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Thirteen-Year-Old Married Girl Dies During Childbirth In Iran

West discourages sex at age of 12 to 16:

Western laws are based upon human logic and rationale and thus much better than the religious laws.

* West simply discourage sex before 16 years and ask the adults (over 18 years) to respect this law.

* But at the same time, West has not declared sex of boys/girls of 12 to 16 years to be a CRIME. No, if they indeed want to indulge in sexual activity, then West respects it and understand that it could be a human natural need.

Mass pornography and the fact that it is being deliberately made available to children as young as 5 or 6, is not "discouraging" sexuality, on the contrary.

Same goes for the increasing trend in western media and social-cultural events to portray children and young teenagers in a sexualized manner or making them mimic adults.

* In case young boys and girls decide to do sex, then West provide them with the Sex Education in the schools at time when they are about 12 years old. This way, children understand how to indulge in "safe sex" and they know how to avoid the dangers in sexual activities (like becoming pregnant and thus dangers of birth etc.).

This is a plain misrepresentation. Because these classes are compulsory, not optional. And their goal is not to help children avoid supposed "dangers", but very much to sexualize them at young age, and also to dissociate biological and "assumed" gender identity in their poor innocent minds, as per the injunctions of the predominant homosexualist ideology.

* West also separated the sexual pleasure with the "responsibilities" of marriage. Sexual activity is ok for youngs, but these are the responsibilities of marriage which break the youth at this tender age.
Mistake of Religion: Sex is connected with the Responsibilities of Marriage

Enjoying sex at age of 13 or 14 or 15 is ok and no problem in it at such.
But problem arises when you connect it with compulsory responsibilities of marriage.

Marriage means small girl has to leave her parents and house, and to move to the house of a person who was completely stranger to him. This is a big psychological load.

In new house, she gets new responsibilities, including obeying the husband in his sexual desires and getting pregnant and getting the babies.

It is uncontrolled, boundless, expansive and unfettered sexuality, not the responsabilities of marriage, which break young people. Thousands of years of Tradition mostly produced successive generations of mentally healthy individuals, liberal-masonic modernity however generates hordes of uprooted, zombified, neurotic wrecks.

* First of all, this is a big big lie that girl could only be married after the age of 9 years.
No, the true Religious Sharia is this that even a breastfeeding baby girl could be married to even an old man by her guardian even without her consent.

Says someone not actually qualified in sharia law... Leave it to those in the know, namely to legitimate religious authorities.

* As far as sexual 'penetration' is concerned, then it is husband who has to decide when she is healthy enough to bear the pressure of penetration at age of 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 years.
And during penetration, if he caused a permanent damage to her (by making her vagina and anus one), then still he has not committed a crime.
Again these are the exact words of the Fatwas of the last 1400 years.

All the talk of following religion ends here with this.

I posted abundant evidence for the networked paedocriminal activities of oligarchs in secular so-called "democracies". As said, a Mossad agent like Epstein alone raped thousands of children to his own admission. An endless list of elites from so-called "democracies" attended his paedocriminal rape sessions.

In parallel to this, western societies have reached such levels of moral degeneracy that instances of newborn babies (!), antlers, infants, toddlers being brutally raped by perpetrators who were raised according to liberal standards, are no longer uncommon in forsaken places such as the USA:

This in itself is enough to put to rest any attempt at glossing over the ugly truth when it comes to the depraved nature of sexual norms and habits under irreligious, secularist and liberal regimes.

Children till 15 years are not mature enough to choose the right partner

Children of 12, 13, 14 and 15 may be able to enjoy the sex, but surely they are mentally not mature enough to select their life partners.

But religions absolutely do not care about it.

The experience from time-tested Tradition says otherwise. Until masons and zionists deliberately took aim at said Tradition and turned any notion of decency upside down.

Religions snatches the right from Children to involve in "Love" with opposite sex

Love is 'natural', but the religions are not 'natural'-

According to religion, the love of Laila Majnoon, Sherin Farhad, Heer Ranjha, Sasi Panu was against the modesty and criminal.

Religion allow the guardians to marry their daughters at age of 6, 7, or 8 (even without their consents) with any guy (even if he is an old man) and then 'compel' them to not to look at any other boy in their age group, or to talk to them and to get in love with him.

