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'This is Not The Free India I've Lived In': Another Writer Return Award

I have been telling this for long.... even if tribals converts to christianity "in return" of food and a bit better standard of living then why accuse evangalist? Isnt it failure of govt to provide basic nessecity of life...? Failure of hindus and hindu organisations to uplift our lower sections...? Fault lies in us..and we accuse evangalists..!!!..its natural people won't get food by milking religion....
Well, in bengal Ramkrishna mission is working in many such areas...


But that is hard work. A typical Sangh Parivar character would rather spend that time usefully. It involves trishuls and women.
I have been telling this for long.... even if tribals converts to christianity "in return" of food and a bit better standard of living then why accuse evangalist? Isnt it failure of govt to provide basic nessecity of life...? Failure of hindus and hindu organisations to uplift our lower sections...? Fault lies in us..and we accuse evangalists..!!!..its natural people won't get food by milking religion....
Well, in bengal Ramkrishna mission is working in many such areas...
I absolutely disagree with your post in this regard.I have seen first hand how evangelists try to convert people by insulting their existing faith and luring them with money and even in some cases women(happened to me).I know their tactics quite well and being a student of R.K.Mission i can assure you that most of the monks in R.K.Mission despise these evangelists for their immoral conversions.Heck,there are a few Sanyassins in R.K.Mission who think that Mother Teresa herself was an Evangelist(I know all these because i lived among them for more than 5 years in a row and have been baptized by the then President of R.K.Mission and Math):coffee:
Force conversion and now killing those who slaughtring Cow.... i think Mody terrorist PM sud attack on every country who slaughter Cow all day long...
Hate promots when u chose terrorist PM
calm down Quran lyncher ! Blasphemy law is just round the corner to protect minorities !


But that is hard work. A typical Sangh Parivar character would rather spend that time usefully. It involves trishuls and women.
dear respected sir first read about the amount of work done by RSS in tribal areas.
I have been telling this for long.... even if tribals converts to christianity "in return" of food and a bit better standard of living then why accuse evangalist? Isnt it failure of govt to provide basic nessecity of life...? Failure of hindus and hindu organisations to uplift our lower sections...? Fault lies in us..and we accuse evangalists..!!!..its natural people won't get food by milking religion....
Well, in bengal Ramkrishna mission is working in many such areas...

LOL..... so you mean its all right to exploit the poor ? :cheesy:

Because the christian evagalist does it, we should do it too ? :lol: .......... amazing logic.

If we are to allow an international religious organizations (like the Church) to exploit the failures of the government; we should be broad minded enough to allow the Pakistani ISI and ISIS to exploit the Indian muslims for the failures of the Indian govt. too :lol:

Indian Bongs continue to dazzle us with their wisdom.
I absolutely disagree with your post in this regard.I have seen first hand how evangelists try to convert people by insulting their existing faith and luring them with money and even in some cases women(happened to me).I know their tactics quite well and being a student of R.K.Mission i can assure you that most of the monks in R.K.Mission despise these evangelists for their immoral conversions.Heck,there are a few Sanyassins in R.K.Mission who think that Mother Teresa herself was an Evangelist(I know all these because i lived among them for more than 5 years in a row and have been baptized by the then President of R.K.Mission and Math):coffee:

Offtopic: belur math e dikha niyechilam ami... narendrapur er kon batch er tumi??

Ontopic: i never said evangalist are angel.. i said they are converting by hook and crook... so what? That means there is some fault in our system... u will agree to this... why can't hindu organisations uplift our own people..like RK or Bharat sevashram mission is doing. Thats my point. RSS shouts more than it does actual work.. Ghar Wapsi was soooo hyped..tell me how many were converted to hindus.. where is the stealth mode like evangalist... :lol:
Offtopic: belur math e dikha niyechilam ami... narendrapur er kon batch er tumi??

Ontopic: i never said evangalist are angel.. i said they are converting by hook and crook... so what? That means there is some fault in our system... u will agree to this... why can't hindu organisations uplift our own people..like RK or Bharat sevashram mission is doing. Thats my point. RSS shouts more than it does actual work.. Ghar Wapsi was soooo hyped..tell me how many were converted to hindus.. where is the stealth mode like evangalist... :lol:

Do you know what happens to chickens who admire the Fox ? :azn:
Offtopic: belur math e dikha niyechilam ami... narendrapur er kon batch er tumi??

