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This is all a facade’: Kashmiris vote in staged election

No court convicted her, she was acquitted of those charges. Then went on to beat Digvijay Singh.. mashallah !

Right, and the courts also kept Dr. Kafeel Khan in jail, keep Professor GN Saibaba in jail and release Arnab Goswami from jail. Also to mention, keeping police officer Sanjeev Bhatt in jail because he exposed the misdeeds of the BJP Gujarat government during the 2002 Gujarat pogrom.

Read this ominous statement of the Delhi High Court judge in 2016 on how she sees the progressive activist Kanhaiya Kumar. I don't think she will have such words for the Hindutvadis :
"Sometimes students who misinterpret freedom of speech need to be cured. Whenever some infection is spread in a limb, effort is made to cure it by giving antibiotics orally... if the infection results in infecting the limb to the extent that it becomes gangrene, amputation is the only treatment... To enable him to remain in the mainstream, at present I am inclined to opt for the conservative method of treatment," said Justice Pratibha Rani.

Mr Kumar has been asked to guarantee that he will not participate in any "anti-national activity" and that he will appear whenever required for investigations.
The second paragraph is basically this judge asking for a vow from Kanhaiya that upon his release from jail he will not engage in dissent activity against the Modi government.

About your point about Sadhvi Pragya beating Digvijaya Singh in elections, well, many Indians are fools who support bombers, rioters and assassins of progressives and elect some of them to power. So what ? If this woman acts on the call of Modi's "Thaali bajao, Corona bhagao" diktat should I do that too ?
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Surprised by this false analogy from you - one of our more educated forum contributors.

Individuals conspiring or colluding with proscribed organisations will be hunted down actively by security apparatus, particularly those of BSO-A who have achieved prominence of late.

Now, the various politicians in IIOJK who have been mentioned in this OP article, along with Abdullah, Mehbooba and their party workers who were whisked away for summary detentions under open-ended and abusive security powers by the Secular Republic of India can hardly be accused of belonging to proscribed organisations can they? Or did Delhi declare them to belong to "terrorist organisations" without sending out the memo to this effect? They can't summarily detain politicians and party workers without charge, without any wrong having been committed, without allegation and without any attempt to identify a crime. This is democracy as practiced in Belarus or Zimbabwe, where folks are whisked away "for their own safety".
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