Religion is the killer of the 'natural Love' of human nature.
Thus all those who say that it is the religion of nature, they all are making a mistake.


Religion and the slave girls

Religion uses the slave women as "prostitutes".
Yes, religion allows man to buy a slave woman (or a slave girl of 6 or 7 years), then have temporary sexual relationship with her, and when once he has fulfilled his lust, then he could hand her over to his brother. And after all his brother raped her one by one, then she could be sold to new master in the market who again rapes her and then sell her to another master.

To be fair, Islam was involved in it (as it followed the Custom of Arabs who had a culture of ignorance).

As compared to Islam, the other 2 Abrahamic Religions (i.e. Judaism and Christianity) didn't allow such "temporary" sexual relationship with the slave women. They allowed only "marrying" them and after marriage their status became like of a free woman which could not be sold any further.

Slavery is not permissible according to Islamic scholars.

In western liberal society however, slavery is practiced right now as we speak. For instance, by organized criminal groups forcing women into prostitution, and so on.

Institution of Family:

Religious people claim that West and it's system destroyed the family system and the divorce rate got so high in the west.

But again they are wrong here.

Divorce rate is directly proportional to how much "Liberty" women have. If women are financially strong and educated, then they will not let the husbands to exploit them.

In religious societies, women were forced to live with the husbands, even if she does not want to live with him.

Divorce rate has gone not only high in the Western world, but it has also gone very very high in the Muslim countries which are rich and where women don't need to stay with the abusing husbands.

The divorce rate in UAE and Qatar and Kuwait has gone about 60% (which is even higher than many western countries). Even in Saudia, the divorce rate is close to 50%. In Iran too, women are still not so rich, but still divorce rate has gone higher which they have become educated.

As compared to the Islamic countries, there are poor religion free countries like Vietnam, where divorce rate is the least in whole world under 1%. It was due to the reason that they were poor and they needed strong family system in order to survive.

Similarly, China (an atheist nation) had very low divorce rate for thousands of years, while as poor they need strong family system to survive.

Today, the divorce rate in China and Vietnam is also going high, while they have become richer and strong family system in not needed any more.

Blatant contradiction right there: first claiming that secular modernity, which originated in the west and which masonic- and zionist-controlled western regimes are imposing on nations across the world, is "not" responsible for rising divorce rate; then, citing phenomena typical of secular modernity as actual causes for the undermining of marriage and family.

Poisonous ideologies stemming from secular modernity, such as feminism or the so-called "sexual revolution", which was first conceived by a paedophile in America (see the video I posted in this relation to this on page 1), as well as the social-economic order prevailing in the west, along with its cultural ramifications (individualism, hedonism, etc) are the root causes for couples divorcing in greater numbers.

A functional family is an anthropological and psychological need of human beings. It is also the ultimate bulwark both against excessive capitalist commodification of human life, which can only result in unspeakable crimes and calamities, and against subjection of the individual to totalitarian political schemes, in particular the inverted totalitarian, secular liberal program of regimes abusively calling themselves "democratic". An end to families is synonymous with citizens being rendered defenseless and placed at the mercy of predatory capitalists and power hungry political elites.

There's strictly nothing to celebrate about the erosion of the family structure, like the quoted user appears to be doing. There's only consternation and horror to feel in the face of this devious and extremely dangerous development, which is being brought about through social engineering by a criminal bunch of powers-to-be.
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A functional family is an anthropological and psychological need of human beings.

At the age of 9 ? ? ? whose need exactly ? ? ?

Says someone not actually qualified in sharia law... Leave it to those in the know, namely to legitimate religious authorities.

Are this experts enough for you ?

kindly read before replying :

Senior Islamic cleric issues fatwa against child marriage

Deputy grand imam of al-Azhar calls for marriage based on mutual consent with minimum age set at 18

One of the world’s most prestigious centres of Islamic learning has issued a fatwa against child marriage, saying marriage should be based on the consent of both parties and “particularly the young woman”.

The deputy grand imam of al-Azhar, considered by some Muslims to be the highest authority of Islamic jurisprudence, hammered out the document with his team and young activists at the first African summit on child marriage and female genital mutilation, which took place in Senegal this week.

If news of the fatwa’s existence can reach imams in countries with high rates of child marriage, activists hope that the practice can be stopped, as they could not deny al-Azhar’s authority.

