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This Indian Land Is Chinese Land

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The history of Tibet, dating back more than two thousand years, has been one of independence. At no time, since the founding of the nation in 127 BC, have the Tibetans conceded their sovereignty to a foreign power. As with all nations, Tibet experienced periods in which - Mongol, Manchu, Chinese, British and the Gorkhas of Nepal - sought to establish influence over Tibet. These eras have been brief and the Tibetan people have never accepted them as constituting a loss of our national sovereignty. In fact, there have been occasions when Tibetan rulers conquered vast areas of China and other neighboring states. This, however, does not mean that the Tibetans can lay claim to these territories.

So if the whole claim on Arunachal is based on Tibet being a part of china well sorry mate Tibet is not :sniper: and u know why :cheers:
But as an Indian i dont want to cross the topic.

Common Chinese members of :pdf: its time to defend China & its claims on Arunachal.

McMahon Line is an illegal line,there is a traditional line before british colonialists unilateral change it ,as simple as this.no one expect indian govt will solve this issue through negotiation。save the spit and prepare for the worst situation
If chinese accept the Indian fuzzy logic then India should also accept our fuzzy logic. The pictures and maps are a proof.


If chinese accept the Indian fuzzy logic then India should also accept our fuzzy logic. The pictures and maps are a proof.

err... correction!
Its the Chinese fuzzy logic that some emperor ages back had a piece of estate in Tibet, hence Tibet and Arunachal Pradesh should be part of China!
McMahon Line is an illegal line,there is a traditional line before british colonialists unilateral change it ,as simple as this.no one expect indian govt will solve this issue through negotiation。save the spit and prepare for the worst situation

Ya true but Tibet is not a part of china. Its an Independent country currently occupied by China.So the accord which was signed btw Tibet and India is valid.

28th October 1991, US Congress under a Foreign Authorization Act passed the resolution wherein they recognized "Tibet, including those areas incorporated into the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai, AN OCCUPIED COUNTRY under the established principal of international law". The resolution further stated that Tibet's true representatives are the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government in exile as recognized by the Tibetan people.

Its only time till India call Tibet an Independent country,India has always been too pro China it will soon change. I guess u might have seen the winds of change.

& we are prepared for the worst situation. Its not 1962 its 2009. Nor do we have Nehru as prime minister & none in India believe Chinese intentions.
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If chinese accept the Indian fuzzy logic then India should also accept our fuzzy logic. The pictures and maps are a proof.


What fuzzy logic are u talking abt ? :sniper: What is this then ?

The history of Tibet, dating back more than two thousand years, has been one of independence. At no time, since the founding of the nation in 127 BC, have the Tibetans conceded their sovereignty to a foreign power. As with all nations, Tibet experienced periods in which - Mongol, Manchu, Chinese, British and the Gorkhas of Nepal - sought to establish influence over Tibet. These eras have been brief and the Tibetan people have never accepted them as constituting a loss of our national sovereignty. In fact, there have been occasions when Tibetan rulers conquered vast areas of China and other neighboring states. This, however, does not mean that the Tibetans can lay claim to these territories.

I cant understand why Pakistanis are so attached with moguls. What about the history of India Centuries before that of moguls "Indus Valley Civilization"?
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Ya true but Tibet is not a part of china. Its an Independent country currently occupied by China.So the accord which was signed btw Tibet and India is valid.

28th October 1991, US Congress under a Foreign Authorization Act passed the resolution wherein they recognized "Tibet, including those areas incorporated into the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai, AN OCCUPIED COUNTRY under the established principal of international law". The resolution further stated that Tibet's true representatives are the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government in exile as recognized by the Tibetan people.

Its only time till India call Tibet an Independent country,India has always been too pro China it will soon change. I guess u might have seen the winds of change.

& we are prepared for the worst situation. Its not 1962 its 2009. Nor do we have Nehru as prime minister & none in India believe Chinese intentions.

tibet is part of china since 13th century,don't need your help "complete" or change china's history,without china's historical records,india can't even complete hers,who care about what india or US claim about tibet,maybe indian and US will have guts to call tibet an Independent country in the future,china will claim there is not india or US in this world at the same time,your name will be replaced by Pakistan or Mexico or some name desided by indigenous peoples
tibet is part of china since 13th century,don't need your help "complete" or change china's history,without china's historical records,india can't even complete hers,who care about what india or US claim about tibet,maybe indian and US will have guts to call tibet an Independent country in the future,china will claim there is not india or US in this world at the same time,your name will be replaced by Pakistan or Mexico or some name desided by indigenous peoples

Exactly Thank u this is what i wanted. I agree with u buddy

Now just look at my previous posts Arunachal is part of India from 7th Century :cheers: There is the answer If Tibet is your a claim based on history,Then Arunachal belongs to India. Hope u agree.
Exactly Thank u this is what i wanted :cheers: i agree with u buddy

