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Thirteen-Year-Old Married Girl Dies During Childbirth In Iran

She did mot marry before the legal age , the law in Iran allows girls who are barely nine years old to get married if their guardian agrees and a " judge " give permit.

If you want to get angry, get angry at the laws and Judges that allow this to continue

Beside I don't get you , are you saying that If she was 13 that would make it OK ?


no the law allow 13 the 9 is an outdated law belong to the Pahlavi era, now a judge must give the consent to it and it's seems they are instructed not to give the consent as its nearly impossible to get one, can you point me to a case that the gave such permission, the one who marry before 13 won't register it and they just do it the tribal way
You have objection over young aged marriage?
He has objection against marriage but has no objection against 13 years being screwed. That is kosher. Here in UK after 12 most girls are being shagged. Teenage pregancies are a big issue. But some Iranian girl dies in remote part of Iran and he is calling it headline news.
He has objection against marriage but has no objection against 13 years being screwed. That is kosher. Here in UK after 12 most girls are being shagged. Teenage pregancies are a big issue. But some Iranian girl dies in remote part of Iran and he is calling it headline news.
Thats the thing, which gentlemen like op often miss.
He has objection against marriage but has no objection against 13 years being screwed. That is kosher. Here in UK after 12 most girls are being shagged. Teenage pregancies are a big issue. But some Iranian girl dies in remote part of Iran and he is calling it headline news.

Marriage is legalized rape in these countries Indus comon. They get put on a sex register here if they're caught or paedo hunter vigilantes will name and shame but in some parts its celebrated. Call it what it is, legalized rape of a minor.

What two consenting people do with each other is a separate discussion, they don't correlate.
no the law allow 13 the 9 is an outdated law belong to the Pahlavi era, now a judge must give the consent to it and it's seems they are instructed not to give the consent as its nearly impossible to get one, can you point me to a case that the gave such permission, the one who marry before 13 won't register it and they just do it the tribal way

From what i understand the Pahlavi law was amended in 2006 , but they still left this loophole where the Judge can allow 9 years to get married , when they could have easily made this illegal.

Why leave this to the discretion of the Judge at all ? Why should a judge be allowed to approve a 9 years old marriage ? Why take that chance ?

You know that there will always be some idiot judge that approves it , as was this case that happened in 2019 that was only stopped because of public out cry :

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Marriage is legalized rape in these countries Indus comon.
I am well aware of that and do not condone that one bit. You know I am pro west generally but I also know close up the crap that goes on. To my mind there is rape common in botn societies. The culture here sexualises young girls and then they are used by 13. One culture uses religion the other uses modern culture to prepare these girls for men to use. No differance.

In typical British council estates most girls have lost their innocence by 13 and are then used as shagbags by all/sundry. The paedo and rape stats barely scratch the surface of what goes on. Unless of course it's some of our mutts who got caught with their pants down.
He has objection against marriage but has no objection against 13 years being screwed. That is kosher. Here in UK after 12 most girls are being shagged. Teenage pregancies are a big issue. But some Iranian girl dies in remote part of Iran and he is calling it headline news.

Perfect reflection of what I explained on page 1.

This is the crux of the issue with this zionist / liberal line of propaganda. The goal of this sort of propaganda is not to prevent young girls nor even children from getting sexualized. Their sole aim is to destroy the institition of marriage. Else they don't give a damn about any children.

The overarching objective being to systematically uproot and destroy every historically rooted religious tradition, as well as national identity worldwide - with one single exception (you all guessed which one that is).

The zionist messianist project and the totalitarian one-world government they plan to impose on us calls for that. We need to see this in relation to plans to erect the so-called third temple on the ruins of Masjid ul-Aqsa in Occupied Palestine.

So in the UK, girls lose their virginity at age 12? They're chaste, one might argue from a French / Belgian perspective. In France, some years ago there was a report about school personnel being completely lost at the fact that 10 to 11 year old children are having public sexual intercourse on the playground right in front of their teachers and comrades...

I mean, the fact that children as young as 5 or 6 are exposed to mass internet pornography in the liberal west... You imagine the traumatized psyche of these poor souls once they reach adulthood?

New depths of degeneracy are reached in liberal societies. And yet some will be focusing on sharia law, what a joke. But you'll never encounter any of these types shedding some of their crocodile tears for these entire generations of children sacrificed to the perversions of liberalism.

Not to mention organized elite paedocriminality in western regimes. Now this is actually their true Achilles' Heel. These sorts of paedocriminal networks often have a satanist tinge to them as well - complete with torture and sacrifice of children (not simply a conspiracy theory from where I stand, there are numerous hints pointing to these practices going on in degenerate western upper spheres of power).

A monster like Mossad agent Epstein for example raped thousands of children on his own. This is no exaggeration, because in one of the published documents, this zionist regime shill was quoted as saying he couldn't stand being deprived of intercourse with several different children per day. 365 days a year, and several decades over which Epstein raped and raped children from all corners of the planet (sometimes, kids were "offered" to him as a "gift" from his paedocriminal acquaintances and flown in from places like France etc).

