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They Hatin see us Rolling they hatin

I work with a Pakistani team on project A and Indian team on Project B..my fair experience is that

The Indian teams complains a lot and is slow at work causing inefficiencies. They will also put up with everything and have a strong bureaucracy among themselves to cover each other back. The problems do not surface until it is too late.

The Pakistani team has a get it done attitude they will not complain and work around problems with sheer persistence.

The down side is that Pakistanis are three times more expensive to recruit not only in outright wages but also in materials and supplies. For example the Indian team will happily work with China made tools. For Pakistani team we have to buy top quality German made tools. When company was forcing them to accept the low quality tools they simply started throwing them away and buy their own. Pakistanis also tend to be very aggressive among each other which is bad because with disputes happen they are sure to overflow big.
Why are you dragging India into duscussion, is it just becase i am indian?

But this failed state award was given to pakistan by Westren media and analysts not India.

But this typical mentality is expected from Every Pakistani , When failed just drag Iindia into it and make excuse.

And it would be better if compare yourself to bangladesh bhutan north korea etc

Edit: Bangladesh would be surpassing you very soon

EXACTLY, PRECISELY. That's what I have been emphasizing myself. I was trying to keep india out of this but some of your fellow countrymen came here and started trolling so I responded in kind. This in no way is directed at you personally. I started off making this a Pakistan vs american neo con/establishment situation but your compatriots had other ideas. From my 1st post in this thread:

Pakistan is a "failed state". We have "failed" to become a nation that cow-tows to american demands and wishes. We'd rather be like that then the "success" stories of Iraq and Afghanistan that the americans want us to be.

From a Pakistani POV I could not care less what the americans or the white race in general thinks of us or calls us. The only thing that matters is that these people cannot do to us what they did to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or Syria. So far Pakistan has been successful in preventing this. If that means that these people call us "failed state" then I'm cool with that.
Why are you dragging India into duscussion, is it just becase i am indian?

But this failed state award was given to pakistan by Westren media and analysts not India.

This typical mentality is expected from Every Pakistani , When failed just drag India into it and make excuse.

And it would be better if compare yourself to bangladesh bhutan north korea etc

Edit: Bangladesh would be surpassing you very soon

You're right we should compare our self with other countries rather a country with 70% population who are not even capable to earn 1 $ in a week (under poverty) a state where half of the districts under separation movements lol a state who are interfering in other countries matters (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Srilanka, Nepal, Bangaldesh) a country having strong obsession with her neighbor even world realize inke sooch bas Pakistan kay khelaaf he phansi rahayge sare omar.. so give 1 statement against Pakistan and get what you want from India LOLzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz you're right... no body can compare themself with supa-poti-puwa India
Most Indians on PDF agree that the creations of Pakistan, india and bangladesh were the best thing to have happened to india. Pakistanis got a nation were they could preserve their unique racial, cultural heritage and way of life. The bangladeshis got their own land and indian got a land of their own to progress the way you people want to and create the destiny for your own people.

When all said and done and no matter what, the destiny of the Pakistani nation and people is completely different and parallel to that of the indian people. We are completely separate entities to one another and neither do Indians understand Pakistanis nor do we understand you people. So both sets of people cannot judge one another.

It's very disturbing to see that after holding out for 37 years, the Iranians have given in and acquiesced to western demands to halt their nuclear program. That is EXACTLY what the west had done to colonel Quadaffi and Libya. They gave in and disarmed themselves just to please the white man. Now the Iranians are doing the same. I suspect the west is softening Iran up for a potential attack within the next 5-10 years. A country as advanced and educated as Iran could not become a nuclear weapons state yet Pakistan did against all odds and the whole world (except China) against them. That is a MASSIVE MASSIVE achievement that can NEVER EVER be underestimated and should be celebrated more often. Pakistan can do that they can do anything. Our enemies know full well our capabilities hence are reluctant to attack us. Here is an article from 2011 that independently confirms Pakistan's ability to produce H-Bombs and thermonuclear weapons 5 years ago:


If food is so cheap and available in india then over 40% of indian children would not be malnourished:

The very article you are referring to points that India has the largest subsidising program in the world .

More importantly , read the freaking report . the report itself debunks the entire click bait article . They only surveyed 9 indian states . India has 29 states . (4 of which are the poorest states in India .)


Nothing in the report reflects the entire population of the country , which by default debunks the retarded 40% theory.the click bait western news agencies are referring to this :

" In the 100 Focus Districts, 42 per cent of children under five are underweight and 59 per cent are stunted"

In no reality does 100 districts represent the 1.2 billion people in the 7th largest country .

