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"They go by the name Talib, but we know they come from ISI"

An article about a person making sweeping general statements with little factual backing posted by a person who routinely makes sweeping general statements with little factual backing...hmmm...good stuff.
Why post articles like these? If you want, I will help you hand out flyers about how terrible Pakistanis are, if youll only stop ruining this forum with your highly baised arguments.

I m really pleased that this time no one has fallen for his crap. He has even gone to the trouble of creating his own website to churn out s*it. Im glad he keeps posing as it inspires us how not to be like. Zionism has eaten into his brain cell.
Well, for one thing, one never would know the extent of militant Islam that has penetrated both the PA and the ISI ; the recent uncovering of Ali Khan and his links to Hizb ut Tahrir shows that an undemocratic and unconstitutional radical Islam has literally seeped into the psyche of some of the higher ups in PA. No wonder, this leads us to believe that the notion of Qazi Hussein and Fazlur Rehman being sheltered by ISI may after all be true. Also, the presence of global jihadism in FATA (in the form of AQ No. 2 who was recently killed) all begs the question, is the PA really that incompetent to control FATA, or they are being provided shelter willingly by the radical components in the PA ?

The best course ahead both for ANA, PA, the GoP and the Afghan government is to settle the Durand line once and for all ; Seal the border on either sides, and show no mercy to the Taliban("good" or "bad").
...I wonder why didn't the LWJ asked him that if the Talib are ISI and are Pakistanis in all or majority, then how they hell are they able to negotiate the Afghan territory, who gives them food & protection inside the Afghan territory. And if Taliban are ISI / Pakistanis i wonder what the hell they are doing in the Afghan Shuras ?? Where does the money being produced through cultivation of drugs related poppy fields go ??...
Why didn't you ask LWJ yourself before making your judgment?
The idea is , can you do anything - i guess all you can do is just bark & howl;)
oh my God !!! :woot: somebody is making Americans look idiot on their FACE !!!!

and guess what they dont realize they are being called "phudu" on face :laugh:
come on my pakistani friends, lets just go with the flow here, let solomon have some good time and a good night sleep thinking he proved his point right. WHO F****** CARES WHAT THIS NUSRAT GUY SAID!!!!??
I would think you should. Because once us Americans leave, you're going to have to deal with Afghans like him who openly blame Pakistan for Afghanistan's troubles, rather than Americans who merely whisper it.
I would think you should. Because once us Americans leave, you're going to have to deal with Afghans like him who openly blame Pakistan for Afghanistan's troubles, rather than Americans who merely whisper it.

Whisper of retreat! isn't it?

BTW, after Americans we will find time to handle people like these who haven't even mind in their skull to think not to blame country from they are getting 70% bread & butter.
isnt that the same thing you do with respect to bringing...CIA RAW....and MOSSAD into every article that your guys write....?

Lieutenant Colonel Nasratullah Nasrat, the commanding officer of the 3rd Kandak (Battalion) of the 1st Brigade of the 203rd Afghan Army, meets with Captain Aaron Tapalman, commander of Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry. Photo by Bill Ardolino/LWJ.​
This reporter recently sat down to interview Lieutenant Colonel Nasratullah Nasrat, the commanding officer of the 3rd Kandak (Battalion) of the 1st Brigade of the 203rd Afghan Army. An ethnic Pashtun with 25 years of experience in the Afghan Army, Nasrat has spent his entire career stationed in Paktia and Khost provinces. Two things seemed especially notable about his answers: Nasrat's disbelief that the US will really withdraw by 2014, and his blunt assessment of Pakistan's role in the Afghan insurgency. It has been this reporter's repeated experience interviewing leaders of indigenous security forces that there is a strong cultural bias toward pinning responsibility for the violence on foreigners, while absolving locals of blame. But in the case of this interview, Nasrat's assessment of Pakistan's role in destabilizing Afghanistan actually mirrors assessments by multiple US officers and intelligence officials, with the difference that it is on the record.

LWJ: Describe who the enemy is; who are the people who are fighting your forces and American forces?