Of course the regime in Washington was in the know all along. It was essentially a Mossad operation to collect kompromats on western politicians and elites, making sure they'll remain loyally subservient to Tel Aviv.
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From what i understand the Pahlavi law was amended in 2006 , but they still left this loophole where the Judge can allow 9 years to get married , when they could have easily made this illegal.

Why leave this to the discretion of the Judge at all ? Why should a judge be allowed to approve a 9 years old marriage ? Why take that chance ?

You know that there will always be some idiot judge that approves it , as was this case that happened in 2019 that was only stopped because of public out cry :

as the article said that marriage didn't get approval from a judge. I don't recall the detail of that case , but they usually send the girl to his father home until she became older.
I don't say its good or bad, if it was up to me the father the clerics and the groom or in some cases the father of the groom are party to the crime and must be punished. and are not eligible to be the guardian of child brides or groom
where juvenile marriage is illegal, where there's no sharia law

It's OK, it's halal under sharia law. Who are mere mortals to question sharia law?
Iran is following Islamic law. There is no minimum age of marriage under sharia law. Any country that prescribes minimum age for marriage is going against divine law.

Since some here tried to bring silly arguments as if this has something to do with Islam law.


kindly read this article before replying :

Senior Islamic cleric issues fatwa against child marriage

Deputy grand imam of al-Azhar calls for marriage based on mutual consent with minimum age set at 18

One of the world’s most prestigious centres of Islamic learning has issued a fatwa against child marriage, saying marriage should be based on the consent of both parties and “particularly the young woman”.

The deputy grand imam of al-Azhar, considered by some Muslims to be the highest authority of Islamic jurisprudence, hammered out the document with his team and young activists at the first African summit on child marriage and female genital mutilation, which took place in Senegal this week.

If news of the fatwa’s existence can reach imams in countries with high rates of child marriage, activists hope that the practice can be stopped, as they could not deny al-Azhar’s authority.

“Marriage in Islam is based on the consent of both parties, particularly the young woman. Such consent requires the young woman to have reached the age of maturity and reason, so that her consent is validly given,” the fatwa read, adding that this age was 18, and quoting parts of the Qur’an and the hadiths of the prophet Muhammad to support it.

The summit was organised by Jaha Dukureh, a Gambian campaigner and the founder of Safe Hands for Girls, herself a survivor of child marriage and FGM, who drove a successful campaign to end FGM in her country.

Dukureh, who went to Egypt to talk to the al-Azhar clerics last year, described how towards the end of the summit she realised that the fatwa had not yet been issued and went to talk to the imam, Salah Abbas. She, the African Union youth envoy Aya Chebbi and the Syrian journalist Abdalaziz Alhamza worked with the Egyptian imams to turn their rough draft, scrawled on hotel notepaper, into a formal document.

“We sat there on the floor with them, writing the fatwa. They had to call Egypt to ensure that everything was in line. And then there was a back and forth about the languages, because in Arabic things can be translated different ways. To me, it was just amazing watching that process.”


Four in 10 young women in sub-Saharan Africa are married before their 18th birthday. Boys are affected too – according to recent UN data, roughly one in 30 worldwide were married as children, with the highest number in Central African Republic, where almost a third of boys and men were child grooms.

The problem is not limited to Africa – across the world, 12 million girls are married in childhood every year. In Iraq in 2017, parliamentarians drafted a law that would allow children as young as nine to marry, based on the idea that the prophet Muhammad married his wife Aisha when she was just nine years old. The prime minister blocked the bill last year, but there are fears it will be reintroduced.

“When you force a girl to get married, you’ve given someone the right to rape her over and over again,” said Dukureh, who was married at 15 and again at 17. “And every single day, every time she’s touched … you don’t forget. I don’t think you forget that. I don’t think you ever get over that.

“I don’t think we understand the depth of what this [fatwa] could potentially do, and especially in communities where people continue to use religion to justify millions of girls’ pain and suffering.”

Part of the target group is Dukureh’s own father, an influential imam in Gambia.

“If I go to my dad, and give him the same statement that al-Azhar did, he wouldn’t listen to me. But if the deputy grand imam of al-Azhar is here, yes,” Dukureh said.

Her father appeared in a Guardian documentary made about her fight to stop FGM. She convinced him not to allow his baby daughter to be cut – the first girl in their family not to go through FGM.

Child marriage was something he never discussed, though.

“We came to a point of agreement when it comes to FGM. We never had a resolution on child marriage. Even my brothers, they would always tell me, you know, you can talk about FGM all you want. But with child marriage, you can’t touch it because the prophet’s wife was nine when he married her. So don’t even go there.”

But Dukureh convinced her father to come to the summit. In his white robes, cap and sandals, he prayed throughout, and later said: “I cried so much, because I learned so much.”

As well as the fatwa, the activists, religious and traditional leaders, government ministers and religious officials came up with a declaration on Africans taking a lead to stop FGM and child marriage, which they are asking countries to sign up to. Many organisations aim to eliminate the practices by 2030.