Don't take my word for it but even your fellow Indians claim that india's poverty level is not 12% but probably is 67%:


They are talking about our massive subsidy scheam , the amount of subsidy rice being sold is equal to consumption of 67% the population ,ie the poverty rate should be 67% . Its mocking the government, there is literally no research behind this, read the article before you post it .
Based upon the above realities of india, it would be very difficult for any non-indian to envy or be jealous of india.

Based on the above posts all you have proven is how desperate you are nothing more .
Personally I'm glad that the west and others did not sell us their high-tech conventional weapons as Pakistan would never had become a nuclear weapons state nor would it have become so militarily self-sufficient.
Nearly all of your arms are imported , ships , jets , subs . You guys don't even have the tech or funds to build indigenous tech . Which India not only builds but also exports it to other countries .

Most Indians on PDF agree that the creations of Pakistan, india and bangladesh were the best thing to have happened to india.
5 users doesn't represent the population of 1.3 billion . Most here are talking not wanting reunification , which I support . Pakistan & Bangladesh will just add to the existing mess ,what I'm talking about is 70 years prior partition .
Pakistanis got a nation were they could preserve their unique racial, cultural heritage and way of life. The bangladeshis got their own land and indian got a land of their own to progress the way you people want to and create the destiny for your own people.
There was no Bangladesh in 1947, it was the integral part of Pakistan . They were culturally closer to India than Pakistan could ever be . I hate suger coating history , our history is as gore as 2 dogs ripping a steak when their master left. It's always been about power for the politics nothing more . There is no honor nor pride in our partition .

people is completely different and parallel to that of the indian people. We are completely separate entities to one another and neither do Indians understand Pakistanis nor do we understand you people. So both sets of people cannot judge one another.

The region is a sub continent , our western bordering states have identical culture as Pakistan , while south & east Indian culture appears foreign to them. The open secret is , India is a country with no majority , a religion with a million gods & belief system .

Apart from tin foil hat conspiracies on India you haven't answered any of my points. If you are going to derail the thread at least keep the conversation on topic for both parties .

How is Pakistan not a a collapsed economy ?
Pakistani's seem to have some kind of collective chip on their shoulder.

The world also thought that India won't survive for long when the British left. Here we are today.

Yet, no Indian seems to take pride or boast about the 'achievement of continuing to exist'. Neither does China.
We were poor, we still are poor albeit lesser so. We take pride in what we accomplish after existing, and improving our lot... not simply celebrate existing.

I guess Hussain Haqqani is right in his analysis then when he says there is a culture of fear psychosis fed into everyone by the Establishment(Pakistan Army) to justify their hallowed existence and power.

Since they fail to win any land for Pakistan in wars(their raison d'etre), they justify the continued existence of Pakistan itself against the World, as the win for Pakistan Army and feed it to the masses.

@Oscar @Irfan Baloch
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Lol. Nukes and adventures do not make leaders. :lol:

Despite Nukes the efforts to separate Shias from Pakistan failed. All efforts to make Pakistan a sunni state failed. Zia announced to make it sunni state and did his best to declare shias as kafirs by building shia killer gangs.

sunnis elect their own leaders in iran and have representation in Parliament. they do not have leaders just like sunnis in Pakistan have dumb leaders. Shias have strong leadership. Sunnis among themselves do not fit for leader role. ISI tried to produce amirol momineen Mulla Omar but it did not worked. :lol:

regarding taliban you only wrote a joke that a Leader paksitan followed saudi iran and made taliban :lol: thanks u agree that atleasat one shia killer terror gang out of 100s more was created by pakistan themselves.

when Pakistan is sending mercenaries and generals to bahrain, saudi, syria, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, it is no position to lead ummah.

dreams and assumptions and nukes and strong military are not the qualifications to lead ummah.

So there is no chance of Pakistan leading ummah except it can go ahead with some adventures liek usa, saudi, ,israel and then turn to UN for face saving deals.

Pakistan has huge capabilities and thru Justice and Equality and Prosperity of its People Pakistan will be in Good position and can even lead the world. Everyone and even enemies will respect Pakistan.

If military might, muscle power and big stick dont make you a leader, a super power, an empire, then my friend, I think you have missed your history classes. So would you enlighten us all as if its not Pakistan then who would could lead the Muslim wold? Iran?? I just have a chuckle just at the thoughts of it!

Separating Shias from Pakistan? when this happened? where? why ? who? Did I not mentioned to you that we as a nation have ELECTED many times a shia to lead the country, despite being a sunni majority state? ZA Bhutto, BB, Asif Ali Zardari! Does the collective wisdom of nation which it exercise through the power of vote means nothing to your kind? Or Shia to you only mean a twelver certified and authorized by the Mullahs of Qom? Please speak up your mind, as I am confused. You know and I know, that a Sunni can never become the head of state in Iran, cause if that has to happen, the Iran itself would have to destroyed and rebuild on new foundations of equality and justice, even perhaps their society. This traits of coexistence and mutual respect ONLY and ONLY exists in Pakistan. Neither a Shia can become a head of state in Saudi Arabia neither a Suni in Iran in their current state. PERIOD.