“Marriage in Islam is based on the consent of both parties, particularly the young woman. Such consent requires the young woman to have reached the age of maturity and reason, so that her consent is validly given,” the fatwa read, adding that this age was 18, and quoting parts of the Qur’an and the hadiths of the prophet Muhammad to support it.

The summit was organised by Jaha Dukureh, a Gambian campaigner and the founder of Safe Hands for Girls, herself a survivor of child marriage and FGM, who drove a successful campaign to end FGM in her country.

Dukureh, who went to Egypt to talk to the al-Azhar clerics last year, described how towards the end of the summit she realised that the fatwa had not yet been issued and went to talk to the imam, Salah Abbas. She, the African Union youth envoy Aya Chebbi and the Syrian journalist Abdalaziz Alhamza worked with the Egyptian imams to turn their rough draft, scrawled on hotel notepaper, into a formal document.

“We sat there on the floor with them, writing the fatwa. They had to call Egypt to ensure that everything was in line. And then there was a back and forth about the languages, because in Arabic things can be translated different ways. To me, it was just amazing watching that process.”


Four in 10 young women in sub-Saharan Africa are married before their 18th birthday. Boys are affected too – according to recent UN data, roughly one in 30 worldwide were married as children, with the highest number in Central African Republic, where almost a third of boys and men were child grooms.

The problem is not limited to Africa – across the world, 12 million girls are married in childhood every year. In Iraq in 2017, parliamentarians drafted a law that would allow children as young as nine to marry, based on the idea that the prophet Muhammad married his wife Aisha when she was just nine years old. The prime minister blocked the bill last year, but there are fears it will be reintroduced.

“When you force a girl to get married, you’ve given someone the right to rape her over and over again,” said Dukureh, who was married at 15 and again at 17. “And every single day, every time she’s touched … you don’t forget. I don’t think you forget that. I don’t think you ever get over that.

“I don’t think we understand the depth of what this [fatwa] could potentially do, and especially in communities where people continue to use religion to justify millions of girls’ pain and suffering.”

Part of the target group is Dukureh’s own father, an influential imam in Gambia.

“If I go to my dad, and give him the same statement that al-Azhar did, he wouldn’t listen to me. But if the deputy grand imam of al-Azhar is here, yes,” Dukureh said.

Her father appeared in a Guardian documentary made about her fight to stop FGM. She convinced him not to allow his baby daughter to be cut – the first girl in their family not to go through FGM.

Child marriage was something he never discussed, though.

“We came to a point of agreement when it comes to FGM. We never had a resolution on child marriage. Even my brothers, they would always tell me, you know, you can talk about FGM all you want. But with child marriage, you can’t touch it because the prophet’s wife was nine when he married her. So don’t even go there.”

But Dukureh convinced her father to come to the summit. In his white robes, cap and sandals, he prayed throughout, and later said: “I cried so much, because I learned so much.”

As well as the fatwa, the activists, religious and traditional leaders, government ministers and religious officials came up with a declaration on Africans taking a lead to stop FGM and child marriage, which they are asking countries to sign up to. Many organisations aim to eliminate the practices by 2030.

Much of the funding for the summit, which cost roughly $1.2m (£946,000) and was supported by the World Bank and UN population fund, came from individuals and grassroots organisations.

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In western countries, children are given sex education at the age of 12 in all schools. There they are told about all the dangers which involve sex.

Then in all schools, there is a teacher who is responsible for all kind of psychological problems of children and they could go to that teacher for each and every problem in the school or in their private life.

After all this education and training, children become confident about themselves that they could 'trust' the system, their parents, their family, their friends and their teachers and police ..... while all of them are supporting these children.

Thus children comes in position of enjoying sex at the age of 13 or 14 too without having fear of the society or responsibilities of marriage etc.

And psychological problems do not occur as "consent" of 13 years old is also necessary. Even if during the sex, she says "stop", then partner should stop immediately.

Contrary to this, Islamic system is horrible.

A child fears the parents and the family and the society the most. There is no sex education and they know nothing about safe sex.

Due to this fear of the society, millions of small kids are raped (mostly in the Madaris), but no one report it while they became ashamed of themselves, and they could not trust the society and the family.

And then come the system of horrible punishments in the religion. Due to this, mother and father are compelled to kill thousands of newborn babies themselves in order to hide their sexual activities, otherwise they will get the harsh religious punishments. Therefore, they are compelled to hide the "proof" of their so-called SIN.

