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The wonderful ammunition that we will see on the Egyptian Rafale, which America forbid to sell to Egypt

the 1st Egyptian Rafale deal was F3 varian that is not able to fire Meteor missile ( wasn’t in service that time ) but the deal included upgrading the 1st batch to be F3R and obtaining meteor missiles .

Egypt has a contract to aquire 12 RAFALEs with the same price of the first 24 .... may be that is the reason + more production equals low price .

also consider the only Arab country ( Algeria ) that had downgraded & malfunctioned Sukhois from Russia ....! in a huge corruption deal with Algerian generals
😂😂😂😂 Algeria is no worried about the quality of equipments received from Russia or China or any other country she bought weaponry from…From the time being , none of her 7 borders have been violated. Algeria is the Israel of Russia..the only country that the Russian arm with systems that are not made for export…
Egyptian Rafales are no better than the F16 that the US damped on Egypt, Iraq and other Arab states, save the Emirates ( but under a full US control) and serve as a US stock in case of war with Russian or the Chinese…Beside the voice of Israel has been silent on the latest Egyptian’s acquisitions be it, from France, Italy, Germany or others..it indicates that all these 2nd hand toiletteries are of no danger to them…And I doubt seriously that the Russians have sold you anything worth having…And thinking that the Russian bear has forgotten, what Sadat did to them in the 80’s…you will be sadly mistaken…
Algeria, comparing to Egypt has a small army..She buy the best what is sold in this world and used to the fullest of its capabily..So far, beside Russia, it is the only country south of the Med , save Israel, that her drones , smart ammunitions and missiles weight land based, propelled , air or sea based are satellite vectored using her own satellite…..Algeria’s armed forces are a way ahead from any army or armies that the Arab world can put together…if Egyptian armed forces haven’t crossed the Lybian borders despite the many Sissi threats, there is big reason….
😂😂😂😂 Algeria is no worried about the quality of equipments received from Russia or China or any other country she bought weaponry from…From the time being , none of her 7 borders have been violated. Algeria is the Israel of Russia..the only country that the Russian arm with systems that are not made for export…
Egyptian Rafales are no better than the F16 that the US damped on Egypt, Iraq and other Arab states, save the Emirates ( but under a full US control) and serve as a US stock in case of war with Russian or the Chinese…Beside the voice of Israel has been silent on the latest Egyptian’s acquisitions be it, from France, Italy, Germany or others..it indicates that all these 2nd hand toiletteries are of no danger to them…And I doubt seriously that the Russians have sold you anything worth having…And thinking that the Russian bear has forgotten, what Sadat did to them in the 80’s…you will be sadly mistaken…
Algeria, comparing to Egypt has a small army..She buy the best what is sold in this world and used to the fullest of its capabily..So far, beside Russia, it is the only country south of the Med , save Israel, that her drones , smart ammunitions and missiles weight land based, propelled , air or sea based are satellite vectored using her own satellite…..Algeria’s armed forces are a way ahead from any army or armies that the Arab world can put together…if Egyptian armed forces haven’t crossed the Lybian borders despite the many Sissi threats, there is big reason….

Inflated self esteem 😂
the Red line was 1000 KMs from Egyptian boarders and it was for the NATO proxy (Turkey ) not for a hesitating impulsive states like Algeria ... and because Erdogan has some good advisers.... they advised him not to cross the Egyptian Red Line ( Serte - Aljufra ) .
Algeria has nothing to do Military or politically ....& now nothing economically after stabilizing the situation.
it was for the NATO proxy (Turkey )

NATO Countries France and The US were allies with Russia , Egypt , The Uae and HAFTAR against Turkey in Libya

also NATO Countries France and The US support Greece,Egypt,İsrael against Turkey in the Eastern Mediterrannean

Inflated self esteem 😂
the Red line was 1000 KMs from Egyptian boarders ... and because Erdogan has some good advisers.... they advised him not to cross the Egyptian Red Line ( Serte - Aljufra ) .