You talk about Zia. Do you know that he refused to send his army personal to Saudi Arabia when the Saudis objected and demanded that the military contingent would only be Sunni. Do you know that it was Zia who made the sole effort and brought Iran back into OIC when the rest of the Muslim world, Arab world in particular threw Iran out in isolation? Dont be naive, understand the real history, not what being thought to your Mullah in Qom or their sidekicks in Pakistan.

So Sunni in Iran are treated like minority! they have their own leaders!! They are not not considered equals! Perhaps we should do that in Pakistan as well. have separate seats for Shias and have them choose their own leaders. so they wont be able to reach the power corridors because the Sunni majority will always make them redundant! You know what, you just confirmed how pathetic and moronic is the system in Iran. Thank Allah a million time that you are a Pakistani, if you are a Pakistani!

We created Taliban for our own interests . To ensure our western flanks are safe and trouble makers like India and Iran are kept at safe distance. The thing which become crystal clear as to why it was the right thing to do afterwards in post 9/11 events when we lost 50000 citizen in the wave of terrorism when all trouble makers gathered on our western flanks. You are not very clever when it comes to geopolitics, that is the impression I am getting. May be indoctrination runs deep in you, may be the likes of Uzair Baluch and Kulbashan Jadev doesn't make any sense to you.

I dont know about Pakistan. but Iranian generals and army officials are certainly coming back home in coffins from far flung places like Syria and Iraq. Lets call spade a spade, if Pakistan was involved, the Iranian involvement in the blood bath which is middle east now is of biblical proportions. Irani and its supporters should be last people to open their mouth about interference on foreign lands.
The very article you are referring to points that India has the largest subsidising program in the world .

More importantly , read the freaking report . the report itself debunks the entire click bait article . They only surveyed 9 indian states . India has 29 states . (4 of which are the poorest states in India .)


Nothing in the report reflects the entire population of the country , which by default debunks the retarded 40% theory.the click bait western news agencies are referring to this :

" In the 100 Focus Districts, 42 per cent of children under five are underweight and 59 per cent are stunted"

In no reality does 100 districts represent the 1.2 billion people in the 7th largest country .

They are talking about our massive subsidy scheam , the amount of subsidy rice being sold is equal to consumption of 67% the population ,ie the poverty rate should be 67% . Its mocking the government, there is literally no research behind this, read the article before you post it .

Based on the above posts all you have proven is how desperate you are nothing more .

Nearly all of your arms are imported , ships , jets , subs . You guys don't even have the tech or funds to build indigenous tech . Which India not only builds but also exports it to other countries .

5 users doesn't represent the population of 1.3 billion . Most here are talking not wanting reunification , which I support . Pakistan & Bangladesh will just add to the existing mess ,what I'm talking about is 70 years prior partition .

There was no Bangladesh in 1947, it was the integral part of Pakistan . They were culturally closer to India than Pakistan could ever be . I hate suger coating history , our history is as gore as 2 dogs ripping a steak when their master left. It's always been about power for the politics nothing more . There is no honor nor pride in our partition .

The region is a sub continent , our western bordering states have identical culture as Pakistan , while south & east Indian culture appears foreign to them. The open secret is , India is a country with no majority , a religion with a million gods & belief system .

Apart from tin foil hat conspiracies on India you haven't answered any of my points. If you are going to derail the thread at least keep the conversation on topic for both parties .

How is Pakistan not a a collapsed economy ?

Rich, poor or well off. I honestly could not give a toss about india. Apart from the security threat, I have no other interest in indian people, culture, heritage or anything indian whatsoever. Personally speaking I have never ever in my life watched an indian film, drama, program or ever endorsed anything indian whatsoever. Have also never ever been on an indian website/forum. Whatever india is or is not I could not care less as I'm never ever going to go to india nor will I ever have anything to do with indian people.

I'm only inteterested in and care about Pakistan and the Pakistani people which is why I spend a lot of time on PDF. Whatever you indians say or think about Pakistan is completely irrelevent and meaningless to us. You are the same people that said pre-May 1998 that Pakistan would never ever possess nuclear weapons with or without Chinese help. That it was impossible to do so. We all know what happened to that indian fantasy and dribble. Just as then, so is now with regards to Pakistan's future and economy.

