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The world spent almost $2 trillion on defense in 2020

Let them try, it is their right - to attempt to do so as best as they can.

Technically what you say is right but in speaking about ideals ( me being a communist ) it is not correct.

I rather would desire a global disarmament as much as possible.
Yes, but widespread gun ownership is the point here.

no, how populations act with widespread gun ownership is the point.

What makes Switzerland different from Afghanistan, Somalia and also the USA. The populations act differently in each place. Why what are the differences? :) Easy for me to say it is race or religion but doubtful that is the real cause of the difference.
Technically what you say is right but in speaking about ideals ( me being a communist ) it is not correct.

I rather would desire a global disarmament as much as possible.

Yes, is this the point we can sing Kumbaya? :D

Global disarmament is a great ideal. Mostly imaginary, but very enticing!
no, how populations act with widespread gun ownership is the point.

What makes Switzerland different from Afghanistan, Somalia and also the USA. The populations act differently in each place. Why what are the differences? :)

Ah yes, do we need to have the "correct" genetic makeup to own AK-47s?
USA, China and India : Committing billions to warmonger outside their countries while within they have people who are homeless, hungry, doing multiple jobs, unable to access healthcare and committing suicide.

Stupid !
The gun has no morality, the bullet has love, so war is immoral love. Homelessness, hunger, joblessness and pain are all the products of war.
USA, China and India : Committing billions to warmonger outside their countries while within they have people who are homeless, hungry, doing multiple jobs, unable to access healthcare and committing suicide.

Stupid !

Russia is almost 5 times bigger than India and is comprised of 11 time zones Vs only 1 of India. Russia need to maintain status quo on its border with China in Asia, with eruopean countries in Europe and US in American continent. While India have neighbours like Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal which offer 0 threat to India while 1 neighbour Pakistan offers moderate and 1 neighbour China Major threat but even that can not be materialised and turn to reality because of the geographical constraints between China and India. This leaves India with only 1 moderate threat which is Pakistan.

Now tell me is it justified for India to be Number 3 in military spending and ahead of Russia ??? Indians need to start ask some questions from their government. Anything above USD 30 billion is not justified.
Yes, is this the point we can sing Kumbaya? :D

Global disarmament is a great ideal. Mostly imaginary, but very enticing!

Some things can be known by experimenting. Realizing global disarmament is one of them. Certain organizations or governmental groupings can initiate the talk. There are platforms available : UNO General Assembly, Valdai Discussion Club, SCO, Arab League, AU, ALBA etc.

Weren't USA and USSR talking of mutual disarmament during the Cold War ?
Some things can be known by experimenting. Realizing global disarmament is one of them. Certain organizations or governmental groupings can initiate the talk. There are platforms available : UNO General Assembly, Valdai Discussion Club, SCO, Arab League, AU, ALBA etc.

Weren't USA and USSR talking of mutual disarmament during the Cold War ?

The SALT treaties worked because it was only two countries involved. Anything involving the UN or similar organizations may not work as well.
The SALT treaties worked because it was only two countries involved. Anything involving the UN or similar organizations may not work as well.

Nonetheless it has to be attempted and there has to be balance. Google tells me that USA still has some chemical weapons. Yet hypocritically the USA and its NATO allies were forcing Syria to destroy its stock of chemical weapons.

If USA, Russia, France, Britain, India, Israel, Iran and Pakistan ( and South Africa ? ) declared jointly that their stock of nuclear weapons will be repurposed towards devising nuclear bomb method of spacecraft propulsion - called Nuclear Pulse Propulsion - it would be such a wonderful, peaceful and actually useful thing for humanity. Every way.
Nonetheless it has to be attempted and there has to be balance. Google tells me that USA still has some chemical weapons. Yet hypocritically the USA and its NATO allies were forcing Syria to destroy its stock of chemical weapons.

If USA, Russia, France, Britain, India, Israel, Iran and Pakistan ( and South Africa ? ) declared jointly that their stock of nuclear weapons will be repurposed towards devising nuclear bomb method of spacecraft propulsion - called Nuclear Pulse Propulsion - it would be such a wonderful, peaceful and actually useful thing for humanity. Every way.

All excellent ideas, but it all depends on who gets to define what the "right" balance is, just like enforcing sharia in Pakistan. Everybody wants it but no one seems to be able to agree exactly on what it is precisely. And everybody is okay with it as long as it is agreeable to them only.
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