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They want to kill me, I’ve recorded a video message & kept it in a secret place. : IK

Well I hope they are not stupid. They know the harsh consequences of killing khan at this time.
And I thought Indian politics was funny....You guys have taken it to a different level.
In our language there is proverbial.
ایک جگہ کچھ نکٹے بیٹھے تھے۔ انہوں نے طے کیا اگر کوئی ناک والا آئے گا تو ہمارا مذاق اڑائے گا تو ہم پہلے ہی سے اسے کہنا شروع کردیں گیں دیکھو ناک والا آگیا، ناک والا آگیا۔

English tranalation:
Some chopped nosed people were sitting at a place. They though if a normal person will come he will ridicule us so let's ridicule him first before he does so we should all say here come a person who has a nose.

Note: only For people with a functioning brain.
There are so many conspiracies against good people - even high profile personalities - in Pakistan, that if they were all revealed it would demoralise the country on a scale much larger than 1971, Bhutto or Imran's death ever will.

I hope the day comes when the country is stable enough that we can look back in disgust, learn our lesson, and move on peacefully when all is revealed.
Good people are killed in Pakistan and no one cares - I can give you a list of people I know that have ended up deceased in suspicious circumstances- some very brilliant and beautiful souls- what’s the point .

Until the status quo changes it’s all gravy.
‏ماریہ میمن : جو لوگ سازش روک سکتے تھے انکو آپ نے بتایا تو انہوں نے آپکی بات کیوں نہیں سنی؟

شیریں مزاری : ایک طبقہ ہے انکے انٹرسٹ امریکہ کے ساتھ وابستہ. وہ کہتے ہیں ہم امریکہ کو نہیں چھوڑ سکتے. اس لیے وہ سازشی عناصر ہمارے خلاف ہوگئے.

اس فورم کا ہر فرد جانتا ہے شیریں مزاری کس طبقے کی بات کر رہی ہے۔
BB was assassinated but her husband was there to calm the situation
Because he himself was the killer and made sure no culprit was found in his wife's murder case
Bro - south Asians in general think they complete mbbs and migrate abroad - get their PLAB and $$$ 💰. Reality is much harsher - you stand better employment prospects of your a nurse than a fully qualified daktar in the US or UK at present.

The ones that make it are top tier in their field though.
My nephew is a doctor in the UK - the pay is rubbish and the hours are insane - consider Canada or believe it or not Seoul if you have a high TOIEC/ILETS score.

UK is the worst place for MD’s to settle. A lot of the ones that come to America and can’t pass the test, just resettle in dubai after getting the blue bassbort.
Because he himself was the killer and made sure no culprit was found in his wife's murder case
Some close PPP workers who were close to bb too told me zardari involved. Later one ppp eye witness khalid shehensha was also assassinated.
Zardari is the beneficiary, but facts have not come.
The ones that make it are top tier in their field though.
This. Yar mera apna bara cousin did his phd in nanotechnology in addition to doing his MBBS - he’s only just become an assistant lecturer.

I hear from family and friends in the UK and US who are the medical field about just how hard it actually is. All is not paved with gold 😊
Good people are killed in Pakistan and no one cares
You saw how quickly support for the army collapsed over Imran Khan, without him uttering a word against them - there are more respected and high profile victims of conspiracies which would turn the population against the state itself. The level of betrayal felt will be too immense.

Unfortunately, when us ordinary joes are victims people shrug and move on.
Bruh doing politics at the cost of state. Don't know what his endgame is. Even if he comes back to power, i don't think he would make any difference.

Pakistan is a sinking ship better to eject before we turn into syria. I hope i am able to leave this country for good in the next 2 3 years.
dont worry no one accepting Pakistani beggars due to economic conditions...better stay here
The equivalency test is very difficult. My cousin had to prepare for an entire year before taking it. A lot of Pakistani md’s give up on it entirely and end up driving ubers.

Not that difficult. If you're consistent and academically good, you get through it. Yes it takes time but it's worth it.
Bro - south Asians in general think they complete mbbs and migrate abroad - get their PLAB and $$$ 💰. Reality is much harsher - you stand better employment prospects of your a nurse than a fully qualified daktar in the US or UK at present.

People leave after working for 6 7 years to the gulf. Most doctors who go to the UK go because of the passport prospect. Know plenty of docs working in Gulf after working in England for sometime.

US is an entirely different ball game. Yes you earn a shit load of money. Don't know what you're talking about but a consultant after residency averages 250000k a year. Plenty of seniors in the state who are content. It's better to be a dog in Pakistan then to be a young doc.
Bruh doing politics at the cost of state. Don't know what his endgame is. Even if he comes back to power, i don't think he would make any difference.

Pakistan is a sinking ship better to eject before we turn into syria. I hope i am able to leave this country for good in the next 2 3 years.
what bloody state? do we even have a state? its just one rogue institution controlling everything for their personal gains!
US is an entirely different ball game. Yes you earn a shit load of money. Don't know what you're talking about but a consultant after residency averages 250000k a year. Plenty of seniors in the state who are content. It's better to be a dog in Pakistan then to be a young doc.

As someone who has family practicing in the US - trust me - Pakistanis don’t make the cut in the medical field.
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