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Things will get better in Pakistan

Hmmm- Things will get better in Pakistan-- bla bla bla

the question is how, when?

I tell you how and when. It will be before your birthday next year, right? just kidding! :D

Pleae re-read the article, we are currently in the process of realization phase. Pakistan were in peace ten years ago, it was fool phase all of us in public. Today there are so many people who are realizing, deeper analysis and understand problems issues.

VCheng, we know you are very pro-American, and supports Americans/terrorisms against Pakistan. Keep negativity yourselfs as hopefully two children of yours will be happily lived in America. Please don't come back to Pakistan.
I tell you how and when. It will be before your birthday next year, right? just kidding! :D

Pleae re-read the article, we are currently in the process of realization phase. Pakistan were in peace ten years ago, it was fool phase all of us in public. Today there are so many people who are realizing, deeper analysis and understand problems issues.

VCheng, we know you are very pro-American, and supports Americans/terrorisms against Pakistan. Keep negativity yourselfs as hopefully two children of yours will be happily lived in America. Please don't come back to Pakistan.

I am equally pro-Pakistan too, and I also support Pakistan's efforts against terrorism just the same.

AlhamdoLillah, we all are happy here, but I will come to Pakistan too as often as I like! :D
I am equally pro-Pakistan too, and I also support Pakistan's efforts against terrorism just the same.

AlhamdoLillah, we all are happy here, but I will come to Pakistan too as often as I like! :D

Equally pro-Pakistan with pro-America is a weak term, all of your negativity comments against Pakistan is something what you can say to your children ? What do you say to them?....Heck Alhamdulillah, I have a son which I can't do speak negatives.

Often you visit Pakistan you like and make sure tell them all of your negatives comments just like here, you will be surely trash. :D
Equally pro-Pakistan with pro-America is a weak term, all of your negativity comments against Pakistan is something what you can say to your children ? What do you say to them?....Heck Alhamdulillah, I have a son which I can't do speak negatives.

Often you visit Pakistan you like and make sure tell them all of your negatives comments just like here, you will be surely trash. :D

So now, in addition to my person being a topic, my kids are too? :lol:

Here's an idea: how about responding to the SUBSTANCE of my posts? :D
Things will be better in Pakistan, I hope this will happen, but with some hard decessions. If this is supposed to be achieved, Pakistan needs better role models and moral story in their text books to be added. The way now Pakistan is in, is due to the excess power that is shared to the Armed Forces, The armed forces do not fall under the regular command of the civilian structure. The nations poletitions are too curroupt or too linient with out a vision for Pakistan.
The more people send their children to Madrasass the more they become religiously radical by the teaching of some fanatics. If Madrasass are teaching peace and tolarence then there would have not been Al Queda to have a army of followers, etc..
I hope I have not offended any one by this post, what ever I have written is my observation from the current affires of the world
Things will get better for Pakistan in the near future, I'm sure of that, because no matter how inept the Establishment is, Pakistanis have faced all kinds of challenges with resilience, & do so everyday.
Things will get better for Pakistan in the near future, I'm sure of that, because no matter how inept the Establishment is, Pakistanis have faced all kinds of challenges with resilience, & do so everyday.

The problem is that, people who face it do not stand up to challenge it or change it. The more and more attacks they face they find that the rest of the world is the reason that people are suffering in Pakistan. They have to be directed in the right direction that the Pakistani Establishments are the ones that need to be blamed.
my wishes are with you to make your country better. if you are growing you will think less of war and more of progress. its human nature. so all the best.
The problem is that, people who face it do not stand up to challenge it or change it. The more and more attacks they face they find that the rest of the world is the reason that people are suffering in Pakistan. They have to be directed in the right direction that the Pakistani Establishments are the ones that need to be blamed.

The rest of the world (America) is looking for scapegoats for its own failures in the WOT in Afghanistan. Some examples of the changes that have occurred in Pakistan:

a) Decreased support for terrorists & terrorist groups amongst the Pakistani people, & more for the Pakistani Army.

b) Decreased support for waderas, & increased support for able candidates like Imran Khan.

c) People have a more thorough understanding of serious issues, instead of avoiding them like they did in the past, because of the free media.

d) Some issues are being tackled with, others need to be tackled (Blasphemy Law).

e) The Army has not interfered in domestic politics, & despite the corrupt regime, is letting it complete its term in office.

f) The people have not started an uprising like there was in the Middle East despite living harder lives, & are letting the regime complete its term.