LTC Nasrat:
They go by the name Talib, but we know they come from ISI (Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence directorate).

LWJ: Can you elaborate? Why do you believe the insurgents are products of the ISI?

LTC Nasrat: Then where do they come from, the sky?

But what specifically indicates the relationship? What clues do you have that ties the insurgents back to Pakistan?

LTC Nasrat:
Well, historically, it's Pakistan's fight more than it is ours. They're the ones who have the resources, and we lack the resources coming from Pakistan's ISI. So where are the Afghan Taliban getting the resources from? The Taliban in Pakistan have been under pressure. They are pressured to come here and fight, and the ones that do come here, the majority are Pakistani.

LWJ: Explain to me what type of support you believe the ISI give to insurgents here.

LTC Nasrat: Qazi Hussein Ahmad and Maulana Fazlur Rahman, they are Pakistani Taliban [leaders], they work for the ISI. The ISI provides them with resources and of course money. And they're the ones who are fighting in the name of religion in the worst possible ways. And they're the ones who are looking for other people to provide them resources - whether it's weapons, money, anything - besides the resources they get from the ISI. They are the ones who hire poor people who need money, leading them to [attack Afghan and Coalition forces]. They just want to keep the war going in Afghanistan, they just don't want to let it go.

[Note: Nasrat clarified that the two individuals he named, as well as many of the individuals he refers to as "Taliban," are those associated with Hizb-i-Islami.This was likely a translation error related to "Islamic Party," however. The two men are associated with the organizations Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) and Jamaat-e-Ulema-e-Islami Fazlur Rahman (JUI-F), both of which use radical madrasas to recruit fighters for the Taliban, as well as maintain ties to the Pakistani security forces.]

LTC Nasrat: Those two men are the leaders, they are like Haqqani Network leaders, but they are not Haqqani. ISI gives those men money, and they distribute money to the insurgent organizations to keep the fight going in Afghanistan.

And some of these organizations are local?

LTC Nasrat: They are in Pakistan. But everything comes from the top, which is ISI. They convince the people to fight in the name of Islam for the wrong reasons and have them fight here. Khost is only a popular focus because of the Haqqani Network.

LWJ: But it is my understanding that even though Haqqani is currently based in Miramshah in Pakistan, they are originally from Afghanistan, and they have many Afghan operatives.

LTC Nasrat: Yes, Haqqani is Afghan, but the other two I mentioned are from Pakistan.

LWJ: But aside from those two and the insurgent cells they fund, it is my understanding that Haqqani is fighting here too.

LTC Nasrat: Yes, and they are also linked with the ISI. Yes. And I've even heard he [Siraj Haqqani, leader of the Haqqani Network] has kind of a rank within the ISI as well, though it is a rumor.

LWJ: And when that day comes, when the Americans leave, do you believe you are equipped to handle the insurgents?

LTC Nasrat: Of course. My men are ready to fight if they are provided the right resources, like weapons.

LTC Nasrat: That's not going to happen as long as Pakistan is involved. As long as Pakistan is there, there will never be security, because they don't want that.

LWJ: So how do you personally deal with that, as a man who has fought for years?

LTC Nasrat:
That's a very hard question, it would take me an entire day to answer it. We don't accept the border with Pakistan; parts of Pakistan belong to Afghanistan.

Read more: 'They come from ISI' - Afghan colonel on insurgent threat - The Long War Journal

It’s called "Do favour but all in the hell" Most trustless people of our time and unthankful. Pakistan not alone came into this war but USA, EU, Middle East also were there but these illiterate, closed minded ever blame Pakistan over it but bowing down in front of USA & EU and they are saint despite the fact that they were mastermind of this war historically.

How pathetic that he didn't think over other intelligencies involved in fight but as default ISI so next time if some will ask them what's your mother language?
Answer will be "ISI"

"They go by the name Talib, but we know they come from MOIS"
"They go by the name Talib, but we know they come from CIA" mastermind
"They go by the name Talib, but we know they come from SVR"
"They go by the name Talib, but we know they come from our own people"
"They go by the name Talib, but we know they come from RAW" TT mastermind
"They go by the name Talib, but we know they come from MOSSAD" TT mastermind

Weapons which often transferred to Taliban by ANA, and now they are demanding more.

