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This is how Saudi citizens treat South Asian expat workers in Saudi Arabia

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Why are Arabs on this forum not outraged?

Your fellow countrymen are ruining your reputation with this kind of pathetic behavior.
So, i see, you think its funny to starve SUNNI boys and use them as camel jockey's? But where did the crocodile tears for Sunni lives go?

Thts not happening any more... in the past lil kids were faked into tht camel jockey stuff by luring them into the trap of "employment" in the gulf states... most of them have been recovered by human right activists n NGOs...
So, i see, you think its funny to starve SUNNI boys and use them as camel jockey's? But where did the crocodile tears for Sunni lives go?

Hater... young one have no religion tell this to B.Asad also.
By the way this video has caused an outrage the likes of which has never been seen in my life here. Actually the Saudi who did this already got a manhunt on his a$$.


I would like to be proven wrong Mossa seriously I hope what we hear is incorrect. Please can you show us some evidence of that eg Saudi newspapers etc condemning this action on an official basis??
Why are Arabs on this forum not outraged?

Your fellow countrymen are ruining your reputation with this kind of pathetic behavior.

No I would be 100% behind you in outrage but look at the title of this thread. It is insulting me directly so why the fcck should I give a $hit now?? This guy did a horrible thing and so did you lot. So we are even as far as my concerned.
For Arabic speakers did the abusive guy in the video really say "The entire world fears KSA"?

Why would you care about what he said?! He should get the bashing not all Saudis!
My uncle years ago went to Saudi arabia with a big turkish construction company , i swear to god if they did this to him he will kill that man right there no jokes , especially after that spit , he will cut his body into 300 pieces , i never heard him talk about any rascism towards turks , unfortunately i heard some things towards asians in SA but i dont think its everyone

watch very good turkish documentary Saudi Arabia

Here in America there are many Muslims of both Arab, Pakistani, and other origins that bash America, and that too after acquiring the citizenship of this Great Nation, but i don't see White Americans slapping them, beating them up, and making them kiss their feet.

Goes to show how tolerant the White, Western, Non-Muslim societies are. Sometimes i do wish these good ol' White folks kick out these Islamist extremists who come here, eat from this soil and then spit at it.

Slavery was completely abolished in the United States of America in the year of 1865 after the American Civil war had ended.

While slavery in Saudi Arabia officially ended in 1974 but in many cases it unofficially still exists in more than one form, including using small starved Muslim SUNNI boys from Pakistan and bangladesh as camel jockey's, something for the sheikhs to enjoy.

Vcheng is it you ?
Thread is already closed but I can reply :D :D :D

reply to Post Number 1

Then some Pakistanis come on here and are critical of our security forces for not accepting Saudi arrogance at Islamabad airport

Oh well if you are to take individual incidents then I can show you 1000 similar or worse incidents taken place in Pakistan. So would you dare to generalize Pakistan and accept that Pakistan is even worse?

The Saudi's at least provide basic facilities to their citizens, like I told you many times that the people living in Saudi Arabia are very happy... I don't really understand how people that has never visited Saudi Arabia start assuming they are bad people?

I have relatives in Saudi Arabia, I have travelled to Saudi Arabia, my uncle lived in Saudi Arabia for 10 years and now permanently living in UK but he still misses the days he spent in Saudi Arabia. I have been victim of racist attacks in the UK but felt much more safe in Saudi Arabia. (I travelled to at least 4 cities)... Speak with Imran Khan (a Pakistani member of this forum) and he will tell you the number of benefits he is enjoying while living in Saudi Arabia. He once decided to move to UK for not enjoying complete freedom in Saudi Arabia and I told him about the life of European residents and he started cursing Europe saying he is already living better life in Saudi Arabia. Who gives a free flat in UK for being a manager in some kind of restaurant? It only happens in Saudi Arabia....
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