main supply line for nato to attack afghanistan and unsing pakistan as a logistic hub to send their troops weapons food etc.
but you always scream about muslim unity when it comes to other countries where was your mulsim unity when isis beheaded sunni and shia muslims in iraq and syria.
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