I invite all of you to go to the reports of the "Edhi Center". Alone in Karachi, every year they are getting about 1000 dead bodies of new born babies in the garbage. Yes, these new born babies are killed by their own mothers in order to hide their so called SIN and to save the honour of their family.

Thus Edhi was compelled to put cradles at different parts of the city of Karachi, so that mothers don't have to kill their new born babies, but they could simply put them in those cradles anonymously. Edhi thus succeeded in saving the life of over 20000 babies who were given his name as father.

As compared to Islamic system, mothers have absolutely no fear in the Western countries and they are not compelled to kill their babies and to throw them in the garbage. They could simply keep staying with their babies as family, or if they don't wish baby, then they could give it to government institutions for adaptation.

Some here fail to see the difference between two consenting minors and an adult pedophile taking advantage of a minor.
False allegation. No one is deliberately making pornography available to the 5 or 6 years old, but there is a restriction of 18 years upon the pornography.

Objection! The "age restriction" on pornography is nothing but a joke in this day and age, every child has access to pornographic sites, and if western rulers wanted them not to, they'd take the necessary measures to prevent it. But they consciously and knowingly don't.

Criticism upon it is already present in the Western societies and movies and dramas are not presenting young kids as sexual objects.

Sure, that's why with each passing day, we witness more and more of this trash in the west:

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Fashion Vogue Kids photos create global unrest

Fanny Arnaud

Thursday, September 11, 2014 10:49 PM
UPDATE Friday, September 12, 2014 12:21 AM

Vogue Kids created unrest around the world by posting photos of very young girls in poses deemed lascivious for its September Brazilian edition.

"The paradox is that we show such images and at the same time we point the finger at people who have desire for these young women," comments psychotherapist and sex therapist Astrid Abelé. She explains that the magazine's intention is not bad and that it is above all a mercantile logic.

However, she adds that it's okay to desire what you see most often, and therefore, it should come as no surprise that women want to look young more and more.

Since yesterday, comments have been on social media denouncing what some qualify as child pornography, reigniting the debate on the hypersexualization of children in magazines.

The photo report entitled "Shadow and Fresh Water" features young girls in underwear in potentially suggestive postures.

"The editors of Vogue Kids have a serious lack of judgment," tweeted @My_Comment.

"Malaise, these are children, not prey," @remyetco added.

“Great unease in our team when seeing these photos of Vogue Kids. What do you think?" launched the publication Châtelaine.

The magazine Vogue Paris had also created controversy in 2011 by making a series of photos of girls dressed as ladies with jewelry and high heels.


Brazilian newspaper CartaCapital yesterday published the disputed photos and reported on the words of author Renata Corrêa, one of the first to publicly criticize the magazine.

According to her, "pedophilia is not limited to a guy hiding behind a computer". Ms. Corrêa adds that "pedophilia is not an individual problem of a hypothetical 'pervert' but a collective problem, a business that shamelessly sells the bodies of our girls and boys."

- With the collaboration of the QMI Agency


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The Sexualization of Children Through Advertizing, Fashion Brands and Media

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How strange, religious people cry for dramas and films where kids play the roles, but they forget that their religion is thousands of times worse here while it allows the marriage and sexual activities with girls of 5 or 6 years too.

Once again, religious exegesis should be left to scholars of religious law. I have yet to see a dominant current of religious scholarship endorse such practices.

Besides: I am simply showing that advocates of masonic secularism have no leg to stand on when trying to single out religious tradition, in particular Islam and Christianity.

Off course sex educational classes are compulsory and they should not be optional as danger are already present in the societies.

And so sexualization of children is compulsory in the west.

Same dangers are also present in Islamic countries (or perhaps children are even more unsafe in Islamic countries as they have been raped at mass level in the Madaris too), but Islamic societies just turn blind eyes from these facts.

When someone is sexually abused, it does not matter how many "classes" they previously attended, does it? This will not shield them from any risks like pregnancy and so on.

But when children, who are sexually innocent, are exposed to such garbage at very young age in school, they become sexualized, which they shouldn't.

False. It it about making kids aware of the dangers of sex.

This is all about depriving children of their innocence and pushing boundless, uncontrolled sexual habits in society, thereby undermining marriage, healthy family life and tradition.

