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They want to kill me, I’ve recorded a video message & kept it in a secret place. : IK

I hope civil unrest follows up with nukes flying towards India.
strong possibility... unfortunately
Everyone knows “opposition parties” another failed attempt to seek attention.
I don't know what to make of imran khan. What does he want? Total chaos? Total collapse of the current system? Total collapse of institutions?
Why is he being selfish? Why is he proposing for early elections. Why not wait out the year or whatever is left for the next elections?

Is his greed getting the best of him that he is willing to destroy this whole country?

What if a raw agent happens to kill imran khan and in his video he names generals other party members, etc... this will bring Total collapse to the country. He is making Pakistan vulnerable for his selfish greed.
If it happens we Pakistanis need to make sure no politician from Noon and PPP survives including top brass.

In order to remove fitna and evil like Niazi I don’t mind losing people from Noon or PPP.

I don't know what to make of imran khan. What does he want? Total chaos? Total collapse of the current system? Total collapse of institutions?
Why is he being selfish? Why is he proposing for early elections. Why not wait out the year or whatever is left for the next elections?

Is his greed getting the best of him that he is willing to destroy this whole country?

What if a raw agent happens to kill imran khan and in his video he names generals other party members, etc... this will bring Total collapse to the country. He is making Pakistan vulnerable for his selfish greed.

Nothing will happen, BB was much better leader then him, she was killed in blast. Khan is living in fantasy world, he thinks he is so popular that his life will impact 99% households in Pakistan.
I don't know what to make of imran khan. What does he want? Total chaos? Total collapse of the current system? Total collapse of institutions?
Why is he being selfish? Why is he proposing for early elections. Why not wait out the year or whatever is left for the next elections?

Is his greed getting the best of him that he is willing to destroy this whole country?

What if a raw agent happens to kill imran khan and in his video he names generals other party members, etc... this will bring Total collapse to the country. He is making Pakistan vulnerable for his selfish greed.
establishment carried him for 20 years now- "bhugto"
He is not right in the head nor is the most idiotic COAS to ever grace the office - both are retards who are taking down everything with them

both have very big egoe's - but in this situation, COAS needs to back down cause the public comes first before you or the institution you are dragging with you
I don't know what to make of imran khan. What does he want? Total chaos? Total collapse of the current system? Total collapse of institutions?
Why is he being selfish? Why is he proposing for early elections. Why not wait out the year or whatever is left for the next elections?

Is his greed getting the best of him that he is willing to destroy this whole country?

What if a raw agent happens to kill imran khan and in his video he names generals other party members, etc... this will bring Total collapse to the country. He is making Pakistan vulnerable for his selfish greed.
yeah lets not name these rascals! what a passive person you are? and what system? this system is the reason Pakistan is in this mess and you wants to continue that with business as usual?
It's the opposite. Immi is willing to totally annihilate everyone unless he's placed back on the driving seat. Regurgitate the same old shit and fancy words and insults for the institution. Kabhi chowkidar, neutrals, janwar.....

Ab bhai jan assassination kay narayy....

Functioning country with courrption and shit >>> nonfunctioning country.
Laanat hai khata hai to lagata b hai jaisi soch rakhne walo pe. Corruption ik lanat hai.
People keep on sharing this stuff of IK is more macho by not taking care of his safety and somehow this is something to admire
If we care for Pakistan then every sane person should criticize the hell outta IK for not taking care of his safety instead of these frankly stupid SM bs where people admire this retarted behavior
Burn the system down along with the scum American puppet establishment.

If IK gets to Islamabad with huge crowd, a new system will be demanded.
There is a conspiracy to kill me in a closed room. If something happens to me, I have made a video and kept it in a safe place in which the names of every conspirator have been mentioned which the whole nation will see.

Look who is speaking.....

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