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This is how Saudi citizens treat South Asian expat workers in Saudi Arabia

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Guys, most employers in the world are self absorbed, arrogant and sometimes abusive. It's not only here. I know many Arab and nationals are being abused at work.
A horrible video. It's the Arab supremacist attitude into play. They think they are superior to all races in the earth.

We can very well see this fascist attitude among the vast majority of Arabian members in the forum. Any form of criticism or anything which may threaten their delusion of "supremacy" is taken as a personal attack against them. Such childish manners.
this abuse of the poor Muslim Bangali is horrendous. I bet these Yahood al-Saud would never treat their white masters the same way
^^ Indian! at least its not bloody as your history!

How Indians treat Muslims!


Pakistan was For Indian Muslims.

You can Take Away Your Disgruntled Islamic Brother.

Less Problem for India.
By the way this video has caused an outrage the likes of which has never been seen in my life here. Actually the Saudi who did this already got a manhunt on his a$$.

But then again this action is taken as evidence but the reaction in the very country which is what should be the baseline of comparison is not taken into account. Have fun being Racist by calling an entire Race racist.
@ Topic

The Converts are Shown their True Place by the Original People. :lol:
Pakistan was For Indian Muslims.

You can Take Away Your Disgruntled Islamic Brother.

Less Problem for India.

No indian state is doing a fine job in prosecuting them... and i as an individual care less of em... expect Kashmiris.
I have met Pakistanis who suffered by the hands of Indians, sponsored by Shia Saudis.

Apparently, in the video the car driver was caught in a running state and conversation hints after passing some insulting remarks to Saudis nationals.

It was an angry Saudi nationalist, dealing a troll!

Video has been posted and discussed already twice in last 2 days!

BTW.. even the translation is a trolling attempt. words are twisted and added.

Here in America there are many Muslims of both Arab, Pakistani, and other origins that bash America, and that too after acquiring the citizenship of this Great Nation, but i don't see White Americans slapping them, beating them up, and making them kiss their feet.

Goes to show how tolerant the White, Western, Non-Muslim societies are. Sometimes i do wish these good ol' White folks kick out these Islamist extremists who come here, eat from this soil and then spit at it.

Slavery was completely abolished in the United States of America in the year of 1865 after the American Civil war had ended.

While slavery in Saudi Arabia officially ended in 1974 but in many cases it unofficially still exists in more than one form, including using small starved Muslim SUNNI boys from Pakistan and bangladesh as camel jockey's, something for the sheikhs to enjoy.
For Arabic speakers did the abusive guy in the video really say "The entire world fears KSA"?
For Arabic speakers did the abusive guy in the video really say "The entire world fears KSA"?

Yeah he did say that. That guy is a certified a$$hole of the highest order. This video has gone viral on the internet and everyone is angry as hell at this guy but then again we see Saudi haters here using this to bash each and every single Saudi because of the acts of this guy.

I say fcck you too. You want to paint me in the same color as this guy then I will paint you all as the same color as the Pakistani drug smugglers here so we are even how about that??
Here in America there are many Muslims of both Arab, Pakistani, and other origins that bash America, and that too after acquiring the citizenship of this Great Nation, but i don't see White Americans slapping them, beating them up, and making them kiss their feet.

Goes to show how tolerant the White, Western, Non-Muslim societies are. Sometimes i do wish these good ol' White folks kick out these Islamist extremists who come here, eat from this soil and then spit at it.

Slavery was completely abolished in the United States of America in the year of 1865 after the American Civil had ended.

While slavery in Saudi Arabia officially ended in 1974 but in many cases it unofficially still exists in more than one form, including using small starved Muslim SUNNI boys from Pakistan and bangladesh as camel jockey's, something for the sheikhs to enjoy.

You can tell this to your supreme leader!
He may not agree with you!
I hope those Shiekhs enjoy them to full capacity if you catch my drift. :rofl:

Mossa, I know you are joking, but it's no joke. Fox is either deliberaly lying or a deluded person.
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