Much of the funding for the summit, which cost roughly $1.2m (£946,000) and was supported by the World Bank and UN population fund, came from individuals and grassroots organisations.

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Since some here tried to bring silly arguments as if this has something to do with Islam law.


kindly read this article before replying :

Senior Islamic cleric issues fatwa against child marriage

Deputy grand imam of al-Azhar calls for marriage based on mutual consent with minimum age set at 18

One of the world’s most prestigious centres of Islamic learning has issued a fatwa against child marriage, saying marriage should be based on the consent of both parties and “particularly the young woman”.

The deputy grand imam of al-Azhar, considered by some Muslims to be the highest authority of Islamic jurisprudence, hammered out the document with his team and young activists at the first African summit on child marriage and female genital mutilation, which took place in Senegal this week.

If news of the fatwa’s existence can reach imams in countries with high rates of child marriage, activists hope that the practice can be stopped, as they could not deny al-Azhar’s authority.

“Marriage in Islam is based on the consent of both parties, particularly the young woman. Such consent requires the young woman to have reached the age of maturity and reason, so that her consent is validly given,” the fatwa read, adding that this age was 18, and quoting parts of the Qur’an and the hadiths of the prophet Muhammad to support it.

The summit was organised by Jaha Dukureh, a Gambian campaigner and the founder of Safe Hands for Girls, herself a survivor of child marriage and FGM, who drove a successful campaign to end FGM in her country.

Dukureh, who went to Egypt to talk to the al-Azhar clerics last year, described how towards the end of the summit she realised that the fatwa had not yet been issued and went to talk to the imam, Salah Abbas. She, the African Union youth envoy Aya Chebbi and the Syrian journalist Abdalaziz Alhamza worked with the Egyptian imams to turn their rough draft, scrawled on hotel notepaper, into a formal document.

“We sat there on the floor with them, writing the fatwa. They had to call Egypt to ensure that everything was in line. And then there was a back and forth about the languages, because in Arabic things can be translated different ways. To me, it was just amazing watching that process.”


Four in 10 young women in sub-Saharan Africa are married before their 18th birthday. Boys are affected too – according to recent UN data, roughly one in 30 worldwide were married as children, with the highest number in Central African Republic, where almost a third of boys and men were child grooms.

The problem is not limited to Africa – across the world, 12 million girls are married in childhood every year. In Iraq in 2017, parliamentarians drafted a law that would allow children as young as nine to marry, based on the idea that the prophet Muhammad married his wife Aisha when she was just nine years old. The prime minister blocked the bill last year, but there are fears it will be reintroduced.

“When you force a girl to get married, you’ve given someone the right to rape her over and over again,” said Dukureh, who was married at 15 and again at 17. “And every single day, every time she’s touched … you don’t forget. I don’t think you forget that. I don’t think you ever get over that.

“I don’t think we understand the depth of what this [fatwa] could potentially do, and especially in communities where people continue to use religion to justify millions of girls’ pain and suffering.”

Part of the target group is Dukureh’s own father, an influential imam in Gambia.

“If I go to my dad, and give him the same statement that al-Azhar did, he wouldn’t listen to me. But if the deputy grand imam of al-Azhar is here, yes,” Dukureh said.

Her father appeared in a Guardian documentary made about her fight to stop FGM. She convinced him not to allow his baby daughter to be cut – the first girl in their family not to go through FGM.

Child marriage was something he never discussed, though.

“We came to a point of agreement when it comes to FGM. We never had a resolution on child marriage. Even my brothers, they would always tell me, you know, you can talk about FGM all you want. But with child marriage, you can’t touch it because the prophet’s wife was nine when he married her. So don’t even go there.”

But Dukureh convinced her father to come to the summit. In his white robes, cap and sandals, he prayed throughout, and later said: “I cried so much, because I learned so much.”

As well as the fatwa, the activists, religious and traditional leaders, government ministers and religious officials came up with a declaration on Africans taking a lead to stop FGM and child marriage, which they are asking countries to sign up to. Many organisations aim to eliminate the practices by 2030.

Much of the funding for the summit, which cost roughly $1.2m (£946,000) and was supported by the World Bank and UN population fund, came from individuals and grassroots organisations.

@The Eagle @WebMaster @krash
@PakSword @Foxtrot Alpha @Major Sam
Yes, that's right - that's how it is in Japan and France and any other country where the age of consent is 13. Do you understand why? Because marriage is a much more serious and life changing decision than having sex. I know this must be a hard concept for you to understand, but having (consentual) sex is not really that big of a deal. Marrying is.

Of course, muslims would stone people to death for having sex before marriage, but I'm talking about civilized societies like most of the western world, China, Korea, Japan etc.

Congratulate yourself, because you learnt something new today - the difference between age of consent and age of marriage. And I hope you also realize that having sex is perfectly OK in civilized countries, including your big daddy China - nobody stones teenagers to death for what is a perfectly natural instinct.
Ànd how will such a small aged girls will fight their pregnancy related problems like physical ànd phsylogical problems? Please 🙏 explain
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