Now just look at my previous posts Arunachal is part of India from 7th Century :cheers: There is the answer If Tibet is your a claim based on history,Then Arunachal belongs to India. Hope u agree :cheers:

then british colonialists didn't need to sign some illegal paper with tibet local govt,6th dalai born in ST,dalai only select from tibet area .
then british colonialists didn't need to sign some illegal paper with tibet local govt,6th dalai born in ST,dalai only select from tibet area .

ha ha :) i agree but this is because of the great wave of immigration from Tibet.That increased their population Via-viz the natives may be thats the reason why Dalia lama was chosen.

But look in to your previous statement If china claims Tibet based on its history of 14th century,Then India can too... Now dont tell me that there is a separate rule for china & a separate rule for India.
then british colonialists didn't need to sign some illegal paper with tibet local govt,6th dalai born in ST,dalai only select from tibet area .

A reply to the question of illegal papers :sniper:

The Simla Accord.This treaty's objective was to define the borders between Inner and Outer Tibet as well as between Outer Tibet and British India. British administrator, Sir Henry McMahon, drew up the 550 miles (890 km) McMahon Line as the border between British India and Outer Tibet during the Simla Conference. The Tibetan and British representatives at the conference agreed to the line,The Chinese representative had no problems with the border between British India and Outer Tibet, however on the issue of the boder between Outer Tibet and Inner Tibet the talks broke down.

Arunachal Pradesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nepal+ Anchar Perdesh + Tibet is all chinese I mean ppl even look asian in these regions so its only logical
hmmm. here i'll make this very clear about tibet being independent

"Tibet is a part of the People's Republic of China. It is an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China. Tibetan culture and Buddhism are part of Chinese culture. Many young Chinese like Tibetan culture as a tradition of China." - quote from the Dalai Lama

so as you can see, the area being a part of tibet mean its a part of china get the logic now?

if you still wanna argue Tibetan independence, consider this, in 1913 Tibet declared independence(meaning it was part of china) but is not recognized by any nation(yes that means no nation considered it a independent nation). In 1751, Emperor Qianlong of the qing dynasty installed the Dalai Lama as both the spiritual leader and political leader of Tibet leading the government(there was little doubt that was under the control of china). Tibet only enjoyed defacto independance in the 36 years following 1913 because of a extremely weak qing government in its last few years has essentially left Tibet alone and then after the fall of the qing china was in a major civil war and then world war 2, only in the 50s was the PRC able to regain control over tibet. to china the situation was similar to Manchuria, in ww2 it was a separate puppet empire created by the Japanese, but no one sane will say Manchuria is not a part of china today.

hence the argument that the area in question is a part of Tibet and hence china is perfectly reasonable. since Tibet is a part of china as all nations agree the argument is whether the area was a part of tibet. that is where the governments are making their cases not the status of tibet.
hmmm. here i'll make this very clear about tibet being independent

"Tibet is a part of the People's Republic of China. It is an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China. Tibetan culture and Buddhism are part of Chinese culture. Many young Chinese like Tibetan culture as a tradition of China." - quote from the Dalai Lama

so as you can see, the area being a part of tibet mean its a part of china get the logic now?

if you still wanna argue Tibetan independence, consider this, in 1913 Tibet declared independence(meaning it was part of china) but is not recognized by any nation(yes that means no nation considered it a independent nation). In 1751, Emperor Qianlong of the qing dynasty installed the Dalai Lama as both the spiritual leader and political leader of Tibet leading the government(there was little doubt that was under the control of china). Tibet only enjoyed defacto independance in the 36 years following 1913 because of a extremely weak qing government in its last few years has essentially left Tibet alone and then after the fall of the qing china was in a major civil war and then world war 2, only in the 50s was the PRC able to regain control over tibet.

hence the argument that the area in question is a part of Tibet and hence china is perfectly reasonable. since Tibet is a part of china as all nations agree the argument is whether the area was a part to tibet that is where the government are making their cases not the status of tibet.

Make this a permanent sticky to clear up Bharat's falsehoods!
Nepal+ Anchar Perdesh + Tibet is all chinese I mean ppl even look asian in these regions so its only logical


Along with Nepal, "Anchar Perdesh!!!" and Tibet, you could add some northern and north eastern parts of India as well. Ofcourse, dont forget those South-East Asians too!
I've seen some South Americans who kinda look like Japanese... and they in turn kinda look like the Chinese!
So shall we add the Japanese, Koreans and South Americans as well?
I'm sure if we stretch our imagination some more, all the world could be acceded to the Chinese.

You may get an award from the Chinese for having the most flexible spine! :victory:
Way to go!
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