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The world spent almost $2 trillion on defense in 2020

So how is that going for China?

China is a capitalist country. Please read my recent thread about it :

China is a capitalist country. Please read my recent thread about it :

Yes, but they are still ruled by the Communist Party of China.
Yes, but they are still ruled by the Communist Party of China.

That is a strange contradiction.

In that thread I had tagged our Chinese friend @beijingwalker who prolifically posts about all things Chinese. No post from him there.
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USA, China and India : Committing billions to warmonger outside their countries while within they have people who are homeless, hungry, doing multiple jobs, unable to access healthcare and committing suicide.

Stupid !
Please excluded China. Our economy are doing fine and Chinese citizen well being are getting better and better.

We are right to increase our military budget.
Please excluded China. Our economy are doing fine and Chinese citizen well being are getting better and better.

Just that those Chinese citizens are jumping into steel furnaces and jumping from high buildings because they lost money in the stock market. And your poor are not able to afford healthcare locally so they travel to India.

How very "communist" China is. :rolleyes:

We are right to increase our military budget.

Why do you need a massive military ? Just to have something to compete with USA ?
Just that those Chinese citizens are jumping into steel furnaces and jumping from high buildings because they lost money in the stock market.

How very "communist" China is. :rolleyes:

Why do you need a massive military ? Just to have something to compete with USA ?
They are greedy and want to play with fire. I thought many claim China has no freedom then may I know how he can decide for himself to speculate in stock market?

You shall have your sympathy for more of this rural Chinese kids tough life rather than this worker trying to make quick buck.
And Switzerland. Imagine that! :D

If you are Pakistani as you say, then look at your people and nation. You are genetic kin of the people in Afghanistan (ydna R1a). Religion is same as Afghanistan not Switzerland.
What relevance do the Swiss have to you? NONE.
Imagine that! :partay:
And so is every other country, equally, if it so chooses.
Not when your economy is not growing, citizen lives suffer and u even got the cheek to increase military budget.

China economy is growing in 2020 for 2.3%. We are absolutely right to increase military budget.
If you are Pakistani as you say, then look at your people and nation. You are genetic kin of the people in Afghanistan (ydna R1a). Religion is same as Afghanistan not Switzerland.
What relevance do the Swiss have to you? NONE.
Imagine that! :partay:

Yes, but widespread gun ownership is the point here. :D
Not when your economy is not growing, citizen lives suffer and u even got the cheek to increase military budget.

China economy is growing in 2020 for 2.3%. We are absolutely right to increase military budget.

China's money is China's choice to spend it however it wishes. Of course.

But so do all the countries, similarly.
They are greedy and want to play with fire. I thought many claim China has no freedom then may I know how he can decide for himself to speculate in stock market?

As you said, they were greedy. Many people are not sensible and tend to do wrong things thereby creating a non-harmonious society and that is why intellectuals and philosophers have to guide these non-sensible public. Which is why all revolutions came about, including in China.

Those two men speculated in the stock market because somehow, strangely, a socialist country like China allowed stock market to exist. Why ?

And then there are the poor people in China who are unable to access quality healthcare in China so they come to India to avail of India's health tourism. Will rich Chinese have these problems in China ? And China is supposedly a country which is led by a communist movement which should theoretically desire the end of economic classification of rich and poor. Yet there continue to exist the rich class and the poor class in China. How ?

You shall have your sympathy for more of this rural Chinese kids tough life rather than this worker trying to make quick buck.

The underlined, what do you mean ?
Those two men speculated in the stock market because somehow, strangely, a socialist country like China allowed stock market to exist. Why ?

Because deep down, they want to be like USA?
Agreed. Hence their parallel desire of having a globe-spanning military as big as USA's.

Let them try, it is their right - to attempt to do so as best as they can.
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