Homosexuality is present in Human Nature.
Religious system is at fault here and it goes against the Nature.

There's a difference between homosexuality and homosexualism, the latter being a militant political ideology which considers the natural social prevalence of heterosexuality as "discrimination" and advocates active promotion of homosexuality as well as gender identity confusion, including through misplaced "sexual education" of children, as well as same sex marriage and child adoption by homosexual couples.

Which is just another targeted attack on the traditional institution of marriage and family, an institution that in practically every human culture, has been at the heart of society and law since time immemorial.

Look, no one teaches kids in Pakistan or Iran to be homosexual, but all kids are taught Islamic teachings which portray homosexuality as the biggest sin etc. But despite all this religious brainwashing, automatically Muslims involves in homosexual activities, while this thing was present in their nature.

Dissociation of biological gender and subjective gender identity is not taught to Iranian or Pakistani kids. Homosexual relations are not presented to them as one legitimate option among others, worthy of being "tried out". Hence why homosexuality remains a fringe phenomenon in these societies. Hence why there is no "child adoption" business where well off "married" homosexual couples get hold of children from some poor exploited woman in India or Africa forced to rent out her belly to this effect. Children which are then resold on internet market places should the homosexual couple get tired of them.

Off course it is the responsibilities of the marriage which breaks the young girls.
Religious marriage means that Vali (guardian) of the girl could marry her to even an old guy without her consent.
And then religious marriage means that husband could compel the child wife to provide him the sexual services at his demand, and her consent means nothing. She has to let her be used as sexual object even if he hates her husband.

Thousands of years of Tradition suggest otherwise. If a woman has a valid reason to hate her husband, such as being mistreated by him, then she can ask for divorce according to Islamic law.

And this is totally different from the sexual enjoyment that is allowed in the Western countries. This is fully controlled sexual activity where no one could compel the young girl to provide other the sexual service.

And it is so much controlled that even if during sex, girls says NO MORE, then it is the end of the sexual activity.

What exactly is "controlled" in the depraved western model of sexuality, where increasingly, people require every sort of abnormal practice and perversion to derive pleasure? And even that satisfaction is illusory.

This is a conjecture without any proof.

It's based on evidence.

There were many cultures in the world who were not even wearing the clothes and who were living totally naturally for thousands of years. But they didn't produce any zombies for thousands of years.

Heck, even thousands of slave women were present in the Islamic society with their naked breasts. Religion didn't allow the poor slave women to take hijab (which it was considered only the honour and right of the free Muslim women).

Nudity isn't the issue here. The institution of marriage and the nuclear family structure are.

This is the worst excuse, as we have not said a single word at our own, but these are the clear WORDS of Fatwas of ALL Mujtahids of Islam of the last 1400 years that even a breastfeeding baby could be married to any person (even if he is an old man) by the guardian without her consent.

And then husband is allowed to undress her and to kill her naked body and to rub his penis in her thighs and to make her to masturbate him .... These are the EXACT words of these Fatwas, and not a single word has been added by us.

No, we could not leave this matter as the so called legitimate religious authorities of last 1400 years have already given their Fatwa. And these religious authorities and the religion they represent, both are criminals in our eyes in this issue. So, why should we leave them and not to criticize them for this shameful ruling?

Minors are reading this website. Reported for pornographic content.

Islamic law is not credibly explained by a biased forum user. But by religious authorities. As good as none of whom corroborate any the crazy things cited above.

All these are criminals and involved in these activities against the State and it's law.

All these are the direct result of the lifestyles promoted by western secular regimes. All these offenders were raised by liberal standards.

These so called time-tested Traditions are marriage of baby brides, raping dozens of slave women after buying them.

The tradition in question is the nuclear family structure as the basic cell of human society. Which a totalitarian cabal of anti-specist masonic-inspired oligarchs are intending to uproot and obliterate.

Religion practiced slavery for 1400 years. And then the non-religious WEST kicked the Islamic countries and compelled them to sign the international treaty to abolish the slavery. Only after this pressure by non-religious West, the Islamic countries gave up the Halal of Sharia i.e. slavery.

I don't care what misguided rulers in the Islamic world did - their actions in this regard were not accurately reflecting the precepts of their faith.

Western states were historically the most involved in slavery, colonialism and mass murder / genocide of natives worldwide.

