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They Hatin see us Rolling they hatin

chicken is cheap in Pakistan while beef/mutton has sky rocketing prices
Probably this has something to do with the demand of the type of meat most consumed in our respective countries... In India beef is the poor man's meat and hence banning beef will thus seriously affect the poor man who consumes it because of its low cost. :)

You still did not reply me why would British want India to be safe after they leave?
there was always the Communist threat and Iran was already infiltrated by the commies at the time when Brits were leaving the subcontinent in 1947. Given the left leaning tendencies of Nehru it's only natural that the Brits may have wanted a buffer zone to stop direct Soviet influence from reaching India. And Pakistan did play this role in checking the spread of Communism very successfully under US direction!

So? I mean how does praising India for its gayish tendencies offend you to an extent that you are bringing in Pakistan ? :) BTW we had this community for decades rather it is an ancient phenomenon so nothing new in it.

As far as acceptance well someone accept it or not this unnatural trend is going stay

You "praised" India by saying "Gay Hind"? Well I'm not a Sanghi who is out to prove loyalty to India by chanting "Bharat Mata ki Jay" but your appraisal of India in those terms did seem to have a sarcastically offensive tone to me and I'm convinced now of your actual intentions as you yourself have described such tendencies to be "unnatural". And since I do not wish to go down to that level and use similar words to describe Pakistan which both demean the LGBT community and will be an insult to Pakistan in a Pakistani forum, I did rather try to point out the existence of such courageous individuals in your country, who are now gaining international repute and fame, representing the positive face of Pakistan amidst all the negativity that the world associates Pakistan with all the time!!
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Amen to that brother. Now you are talking my language :tup:. By the way, $ 1.5 trillion to be precise, $ 2 trillion by 2030. And the French will be offering you to build whatever you want to, in your garage if you buy 100 of those on cash by then :lol::enjoy:

I share the same view, with strong economy countries would be flocking to Pakistan to sell their goodies to us. But alot of work needs to be done and we have a long way to go before we could see that day. BTW those frenchies would have to offer us something really good. :lol:
I agree with most of what you say apart from the last paragraph. In all honesty, no trolling but I'd rather Pakistan be like Turkey or China not india.

No one asked you to be an India. I gave it as an example to show you that in the modern world, you look at who can benefit Pakistan. And have relationships that others want to benefit themselves and Pakistan by investing into Pakistan. That was the point.
Well comments like these prove how brain washed indians have become .. how their controlled media played their minds.. well Swaami let me Quote you an indian "C. Raja Mohan, Director, Carnegie India, an Indian academic, journalist and foreign policy analyst about Pakistan and American relation in Council of Foreign Relations..
"Pakistan has figured out how to manipulate Washington..They know how to play Washington..you do whatever you want but they know how to manage this"

Now keyboard warrior will ask me about source ..here it is
The New Geopolitics of China, India, and Pakistan: Major Flashpoints in Southern Asia
By the way you people sound real idiots when you talk about Pakistan in sheer hatred..

Yes .. By residing in United States.. Time to correct things.. lol ..

LOL look who's talking.. There's a proverb " Think Before you Talk"
India biggest recipient of US economic assistance over 66-year period: USAID
I will not start a pissing competition with you because people like you are the reason Pakistan is in the shape it is and they could not keep honest people in Pakistan. Any way keep on LOL ing and see where the things go. I paid my dues in my capacity and I am not there because of people like you
I share the same view, with strong economy countries would be flocking to Pakistan to sell their goodies to us. But alot of work needs to be done and we have a long way to go before we could see that day. BTW those frenchies would have to offer us something really good. :lol:

If you have the following in Pakistan:

1) Cash and over $ 1.5 Trillion economy and growing
2) A working system that brought in investors and will continue to do so
2) Stability, Peace and Tolerance

You can get anything you want to once you hit $ 1. Trillion in economic activity. The French would want to French kiss you if you brought in a few of their larger brands and allowed them some level of monopoly and paid cash for whatever you wanted to buy :enjoy:
I will not start a pissing competition with you because people like you are the reason Pakistan is in the shape it is and they could not keep honest people in Pakistan. Any way keep on LOL ing and see where the things go. I paid my dues in my capacity and I am not there because of people like you

Huhh.. What happened ..Truth bites right.. definitely you are not there because of anyone else but for yourself,stupid statement .. PAID MY DUESSS... oh you highness you paid your dues.. just leave it.. you are not worth it..
Huhh.. What happened ..Truth bites right.. definitely you are not there because of anyone else but for yourself,stupid statement .. PAID MY DUESSS... oh you highness you paid your dues.. just leave it.. you are not worth it..
You will not understand truth if it was staring in your face with the dimensions of Mt Everest. People like you make staying out of Pakistan better. Now let us stick to topic.

