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'This is Not The Free India I've Lived In': Another Writer Return Award

Swami atmastanandaji.... amar besi din hoyni...
Swami Atmasthananda ji maharaj amader R.K.M.Narendrapur Ashram er secretary chilen jokon ami okhane portam.Btw are you an alumnus of R.K.M.V.N.??

RSS worker - The one who goes to Sakha - The one who is brainwashed. For rationals - We don't differentiate a Islamic terrorist or a RSS fellow. Both have sold their brain and soul for extreme hatred against unbelievers. For some among you, A national government backing them means "approval". Well, you are the team who are agitating angrily against Pak government funded support for terrorists against India. See the similarity!
TLDR? - Rightwing ruling centre does not make any terrorist organizations be called charity organizations. They are here to divide India on the basis of religion and create anarchy so as to ultimately topple democracy for Hindutva rule. Yes, Sheeps are used to what they are fed. But, stand neutral and think. Your society may have been modelled by RSS & Co. That doesn't mean Sanghi=Hindu. Hindus are generally peaceful, atleast so in South India (except some pockets like Tulunad etc).
Padre,you're getting extremely predictable nowadays:lol:.Try something new:D!!
I have been telling this for long.... even if tribals converts to christianity "in return" of food and a bit better standard of living then why accuse evangalist? Isnt it failure of govt to provide basic nessecity of life...? Failure of hindus and hindu organisations to uplift our lower sections...? Fault lies in us..and we accuse evangalists..!!!..its natural people won't get food by milking religion....
Well, in bengal Ramkrishna mission is working in many such areas...
Wrong. It betrays the very basic essence of religion or faith. Say I am ditched by a lover and a padre comes and tells me to convert to get her back(saying he will help) and assume I do. This conversion is nothing but fraud and absolutely unethical.

The exploitation of the tribal people's poverty and capitalizing on it to increase evangelical numbers is beyond shameless. It is not a Holy thing to do at all. It's pure coercion, bribery and corruption. We need to see Sub Saharan Africa to see the consequences of the imposition of an alien culture in a land. Yes - continuous civil wars. Find the parallel with the Maoist menace. Things do add up. Think about it.

I will suggest all this award winning movie to understand the dynamics of a tribal native population with ancient wisdom and how modern society is at odds with them - Gods must be crazy.
Wrong. It betrays the very basic essence of religion or faith. Say I am ditched by a lover and a padre comes and tells me to convert to get her back(saying he will help) and assume I do. This conversion is nothing but fraud and absolutely unethical.

The exploitation of the tribal people's poverty and capitalizing on it to increase evangelical numbers is beyond shameless. It is not a Holy thing to do at all. It's pure coercion, bribery and corruption. We need to see Sub Saharan Africa to see the consequences of the imposition of an alien culture in a land. Yes - continuous civil wars. Find the parallel with the Maoist menace. Things do add up. Think about it.

What you have said is absolutely correct... but no one is getting me... i said you cant just stand there and say its unethical and move on.. you GOT TO DO SOMETHING..!!! Present govt have stopped foreign funding, a very welcomed move but what if it looses next election? Things will move back to previous version... you can't apply Gandhian rules out here and expect some devine intervention to stop evangalist...!!! Neither is lynching and killing them a solution....how do u think christians have increased their number in last 2000yr??? Bribery and brainwashing!!! Phew!!
Hindu organisations are NOT AT ALL ACTIVE in india... VHP is active in foreign lands... thats all...

Btw are you an alumnus of R.K.M.V.N.??

Naah bhai... i m a missionary school (evangalist) alumnus... :lol: :lol: alwaz wanted to study in RKM narendrapur... but then dad said only good brains get chance there:(
Hindu organisations are NOT AT ALL ACTIVE in india
Incorrect. VHP is not. But they never were. It is a rabble rousing org. Necessary to an extent though.

Other organizations work extensively in the rural areas, but don't come in the news because there is nothing negative to report about them. Orgs like The Art of Living, Isha, Bharat Sevasram Sangh, RSS, the Aryas, individual temples groups etc etc.

