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They Hatin see us Rolling they hatin

Pakistan has been collapsed since independence ,incompetent government /dictatorship moving from one war to another .look at the GDP its lesser than African countries .
An economy of 272 billion would stand at 3rd place in Africa.

Please look at India before you compare other countries.

You compare Pakistan to Africa yet 60% of Indians cant even shit in toilets; wake up to reality; go outside and witness India - watch the people begging in the streets and going through the disgusting accumulated trash, witness people bathing in turdy gutters and that polluted toxic river you call 'Holy Ganges', smell the human feces and smog.

India is the most impoverished, malnutritioned, polluted and least sanitized country; yet you idiots still talk about Pakistan like you are all living in some Bollywood fantasy.

India is the last country that has the rights to talk about other countries like that.
Doing better than us how?
Are you the fastest growing nation in the world set to be grow consistently so for the next few decades?
How is your R&D better than ours?
And guess what we were in the same level in the 50s and 60s.

Your army has uprooted your government more than once, you are in the lower HDI lists. your debts are increasing, you lot lead in nothing except in being the country with the largest refugee population, marred with terrorist attacks and so much more.

Get off you high horse already, what graphs are you looking at, school blackboards?
LOL Pakistan in BRICS is a joke.:rofl::rofl:
We have more trade with China than you do.:yes4:
More trade with China then us ? Wow this guys been living under a rock ! China hates India , and Pakistan is the biggest trade partner of China ! Wake up and read the news ! Pata nahi kaha kaha say aa jate hein .
So you are saying that the general public is not in love with India as the government is?

Because of the bossy nature and a profound fondness of claiming themselves supaaah pwerrr, breast thumping, deliberately and openly trying to stifle our economy and agriculture, killing and torturing Indian Muslims, forcing projects in BD only for own benefit and generally treating BD as a colony are some issues that have made our citizens totally anti-Indian. This feeling has become extreme after India installed an unpopular and un-elected corrupt and tyrannical govt at Dhaka.
You talked so blithely about Iqbal. Have you not read any of his poetry ?
bao g don't you think you are expecting too much from an ahem ahem,just have a look at his flags:D
Pakistan has been collapsed since independence ,incompetent government /dictatorship moving from one war to another .look at the GDP its lesser than African countries .
We know one day crude oil won't be available and we also know most of the time Peak oil predictions were wrong due to new discoveries, But this doesn't change the fact that all oil one day would be depleted.

Likewise if a failed state is somehow existed beyond the date of its predicted disintegration, it doesn't mean it would exist forever as they are bound to disintegrate, Sooner or later due internal turmoil they will disintegrate to create a better world.

Failed state?????????????????.......The audacity of some indian trolls is highly hypocritical and unbelievable. They talk as if india is more powerful and advanced then the western nations. Indians are not in a position to call ANY nation "failed" especially when the following is the reality of india and the indian race:

At least 33% of the world's most poorest and severely malnourished people are Indians:







The ground realities of india as seen by Chinese tourists:


When the above is the reality of your nation, you can NEVER EVER question the creation and existence of Pakistan. It would be better for you to solve the above problems facing your nation and race then to concentrate on Pakistan. We can solve our problems. Don't worry about us, we can take care of ourselves. Worry about yourselves. Ever wondered why millions upon millions of Afghans legally and illegally are residing in Pakistan (with 1000s more wanting to come in each week) even though they hate us and are reluctant to go to their friend india? Well the above answers that question
what a waste of discussion!! Pakistan is already a failed state. ..anyway's, for our pakistani members "Dil ke khush rakhne ko Ghalib ye khayal achha hai".
Failed state?????????????????.......The audacity of some indian trolls is highly hypocritical and unbelievable. They talk as if india is more powerful and advanced then the western nations. Indians are not in a position to call ANY nation "failed" especially when the following is the reality of india and the indian race:

At least 33% of the world's most poorest and severely malnourished people are Indians:







The ground realities of india as seen by Chinese tourists:


When the above is the reality of your nation, you can NEVER EVER question the creation and existence of Pakistan. It would be better for you to solve the above problems facing your nation and race then to concentrate on Pakistan. We can solve our problems. Don't worry about us, we can take care of ourselves. Worry about yourselves. Ever wondered why millions upon millions of Afghans legally and illegally are residing in Pakistan (with 1000s more wanting to come in each week) even though they hate us and are reluctant to go to their friend india? Well the above answers that question

I just cannot get over the fact that there are rotting corpses lying in broad daylight on the banks of the Ganges being eaten by stray dogs and no-one does anything! Where is the respect for human dignity?
I just cannot get over the fact that there are rotting corpses lying in broad daylight on the banks of the Ganges being eaten by stray dogs and no-one does anything! Where is the respect for human dignity?