They are the criminal gangs and not the State Law.
Such criminal gangs are also active in Islamic countries and diamond markets are present in all Muslim countries.

Worse criminal gangs are actually holding the reins of power in the west. Criminal gangs which abuse children and are composed of ruling elites. The Epstein affair revealed it all, and prior to it the Dutroux affair in Belgium, despite massive efforts by the courts to cover up the whole extent of the truth.

What blatant contradiction?
What I stated, it is knows as the "Reality" and not "contradiction".
I have stated the "Human Nature" and the "oppression" of religions.
Human Nature is that they form strong family ties in times of need (i.e. if they are poor and women don't have the opportunity to liberate herself from the oppression).
There is absolutely no contradiction in this statement, but it is 100% true.

The contradiction is that the concept of so-called womens' "emancipation" from "patriarchal oppression" is a product of liberal secular modernity, and that therefore, it is entirely correct to pinpoint said form of modernity as responsible for the destruction of the family structure, and for things such as rising divorce rates.

Family and natural biological filiation are a basic anthropoligical need of humans, ie they're independent of social, economic or cultural conditions and circumstances.

And I presented the proof that women in Arab countries are rich and thus could afford themselves. Thus the divorce rate has gone up to 60%, despite being an Islamic country. While non-religious countries like China and Vietnam had lower divorce rate while family was needed in order to survive.

Even in Iran, people are getting less married and more divorces. Against 3 marriages, there is 1 divorce case in Iran today which was impossible to imagine couple of decades ago. Reason is this that Iranian women are becoming educated and they don't want to be exploited by their husbands any more.

Increase in divorce rate is not related to Western System, but it is related to the Human Nature. Whenever women get educated and stronger and get equal rights as humans, the rate of divorce will increase while they no longer let husbands to exploit them.

It doesn't really matter whether or not the country is Islamic, as long as western concepts of "feminism", individualism, materialism, commodification of life and consumerism, as well as the bogus positivist ideology of uniform civilizational "progress" gain traction among citizens of those Islamic countries. The causes for increasing divorce rates remain unchanged. And education per se isn't among them.

Also, to suggest that men are predestined to "exploit" their women is simply absurd.

And you know in which case the separation rate is ZERO and woman always stays with husband if he wills?

Divorce is rare or nonexistent when Tradition is respected, because natural law is implemented and everyone fulfills their logical role.

The quote above is akin to demeaning one's own male ancestors, implying they treated one's female ancestors not with love and recognition, but as slaves! What can I say to such an outlandish assessment.

An oppressive family is absolutely not an anthropological and psychological need of human being, but it is the cause of depression of human being.

There's nothing oppressive about a traditional family. Authority is a requirement in the organization of every society, and family is the nuclear cell of society.

And yes, there's a psychological and anthropological need for filiation and family, because these stem from human nature itself, from how humans come into being, how they are raised until they reach adulthood and so on.

A divorced family is much much better for human needs as compared to a family where oppression is taking place and there is fighting and abusing is taking place every day.

Internal conflicts which are themselves yet another direct consequence of liberal secular modernity and its materialistic, individualistic alienation of man.



At the age of 9 ? ? ? whose need exactly ? ? ?

I'm obviously being misquoted here.

But, the need of those paedo-criminals whom the zionist occupation regime in Palestine welcomes with open arms after granting them asylum on a racialist basis, by virtue of the so-called law of return!

Are this experts enough for you ?

kindly read before replying :

This only confirms my point. I was responding to someone who claims that Islamic law does in fact allow child marriage, and I said they should leave the interpretation of Islamic law to actual Islamic scholars.

So it isn't me who needs to read before replying!
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Mullah interpretation of Islamic law does allow it , and you seem to justify it.

You're projecting again. Seeing how you apparently support a regime that is a safe haven for and grants asylum to paedophiles from around the world.

As for interpretations of Islamic law, there's no cleric in Iran allowing actual child marriage.

As I said religion is not the problem,

Go tell that the person whose posts you react to with a 'like', and who claimed the exact opposite.
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In western countries, children are given sex education at the age of 12 in all schools. There they are told about all the dangers which involve sex.

Then in all schools, there is a teacher who is responsible for all kind of psychological problems of children and they could go to that teacher for each and every problem in the school or in their private life.

