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They just don’t care: Israeli Backpackers in India

Israel can survive without India. This is a fact.

And the same holds true for India..
I think I made this crystal clear in my last comment that India's relation with Israel is mutually beneficial

As to your point about changes in relations between nation’s states this is only partly true. America will never abandon Israel; the defense of Israel is a key part of the national debate in even the Presidential elections. Obama and Hagel may have toned it down somewhat, but Israel’s special relationship with America will always remain. For better or for worse.

That may very well be true in the case of Israel no denying that, but still doesnt take away from the fact that the US has turned its back on some of its former allies..
One can only learn from history...

As for Israel not providing you something you cannot get elsewhere, that is a two-way street.

So then why the arrogance? We both know that survival of either country is not based on the sale of military hardware to India..

Israel can easily take its markets elsewhere as well. Remember Israel doesn’t need your “economic fuel,” as much as you need Israel’s advance military equipment.

What India needs or does not, is not for you to decide...so best for you to stay away from this line of argument

**** off 1/6 of the world’s population? Israel has pissed off more than that. They’ve continuously pissed off about 2 billion Muslims, so yes, they can live with pissing you off. Again you overstate your worth and value.

I stand by my statement...One cannot have enough friends in geo-politics, especially when you're in a toxic environment such as that of Israels..

Finally to your last point North Korea also has Nuclear weapons and a ten million man army, yet when it says something it has more weight than anything India says.

For the same reason one pays heed to a terrorists' demands...
I dont see how this demonstrates India's position in the world..

You can barely take on your neighbors, even with your massive size and population.

Well the US for all its claims of being a superpower with the greatest military on earth lost out in the Koreas, Vietnam and Afghanistan...
Seems we arent alone here...

Oh and you were never “neutral.” You should do some historical reading into your nations history, you served the Soviets, and you picked your sides. You directly opposed us in Afghanistan, supporting the Communists.

Because it served our interest..
We signed a treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with the USSR only because we were being threatened by the US and China and it served our interest in '71..
Similarly, we supported the communist movement, followed by the northern alliance to allow for an india friendly afghanistan...
Officially, we are and have been non-aligned...

You mention Pakistan and Cuba, yet they both will be better off after what we do to you.

And pray tell what is that?

Remember you are nothing more than cannon fodder for us against China.

And you seem to be under the impression that India will be doing US's bidding when dealing with China...
You need to tone down the arrogance and realize that India will work for its own interests...and if that entails going to war, its to settle our scores...NOT YOURS!

Israel, and Western Europe, run by our dictation, your “economic boom,” is reliant upon us. When we pull the plug India goes back to the 7th Century.

You will serve your purpose and be cut down in time.

Clearly I was right when I said that Israel (or for that matter any country in the world) needs as many friends as it can...
Americans it seems treat inter-state relations, trade and cooperation like a game of risk..

Your statement above demonstrates exactly the kind of attitude that makes nations wary of being close to the US...

Finally, maybe you should brush up on your spelling and grammar, don’t insult my language. And oh, seeing as how your true loyalties lie with India, maybe you should move back there? We don’t need you here.

I dont think anyone asked, nor cares about your views on the above, so best stick to the topic..

PS: Didnt know English was invented in the US...
And the same holds true for India..
I think I made this crystal clear in my last comment that India's relation with Israel is mutually beneficial

That may very well be true in the case of Israel no denying that, but still doesnt take away from the fact that the US has turned its back on some of its former allies..
One can only learn from history...

So then why the arrogance? We both know that survival of either country is not based on the sale of military hardware to India..

What India needs or does not, is not for you to decide...so best for you to stay away from this line of argument

I stand by my statement...One cannot have enough friends in geo-politics, especially when you're in a toxic environment such as that of Israels..

For the same reason one pays heed to a terrorists' demands...
I dont see how this demonstrates India's position in the world..

Well the US for all its claims of being a superpower with the greatest military on earth lost out in the Koreas, Vietnam and Afghanistan...
Seems we arent alone here...

