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Think tank calculates GDP growth at 3.1%


Oct 30, 2014
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s economy grew at a pace of 3.1% in the outgoing financial year, an independent think tank claimed on Monday repudiating a claim by the government’s economic managers that the GDP growth rate was 4.7%.

The claim by the Social Policy and Development Centre (SPDC) has dealt a second major blow to the credibility of the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) in less than a week. Earlier, the Policy Research Institute of Market Economy showed in a report that the BPS was understating the inflation rate.

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“GDP growth rate is 3.1%, not 4.7%” in fiscal year 2015-16, according to the SPDC report. Former interim prime minister and world-renowned economist Moeen Qureshi is the patron of SPDC, while former finance secretary Saeed Qureshi and former State Bank governor Dr Ishrat Husain are on its board.

While launching the Economic Survey of Pakistan on June 2, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar boasted the GDP grew at the rate of 4.7%, which was the highest in the last eight years. Conversely, the SPDC claims the provisional growth rate was 3.1% — the lowest rate in seven years.

The SPDC said it was the third consecutive year that the PBS exaggerated the GDP growth rate. In June 2014, the PBS brought down the relatively high growth rate achieved in 2011-12 from 4.4% to 3.8%. “This was done to demonstrate that the GDP growth rate of 4% in 2013-14 was the highest in the last six years,” according to the report.

According to the SPDC estimates, the growth rate in 2015-16 had been overstated in 10 out of the 18 sectors of the economy. “Almost 60% of the overstatement is in the services sector.”

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Against the official claim of only 0.2% negative growth in agriculture, the sector actually contracted 2%, it said. Similarly, industry grew at a pace of 5.5% against the government’s claim of 6.8%. Moreover, the SPDC stated that the services sector’s growth was 4.1%, implying a GDP growth rate in 2015-16 of 3.1% against the official claim of 5.7%.

The SPDC underlined that its claim that the economy grew at a pace of only 3.1% was consistent with findings of over last four decades that in a year when the agricultural sector declines, the GDP growth rate never exceeds 4%.

The agriculture sector is important for Pakistan not only because it accounts directly for 21% of GDP but also 60% of the manufacturing is agro-based and over 40% of trading and transport is of agricultural products, said the SPDC.

The think tank noted that electricity generation increased by only 2% and with this little increase in output, the economy cannot grow at the rate of 4.7%.

Finance Minister Dar is increasingly coming under pressure to reform the PBS. He admitted during a recent news conference that there were some legitimate questions about the working of the PBS because nobody ever raised such questions about the working of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan and State Bank of Pakistan.

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Last month, the finance minister had offered to engage international experts to resolve the controversy over calculation of GDP but no meaningful effort has since been made in that direction.

The SPDC also noted that private investment also dropped in the outgoing financial year despite an improvement in the security situation, extraordinarily low interest rates and greater access to credit. The government has missed the investment target for 2015-16.

It was of the view that Chinese investment is substituting foreign direct investment (FDI) from other countries instead of complementing it. The net flow of FDI remained only $1 billion during the first 10 months of 2015-16 against the annual target of $3.3 billion.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 7th, 2016.
It should be matter of concern for most pakistanis particularly the agriculture sector. I think economy is the last thing which worries most leaders in pakistan.
Negative growth in agriculture for an agrarian based economy like Pakistan is alarming and need to be taken care of.

However, considering the security concerns prevailing, more focus need to be put into getting the house in order, economy will automatically improve.

Pakistan can easily achieve high growth numbers initially since its economy is somewhat stagnant for big time.
Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is interesting, but what they hide is vital.