İts Russian red line ..... not Egyptian
Egypt has no military power to reach Serte

Russia is in Libya with dozens of Fighter Jets , PANTSIR and S300 Air Defense Systems , Radar Electronic Warfare Systems , Coastal defense anti-ship Missiles , WAGNER Fighters , etc

also Russia threatened Turkey in Caucasia and Syria not to attack Serte and Al Jufra
Russia wants airbase in Aljufra and Naval base in Serte

İran is hidding behind Russia in Syria against Turkey
Egypt and The Uae are hidding behind Russia in Libya against Turkey
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Inflated self esteem 😂
the Red line was 1000 KMs from Egyptian boarders and it was for the NATO proxy (Turkey ) not for a hesitating impulsive states like Algeria ... and because Erdogan has some good advisers.... they advised him not to cross the Egyptian Red Line ( Serte - Aljufra ) .
Algeria has nothing to do Military or politically ....& now nothing economically after stabilizing the situation.
Bullshit! Egypt has a big mouth… as always .Just a mouth, nothing else….can’t be against Turkey, because Egypt and Turkey act both on behalf the US…She was afraid to find herself facing Algeria’s armed forces…no more no less…


Your responses are still humorous, as you are talking about Turkish dreams, illusions, or comparisons that are not on the ground, such as comparing a product that has not entered service with equipment in service for years, or comparing an attack helicopter to a drone

Let's talk about what is the facts on the ground
The Turkish weapons program is based on a poor history of appropriation

The Turks boast that they are laying down arms, but how much is the cost?
We showed simple examples

Egypt MA1A1 tank industry program

Egypt signed a contract to set up the factory at a cost of $ 150 million in 1988
First batch of domestically produced tanks Samar requested 19 local modifications to be accepted into service and the Americans acquiesced
Egypt, in exchange for producing 540 tanks locally, the cost was 1 billion dollars, meaning that the cost of the tanks at the time was 2.3 million dollars per tank.
The average cost of a tank did not increase, even with the rise in global prices, exceeding $ 4 million. Rather, all supply deals included ammunition, spare parts and tank trucks.

The factory since 1992 until now

It produced 1130 tanks, and the Israelis say that Egypt produced 1,360 tanks
Egypt produced more than 130 M88A2 vehicles locally
Egypt produced dozens of metal bridges for the Egyptian army, licensed to cross water barriers 200 to 400 meters high
Egypt produced thousands of transport vehicles at the factory for the Egyptian army
Egypt has supplied thousands of vehicles for the Egyptian police force
The plant currently produces 1,000 ST-100/500 armored vehicles annually
The size of the factory's military and civilian production lines is 17 production lines
The factory provides services to more than 650 other Egyptian factories
The factory has also turned to the field of heavy civilian equipment in the field of construction or earthmoving heavy equipment

Let's see the disastrous Turkish situation
Turkey paid 670 million dollars to develop 170 tanks to Israel with the transfer of technology, Turkey failed to transfer technology, and Turkey failed to export the M60 program.

Turkey paid South Korea $ 70 million for South Korea to receive 4 ready-made models of the tank called ALTAY
Technical transfer packages $ 400-540 million to transfer tank body technology, artillery and fire management systems
Turkey failed to obtain an engine, and a local company assigned an engine development program by purchasing licenses to produce one of the English or Italian engines under a Turkish name to escape any European embargo.

The cost of the Turkish program since 2008 until now has exceeded 1 billion dollars, and the result is zero tanks
Simply, Turkey, since 2013, has been waiting for the Turkish tank, any delay of 8 years, and it is not expected to actually appear before another 2-3 years, as even with the start of production, the price will rise, and Turkey will not get its dream 1000 tanks, perhaps before 2033

Consequently, Egypt succeeded in producing more than 1130 tanks for zero, at a very low cost, and when the American production stopped
Egypt has turned to Russia to produce 500 T-90MS tanks. Production licenses for the Russian tank do not exceed 160 million dollars.
The cost of production is $ 2.5 million, and starting from 2026, Egypt will have introduced a new national tank

Turkey The cost of production of the Altay tank amounted to 13.75 million dollars, and yet there are no tanks
The Turkish project to produce 1,000 tanks has been planned since 1990, and now, after 31 years, zero tanks are in service
That is, Turkey spent more than 1.5 billion dollars in thirty years in calculating the cost of developing M60 tanks, and Turkey did not obtain the production of any Turkish tanks.