Because it served our interest..
We signed a treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with the USSR only because we were being threatened by the US and China and it served our interest in '71..
Similarly, we supported the communist movement, followed by the northern alliance to allow for an india friendly afghanistan...
Officially, we are and have been non-aligned...

And pray tell what is that?

And you seem to be under the impression that India will be doing US's bidding when dealing with China...
You need to tone down the arrogance and realize that India will work for its own interests...and if that entails going to war, its to settle our scores...NOT YOURS!

Clearly I was right when I said that Israel (or for that matter any country in the world) needs as many friends as it can...
Americans it seems treat inter-state relations, trade and cooperation like a game of risk..

Your statement above demonstrates exactly the kind of attitude that makes nations wary of being close to the US...

I dont think anyone asked, nor cares about your views on the above, so best stick to the topic..

PS: Didnt know English was invented in the US...

What you are doing is a classic case of turning an argument on its head. Instead of bringing the U.S. and its experiences and relations in the world into the argument, focus on your own nation. You haven’t proven once how Israel needs you; instead you spend more time attacking America. I could address all of your nonsensical points, but I do not want to take this thread on a tangent. I’ll save it for another day.

At the end of the day if you and the rest of your nation wish to be abused by the Israelis, fine by me. Historically you have remained a nation of slaves, mentally, and physically. Can’t change your genes now can we? Oh and English may not have been invented in America, but it is our language just as much as it is of the British. It isn’t a foreign or alien language, such as it is in your own nation. But slaves such as yourself take pride in pretending it is, no? And I will say that last part again, if you don’t like America, leave. If you live in this nation, in which you are an immigrant, you better learn to respect, and be loyal to it. If your loyalties lie with India, then adios bud. I’m done with you though. No point in arguing with a fool. Though it seems as it is a collective problem, your call centers buddies in the Rape Capital of the World could gladly enlighten you about it.

Check post number #111 , #116 by notsuperstitious
This guy insulted me and doesn't have the manners to talk to a girl. I hope you take this under consideration.
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What truck load of BS :sick: only last month i have traveled to the mountains with lot of Israelis first in the train then in the buses/cabs they are good people and friend of India. :tup:
palestinians are a created people in an artificial land much like yours. That's why you have great affinity towards them.

Pakistanis are the indigenous of the land they reside on, or does your alternate Hindutva history state that we are all Turks, Arabs, Persians etc? The land isn't artificial either and has existed as part of one empire or another, just like the bulk of the Indian land mass i.e. states or states under one empire.
You are a blind fool if you believe Israel needs India in any way shape or form. As long as America stands on this earth, Israel needs no other nation for international or diplomatic support. America has both veto power in the UNSC as well as the most influence over world states. India? What exactly has India ever done for Israel internationally or diplomatically? Last I checked you abstained or voted in favor of upgrading Palestinian statehood in the UN.

Out of the 10 Muslims states that have recognized Israel, India helped ease tensions in NONE OF THEM! (Egypt, Jordon, Turkey, Albania, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan) Delirious Indians. You aren't worth much too any country in the world. Though from this forum I have gotten the feeling that you believe you are critical players in world affairs. You failed to serve the Soviets during the Cold War, and now you're nothing more than cannon fodder against China.

I can see hidden bigotry in your post. Our FOreign policy, is Non aligned movement, and I hope u know the meaning of it.
Its true, USA would protect Israel till ever last. But I am talking of having a face. India have the second largest Muslim population in the world, and not the Muslim countries you had mentioned in the bracket.
Israel would just use India's name, of having strong ties with the second largest Muslim nation on earth.
As for ur last accusations, We never played for soviets in Afghanistan, though they had helped us, and we would snub USA, many times, they try to play us against China. We would like peacefull developement, unlike the bloods americans have on their hands, though at times justified.
We do not influence many countries, but many countries count upon India, to be in our good books, just for sheer brownie points for diplomacy. They use our name, and we use them when we need.
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