There are countless other examples as well. But you should get the picture.
The rest of the world (America) is looking for scapegoats for its own failures in the WOT in Afghanistan. Some examples of the changes that have occurred in Pakistan:

a) Decreased support for terrorists & terrorist groups amongst the Pakistani people, & more for the Pakistani Army.

b) Decreased support for waderas, & increased support for able candidates like Imran Khan.

c) People have a more thorough understanding of serious issues, instead of avoiding them like they did in the past, because of the free media.

d) Some issues are being tackled with, others need to be tackled (Blasphemy Law).

e) The Army has not interfered in domestic politics, & despite the corrupt regime, is letting it complete its term in office.

f) The people have not started an uprising like there was in the Middle East despite living harder lives, & are letting the regime complete its term.

There are countless other examples as well. But you should get the picture.

Wel. I understand the awareness that is happening in Pakistan, its a Good sign, but why is the Zardari Government not impeached. The people know that there are lot of scams that the present government is accused of. You can ask why is the Indian Government not impeched, but you can see that people like Anna Hazarea and Prasanth Bushan are standing up against the government to bring in laws to stop the curroption and bring back the black money that is there in Swizz and other banks all around the world.
Well, if we go by People who are spirituals, Pakistan is going to be stabilized soon but things will get worse more before stabilization. And according to some, Judiciary will be first drop of water in making Pakistan stable
Dear readers, I have read with great interest, your comments. A famous author once began one of his works with the phrase, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Does this saying apply to not only our discussion, but to the common reality we now face? For instance, we have made great progress against the Taliban, yet much remains to be done. And as we have seen they, though much degraded, they are still capable murderous terrorism. The Afghans have made tremendous progress on all fronts, yet much training is still required so that they can not only defend themselves, but also contribute to a common regional stability. Are they worthy partners to the Pakistani military? Perhaps not yet, but as we drawdown and before we leave our trainers will work with the Afghans to ensure they can be part of a common defense pact. In addition, the US drawdown does not mean the end of our commitment to the region. The US and Pakistan are not willing to compromise the safety of our citizens and allow terrorists to create safe havens and regroup to cause further damage. There can, as our special envoy recently said, be no reconciliation or compromise in Afghanistan without the involvement of Pakistan. I might add that we welcome the committed partnership and deep involvement of Pakistan on all matters related to security. Perhaps as our cooperation grows ever more mature it will then be only “the best of times.”

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Factors for an Ideal Pakistani state(imho)

1. Independent Judicial system.......... (Achieved)
2. 1 Single Education system............. (Big Fat NO)
3. Strong Media. ..............................(Achieved. and getting better.)
4. Gutsy Leadership...........................(NOooooooo. not yet.)
5. Strong & Uninterfered Institutions...(No)
. Army ..(Yes to some extent)
. ISI......(Yes to some extent)
. Police..(BIG FAT NO)
. HEC.....(gone :cry:)
. PCB.....(hopefully yes in the future with the interference of ICC)
. Others.(No)

This is strictly my personal opinion. You are welcomed to disagree and add comments and replyies...
Never in history has a nation have to face negative circumstances for too long.
At one time America was divided in two.
Britain was facing regular attacks by the IRA.
India was battling a raging Sikh insurgency.
These tough times came to an end because there was national consensus that the challenges being faced by the nations in question must be tackled, I have not seen any nation take as much punishment as Pakistan has in the past ten years. We faced terrorism, we faced two class 1 disasters, we faced internal discord, a raging insurgency in Balochistan, we faced political uncertainty and we faced rampant corruption, we faced record inflation yet we are still doing marginally well. That's something to be proud of. The only reason we can't overcome these problems is because we fail to develop national consensus against them. The very day we develop national consensus and decide that we are against terrorism, and that we will not re-elect corrupt politicians to office again and again because they are from our province, will be the first day to a better Pakistan.
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