After all this education and training, children become confident about themselves that they could 'trust' the system, their parents, their family, their friends and their teachers and police ..... while all of them are supporting these children.

Thus children comes in position of enjoying sex at the age of 13 or 14 too without having fear of the society or responsibilities of marriage etc.

And psychological problems do not occur as "consent" of 13 years old is also necessary. Even if during the sex, she says "stop", then partner should stop immediately.

Contrary to this, Islamic system is horrible.

A child fears the parents and the family and the society the most. There is no sex education and they know nothing about safe sex.

Due to this fear of the society, millions of small kids are raped (mostly in the Madaris), but no one report it while they became ashamed of themselves, and they could not trust the society and the family.

And then come the system of horrible punishments in the religion. Due to this, mother and father are compelled to kill thousands of newborn babies themselves in order to hide their sexual activities, otherwise they will get the harsh religious punishments. Therefore, they are compelled to hide the "proof" of their so-called SIN.

I invite all of you to go to the reports of the "Edhi Center". Alone in Karachi, every year they are getting about 1000 dead bodies of new born babies in the garbage. Yes, these new born babies are killed by their own mothers in order to hide their so called SIN and to save the honour of their family.

Thus Edhi was compelled to put cradles at different parts of the city of Karachi, so that mothers don't have to kill their new born babies, but they could simply put them in those cradles anonymously. Edhi thus succeeded in saving the life of over 20000 babies who were given his name as father.

As compared to Islamic system, mothers have absolutely no fear in the Western countries and they are not compelled to kill their babies and to throw them in the garbage. They could simply keep staying with their babies as family, or if they don't wish baby, then they could give it to government institutions for adaptation.
LOL so you're in favor of underage sex lol, it doesn't matters that's how underage girl can be supported by her family and friends in western countries, and do explain that how can she deal with physical ànd phsylogical stress that she can't deal it before ( personal experience)

Ànd you're knows shit about Islamic systems

Reported for insulting my religion
Gentlemen, if you cannot contain your bigoted and misplaced views on a religion based upon the actions of man - then you have no place on this forum and I will ensure it.
Why is criticism upon religion is regarded as insult?

No religion or philosophy is above criticism, otherwise it is only a dictatorship.

Muslims have the right to do preaching, while others have the full right to criticize. Both preaching and criticizing go hand in hand.
Because you knows nothing about basic of Islam and this is not criticism but pure insult, reported again
mothers have absolutely no fear in the Western countries and they are not compelled to kill their babies and to throw them in the garbage. They could simply keep staying with their babies as family, or if they don't wish baby, then they could give it to government institutions for adaptation.
or their babies get taken away for social services --- thrown in foster care just because mother was too drunk to take care of her child ----
are you high???
Do not discuss religion in your disgusting comment --- you are confusing culture with religion....
OK I understand you people don't want to hear any criticism.

Do you mean Pakistanis have the culture where mothers kill their newborn babies and throw them into the garbage?

Here is the news from DAWN newspaper about Edhi finding 375 dead bodies of newborn babies alone in the garbage in Karachi, alone in 2019.

Till the time you are not ready to hear the criticism, you would not be able to reform yourself.

With this advice, I leave this forum.

let me put it other way around.... its the way of life in South Asian countries , just the way things happen in western countries
OK I understand you people don't want to hear any criticism.
This is not a criticism but attack on my religion, and those western underage moms is drinking too much that they are not able to take care of their babies and throw them in foster camps and then from their they will become criminals
This is the greatness of Western countries that they take care of each and every child and don't let abusive parents to touch their children. But the youth office immediately take the children from such abusive parents, and then provide the best possible care in the foster families. Obviously we all are humans and thus nothing is perfect. But blaming the great foster family system to foster camps is only your prejudice and false allegation.

While in Pakistan own parents are not able to take care of children anywhere near the care that they get in the foster families. Many of Pakistani parents are themselves abusive. They don't let them to go to schools, but compel them to work as child labor. Or millions of such children are sent to stay in the Madrassas. And you could not compare these Madrassas with the foster family system. In Madrassas, these children are being constantly raped and they could do nothing against it.

But you people don't want to see the Truth and don't want to hear the Criticism. Then please carry on being blind and deaf, but humanity will not forgive you for this crime.
@Foxtrot Alpha @waz @LeGenD @The Eagle can we ban this troll for ever continuously insulting Islam and Pakistan
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