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"They go by the name Talib, but we know they come from ISI"

Every other Pakistani boasts about how after the US leaves Pakistani proxies will take over Afghanistan's universally recognised government.

Think about it, if you are an Afghan, thats very offensive.
......and who said that?

Have pakistan proxies ever controlled Afghanistan?
why will they control Afghanistan?
What is in Afghanistan that we will open another front?
Every other Pakistani boasts about how after the US leaves Pakistani proxies will take over Afghanistan's universally recognised government.

Think about it, if you are an Afghan, thats very offensive.

And saying we don't accept Pakistan-Afghan Border, area till Attock river is ours & not Pakistan's even after having given refuge to millions of Afghans for years with still million or so still residing in Pakistan, is what in your dictionary ?? Giving refuge to Pakistan's one of the most wanted terrorist & his subordinates and then helping him in getting to Europe to get political asylum is what ?? Hundreds of our citizens were killed in bomb attacks by the Afghans in collaboration with the soviets during Soviet-Afghan war, that is what in then???? Militants attacking our border check posts right after coming from the Afghan territory and then going back without any check by ANA / US / NATO is what ?? Plz don't say that Pak territory is being used by militants to launch attacks in Afghanistan as if that had been the case then ANA / US / NATO check posts would have been hit since militants would have no means to stay within Afghanistan, but since they are getting shelter, weapons, money from within Afghanistan, it negates the theory of militants are launching attacks from this territory.

You Indians are good at thinking in the shoes of Afghans as Afghans, but when it comes to us, you show typical hypocrisy. Thus, before taking the sides of Afghans, do see what we have done for the Afghans and how they paid us back.
do see what we have done for the Afghans and how they paid us back.

It is really funny that Afgan Gov't sees other ways...

Indians, on the other hand, just donated money for there basic foundations, but Pakistanie establisment has other motives for there donations....
Why didn't you ask LWJ yourself before making your judgment?

Strange is, LWJ says that they carry very indepth analysis of situations or the stories they report.

Thus they should have covered these points.

But since the US media is biased to a large extent, thus they are gonna publish what their agenda is or which supports their agenda.

This article is nothing but again the ISI/Pakistan bashing paranoid BS, thus the indepth analysis is what supports the agenda, and that is to frame Pakistan negatively. As has been the case since last 2-3 years, where negative articles from Afghan insurgent support to nukes going into the hands of militants have appeared, with just one purpose to increase the paranoia level.

It does tells what the Afghan officers thinks, but when it comes to asking the questions in detail which would have exposed his lies and US/ANA/NATO incompetency, the LWJ / US media is shut up as usual.

Since its your Us tax payers money is going into the pockets of the taliban who are funding their insurgency, kindly ask such questions from your media and especially your congressman, may be you guys get more educated as what is happening in reality on the ground.
And saying we don't accept Pakistan-Afghan Border, area till Attock river is ours & not Pakistan's even after having given refuge to millions of Afghans for years with still million or so still residing in Pakistan, is what in your dictionary ?? Giving refuge to Pakistan's one of the most wanted terrorist & his subordinates and then helping him in getting to Europe to get political asylum is what ?? Hundreds of our citizens were killed in bomb attacks by the Afghans in collaboration with the soviets during Soviet-Afghan war, that is what in then???? Militants attacking our border check posts right after coming from the Afghan territory and then going back without any check by ANA / US / NATO is what ?? Plz don't say that Pak territory is being used by militants to launch attacks in Afghanistan as if that had been the case then ANA / US / NATO check posts would have been hit since militants would have no means to stay within Afghanistan, but since they are getting shelter, weapons, money from within Afghanistan, it negates the theory of militants are launching attacks from this territory.
With suitable changes, this might as well be an Indian speaking about Pakistan.

Now what is it that they say about things that go around? Oh yeah, they have a nasty way of coming around and sneaking up from behind.
It is really funny that Afgan Gov't sees other ways...

