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They Hatin see us Rolling they hatin

Pakistan has been collapsed since independence ,incompetent government /dictatorship moving from one war to another .look at the GDP its lesser than African countries .

Thank you for the eye

What a thoughtless idea---and you got so many like over it.

Show very well---that pakistanis are not very intelligent peole.

For better management---you need smaller governing units----.

Just like your BACKBONE---why is it in smaller pieces---because it can flex move and turn.

A single piece back bone would break under stress.

Now---for pakistanis---don't cherish this statement----that is what you thrive oin listening to this kindof B S---pakistan is still living---. You need to do better---you can do better---you must do better.

I am actually surprised listening to your thoughts which term something of a milestone address as pure BS. You can have difference of opinion with me but please avoid disrespecting the leaders who visioned Pakistan. I suggest you take your words back.
LOL a country which is in a state on war for 3 decades we are still doing alot better than you guys being a BRIC country is an achievement wait untill we joined that too .... because according to graphs we will be one on the top 8 economic powerhouses and u can't ignore a south asian state with deep ties with the biggest BRIC member after its economy is in top 8 :P :D

Doing better than us how?
Are you the fastest growing nation in the world set to be grow consistently so for the next few decades?
How is your R&D better than ours?
And guess what we were in the same level in the 50s and 60s.

Your army has uprooted your government more than once, you are in the lower HDI lists. your debts are increasing, you lot lead in nothing except in being the country with the largest refugee population, marred with terrorist attacks and so much more.

Get off you high horse already, what graphs are you looking at, school blackboards?
LOL Pakistan in BRICS is a joke.:rofl::rofl:
We have more trade with China than you do.:yes4:
that east part is independent and a sovereign country NOT part of India.
@asad71 can fill you more

Tajikistan or Kyrgyztan is also independent and sovereign countries NOT part of Russian Federation .
What is the point ?
Fact is Pakistan dont have the half lands and resources that inherited from Brits after 1971.That was my point.

i m sorry but i saw allot of chinese posting the myth created by the international media or anyother organisation on their bubble economy just for the information of the the people like u who believes anything that goes the way they want to and than they literally make hilarious comments for the people like you so that you might come out of your your disney land world and see the real picture we did the same just reminded you guys to keep on predicting our collapse so that we can prove you wrong everytime and see your faces after that just like we are doing right now you still in DENIAL mode look HILARIOUS believe me :D LOL
SORRY MY FRIEND BUT YOU ON PDF WASTED 2 and half years and haven't learned a bit .......

LOL a country which is in a state on war for 3 decades we are still doing alot better than you guys being a BRIC country is an achievement wait untill we joined that too .... because according to graphs we will be one on the top 8 economic powerhouses and u can't ignore a south asian state with deep ties with the biggest BRIC member after its economy is in top 8 :P :D

Comprehension problem ?
I didnt see a single thread from Chinese that claims that their survival is somekind of miracle :D

Certainly not. Pakistan exists INSPITE of the decisions and policies of other nations. Some of whom also happen to be the world's most powerful military and some who are many more times bigger than us with abundant access to the world's most sophisticated weapons. Pakistan has none of those privileges. Apart from Pakistan, no nation on earth or that has ever existed in the history of man has ever survived those odds. That is a miracle that no.Patriotic Pakistani will evet forget.

Lol.......at least you're being honest. Credit where it's due.

Mashallah. Turkey is a brother nation and an inspiration to all Pakistanis.

Have your heard about an ASEAN nation ?
So far US didnt directly interefered in Pakistan except in your conspiracy theories and delusional minds.
In Vietnam they did 25 years of cruelty .

You are underlining the same thing again and again.
Pakistans existence is totally based on some others policies and decisions .
We can always have difference in opinion. :)


Opinions need to be based on some fundamental truths---opinions need to move you forward and not clamp you down.

Thank you for the eye

I am actually surprised listening to your thoughts which term something of a milestone address as pure BS. You can have difference of opinion with me but please avoid disrespecting the leaders who visioned Pakistan. I suggest you take your words back.

Tajikistan or Kyrgyztan is also independent and sovereign countries NOT part of Russian Federation .
What is the point ?
Fact is Pakistan dont have the half lands and resources that inherited from Brits after 1971.That was my point.

