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The WSJ on US War Plans Against Iran

Möbius Curve

Dec 5, 2018
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Today at 01:38

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Trump regime "sought options to strike Iran," falsely saying it may pursue a course no previous US leadership considered. More on this below.

Iran's 1979 revolution, ending a generation of US-installed fascist tyranny, launched 40 years of US hostility toward the country.

US actions included a near decade of Iran/Iraq war, two failed color revolution attempts, multiple rounds of illegal sanctions, toughest of all under Trump, more likely coming, endless propaganda war, and actions by DLT regime hardliners to destabilize the country, make its economy scream, and wage war if other methods fail.

Appointing Pompeo as secretary of state and Bolton as national security advisor was a virtual declaration of war on Iran, both officials militantly hardline against the country.

Trump is easily manipulated to go along with bad advice he's given - by his own foreign policy team and Netanyahu, regime change in Iran one of their key geopolitical aims, the same objective sought against Russia and China.

Israeli regimes have long urged US war on Iran, wanting their main regional rival eliminated, part of its aim to redraw the Middle East map, wanting regional states partitioned along ethnic and sectarian lines into smaller, weaker ones for easier control.

Endless Big Lies about an Iranian nuclear weapons program, the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, destabilizing the region, and wanting Israel destroyed are red meat rubbish for Iranophobes.

The Islamic Republic never attacked another country and threatens none now - cold hard facts US media suppress, maintaining the fiction of an Iranian threat to Israel, the region and US.

The Trump regime's anti-Iran Action Group is all about pursuing regime change with a vengeance - through economic war, tougher-than-ever illegal sanctions, and naked aggression as a fallback option if other efforts fail.

According to the Journal, Bolton "asked the Pentagon to provide the White House with military options to strike Iran last year, generating concern at the Pentagon and State Department, current and former US officials said," adding:

"The request 'definitely rattled people,' a former senior US administration official said of the request. 'People were shocked. It was mind-boggling how cavalier they were about hitting Iran.' "

The Journal falsely said Bolton's request came after several mortar rounds were fired at the heavily fortified Baghdad Green Zone, location of the US embassy, unjustifiably claiming an Iran-affiliated group was responsible, adding the incident "triggered alarm in Washington..."

Since Bush/Cheney's 2003 aggression and aftermath, they've been lots of similar incidents, Baghdad and other areas turned into virtual battlegrounds - besides violence and chaos related to US deployed ISIS jihadists in the country.

Bolton considered a tough response to the Green Zone incident, "including what many saw as the unusual request for options to strike Iran," said the Journal

Its editors surely know but won't say that Pentagon plans to attack Iran were prepared long ago - likely initially in the aftermath of its 1979 revolution, updated as circumstances warranted.

US regimes under Republicans and undemocratic Dems have longstanding war plans against all sovereign independent countries, including Russia and China.

Notably this has been US policy since the Clinton co-presidency, along with its Balkan wars, the rape of Yugoslavia, genocidal sanctions on Iraq, the early 90s Rwandan civil war and 1994 genocide to establish and solidify US influence in a part of Africa historically dominated by France and Belgium.

The Clintons continued what GHW Bush began. The Hutu extremist myth against Tutsis persists. The war was all about advancing America's imperium, the Clintons responsible for other war crimes during their tenure.

In 2010, Michel Chossudovsky explained the following about US war plans drawn against Iran - an article he titled "Global Warfare. Preparing for World War III? Targeting Iran," saying:

"Humanity is at a dangerous crossroads. War preparations to attack Iran are in 'an advanced state of readiness.' Hi tech weapons systems including nuclear warheads are fully deployed."

The "not so secret plan to wage war on Iran has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon since the mid-1990s according to a declassified 1995 US Central Command document."

"Since 2005, the US and its allies, including America's NATO partners and Israel, have been involved in the extensive deployment and stockpiling of advanced weapons systems. The air defense systems of the US, NATO member countries and Israel are fully integrated."

"This is a coordinated endeavor of the Pentagon, NATO, Israel's Defense Force (IDF), with the active military involvement of several non-NATO partner countries..."

"France has significant interests in Iran's oil industry," along with the US and Israel. US "Global War on Terrorism" is all about replacing sovereign independent governments in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and elsewhere with pro-Western puppet rule.

The US has war plans drawn against all its adversaries, ready to be implemented if ordered. The Journal surely knows plenty about it pretended otherwise.

There's nothing out of the ordinary about Bolton's request to the Pentagon. It's longstanding US policy since WW II, notably since Soviet Russia's dissolution, and especially post-9/11.

A several million men army is required with full air support from a 1000 modern jets, tactical nukes as required, 100,000 tomahawks, round the clock B-2 and B-1 raids for months and some 5000 or so MBT's and another 10,000 APC's. A year long campaign perhaps.