Indians, on the other hand, just donated money for there basic foundations, but Pakistanie establisment has other motives for there donations....

Afghan Govt which has Norther Alliance guys in control/majority which have always had negative sentiments for Pakistan due to their closeness with someone, an enemy of ours. Afghan Govt is not the true representative of its people and the head of Afghan govt is a puppet of we know whose.

I wonder, if Afghans hate us so much, why they hell they are a million+ still living in Pakistan and the majority who have gone back have kept their assets right here in Pakistan for any future contingency in shape of destabilization in Afghanistan. If they hate us so much, why not pack their stuff, their good earning businesses and go to Afghanistan and built it, why still having homes and businesses in Pakistan as a safe option.

And as for the Indians, well i can understand you being an Indian, the intentions of your govt would be innocent to you, but in reality they aren't. By the way India is not the only one who is investing in the infrastructure, Pakistan has done it too, but the difference is on the level of amount, but then again if we look at how many Afghans live inside Pakistan with majority having good lucrative businesses with no tax contribution, the billions we loose at the hands of Afghan smuggling & local consumers facing huge inflation rates due to the Afghans, the amount that we are paying being a neighbor of Afghanistan far exceeds what the Indians are investing.

A stable, prosperous, friendly Afghanistan is in our interest, but if they think they will fcuk with us even after having done so much for them, they are wrong. The mess with us, we reply back in the same manner, and US can just watch it.
With suitable changes, this might as well be an Indian speaking about Pakistan.

Now what is it that they say about things that go around? Oh yeah, they have a nasty way of coming around and sneaking up from behind.

I think the member to whom i replied to, was trying to say the same thing and he was an Indian trying to be an Afghan. So thanks for you filling that shoe once again, but we have heard the same story from our Indian friends, but since hypocrisy is at its best from our Indian friends when it comes to Pakistan, you would be adding nothing new.

And yeah we have heard thousand times what you said in your second para, again thanks for reminding us.
I would think you should. Because once us Americans leave, you're going to have to deal with Afghans like him who openly blame Pakistan for Afghanistan's troubles, rather than Americans who merely whisper it.
no lol, after you leave afghanistan there is going to be some PAYBACK time, and that payback time is going to be on AMERICAN soil.
no lol, after you leave afghanistan there is going to be some PAYBACK time, and that payback time is going to be on AMERICAN soil.

Ah! Here comes the 9/11 fanboy ;)

Its a little sad that a lot of Pakistani members talk in veiled tones about insurgency/terrorism related paybacks. You guys need to realize that this mind set is the biggest enemy of your people, which not only spoils the image of Pakistan, but also is extremely infectious.....
Since its your Us tax payers money is going into the pockets of the taliban who are funding their insurgency, kindly ask such questions from your media and especially your congressman, may be you guys get more educated as what is happening in reality on the ground.
No. I don't ask my congressman prejudicial questions. You can still ask LWJ and see what they say; but you treasure your judgment more and fear answers that may disrupt it, yes?
Ah! Here comes the 9/11 fanboy ;)

Its a little sad that a lot of Pakistani members talk in veiled tones about insurgency/terrorism related paybacks. You guys need to realize that this mind set is the biggest enemy of your people, which not only spoils the image of Pakistan, but also is extremely infectious.....
lets face it. America invades a country with a population of 30 million and destroys it. and that country has seen many wars before and its people are not easily ganna forgive america, it is only natural america would get payback. Every action has a reaction
No. I don't ask my congressman prejudicial questions. You can still ask LWJ and see what they say; but you treasure your judgment more and fear answers that may disrupt it, yes?

Yeah you don't ask your congressmen such prejudicial questions (which needs to be asked) but here on this forum you do ask (where its not needed).

On the contrary, it seems the western media has some fear in answering the questions (the likes which i just asked above), as the answers may be not what you guys wanna hear as it seems you guys are OK with the tune your media is singing which isn't the whole reality.
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