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This is the language most Pakistanis want to learn

English is the most popular language in the world to learn online, according to one of the world’s biggest language websites.

According to language learning website, Duolingo, English is the first choice for users from 116 countries. However, in a surprising turn, French is the most popular language to learn in Pakistan.

Recently, the website used data from its 120 million users spread across 194 countries, to find out what languages they were learning.

As the map below shows, English is the first choice while French has the second highest number of learners. Spanish comes in third and is followed by German.


Another map produced by the website shows the second most popular languages to learn across the world.



The map shows that the second most popular language to learn in Pakistan is German.

Interestingly, the most learned language in Sweden is Swedish, which Duolingo suggests is due to high immigration. The same case can be seen in Norway where Norwegian is the second most popular language to learn and in the United States where English is the second most popular language to learn.


je suis Pakistanaise et je parle Francaise
Interesting OP......I wonder if this is because modern education in a Pakistan is elitist and heavily influenced by the British system?
I assure you This is not the case. Personally i want to go and study there ad then come back here.
I dnt know y i feel a strange connection/admiration for them and i dont even like anything particular about them nor in the Past nor now. And i am damn well sure i m not Turkic.
I guarantee you, we will embrace you as a brother in our nation. You are more than welcome. And yes Urdu, is a derivative of Ordu, even today Ordu means Army in Turkish. We say Türk Ordusu, for Turkish army. Even horde is a derivative of Turkish Urdu.
.I wonder if this is because modern education in a Pakistan is elitist and heavily influenced by the British system?
g nahee,the only things where our elite excels are braging about theirselves in english and politics(because of the wherewithals at their disposal)most of their kids waste their time in doing some fine art things ---90% of the scientists,judges,educationists,engineers,doctors,bankers,civil and military bureaucracy hail from the lower middle and middle class---------then after achieving this stage a global phenomenon happens to them---:D
g nahee,the only things where our elite excels are braging about theirselves in english and politics(because of the wherewithals at their disposal)most of their kids waste their time in doing some fine art things ---90% of the scientists,judges,educationists,engineers,doctors,bankers,civil and military bureaucracy hail from the lower middle and middle class---------then after achieving this stage a global phenomenon happens to them---:D
Mentee you are the most interesting Pakistani member of this forum. Where are you from? I mean which city? And i can see from your signature that you are a shia.
Mentee you are the most interesting Pakistani member of this forum. Where are you from? I mean which city? And i can see from your signature that you are a shia.
may i ask thee monsieur,how do you know me:what:as you have joined this forum just 2days ago:welcome::pdf:-------now coming to your city query,i live in "Janantabad",nowadays it has become hellish though,and no iam not an evil shia:p:instead, a sunni cum wahabi and my sign is from a sunni qawali:woot:-----hn kj apni v dasoo:-)

P.S @jamahir ustaad g nava banda aya j and he's also a high school Teacher 8-) in ka svaagat kea jy:toast_sign:
I Always assumed that it was a coincedence that the words "Urdu" and "Ordu" sounded the same. Never knew it was derived from that word. A Pakistani member pointed out that it was the language spoken by Babur's arny which seems to make sense since the word "Ordu" litteraly translates to Horde/Army. You learn something new everyday.

we have had this discussion before, yes??

it was you who said "let's not talk anymore". :)

though i don't have any problem in engaging with people.

and i have posted in your turkish tea house the political and economic analysis written by a turkish contact of mine and it wasn't liked by your those of your fellow members who are erdoganis or kemalists or nationalists and generally anti-socialist... but i think i should create a thread about that.

do i sound someone who cares two hoots about what usa government and the eu thinks about socialist movements or progressive groups??

carlos is in a french jail and yet he is a hero of mine.

whereas, the akp is a terror movement ( their cousins in egypt are declared so in egypt ) as well as fsa and ntc ( both supported by erdogan government ) as well as isis and nusra ( again... ).

okay, so why don't you present a unbiased analysis of these groups since you declare that they are not who they say they are??

can you name some?? :)

There is a fundemental difference between Communism and Socialism. And then there is the fundemental difference progressive Communism and violent armed Communism which the DHKP/C is. They carry out terrorist attacks on security forces and innocent civilians regularly. You really ought to educate yourself before talking garbage like that.
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now coming to your city query,i live in "Janantabad",nowadays it has become hellish though


P.S @jamahir ustaad g nava banda aya j and he's also a high school Teacher 8-) in ka svaagat kea jy:toast_sign:

welcome, @Mr.A ... khosh amadid *spoken in a irani drawl*

i was a teacher too years ago though not in a high school but in a computer institute.

and why do i have a niggling suspicion that you are a new id of a old member?? :D

There is a fundemental difference between Communism and Socialism. And then there is the fundemental difference progressive Communism and violent armed Communism which the DHKP/C is. They carry out terrorist attacks on security forces and innocent civilians regularly. You really ought to educate yourself before talking garbage like that.

and here comes a erdogan-supporter or kemalist trying to teach a communist what is communism and who are terrorists and who not.

anyway, i will tag you in my pending reply to your friend, t-123456.
I certainly want to learn Mandarin (but i already speak 4 languages), once done with my master's thesis next on my schedule is Mandarin. You guys are on your way to world domination, we better prepare

Let me guess. You speak English, Swedish and, of course, Turkish. What other language do you speak? :)
Mentee you are the most interesting Pakistani member of this forum. Where are you from? I mean which city? And i can see from your signature that you are a shia.

the late husband of a cousin of mine ( both were teachers ) used to participate in singing competitions, sometimes his students only, and some of his songs were about hazrat ali.

we are a sunni khandaan.

and i used to say that i am not sunni, i am not shia, i am just a muslim.

add to that my communist leanings.

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