China Unveils New Stealth Drone With Eye on Middle East Dictators
By David Brennan On 11/7/18 at 11:45 AM EST


Another disaster
The ANKA plane project UAV
Turkey paid 300 million dollars in the cost of developing and producing 12 Inca aircraft. The project was supposed to be production in 2012. Actual production was only completed by 2018.
The cost of one plane is 8 million dollars
As for the export deals of the ANKA plane to Tunisia, in a suspicious and corrupt deal by the Ghannouchi gang in Tunisia.
Egypt at this time bought the Chinese aircraft at the following costs

The plane, WING LOONJ 1, the price of the plane is $ 1 million, as part of an initial deal for 10 aircraft
The WING LOONG 1-D plane costs $ 2 million for 32 aircraft
The price of the aircraft, WING LOOONG 2, is 5 million dollars, for 76 aircraft
Egypt locally produced the WING LOONG 1-4 / 2
The cost of Egypt's possession of Chinese drones is much less expensive than Turkish aircraft, although the Chinese planes are modified according to Egyptian requirements.
Therefore, we find that 12 ANKA planes were purchased at the same value 4 times the number of Chinese drones, and the effectiveness of the Chinese aircraft for the price is stages higher than the Turkish
The result, it says, is Turkey as a factory, and its fleet is still smaller than the Egyptian unmanned aircraft fleet
Simply, the Turkish domestic production was not superior and did not give Turkey an advantage over Egypt, but rather a higher cost to Turkey

Another disaster

ATAK-129 plane project Turkey bought 59 aircraft from Italy at a price of 3200 million dollars

This number is equivalent to the cost of buying Egypt
46 AH-64 aircraft
46 KA-52 aircraft
And up to 150 GAZELLE aircraft
Does the T-129 lightweight aircraft compare to other aircraft, of course not
The Turkish planes are characterized by being extremely slow and easy to shoot down, as the Kurds shot them down with an antique SAM 7 missile because they did not have protection systems for them and did not have levels of armor that protect them from any injuries, even if they are light and weak in combat, and not like a gullible boxer. Top

The Apache helicopter is carrying 16 Hellfire missiles
The KA-52 carries up to 24 VIKHR & ATAKA anti-tank missiles

The Turkish plane ATAKA-129 carries 8 anti-tank missiles, and a naive man compares it to the Apache, or KA-52.

Simply result
Turkish weapons are not comparable at all to the equivalent weapons, whether in performance, price, or even capacity versus value. The Turkish limited fleets of Turkish weapons, such as attack helicopters, drones, or the Egyptian armor weapon cannot be compared to the Turks.

Simply, there are always criteria: Should a weapon of limited performance be produced, in order to say that it is local production, its effectiveness is weak and its cost is very high, as for another weapon, i.e. the return and performance must be against the cost and not propaganda

The Turks are one of their lies that it is Turkish weapons

Forbidding you to export the ATAKA-129 to Pakistan because the first 9 American aircraft ATAKA-129 was rejected by the Turkish army because it was not at the required level of competence and was transferred to the border police to hit the Turkish army tanks in case of any conflict over rule between the Turkish army and the Freedom and Justice Party gang in Turkey

Canada has banned the components of the drone aircraft from Turkey, so Turkey has been forced to use local components of modest level. Even the army will reject it.
Turkey is forced to go to Ukraine in order to acquire Ukrainian engines for aircraft because Turkey does not produce engines for helicopters, large drones, or even unmanned aircraft equipped with turbofan engines. Ukrainian engines are inferior to performance because they are technically backward for many years.
The ATALA-2 will fly like a farm tractor with the antique TV3-117 engine, which is technically behind the VK-2500 P3 engine.
Or the American engines, the Turks here in this case are forced on the technically backward Ukrainian engines because they have no alternative. Therefore, this will be reflected in Turkish weapons.
The Turks say that they will develop the Ukrainian engines, which is required annually and at any level at all

The Turkish boy is proud of his town's military products and forgets the levels of strategic weakness that we see in the arms embargo and preventing Turkey from obtaining fighters

If we go to something else
Air defenses

Egypt has an air defense system since the seventies that included in the seventies 150 batteries
In the eighties it added to it
100 short-range air defense batteries
Includes 24 Sky Guard Amon batteries, which were produced in Egypt in the eighties and Egypt, with more than 20 modifications added to them
Sparrow missiles were assembled locally
16 Crotal battery and Egypt collected it with a license from Thomson France in the eighties after France benefited from the Egyptian modifications to the system
24 US Chapril battery
16 hook battery

Then she updated the Egyptian systems with a number

12 BUK M1 / M2 battery
24 TOR M2 wagon
7 IRIS-T SLM batteries are in service in Egypt, and 5 other batteries are currently under contract
5 battery HQ-17
5 battery HQ-18
4+ S-300VM / V4 battery
Belarus offered Egypt to develop a new medium-range system to replace 30 SAM-6 batteries and 16 HAWK batteries
It is based on the Buk-MB3K system, but Egypt has developed a newer generation of missiles
Egypt is a superior country in electronic warfare systems
They possess command and control networks that encompass the Western and Eastern regimes, while we are simply confronting Israel, which has more advanced electronic warfare systems than Turkey and we have programs that go beyond the limited Turkish capabilities because we exploit all global resources alongside local developments and do not rely only on one source