But most Indians are claiming they are a superpower despite this. What amazes me is that despite having that unrivalled malnutrition and poverty they have the audacity to called other countries "failed". If the above was the reality of Pakistan, I don't think I would want to live anymore.

what a waste of discussion!! Pakistan is already a failed state. ..anyway's, for our pakistani members "Dil ke khush rakhne ko Ghalib ye khayal achha hai".

So says the person who comes from the country where the following is the reality of your race and nation:

At least 33% of the world's most poorest and severely malnourished people are Indians:







The ground realities of india as seen by Chinese tourists:

But most Indians are claiming they are a superpower despite this. What amazes me is that despite having that unrivalled malnutrition and poverty they have the audacity to called other countries "failed". If the above was the reality of Pakistan, I don't think I would want to live anymore.

So says the person who comes from the country where the following is the reality of your race and nation:

At least 33% of the world's most poorest and severely malnourished people are Indians:

The ground realities of india as seen by Chinese tourists:

So thats what you are taught " You are the best of the best " lol
Digging out trash from net ain't change the fact that you are a rouge and failed state clubbed with countries like North Korea. You guys have no self respect ..always searching for new masters, I think at present its China.

Well, again I warble for you 'Dil ke khush rakhne ko Ghalib ye khayal achha hai"
Failed state?????????????????.......The audacity of some indian trolls is highly hypocritical and unbelievable.

I posted a fact with a freaking link what more do you want , ban no moon singing it out loud ? Pakistan is ONE OF THE MOST fragile countries in the world .

At least 33% of the world's most poorest and severely malnourished people are Indians:

No $hit Sherlock ,the 2nd most populous county by default will have more poor people.India & China's population is more than the population of the continent of Africa . Fact is only 12% of our population is below the poverty line .

Kek using troll websites from a troll blogger who hates India, this is what you call "facts " how desperate are you ? I'll probably be banned if I linked some of the websites on Pakistan like these.

When the above is the reality of your nation, you can NEVER EVER question the creation and existence of Pakistan.

Creation ? Kid go to bed , our countries were reshaped because 2 parties wanted power .it's the shame of 20th century , saying 2 religions can't live together .India houses the 2nd most populous muslim population yet we live along

It would be better for you to solve the above problems facing your nation and race then to concentrate on Pakistan. We can solve our problems.Don't worry about us, we can take care of ourselves. Worry about yourselves.

This is a public platform not your personal chat box , integrate with the rules or get out. I'll post where I want on which ever topic I want to , you don't get "Special" exceptions just because you were born in Pakistan .

Ever wondered why millions upon millions of Afghans legally and illegally are residing in Pakistan (with 1000s more wanting to come in each week) even though they hate us and are reluctant to go to their friend india? Well the above answers that question
Maybe because of the fact there is a 1000 km landmass between India & Afghan

Maybe it's because the Indian border is one of the most heavily guarded border in the world .

Maybe it's because Pakistan is responsible the the Taliban proxy during the Soviet era leading millions in the border to take refuge in Pakistan.

Or maybe it's just because Pakistan's war in Afghanistan tore to the point it has no economy .
But in reality its all of this.
Sounds more like a PMLN ad.:lol:

Credit for many things goes to Musharraf and also to PMLN. KPK was mentioned as well!

Also so many things are on going as we speak. Unprecedented infrastructure investment is going on at a scale that it is mind boggling. These include highways, railways, power generation, ports, airports, metro transport, telecommunications etc.
So thats what you are taught " You are the best of the best " lol
Digging out trash from net ain't change the fact that you are a rouge and failed state clubbed with countries like North Korea. You guys have no self respect ..always searching for new masters, I think at present its China.