Ontopic: i never said evangalist are angel.. i said they are converting by hook and crook... so what? That means there is some fault in our system... u will agree to this... why can't hindu organisations uplift our own people..like RK or Bharat sevashram mission is doing. Thats my point. RSS shouts more than it does actual work.. Ghar Wapsi was soooo hyped..tell me how many were converted to hindus.. where is the stealth mode like evangalist... :lol:
Amio same.TOmar guru ke??Amar Late Swami Ranganathananda ji Maharaj:-)
LOL..... so you mean its all right to exploit the poor ? :cheesy:

Because the christian evagalist does it, we should do it too ? :lol: .......... amazing logic

Well sir, this is a competition market... if you cant compete then don't shout... :enjoy: atleast if you dont want to exploit them govt should give them a better standard of living...
Ramkrishna dev once said "you cant practise religion in empty stomach" ... evangalist are taking this advantage...
One has to applaud the courage of the people who returned the award , great gesture for security of fellow human being
Well sir, this is a competition market... if you cant compete then don't shout... :enjoy: atleast if you dont want to exploit them govt should give them a better standard of living...
Ramkrishna dev once said "you cant practise religion in empty stomach" ... evangalist are taking this advantage...

Both are separate issues.

RSS or VHP cannot take the burden of doing what the govt. of India is supposed to do. What it can and must do is to ensure like-minded people form the Govt. a.k.a BJP and do the needful.

NGO's thrive when Govt. fails to deliver. Solution is not more NGO but better Governance so that NGO's become unnecessary.

This is not a "market" for harvesting souls.

Better standard of Living is the right of every Indian and so is the right not to be exploited for poverty under the guise of capitalism or religion. GoI needs to address it without the fear of evagalist taking advantage.

The solution to the milk powder evangelist is to throw them in Jail and ten throw them out of India. Not stooping to their level.
That dog was hung by communists to celebrate death of a RSS worker who died at that spot a year ago,
RSS worker - The one who goes to Sakha - The one who is brainwashed. For rationals - We don't differentiate a Islamic terrorist or a RSS fellow. Both have sold their brain and soul for extreme hatred against unbelievers. For some among you, A national government backing them means "approval". Well, you are the team who are agitating angrily against Pak government funded support for terrorists against India. See the similarity!
TLDR? - Rightwing ruling centre does not make any terrorist organizations be called charity organizations. They are here to divide India on the basis of religion and create anarchy so as to ultimately topple democracy for Hindutva rule. Yes, Sheeps are used to what they are fed. But, stand neutral and think. Your society may have been modelled by RSS & Co. That doesn't mean Sanghi=Hindu. Hindus are generally peaceful, atleast so in South India (except some pockets like Tulunad etc).
calm down Quran lyncher ! Blasphemy law is just round the corner to protect minorities !

dear respected sir first read about the amount of work done by RSS in tribal areas.

This law is not only for Minorities its for muslims and anyone els.
RSS worker - The one who goes to Sakha - The one who is brainwashed. For rationals - We don't differentiate a Islamic terrorist or a RSS fellow. Both have sold their brain and soul for extreme hatred against unbelievers. For some among you, A national government backing them means "approval". Well, you are the team who are agitating angrily against Pak government funded support for terrorists against India. See the similarity!
TLDR? - Rightwing ruling centre does not make any terrorist organizations be called charity organizations. They are here to divide India on the basis of religion and create anarchy so as to ultimately topple democracy for Hindutva rule. Yes, Sheeps are used to what they are fed. But, stand neutral and think. Your society may have been modelled by RSS & Co. That doesn't mean Sanghi=Hindu. Hindus are generally peaceful, atleast so in South India (except some pockets like Tulunad etc).

So what you are really saying is that if Hindus unite and start demanding abolishing of special privileges to "religious minority", then you will "divide" India (Again) :coffee:

hmmmm........... now how should one respond to that ? :azn:
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