The worst part is this - the greatest wealth stored in temple coffers CAN'T be used for public welfare as decided by the temples. Only Hindu temples are Government property in this country. Hence the tones of gold in them can only be appropriated by the Govt and cant be independently used for social work. In spite of that, work is being done.
RSS worker - The one who goes to Sakha - The one who is brainwashed. For rationals - We don't differentiate a Islamic terrorist or a RSS fellow. Both have sold their brain and soul for extreme hatred against unbelievers. For some among you, A national government backing them means "approval". Well, you are the team who are agitating angrily against Pak government funded support for terrorists against India. See the similarity!
TLDR? - Rightwing ruling centre does not make any terrorist organizations be called charity organizations. They are here to divide India on the basis of religion and create anarchy so as to ultimately topple democracy for Hindutva rule. Yes, Sheeps are used to what they are fed. But, stand neutral and think. Your society may have been modelled by RSS & Co. That doesn't mean Sanghi=Hindu. Hindus are generally peaceful, atleast so in South India (except some pockets like Tulunad etc).

Yeah Hindus were generally peaceful, who fell for "rational" brainwashing. Not no more, you soul harvesters will be confronted and if needed we will put you to benign persuasive methods employed by Church all over world to spread the Lord's word.
calm down Quran lyncher ! Blasphemy law is just round the corner to protect minorities !

dear respected sir first read about the amount of work done by RSS in tribal areas.

I have studied that, and strangely, I am fearful. It seems to be the Hindu equivalent of Christian evangelism. According to me, both should be banned, but we need to find secular, non-religious methods and processes for tribal upliftment and steps towards progress.

I absolutely disagree with your post in this regard.I have seen first hand how evangelists try to convert people by insulting their existing faith and luring them with money and even in some cases women(happened to me).I know their tactics quite well and being a student of R.K.Mission i can assure you that most of the monks in R.K.Mission despise these evangelists for their immoral conversions.Heck,there are a few Sanyassins in R.K.Mission who think that Mother Teresa herself was an Evangelist(I know all these because i lived among them for more than 5 years in a row and have been baptized by the then President of R.K.Mission and Math):coffee:

To be fair, although on the whole I agree with @indianBong , you have a point. Some missionary tactics are abominable.
This intolerance agenda if not stopped immediately by govt in power at center will certainly derail the development plank on which this govt came to power. the literary writers have freedom of expression provided by our constitution so that needs to be protected, if we disagree with contents of a book then we can certainly counter it but not like savages killing a writer in cold blood murder
This intolerance agenda if not stopped immediately by govt in power at center will certainly derail the development plank on which this govt came to power. the literary writers have freedom of expression provided by our constitution so that needs to be protected, if we disagree with contents of a book then we can certainly counter it but not like savages killing a writer in cold blood murder

OMG ..... you are right. Everything from beef to church to FTII to Writers disengagement will derail the "development plank". :lol:

We all know all these things are mutually exclusive.


After proceeding through the entire fox, they emerge - eventually - as @Prajapati .

......so said the snake after eyeing the mongoose.
This intolerance agenda if not stopped immediately by govt in power at center will certainly derail the development plank on which this govt came to power. the literary writers have freedom of expression provided by our constitution so that needs to be protected, if we disagree with contents of a book then we can certainly counter it but not like savages killing a writer in cold blood murder

What intolerance agenda? You want to blame law and order issue of states on central government?
What intolerance agenda? You want to blame law and order issue of states on central government?

bro i am referring only to the silence of govt on its leaders big mouthed statements which needs to be controlled in such atmosphere. you will realize later that all this is tarnishing the image of the govt. if others are doing this for political reasons then its govt duty to counter it cleverly and not to be a meek spectator
bro i am referring only to the silence of govt on its leaders big mouthed statements which needs to be controlled in such atmosphere. you will realize later that all this is tarnishing the image of the govt. if others are doing this for political reasons then its govt duty to counter it cleverly and not to be a meek spectator
If the statements of such leaders are inflammatory, state governments are open to register a case against them.
I also return my high school social science exhibition 2nd prize in protest. I made a map of Japan with Mount Fuji (erupting with baking Soda and vinegar). The India I lived in had lehar pepsi, landline phones, and Camel scholar geometry box.
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