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These will be the 32 most powerful economies in the world by 2050


Jul 8, 2017
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Beijing has seen rapid development in recent years Lintao Zhang/Getty Images
By 2050, the world is likely to have changed drastically from what we know now, and the planet's economic and financial landscape will be no exception.

A report from professional services giant PwC looks at which economies around the world will be the biggest and most powerful in 33 years time.

The report, titled "The long view: how will the global economic order change by 2050?" ranked 32 countries by their projected global gross domestic product by purchasing power parity.

PPP is used by macroeconomists to determine the economic productivity and standards of living among countries across a certain time period.

With the exception of the USA, many of the world's current powerhouse economies like Japan and Germany will have slipped down global rankings, replaced by countries such as India and Indonesia, which are currently emerging markets.

Check out the ranking below (All numbers cited in the slides are in US dollars and at constant values (for reference, the US's current PPP is $18.562 trillion):

32. Netherlands — $1.496 trillion.

31. Colombia — $2.074 trillion.

30. Poland — $2.103 trillion.

29. Argentina — $2.365 trillion.

28. Australia — $2.564 trillion.

27. South Africa — $2.570 trillion.

26. Spain — $2.732 trillion.

25. Thailand — $2.782 trillion.

24. Malaysia — $2.815 trillion.

23. Bangladesh — $3.064 trillion.

22. Canada — $3.1 trillion.

21. Italy — $3.115 trillion.

20. Vietnam — $3.176 trillion.

19. Philippines — $3.334 trillion.

18. South Korea — $3.539 trillion.

17. Iran — $3.900 trillion.

16. Pakistan — $4.236 trillion.

15. Egypt — $4.333 trillion.

14. Nigeria — $4.348 trillion.

13. Saudi Arabia — $4.694 trillion.

12. France — $4.705 trillion.

11. Turkey — $5.184 trillion.

10. United Kingdom — $5.369 trillion.

9. Germany — $6.138 trillion.

8. Japan — $6.779 trillion.

7. Mexico — $6.863 trillion.

6. Russia — $7.131 trillion.

5. Brazil — $7.540 trillion.

4. Indonesia — $10.502 trillion.

3. United States — $34.102 trillion.

2. India — $44.128 trillion.

1. China — $58.499 trillion.

By PPP? :lol:

In PPP terms, China is already the most powerful economy in the world, by far.

Do you believe that? All you have to do is pretend that currency has no power and that the American unipolar world order has not been built on the power of the US dollar and the military power it affords them.

Not even saying how ridiculous it is to trust any prediction of the distant future, especially one so far away as 2050. When, according to this list, Indonesia and Mexico will have massively more economic power than Japan or Germany.
Until India sorts out its dysfunctional society and corrupt governance, they will still be a backwards economy and nation. That's a big IF that they can remedy this. India is more likely to implode and break up as a nation due to overpopulation and insufficient resources and infrastructure. Big nation does not automatically equal big economy. When you are big but your organisation is bad, then your size is more of a hindrance than an asset.

Even though this Western-centric news outlet have put China 1st, they are still vastly understating how far ahead China will be ahead of everybody else. My guess would be China's economy might be bigger than all other nations combined, by 2050. China as a mercantile civilization, throughout history, has never been in question and China will dwarf any other economy over time.

I also expect other East Asian and South-East Asian countries to feature much more highly than they apear on that list. People from these region just work harder and have better social cohesion when working towards a common goal of improving prosperity for everyone in their country. They need to kick out the last remnants of Western colonial influence and work together for a more powerful and united Asia.
That old chestnut has not been true for a while now. Sure, China copied and stole tech when it needed to catch up, as all emerging economies need to. But wipe that smug Western-centric notion away now. China have now caught up and is innovating faster and exponentially, and leaving Westerners behind. If you want to dwell in the mistaken notion that West is still best, then go ahead and delude yourself.
Bangladesh is there...Yay....thank you OP and whoever made this list.
That old chestnut has not been true for a while now. Sure, China copied and stole tech when it needed to catch up, as all emerging economies need to. But wipe that smug Western-centric notion away now. China have now caught up and is innovating faster and exponentially, and leaving Westerners behind. If you want to dwell in the mistaken notion that West is still best, then go ahead and delude yourself.
Working with a Chinese piece of IoT gateway H/W & S/W at the moment.
The guys that has created this are cretins.

If I were in charge of them, laws permitting, they would be fired on the spot.

If there is a bug in the S/W, the H/W is bricked, because there is no way to recover,
short of desoldering the memory replacing it with a new one.

The H/W is designed in a strange way, which breaks the S/W it was intended to run.

Small seemingly unimportants decisions made, force the writing of a significant number of drivers.