Don't know how you think Pakistanis are similar to some indians. I have seen 1000s of Pakistanis and western indians here in london and not on 1 occasion have I really noticed anything similar between us Pakistanis and you people.

You are however correct in saying that bengalis and indians are very similar. Almost identical.

PS However you interpret the data from the links I provided in my previous posts, one thing is for certain: indians have more problems to solve in their own country than worrying about Pakistan's survival or economy.

Didn't understand your middle comment, did you say you support Pakistan becoming a part of your country?......lol
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Pakistan only started 2 wars with India (one of which was justified). Also, 49% of Pakistan can speak English. As for what I said about poverty, I am correct.
Three wars:

- 1947
- 1965
- 1999


It is one thing to be able to speak English, it is another to be good at it.


As far as poverty is concerned: http://www.brecorder.com/business-a...ulation-living-below-poverty-line-world-bank/

You need to do some research, because your knowledge is on the same level as a 4 year old.
Was an insult necessary?
Three wars:

- 1947
- 1965
- 1999


It is one thing to be able to speak English, it is another to be good at it.


As far as poverty is concerned: http://www.brecorder.com/business-a...ulation-living-below-poverty-line-world-bank/

Was an insult necessary?

Pakistan only started 1947 and 1999. 1947 was also justified as India took Kashmir despite the fact that we should have gone with Pakistan.

As for poverty, it still isn't as bad as other South Asian countries.

49% can speak English ? In a country where the official literacy rate is 50%.

You know that 49% estimation sounds like bull$%it.

Pakistan has the second lowest literacy rate in south Asia .

The countries literacy rate is now 60%, and yes 49% of them speak English. English is commonly used in Pakistani schools.
Pakistan only started 1947 and 1999. 1947 was also justified as India took Kashmir despite the fact that we should have gone with Pakistan.
Operation Gibraltar led to war in 1965.

As for poverty, it still isn't as bad as other South Asian countries.
It is significant nonetheless. Not a bright side of Pakistan unfortunately.
Rich, poor or well off. I honestly could not give a toss about india. Apart from the security threat, I have no other interest in indian people, culture, heritage or anything indian whatsoever. Personally speaking I have never ever in my life watched an indian film, drama, program or ever endorsed anything indian whatsoever.

You know , that would be a whole lot easier to believe if you didn't drag India into the discussion ever time I mention Pakistan.

You are the same people that said pre-May 1998 that Pakistan would never ever possess nuclear weapons with or without Chinese help. That it was impossible to do so. We all know what happened to that indian fantasy and dribble. Just as then, so is now with regards to Pakistan's future and economy.
I don't understand this what's your point ?
Mindless chest thumping aside , you do realize Pakistan only has ONLY 3 nuclear reactors in its entire country , right ? 3.... Why are you bragging as if Pakistan is a nuclear super power ? India has 21 reactors +6 currently being built . India has one of the largest nuclear program in the world , one of the first countries to invest in thorium .we have 25% of the world's thorium deposits.

Nukes are nothing more than expensive toys , if you aren't investing in alternate energy then you aren't using it right .
Don't know how you think Pakistanis are similar to some indians. I have seen 1000s of Pakistanis and western indians here in london and not on 1 occasion have I really noticed anything similar between us Pakistanis and you people.

You guys were literally segregated from the same states that are part of India. Naturally you are culturally identical to those states .

PS However you interpret the data from the links I provided in my previous posts, one thing is for certain: indians have more problems to solve in their own country than worrying about Pakistan's survival or economy.

That's not how geopolitics works .nor does it matter on a personal level , just because the country I grew up in has problems will not restrict me from pointing the problems of other countries .the irony is this thread in the OP mocks 4 countries that are massively superior to Pakistan , yet you don't blink twice .By your logic , this thread should be a barren wasteland since it mocks EU.
Didn't understand your middle comment, did you say you support Pakistan becoming a part of your country?......lol
No. I ment I didn't want India to have split in 1947. But after 70 years of disputes & internal problems , I against reunification of the sub continent .maybe in a 100 years we can look past the disputes & have open borders like EU who knows .
you are right from a certain degree as no empire lasts forever but eventually all will be destroyed during the day of resserection but the way you are saying this is absaloutley wrong i can bet you not pakistan but india will colapse first
Operation Gibraltar led to war in 1965.

It is significant nonetheless. Not a bright side of Pakistan unfortunately.

Operation Gilbraltar was not the only cause of the war. Prior to the op, India had started multiple unprovoked skirmishes with Pakistan. It is only natural for Pakistan to respond. Not to mention the fact that it was a covert op and Pakistan was assisting local militias.

If you consider Operation Gibraltar justifiable for India to start a war with Pakistan, then Pakistan should go to war with India over what RAW is doing in Baluchistan.

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