The west has to be prepared for both Russian and Chinese intervention and the complete destruction of Sawdi/ UAE and Qatari oil and gas infrastructure (not to mention the complete destruction of Iranian infrastructure). It will cost several trillion dollars to reinstall the Shah's son back in Tehran.

Is the west prepared to do all this?........otherwise it won't work!
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I grew up in the west and i knowthe white man only understands power and strength. Irans security lies in exploding a nuclear device and means to hit america.
I strongly believe if Pakistan wasnt nuclear with missiles capable of hitting israel and europe we wouldnt be free today
They can reinstall the Shah's kid again, if they really wanted to, but it will cost them big time. Possibly cost the entire world big money as oil would be $300/ barrel or more. Many smaller countries will collapse.

I grew up in the west and i knowthe white man only understands power and strength. Irans security lies in exploding a nuclear device and means to hit america.
I strongly believe if Pakistan wasnt nuclear with missiles capable of hitting israel and europe we wouldnt be free today
Lets hope sanity prevails in the Washington and Donald Trump gets impeached. World was in enough turmoil due to so many wars and having Donald Trump at the top with his IQ of 0 is not going to be any help to any region of the world.
A several million men army is required with full air support from a 1000 modern jets, tactical nukes as required, 100,000 tomahawks, round the clock B-2 and B-1 raids for months and some 5000 or so MBT's and another 10,000 APC's. A year long campaign perhaps.

The west has to be prepared for both Russian and Chinese intervention and the complete destruction of Sawdi/ UAE and Qatari oil and gas infrastructure (not to mention the complete destruction of Iranian infrastructure). It will cost several trillion dollars to reinstall the Shah's son back in Tehran.

Is the west prepared to do all this?........otherwise it won't work!
Dude, they are talking about attacking Iran, not China. The level of firepower you are suggesting is enough to ruin a country of any size, not just Iran. Much of the world understand that Iran doesn't stand a chance against US in a 'high-stakes' war. Best source of security for Iran is its oil production capacity and markets which have served it well so far. Russian and Chinese intervention is unlikely due to "geography." Syria is very close to Russia, and US and Russia reached an understanding there in 2013. However, Iran need to curtail its militia politics, and avoid provoking KSA and/or Israel.

They can reinstall the Shah's kid again, if they really wanted to, but it will cost them big time. Possibly cost the entire world big money as oil would be $300/ barrel or more. Many smaller countries will collapse.
OPEC is making necessary arrangements to curtail prices if Iran is struck. Spike in oil prices were expected/rumored when US re-imposed its sanctions on Iran on November 4, 2018, but other members of OPEC mitigated this crisis by increasing their production. Still, I believe that attacking a major oil producing entity is not easy due to "market factors."

Anyways, let us hope that this war does not happen. Already, millions of lives are ruined due to senseless wars under the garb of War On Terror since 2003.
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Well, the point still stands. Will the US commit to a multi-trillion dollar war? The answer is no. Pacification of the populace will cost additional trillions and take decades. Also in doing so the US will not only ruin its own economy but that of its toadies too, who are reliant on Persian Gulf crude. And you bet your sweet asss that both Russia and China will funnel in tons of weapons to Iran and make life extremely difficult for the West. They don't have to get physically involved. Iran has enough manpower and literally borders Russia via the Caucasus and Turkmenistan. The situation will grind down to a war of attrition just like Vietnam, where ultimately the West will lose.

If the US couldn't win in 'Eye-Raaq' or Syria, which were easy compared to Iran, there's no hope at all. Attacking and occupying Iran is a hard nut to crack. They'd a done it looong ago, way back in 2003 or even earlier when Iran was weak compared to now. In other words, it ain't happening (a military attack). However, an economic attack is what is in style currently, but yet again it's not easy to isolate Iran economically either. All Iran's oil & gas customers have been provided waivers, and from the looks of it, this will continue.

Dude, they are talking about attacking Iran, not China. The level of firepower you are suggesting is enough to ruin a country of any size, not just Iran. Much of the world understand that Iran doesn't stand a chance against US in a 'high-stakes' war. Best source of security for Iran is its oil production capacity and markets which have served it well so far. Russian and Chinese intervention is unlikely due to "geography." Syria is very close to Russia, and US and Russia reached an understanding there in 2013. However, Iran need to curtail its militia politics, and avoid provoking KSA and/or Israel.

OPEC is making necessary arrangements to curtail prices if Iran is struck. Spike in oil prices were expected/rumored when US re-imposed its sanctions on Iran on November 4, 2018, but other members of OPEC mitigated this crisis by increasing their production. Still, I believe that attacking a major oil producing entity is not easy due to "market factors."

Anyways, let us hope that this war does not happen. Already, millions of lives are ruined due to senseless wars under the garb of War On Terror since 2003.
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