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Thirteen-Year-Old Married Girl Dies During Childbirth In Iran

I cant remember when did Japan, Philippines, Italy, Germany, Austria and others implemented Sharia Law in their countries. Can you share the date plz?

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Age of consent is not the same as age of marriage. Age of consent is simply the age at which the girl or boy can consent to have sex. Legal age of marriage is when he or she can get married.

Age of marriage in Japan is 18. You can google the other countries.
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Its a failure of our clergy that they cannot enforce a minimum age of marriage. Shows how corrupt, incompetent and stupid is mullah. We have given the reigns of our religion to uneducated dumb idiots while we study engineering and sciences. Its our fault, we should study ourself and not let the stupid mullah interpret for us.
It's OK, it's halal under sharia law. Who are mere mortals to question sharia law?

Iran is following Islamic law. There is no minimum age of marriage under sharia law. Any country that prescribes minimum age for marriage is going against divine law.

Dont utter BS when u dont know anything. The minimum age of marriage in Islam is when the girl becomes baaligh, that is when she is no more a child and van take decisions.
Dont utter BS when u dont know anything. The minimum age of marriage in Islam is when the girl becomes baaligh, that is when she is no more a child and van take decisions.

And what is that age, according to Shariah?
And what is that age, according to Shariah?

The exact age is not given and is left for governments to decide according to the time. But the main point of being baaligh is given, which means u cannot marry a child. Now a girl can be baligh at 16 or 17 or 18. Shariah is not like what u idiots think, it gives guidelines and gives space for future muslims to decide upon it.

To give perspective to this topic of child marriage , here is a map from 2015 :

Minimum Age of Marriage For Girls With Parental Consent



To give perspective to this topic of child marriage , here is a map from 2015 :

Minimum Age of Marriage For Girls With Parental Consent


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Osiris at work, why have imaginary hell, just have it on earth. Makes me sick to think we share our space with these paedophile apologists. Somebody get me off this rock I'm done here.
So when are you leaving UK and coming back to Pakistan since pedophilia is legal in the UK
And therein lies the trouble. What was so wrong about what I said earlier? Isn't 13 halal according to shariah? It's for the govt to decide, and the govt of Iran has decided that 13 is OK. All is well, isn't it?

And while we are at it, how old was Ayesha when Mister Muhammad "married" her?

It's all halal.

No its not, unless proven by an expert that 13 years old constitutes a baaligh person.
Secondly mother Ayesha RA was somewhere around 17 and 18 when married. Mullahs can find excuses and try to hide the truth but its evident. No wonder we call mullahs as agents and traitors, they take money to spread BS that helps the narrative of scum like u.
What's the point of these personal attacks, like if my progeny is really mine and so on?

It's a fact - one that you just learnt - that in Japan or China (your benefactors, careful not to anger them) or UK or Germany or USA or most countries on earth, the age of consent is lower than the age of marriage. What exactly is your gripe?

It's OK, you only just learnt that today, so I'll let you think about it for a while. The world is larger than what your religion teaches you, you know.

In these cultures women don't have the same rights as men, imagine what they do to children who are defenseless. Groomed, raped and beaten and dressed in all black in public to show what a good wife she is.
Omg, this poor little girl marriage and death was so unnecessary. as our societies are full of 18 year old single woman and divorcees these days in every nation so why this little girls of primary age, omg married of for
Omg, this poor little girl marriage and death was so unnecessary. as our societies are full of 18 year old single woman and divorcees these days in every nation so why this little girls of primary age, omg married of for

In these cultures women don't have the same rights as men, imagine what they do to children who are defenseless. Groomed, raped and beaten and dressed in all black in public to show what a good wife she is.
In what sense having the right to have sex before marriage is considered a basic human right?
What's the point of these personal attacks, like if my progeny is really mine and so on?
They are not considered personal attacks in a "civilized" world

According to the Islamic Republic civil code, the legal age of marriage in Iran is set at age 13 for girls and age 15 for boys. However, the same Act allows girls below the age of 13 and boys below the age of 15 to be wed, conditioned on the consent of their father and the permission of a judge
I knew that but here let me say how this one happened , the article say from south east Iran , that means Sistan & Baluchistan.
in this case father of the bride and groom reached an agreement and then for certain decided to completely forget about getting consent of a judge as its nearly impossible to get one , they went to an Imam or Cleric or Mufti ,what ever you want to call him and he said 4 Arabic sentence and wrote it behind the back of a Quran or perhaps he didn't even made the writing and that's all.
in this case and cases like this they completely ignore the official channels. they don' register the marriage and sadly they can get away with it
It has been scientifically proven that girls should be married below 18 years old age otherwise it will cause pregnancy related problems for them.
there is no such thing, but it is stated they first child bearing better to be before 35
Well in this particular case . Two thing make me angry.
One why she must not have access to adequate medical care.
Secund why she managed to marry before legal age.

She did mot marry before the legal age , the law in Iran allows girls who are barely nine years old to get married if their guardian agrees and a " judge " give permit.

If you want to get angry, get angry at the laws and Judges that allow this to continue

Beside I don't get you , are you saying that If she was 13 that would make it OK ?


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