Mark Twain famously quoted 19th-century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli as saying, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics”.
Baboon leagis will call it army,yahoodi lobby,tahir shah sazish
Its really sad to hear, but one thing I am wondering as I listen from many members on PDF, corridor project is going on full steam and already some projects are on completion why there is no effect visible on your economy, as it will result in consumption of huge resources ?
Correct me if I am wrong, My feeling is all the resources like steel, cement and other resources like construction machinery and tools are coming from china in same way like all engineers and even labor coming. I did also here china is building a large pvt. army to secure it (means even security jobs would not be available to pakistani people). So why are you all jumping so much ? In the hope of cleaning windshields of Chinese trucks which will bring lot of Chinese goods for your markets ? Ultimately I feel this project is gona big reason for complete destruction of Pakistani manufacturing sector which is still surviving hard under chinese onslaught :undecided:
They should factor in the fact that more than 90 % tax that should be paid in pk ; never is....

All GDP figures are fictious 3.1 being as fictitious as 4.7......
Its really sad to hear, but one thing I am wondering as I listen from many members on PDF, corridor project is going on full steam and already some projects are on completion why there is no effect visible on your economy, as it will result in consumption of huge resources ?
Correct me if I am wrong, My feeling is all the resources like steel, cement and other resources like construction machinery and tools are coming from china in same way like all engineers and even labor coming. I did also here china is building a large pvt. army to secure it (means even security jobs would not be available to pakistani people). So why are you all jumping so much ? In the hope of cleaning windshields of Chinese trucks which will bring lot of Chinese goods for your markets ? Ultimately I feel this project is gona big reason for complete destruction of Pakistani manufacturing sector which is still surviving hard under chinese onslaught :undecided:
We wont be seeing effects of CPEC until 2018 and in full swing until 2025. Around half a lakh Pakistanis have been hired for security jobs and more are to be hired.

Manufacturing sector wont collapse; but will actually be stimulated and many Pakistani products will be open to the world, demand will increase; this forcing production to increase.
Man, this government has screwed us in the long term. Our economy is being built on loans. Loans which keeps piling on every pakistani they never signed up for.
Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is interesting, but what they hide is vital.

Good thing most men, being chivalrous, would focus on whats being hidden.

Man, this government has screwed us in the long term. Our economy is being built on loans. Loans which keeps piling on every pakistani they never signed up for.

You did sign the loans from World Bank, IMF, ADB, China, Japan, US, among others when you elect these royal families into government.
. Around half a lakh Pakistanis have been hired for security jobs and more are to be hired.

Manufacturing sector wont collapse; but will actually be stimulated and many Pakistani products will be open to the world, demand will increase; this forcing production to increase.
Man Chinese are them self hiring PVT army to protect CPEC on completion.

Do now Pakistani products are not open to world ? Or tell me which of your industry you think is competitive then Chinese, whose demand will increase ?
In fact even your small hidden pockets will start receiving chinese maal, affecting small local manufacturer there. Affecting your tax reveneus, (You have aggrement of tax free for chinese, chinese govt will get all taxes :angel:).
Ofcourse Production will increase But where ? need to be think seriously (in inefficient and backward pakistan or Most efficient and biggest factories of the world)
Maybe the truth lies somewhere between the 3.1 and the 4.7 percent, um?
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Pardon me, I know this might shatter some dream, but what exactly can pak offer apart from agricultural products, I know I am being a bit blunt, but a fact is a fact, China is involved in cpec cos of its strategic importance, Chinese companies are investing money in this, what are they offering you and what you have to pay for that that is pak public I am talking about Gwadar is just a port , so is chabahar, if port decides the destiny of a country than America should have been last, it's the people who decide it, no matter how strategic ur location is if u don't work for the development all this ain't gonna work
We wont be seeing effects of CPEC until 2018 and in full swing until 2025. Around half a lakh Pakistanis have been hired for security jobs and more are to be hired.

Manufacturing sector wont collapse; but will actually be stimulated and many Pakistani products will be open to the world, demand will increase; this forcing production to increase.

Can't Pak economy reach 7% gdp growth before 2018? I mean why an operational gwadar port only is the solution for Pak economy? Yeah, gwadar is definitely a plus point but back in 60, 80s and in 2003-2007 Pak economy has grown without gwadar. The people driving our economy are not credible enough to make Pak economy grow.
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