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They want to kill me, I’ve recorded a video message & kept it in a secret place. : IK

hasn't this conversation happened a few thousand times over here on this forum? I'll name something like Ashoka or some other Maurya, or some later empire, you'll dismiss it on whatever grounds they usually dismiss it (not large enough, not wide enough, too old etc etc). I'll recommend you read something like India: a Sacred Geography by Diana L. Eck.

but this is off topic, I don't want to agitate Sainthood further. take care of Imran Khan, or Pakistan might once again be seen as the monkey with a gun in the hand who might soon randomly at someone, or that characterisation might just come true if people like Raja420 are in the military.
Lol.. debated to death here that.. your religion and mythical stories are not history..you believe in it fine..dont impose it on the world to be the "truth"..
Btw mauryas were people of present day Pakistan so was porus Who was part of Pakistans history. Not indian history a nation state formed in 47.. If I start calling cou try asia doesnt mean I own the chinese civilization as well.
It is also risky because someone like WikiLeaks can come along and release the video before Imran's intended time. Also bit torrent distribution can be an option for unencrypted video as well.
Highly doubt anyone beyond NSA has access to resources to crack AES-256. If it were possible, people would have been stealing secrets left right and centre. Besides, if it were a leak, it can happen even now.

Mostly, I don't think that Imran has any such recorded video. He could just be coming with such new announcements in every Jalsa to keep the mob on edge :pop:
Its a risky gambit. Imran fears his life and is putting hedge to prevent an attempt on it. That being said, its a risky gambit.
I know my OWN history ..dear indian.
Thanks my dear polish ambassador
No thanks. I am pretty sure I'll live a decent life if i end up in the US or UK with my medical degree. I hope the visa works out for other aspirants as well.
Hahahaha patwariyon ke khwaab. Good luck getting residency with a Pakistani degree pappu.
mauryas were people of present day Pakistan
they were from present day Bihar but whatever man. keep living in your own world.
they were from present day Bihar but whatever man. keep living in your own world.
They were from around chitral swat and taxila.. the cradle of vedic civilization. That's where near taxila the king sandrokottus maurya grew up...
They were from around chitral swat and taxila.. the cradle of vedic civilization. That's where near taxila the king sandrokottus maurya grew up...
1. It's Chandragupta, stop using Greek transliterations.
2. Where are pulling that out of? All sources state he was with Chankya somewhere in Eastern/Central India and attacked Nandas later, and was only taken to Taxila to be taught by for some time. he wasn't "from there".

Again, stop making shit up.
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1. It's Chandragupta, stop using Greek transliterations.
2. Where are pulling that out of? All sources state he was with Chankya somewhere in Eastern/Central India and attacked Nandas later.

Again, stop making shit up.
Chandragupta was some king of your imperial gupta dynasty. You folks confuse him with sandrokottus maurya of maurya dynasty.. you just tried to relate Chandra with sandro as they sound same however evidence this was coincidental was the predecessor and successor names of sandrokottus in greek history are totally different from those of your chandra gupta..
Furthermore mauryan rule moved west to east and it was mauryans who made peace with greeks in gandhara present day Pakistan.. a person who grew up here..studied in taxila and ruled here had nothing to do with beharie other than the fact he Introduced greek architecture to the ganges basin....mauryans were people of gandhara..so dont confuse them with something else.
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Chandraguta was some king of your imperial gupta dynasty. You folks confuse him with sandrokottus maurya of maurya dynasty.. you just tried to relate Chandra with sandro as they sound same however evidence this was coincidental was the predecessor and successor names of sandrokottus in greek history are totally different from those of your chandra gupta..
these are pseudo-historical conspiracy theories not accepted by any scholar of any repute. I will not reply any further, when all of got is nonsense like this.
these are pseudo-historical conspiracy theories not accepted by any scholar of any repute. I will not reply any further, when all of got is nonsense like this.
what are theories are actually mythical stories from your religious scripts.basic chronology fails expose them...

there were so many chandra khatta meetas in your own history.. you first need to fight it out among yourselves ..

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