It means they don't want to live with peace and they don't want to think over our concers which they have to.

It's not important that they accept or not because these are nothing but empty words. Let them live with their dreams.
I would think you should. Because once us Americans leave, you're going to have to deal with Afghans like him who openly blame Pakistan for Afghanistan's troubles, rather than Americans who merely whisper it.

This guy Nusrrat is obviously not playing with a full deck if he thinks " Qazi Hussein Ahmad and Maulana Fazlur Rahman " are Taliban. These two guys are Pakistani politicians and have nothing to do with Afghan Taliban.

As for your comment about Pakistan having to deal with Afghanistan after the USA leaves Afghanistan just displays your feeble appreciation of ground realities. After USA leaves , it is Afghanistan which will have to deal with Pakistan. Let me simplify the Math for you , Solomon.

Afghanistan Population 30 million ( half of them Taliban - Pashtoon, which is pro-Pakistan).

Pakistan Population 180 million

After the USA leaves, the Taliban will take care of people like this joker Nusrat.

Capisch ?????
I would think you should. Because once us Americans leave, you're going to have to deal with Afghans like him who openly blame Pakistan for Afghanistan's troubles, rather than Americans who merely whisper it.

I should not, and Pakistanis should not care about his words, what will he do?, cry like a baby so fools like you post their interviews on web forums and sites?, huh? If he has some proof then he should get his fat corrupt arse to UN and complain their, if he wants to whine, whine he will, and i dont frankly care, because what will he do.

If the yanks leave , so what? We are dealing with the the Afghans now, they have flooded our country with their slums, taliban will stage more attacks like the previous one, which was in cimpliance with ISAF, but when you will, they will be in cooperation with ANA.

Point is, you can whine, he can whine, but NOBODY CARES GENIUS!
This guy Nusrrat is obviously not playing with a full deck if he thinks " Qazi Hussein Ahmad and Maulana Fazlur Rahman " are Taliban. These two guys are Pakistani politicians and have nothing to do with Afghan Taliban.

As for your comment about Pakistan having to deal with Afghanistan after the USA leaves Afghanistan just displays your feeble appreciation of ground realities. After USA leaves , it is Afghanistan which will have to deal with Pakistan. Let me simplify the Math for you , Solomon.

Afghanistan Population 30 million ( half of them Taliban - Pashtoon, which is pro-Pakistan).

Pakistan Population 180 million

After the USA leaves, the Taliban will take care of people like this joker Nusrat.

Capisch ?????

I think you view is short term, yes Pakistan is a much more powerful nation than Afghanistan and Pakistan has a natural wealth of non state actors too.

But to think anything positive can be achieved by using brainwashed weaponised illiterates is plain stupid, there is NO such example in history. Pakistan tried that the last time US left Afghanistan, with short term results, but how did that work out for you in the end?

While you are understandably angry at this Afghan's anti Pakistan utterences, you should know that lots of Pakistanis show complete disregard to Afghanistan's sovereignty too. And that makes some Afghan's understandably anti Pakistani. Its going to take two to tango, cockiness will only take you so far.
I think you view is short term, yes Pakistan is a much more powerful nation than Afghanistan and Pakistan has a natural wealth of non state actors too.

But to think anything positive can be achieved by using brainwashed weaponised illiterates is plain stupid, there is NO such example in history. Pakistan tried that the last time US left Afghanistan, with short term results, but how did that work out for you in the end?

While you are understandably angry at this Afghan's anti Pakistan utterences, you should know that lots of Pakistanis show complete disregard to Afghanistan's sovereignty too. And that makes some Afghan's understandably anti Pakistani. Its going to take two to tango, cockiness will only take you so far.

How do we show complete disregard to Afghanistans sovereignty??, a bit of explanation needed here perhaps.?
Amreeka should thank ISI for creating Taliban as without all this ..Amreeka couldn't have lured country after country to buy their over priced weapons and security services..and their toothless economy had fallen long ago

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