Pakistan will do very well if corruption and bias is removed and wise/honest persons lead the country. Justice is for all including minorities.
:D we are relevant
But that was a good one. Lets see if that humor was a one off thing or yr actually humorous. Yr the first woman in my 27 years of life, which really got me with a joke, i mean really, u amused me in a humorous way. And i dont know if yr older or younger but u have earned respect here.

Ill see if yr really a woman of good humor or like any female Tom Boy wanna be Journalist, who make it to TV anchors just because they have a pretty face.

Ill be watching u now onwards.

yes its cheap..that's why its beef...chicken is like 80rs! :D

So did the French and Dutch "leave" Indo-China or Vietnam and Korea!

Who the heck listens to Anu Malik :lol: Tahir is much better!
And don't you worry I've seen some documentaries on how your Pakistani Muslim society is progressing despite several shortcomings and the LGBT community is gaining acceptance and some recognition, especially in cities like Karachi. It must take a lot of courage for such individuals to survive in a society like yours!


But Pakistan has to make a choice either to progress or follow

Unlike India it's a matter of survival for you... and if the choice is the latter then it's better to accept ISIS ideology now than to butchered later..
and now a hindu will tell us if ''Pakistan has to make a choice either to progress or follow the great Professor Hafiz Mohammad Saeed. :rofl:

Dude just ssshhhuuussshhhh......Dont talk things which r bigger then yr mouth.
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Pakistanis must realize that there has been and is a concerted effort to destabilise and "Balkanize" their nation. Both internally and externally. Nothing would make them happier to see Pakistan became a failed state.

What a thoughtless idea---and you got so many like over it.

Show very well---that pakistanis are not very intelligent peole.

For better management---you need smaller governing units----.

Just like your BACKBONE---why is it in smaller pieces---because it can flex move and turn.

A single piece back bone would break under stress.

Now---for pakistanis---don't cherish this statement----that is what you thrive oin listening to this kindof B S---pakistan is still living---. You need to do better---you can do better---you must do better.

We can always have difference in opinion. :)
I believe the Americans once had a dooms day clock ticking over the fate of Pakistan, after repeatedly setting it back they eventually decided to bin it and decided to change the status from allegedly failed state to ''Major non NATO ally''.
One must be realistic, Pakistan will not fail only if we are able to address the existential threats i.e. corruption and terrorism. The corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and others, are siphoning out our resources and sapping the blood out of our nation 24x7. If we cannot stop them, the unthinkable can happen. We are here but at the same time, we are not really independent and progressive. If we were really successful on all fronts, this question would died long ago and their would not be such a discussion in the first place.

Pakistan already collapsed. But its people don't realize. I think in future Mr. Trump and Mr. Modi will make you realize, till then please let's be ignorant.
We will trash both of em....they will harm not us but their terrorist countries only.
On a overall scheme of things yes, the demise of ummah, the Saudi Iranian tussul in the name of sectarianism, destroying ummah from within, but giving the choice if Pakistan on one side and rest of ummah on the other including Iran and Saudi, they are told to pick one to destroy, without second thoughts they will choose Pakistan. Pakistan on one side and rest of Muslim world on the other, that's how stakes are. So let's not compare Pakistan with anyone else.

let it be clear it is neither the sectarian conflict Nor conflict among ummah.

Iran welcomed Morsi winning the elections. Iran welcomed the people revolution in tunisia. Any sunni revolution powered by people will be welcomed by Islamic IRAN. so wither sectarianism.

it is only the Nato allies who always try to make it sectarian. Sunni heavy weight and Shia heavy weight. The problem is that Monarchy has nothing to do with Islam and it has no place in Islam. It was shia monarchy that was toppled in Iran.

The tussle is between Islamic IRAN and USA after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and it has nothing to do with sects.

It is all Islamic IRAN vs USA allies and it started after the Islamic Revolution.
China and Russia favour Iran. All independent countries favour Islamic IRAN.

Pakistan should not be part of usa alliance since it will bring more harm than good.

Pakistan already collapsed. But its people don't realize. I think in future Mr. Trump and Mr. Modi will make you realize, till then please let's be ignorant.

india too has collapsed and is now a usa buddy and modi just got highest wahabi medal. the day usa discard india. it will be in worst with about 100 splits.
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