Comprehension problem ?
I didnt see a single thread from Chinese that claims that their survival is somekind of miracle :D

Have your heard about an ASEAN nation ?
So far US didnt directly interefered in Pakistan except in your conspiracy theories and delusional minds.
In Vietnam they did 25 years of cruelty .

You are underlining the same thing again and again.
Pakistans existence is totally based on some others policies and decisions .

From your POV they are conspiracy theories and delusions. From our's they are not. The people who run america clearly wrote in their 1999/00 manifesto that they intend to destroy Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan and Iran. They claimed that Pakistan would be partitioned into 4/5 different states by 2015 at the latest. We know the fate of the 1st 4 of those unfortunate nations but Pakistan and Iran are still standing strong. There is a pertinent set of reasons why that is so which have already been discussed countless times on PDF and I have no doubt they will be discussed again. What is very telling from your post is that you being a foreigner to us find it difficult to see things from our POV just as I probably would struggle to see things from an indian perspective.

The creation of East Pakistan was a big mistake. YOU CANNOT create a single entity from 2 nations 1000s of kms apart who both differ in terms of race, genetics, culture and heritage. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE AND WRONG TO DO SO.
You talked so blithely about Iqbal. Have you not read any of his poetry ?
Why not... his "Sare Jahan se achha hindostan hamara, hum bulbulen hain iski yeh gulsitan hamara...." has been granted the status of quaumi tarana in India and he is well reverred for that.
From your POV they are conspiracy theories and delusions. From our's they are not. The people who run america clearly wrote in their 1999/00 manifesto that they intend to destroy Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan and Iran. They claimed that Pakistan would be partitioned into 4/5 different states by 2015 at the latest. We know the fate of the 1st 4 of those unfortunate nations but Pakistan and Iran are still standing strong. There is a pertinent set of reasons why that is so which have already been discussed countless times on PDF and I have no doubt they will be discussed again. What is very telling from your post is that you being a foreigner to us find it difficult to see things from our POV just as I probably would struggle to see things from an indian perspective.

Wrong .In nations that you mentioned above except Pakistan all other nations had stubborn anti US leaders like Saddam,Gaddafi,Assad etc .Taliban was in Afghanistan which also anti US .
But in Pakistan US always got a section of puppet leaders that would do anything for US .
Why should they destroy such a big advantage ?
Iran is in a different league .Pakistan cant compared with them .Only West Asian nation that standing against US publicly and proudly .Persian pride and their age old civilizational ties ,oil,good diplomacy etc helped them from US wrath .
Your friends ,your allies ,your foes ,all are yourselves not others .
Pakistan will stay I.A because Pakistan was born to live. Pakistan Zindabad. :pakistan:
Wrong .In nations that you mentioned above except Pakistan all other nations had stubborn anti US leaders like Saddam,Gaddafi,Assad etc .Taliban was in Afghanistan which also anti US .
But in Pakistan US always got a section of puppet leaders that would do anything for US .
Why should they destroy such a big advantage ?
Iran is in a different league .Pakistan cant compared with them .Only West Asian nation that standing against US publicly and proudly .Persian pride and their age old civilizational ties ,oil,good diplomacy etc helped them from US wrath .
Your friends ,your allies ,your foes ,all are yourselves not others .

Don't know where you got the notion they were anti-American. That's very hard to believe. By late 2002 Saddam Hussein given in to ALL UN and american demands and even offered to sell Iraqi oil to america for record low prices. Saddam Hussein even agreed to let the americans come to Iraq in a non military fashion to destroy any WMDs they may find. That IS WHY so many western countries opposed the Iraq invasion of 2003. It did not however in any way prevent the destruction of Iraq with the slaughter of millions.

Gaddaffi is the biggest clown in the world. At the end he disarmed his nation, embraced the west and bowed down to them and their demands yet they still killed him like a dog and destroyed his nation.

If Pakistanis were so pro American then we would not have forged a brotherhood with China nor would we produce nukes.

Iran has not had any significant purchase of western or Russian advanced weapons or any assistance from them (unlike so many other nations) yet still has a powerful conventional weapons capability. They have used their own ingenuity and intelligence to INDIGENOUSLY produce high tech weapons without help from the west or Russia. Therefore I agree with some of your assertions of Iran.
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