Well, again I warble for you 'Dil ke khush rakhne ko Ghalib ye khayal achha hai"

What I posted are facts. There is no denying it or getting away from it. They are the reality of your nation and race, not mine's. Whatever you say or do will not change that fact. If being "failed" means that my nation does not posses 40% of the world's most severely poor and malnourished then I would take "failure" over your mythical "success" each and every time. What the Chinese have done for Pakistan no other nation has done for another nation. Pakistanis will never ever forget that. if indians had self-respect, you would not let your nation rot to the point where it has 40% of the world's starving and destitute. You say Pakistan will break up? I say in that case perhaps india will break up when those starving zombies have had enough of being hungry and oppressed. I'm happy being in the same club as North Korea. 2 nations who refuse to be weak and lay down their aims just to be in the good books of the west. I'm cool with that.
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What I posted are facts. There is no denying it or getting away from it. They are the reality of your nation and race, not mine's. Whatever you say or do will not change that fact. If being "failed" means that my nation does not posses 40% of the world's most severely poor and malnourished then I would take "failure" over your mythical "success" each and every time. What the China's have done for Pakistan no other nation has done for another nation. Pakistanis will never ever forget that. if indians had self-respect, you would not let your nation rot to the point where it has 40% of the world's starving and destitute. You say Pakistan will break up? I say in that case perhaps india will break up when those starving zombies have had enough of being hungry and oppressed. I'm happy being in the same club as North Korea. 2 nations who refuse to be weak and lay down their aims just to be in the good books of the west. I'm cool with that.

Ok dude.. Pakistan is still and remain alive .... just like Somalia, Chad ..Sudan :D
Ok dude.. Pakistan is still and remain alive .... just like Somalia, Chad ..Sudan :D

Somalia, Chad and Sudan don't have 40% of the world's most severely malnourished and ultra poor. The state of your fellow countrymen is worst than those aforementioned nations:

More poor in india than Sub-Saharan Africa:


I posted a fact with a freaking link what more do you want , ban no moon singing it out loud ? Pakistan is ONE OF THE MOST fragile countries in the world .

No $hit Sherlock ,the 2nd most populous county by default will have more poor people.India & China's population is more than the population of the continent of Africa . Fact is only 12% of our population is below the poverty line .

Kek using troll websites from a troll blogger who hates India, this is what you call "facts " how desperate are you ? I'll probably be banned if I linked some of the websites on Pakistan like these.

Creation ? Kid go to bed , our countries were reshaped because 2 parties wanted power .it's the shame of 20th century , saying 2 religions can't live together .India houses the 2nd most populous muslim population yet we live along

This is a public platform not your personal chat box , integrate with the rules or get out. I'll post where I want on which ever topic I want to , you don't get "Special" exceptions just because you were born in Pakistan .

Maybe because of the fact there is a 1000 km landmass between India & Afghan

Maybe it's because the Indian border is one of the most heavily guarded border in the world .

Maybe it's because Pakistan is responsible the the Taliban proxy during the Soviet era leading millions in the border to take refuge in Pakistan.

Or maybe it's just because Pakistan's war in Afghanistan tore to the point it has no economy .
But in reality its all of this.

That 12% poverty figure is very questionable at best. It seems as ridiculous as indian pre-May 1998 claims that Pakistan will never ever have nuclear weapons with or without Chinese assistance:




If the above was true for Pakistan, I would not want to live. I would want to die. Many Indians on PDF claim that india is a superpower? No superpower that has ever existed has had 40% of the world's severely malnourished and poor living within it's borders. No superpower has ever been one of the world's biggest importers of foreign defence items. They make it entirely THEMSELVES from START to FINISH. They then sell it to the rest of the world. Not buy it themselves.

On PDF, Pakistanis discuss and micro analyse all our faults and bad points to the point of exaggeration. Indians love to criticize and bad mouth Pakistan but as soon as someone reminds them of india's reality you people become offended and sensitive. Not all indian PDFers but most do. There are a few good indian PDFers nowadays.

Creation of Pakistan was not only because of religion but because a unique race of people could have their own nation and preserve their unique culture, heritage and way of life. Nothing more, nothing less.

FYI I wasn't born in Pakistan. I was born and brought up in London, UK and have lived here my entire life.
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