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This is all a facade’: Kashmiris vote in staged election

In the Amira Kadal constituency of Srinagar, MUF's Syed Mohammed Yusuf Shah was a candidate. As the vote counting began, it was becoming clear that Yusuf Shah was winning by a landslide. His opponent, Ghulam Mohiuddin Shah, went home dejected. But he was summoned back by the electoral officials and declared the winner. When the crowds protested, the police arrived and arrested Yusuf Shah and his supporters. They were held in custody till the end of 1987

Yes! Yusuf Shah--a 'mainstream' Kashmiri leader who became the 'terrorist' Salahuddin!

And here is the thread that I had started: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/indian-intel-official-traces-the-roots-of-kashmiri-separatism.679476/ . The OP video in the thread should be eye-opener to the world where Karan Thappar is interviewing a former Indian Intelligence officer. It's in English. Where is Pakistan's involvement between 1965 until 1989?? Yes, Pakistan may have taken advantage of the situation in Kashmir but the opportunity was created and expanded by Indian leaders.

If the situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir is bad because of Pakistan then how come a much richer, resourceful India can't create similar situation in the Pakistani part of Kashmir??
Did you read the bit about voter coercion? How about the part where PDP leaders were held "for their own security"? Maybe it's worth remembering Kashmir's elected legislature was dissolved and replaced by dictatorial rule in 2018? Kashmir already had a parliament and you odd Indian people posting here (usual roll call of "moderates", "liberals" and "non-BJP types" btw) think dissolving a parliament that has the mandate of the people is democratic. If whatever democracy picks doesn't suit Delhi, then Delhi acts.

Democracy, zanu-pf style.
Pdp got a total of 4%ge of vote share and pdp leader who got arrested has won ..There goes your excuse of voter coersion..
Yes! Yusuf Shah--a 'mainstream' Kashmiri leader who became the 'terrorist' Salahuddin!

And here is the thread that I had started: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/indian-intel-official-traces-the-roots-of-kashmiri-separatism.679476/ . The OP video in the thread should be eye-opener to the world where Karan Thappar is interviewing a former Indian Intelligence officer. It's in English. Where is Pakistan's involvement between 1965 until 1989?? Yes, Pakistan may have taken advantage of the situation in Kashmir but the opportunity was created and expanded by Indian leaders.

If the situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir is bad because of Pakistan then how come a much richer, resourceful India can't create similar situation in the Pakistani part of Kashmir??
We dharmic people believe in karma .
Pdp got a total of 4%ge of vote share and pdp leader who got arrested has won ..There goes your excuse of voter coersion..
skorti concerns

The only reason some people have comeout to vote the alliance is Farooq Abdullahs statement

"Kashmiris dont feel Indian "and "we would prefer be ruled by China than India",

ofcourse he couldn't say PAkistan
but kashmriis genuinely believe he has had a change of heart.
So nothing for you folks to celebrate here..

This statement was a big boost to the morale of Kashmiris.
Pdp got a total of 4%ge of vote share and pdp leader who got arrested has won ..There goes your excuse of voter coersion..
You zanu-pf graduates don't understand that targeted harassment and detentions of specified parties only results in reduced votes for these parties who are unable to run their campaigns and because of voters being afraid that even if they vote for this guy, he won't be able to enable policies because he will get arrested. Did Mugabe not explain to you why you need to target opposition members only? Well, now you know.
You zanu-pf graduates don't understand that targeted harassment and detentions of specified parties only results in reduced votes for these parties who are unable to run their campaigns and because of voters being afraid that even if they vote for this guy, he won't be able to enable policies because he will get arrested. Did Mugabe not explain to you why you need to target opposition members only? Well, now you know.
You are raising your voice about a ZP member , who won in a free and fair election..In Pakistan each and every opposition parties are target ..Ask Mugaabe to explain why you need to target opposition members only ? Hope now you know why..
You are raising your voice about a ZP member , who won in a free and fair election..In Pakistan each and every opposition parties are target ..Ask Mugaabe to explain why you need to target opposition members only ? Hope now you know why..
Opposition parties are "targeted" in Pakistan?? Please provide evidence of summary detentions or intimidation of opposition politicians in Pakistan. Desist from making spurious claims.

Opposition politicians in Pakistan launder money, dodge taxes, get arrested on specific charges (as opposed to summary detentions "for their own safety" that happens in Kashmir) and when convicted of said crimes, still have the wherewithal to flee to UK for medical treatments. These guys are "targets" for PTI all of a sudden? Did you read the Panama papers? Ugly reading for those in Delhi who were counting on Nawaz Sharif.
Paid media?
Is foreign policy a Pakistan based or paid group?
Indians are used to arnab goswami types bakht/gutter journalism.

This article is by independent unbiased world leading publication invited by Indian government to observe socalled elections and as per them it was all fake.

Gutter journalism?
Why you want to compare Pakistani media with Indian.
Democracy under the heel of jackboots and guns, oh the irony.....
Continue the fight brothers and sisters.

Okay, whatever makes you happy.
Article 370 is thing of past and not gonna implement again. No one care dare to do that (not even Congress, if they even think about it- Log jhoote marange poore India me in chor Gandhi's ko).
Islamic terrorism going down and soon J&K will be normalize.
Islamic terrorism going down and soon J&K will be normalize.

Can you tell me why elsewhere in India the below Hindutvadi bomber is roaming free ?

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Another grand example of the famous "democracy with British-American characteristics" American puppet regimes and alike want to violently shove down weirldly only their enemies throats.
Opposition parties are "targeted" in Pakistan?? Please provide evidence of summary detentions or intimidation of opposition politicians in Pakistan. Desist from making spurious claims.

Pakistan's second largest province (Sindh) has been under the PPP rule since 2008 against the wishes of the Pakistani 'Establishment' despite unimaginable corruption and incompetence. And there is not much the Federal govt do about it. THAT is democracy!! How many years or even months New Delhi ever tolerated a dissident leadership in Kashmir??

Here is the video I have been mentioning again and again. There is no Pakistan to blame for the debacle in Kashmir. It is the utter contempt for people's rights and arrogance displayed by the Indian leadership which has caused the problems in Kashmir. Pakistan was no where a player in Indian Occupied Kashmir between 1965-1989.

Can you tell me why elsewhere in India the below Hindutvadi bomber is roaming free ?

No court convicted her, she was acquitted of those charges. Then went on to beat Digvijay Singh.. mashallah !
“It is a deep irony for India to call itself a democracy,” said Siddiq Wahid, a Srinagar-based visiting fellow at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi. “This is no different than Xinjiang in China.” Beijing has been accused of subjugating Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang.
I request my Pakistani brothers to ignore this line in bold which is sponsored by Indo-Israeli-Western propaganda. Everything else in this article is fine and there is nothing but absolute truth in it.
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