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The world spent almost $2 trillion on defense in 2020


Jul 10, 2017
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The world spent almost $2 trillion on defense in 2020
By: Aaron Mehta   22 hours ago

Chinese military spending has increased for the 26th straight year, according to SIPRI research. (Li He/Xinhua via AP)

WASHINGTON — Global spending on militaries rose to $1.981 trillion last year, an increase of 2.6 percent over the previous year’s figure, according to new research by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
That total is the highest since the think tank SIPRI began tracking military spending in 1988. The top five largest military spenders contributed to 62 percent of that total.
The U.S. ($778 billion, 39 percent of overall spending) easily outpaced its closest competitors, with China ($252 billion, 13 percent), India ($72.9 billion, 3.7 percent), Russia ($61.7 billion, 3.1 percent) and the United Kingdom ($59.2 billion, 3 percent) rounding out the top group.
Overall, the U.S. and China represent 52 percent of all military spending for the year.
Rounding out the top 10 are Saudi Arabia ($57.5 billion), Germany ($52.8 billion), France, ($52.7 billion), Japan ($49.1 billion) and South Korea ($45.7 billion). No other country accounted for 2 percent or more of overall military expenditure in 2020.

While 2020 was an unprecedented year globally, military expenditures stayed steady overall, said Diego Lopes da Silva, a researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme.
“We can say with some certainty that the pandemic did not have a significant impact on global military spending in 2020,’ Lopes da Silva said in a news release. “It remains to be seen whether countries will maintain this level of military spending through a second year of the pandemic.”

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COVID-19 did have one impact on the data set: As global economies struggled in 2020, defense spending as a percentage of national gross domestic product reached a global average of 2.4 percent in 2020, up from 2.2 percent in 2019 — the biggest year-on-year rise since 2009, according to SIPRI.
While that change was due more to GDPs coming down than to nations actively increasing their defense spending, it did allow three NATO nations to break the 2 percent GDP spending target that had previously not done so, by SIPRI’s estimation.
Researchers relay on estimations for China’s defense spending, but its annual 2020 figures appear to represent a 1.9 percent increase from 2019 — the 26th year in a row that China’s military spending has increased, and the longest such streak SIPRI has tracked. Overall, in the last decade, China has increased its military spending by 76 percent.
USA, China and India : Committing billions to warmonger outside their countries while within they have people who are homeless, hungry, doing multiple jobs, unable to access healthcare and committing suicide.

Stupid !
USA, China and India : Committing billions to warmonger outside their countries while within they have people who are homeless, hungry, doing multiple jobs, unable to access healthcare and committing suicide.

Stupid !

Why not apply the same standard to other countries of the world too?
Does Pakistan spend money we don't know about or is it the normal 7-8 billion range. How can we compete with India and its massive spending spree.
Does Pakistan spend money we don't know about or is it the normal 7-8 billion range. How can we compete with India and its massive spending spree.

Build a bigger, more productive economy. Simple.
workers need/want work, economy must spin, money will be spent. So during economically difficult times what makes the general populace more frustrated? Seeing a bunch of rich party boys living in lavish homes with expensive toys and women or money being spent on the military/police to protect the group and what the group has access to?

During economically difficult times probably better for societal stability to ruin the rich party boys and fund/empower/equip the military/police.

btw the sites below say
global health care spending is about $8.3 trillion (2020)
global construction spending about $12 trillion (2019)

Why not apply the same standard to other countries of the world too?

Sure, but the aforementioned ones are primary in bragging about various things : freedoms, spirituality, being superpowers, being "Vishwa Guru" ( "World Teacher" in Hindi language ), being 6th largest economy in the world ( India brags this ), being "Socialist with Chinese characteristics", being the global policeman, "Capitalism is good" etc etc. All in all, these three countries claim their societies to be harmonious ( in other words ). AFAIK other countries don't do this.

The American military budget for 2020-21 is supposedly 934 billion dollars. The American government should redirect most of this money towards setting up a proper welfare system and also, I would dearly like this, towards funding SpaceX and other such organizations so that they begin a manned Mars program.

I am sure no one is imminently plotting to invade Fortress America.
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Sure, but the aforementioned ones are primary in bragging about various things : freedoms, spirituality, being superpowers, being "Vishwa Guru" ( "World Teachers" in Hindi language ), being 6th largest economy in the world ( India brags this ), being "Socialist with Chinese characteristics", being the global policeman, "Capitalism is good" etc etc. All in all, these three countries claim their societies to be harmonious ( in other words ). AFAIK other countries don't do this.

The American military budget for 2020-21 is supposedly 934 billion dollars. The American government should redirect most of this money towards setting up a proper welfare system and also, I would dearly like this, towards funding SpaceX and other such organizations so that they begin a manned Mars program.

I am sure no one is imminently plotting to invade Fortress America.

When do we all hold hands and sing Kumbaya? :D

Many other countries pontificate similarly, and it is up to each country to determine where to spend its own money as it sees fit. It is not for others to determine.
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When do we all hold hands and sing Kumbaya? :D

Many other countries pontificate smimilary, and it is up to each country to determine where to spend its own money as it sees fit. It is not for others to determine.

I guess you are not a communist. :D
Misleading report targetting China, while China's is far below the world average

Misleading report targetting China, while China's is far below the world average

But consider the value of the Yuan, as you keep telling us. An $8 burger in USA is only about 80c in china, so China's $252 billion spending on defense is equal to about 2.5 trillion dollars if spent by USA. China wins!
If by communism you mean that everybody deserves their own personal AK-47 to ensure equality, I could be persuaded. :D

I think you are referring more to a modern version of the film The Godfather. :D

But Libya until its systemic destruction in 2011 also had provision for personal gun ownership but AFAIK there were no reported gun crimes. I suppose it had to do with the system being guided by Socialism.

As for Communism it is this :
Communism is a philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state.Wikipedia
I think you are referring more to a modern version of the film The Godfather. :D

But Libya until its systemic destruction in 2011 also had provision for personal gun ownership but AFAIK there were no reported gun crimes. I suppose it had to do with the system being guided by Socialism.

As for Communism it is this :

So how is that going for China?
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