There is not enough memory to allow all the S/W to fit into the device.
If this is the standard of Chinese engineering, there is no cause of alarm.
Until India sorts out its dysfunctional society and corrupt governance, they will still be a backwards economy and nation. That's a big IF that they can remedy this. India is more likely to implode and break up as a nation due to overpopulation and insufficient resources and infrastructure. Big nation does not automatically equal big economy. When you are big but your organisation is bad, then your size is more of a hindrance than an asset.

Even though this Western-centric news outlet have put China 1st, they are still vastly understating how far ahead China will be ahead of everybody else. My guess would be China's economy might be bigger than all other nations combined, by 2050. China as a mercantile civilization, throughout history, has never been in question and China will dwarf any other economy over time.

I also expect other East Asian and South-East Asian countries to feature much more highly than they apear on that list. People from these region just work harder and have better social cohesion when working towards a common goal of improving prosperity for everyone in their country. They need to kick out the last remnants of Western colonial influence and work together for a more powerful and united Asia.

The advantage of the West is that they work smarter.
There is no unity in (South) East Asia, with China in dormant conflict with most of its neighbours.
The advantage of the West is that they work smarter.
There is no unity in (South) East Asia, with China in dormant conflict with most of its neighbours.

Western-centric and outdated ideas. West have been stagnating for decades. Chinese are bold and willing to invest obscene money in areas such as supercomputing, quantum computing/communication, AI, solar/renewable energy industries, automated robotic manufacturing, electric cars, etc.. These are areas the West need investment in but are too short-sighted and complacement with their service economies. I live in the UK and know full well how backwards supposed leading Western nations have become.

Sure China's smaller neighbours are apprehensive of China's rise but China has shown restraint in recent provocations from Japan, India, Vietnam and Philippines, etc. and showing the World that China stands for peace and not the old ways of brutal hegemony that the US has enforced. China is working on building trust with its neighbours and all East-Asia will benefit from the spill-over effect of China's success.

If you want to keep believing that the Western way is the correct and best way, then be my guest. Many non-western countries are seeing things much more differently.
If there is a bug in the S/W, the H/W is bricked, because there is no way to recover,
short of desoldering the memory replacing it with a new one.
WTF? I thought boot-loader was invented way back in 1970! Do Chinese don't know how to write a bootloader?
If this is the standard of Chinese engineering, there is no cause of alarm.
Actually that is pervasive in all things Chinese build on their own. Unless you design and specify everything, expect chinese engineering to be shoddy. With China quality comes last. BTW when Japan was becoming a manufacturing power, its engineering quality was a game changer. With China, we all know its malamine in milk.
WTF? I thought boot-loader was invented way back in 1970! Do Chinese don't know how to write a bootloader?

Actually that is pervasive in all things Chinese build on their own. Unless you design and specify everything, expect chinese engineering to be shoddy. With China quality comes last. BTW when Japan was becoming a manufacturing power, its engineering quality was a game changer. With China, we all know its malamine in milk.

If You are familiar with U-Boot, probably the most used bootloader for embedded devices,
it is designed to allow flexible handling.
You have an environment area, where you can store environment variables.
By executing ”run <variable>” you can use the variable as a script.
Except these guys disabled the ”run” command...

While you can download a binary from you development machine, they disabled the command
to copy the binary to flash, except for a neutered version optimed for the size
of linux kernels 10 years ago. If your kernel is larger than 2,7MB, you cannot flash it...

U-boot is designed to support a variety of CPUs with separate CPU/Board directories.
They scrapped that and try to support all variants through ifdefs in a single file.
Combine that with H/W which is bricked if there is a bug...

It sucks on an interstellar level!

Western-centric and outdated ideas. West have been stagnating for decades. Chinese are bold and willing to invest obscene money in areas such as supercomputing, quantum computing/communication, AI, solar/renewable energy industries, automated robotic manufacturing, electric cars, etc.. These are areas the West need investment in but are too short-sighted and complacement with their service economies. I live in the UK and know full well how backwards supposed leading Western nations have become.

Sure China's smaller neighbours are apprehensive of China's rise but China has shown restraint in recent provocations from Japan, India, Vietnam and Philippines, etc. and showing the World that China stands for peace and not the old ways of brutal hegemony that the US has enforced. China is working on building trust with its neighbours and all East-Asia will benefit from the spill-over effect of China's success.

If you want to keep believing that the Western way is the correct and best way, then be my guest. Many non-western countries are seeing things much more differently.

That is the Chinese perspective.
I am afraid the neighbours do not see it that way.

Those non-western countries are lured into a kind of dependency on China which
appears to be a modern version of the Russian serfdom.
They will not formally be slaves, but so much in debt, that China has total control over them.
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