Turkey in exchange for hundreds of Egyptian missile batteries

24 Hawk batteries, a number of which were hit in Libya
4 The S-400 battery is deactivated
200 Arabs depend on the American Stinger missile
You cry and say Turkey's programs, and there is not one battery in service from HSAR A + systems, and the rest are Turkish pink dreams
Simply, Turkey currently does not have a real air defense that can stand up to any Greek air attack
Of course, you will say the Turkish F-16 will carry out the tasks of the air patrol, but the Turkish fleet is sympathetic besides that there are not enough pilots in the first place, so Turkey will remain in a very weak state for many years to come until the availability of pilots

Simply, you are comparing small countries in military capacity, such as Turkey, to an Egyptian monster, and you are trying to create illusions in the future. We are talking on the ground or facts.

Eastern Mediterranean

I want to ask you one question in next August, what will Turkey do when the Egyptian SU-35 & RAFALE & MIG-29M commandos attack the Turkish soldiers in Libya, and Egypt grills them and sends them burnt bodies to Turkey. At that time, Turkey will say in the future it will own TFX, and it will own HURJET, and we have Weapon programs under development. Everyone will laugh at you, especially since you are Catherine since 1830, afraid that Egypt will defeat you again, so you were disciplined in Libya when Egypt announced a red line

If we see the situation, you are called Turkey, which is competing with Egypt militarily, and it is capable

On the ground shutter, Bloody Golden Fingre

When the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum was established, Turkey was isolated and expelled, and Egypt did not accept it
Military alliance with Greece We do not need to support a Greek military. On the contrary, we are the ones who support them, to illustrate a simple example
In the case of Turkish-Greek tensions
Did Egypt give Turkey any value in the mediator, or did it just give Turkey red lines, but France itself when it found the effectiveness of the red lines against Turkey, it also issued red lines, meaning Turkey, everyone issues orders and warnings to it, and it cancels all the illusions about which a Turkish military force talks about it that no one fears Rather, we issue orders to Turkey, and you must obey

We explain a catastrophic scenario for Turkey

Egypt can support Greece with 2 bastion coastal defense batteries
Or coastal CM-302 missile systems beside Greece's deployment of coastal missiles from Exocet
And air defense systems of Russian models
Egypt can simply support Greece, whether with Egyptian early warning services or drones
Or even 4 Rafale jets and a lot of equipment
Support with all Greece requirements of ammunition and spare parts for fighters, and even Mirage 2000 fighters
UF 16
The same thing, Egypt, which has a large fleet of drones, can support Greece with numbers of CH-B & WING LOONG 2 aircraft to increase the Greek air superiority against Turkey.
What if Egypt encroached on Greece with 30 WS-2D platforms next to whom Greece possesses MLRS to crush Turkish infantry when Turkey tries to seize any Greek island
The same thing supports Cyprus militarily against any Turkish intervention
Egypt can support Greece by transporting equipment and soldiers via 2 Egyptian LHD MISTRAL ships

Intelligence coordination and information exchange on the Turkish enemy, and also cooperation in electronic warfare systems

All this will increase the superiority of Greece, which already possesses a better air force than Turkey after it developed the F-16 AESA refrigerators.
RAFALE began receiving 6 aircraft this year
It developed the contract for 24 F-35s
It is negotiating with France the MITAGE-2000-5 MK2 aircraft
And with Emirates on F-16 BLOCK 60

One of the factors of Turkish weakness against either Greece and Egypt is the separation of Turkey
21,000 Turkish commanders, officers, soldiers and pilots from the service, which is a military collapse of Turkey as well, and a huge disaster. The resonance of a professional officer requires 15 years of training.
A professional military commander who requires 25 years of training, therefore, there is nothing left in the Turkish army except for Erdogan without professionalism.

Why did Turkey run after bringing in Pakistani pilots to compensate for the expulsion of 300 combat pilots from the Turkish Air Force, which makes Turkey unable to operate even its weak fleet of F16 and F4 fighters?
Turkey is still unable to train all pilots, and it has more aircraft than pilots
Let's clarify a simple matter: Egypt provides 2 pilots for each fighter, while Turkey currently provides 0.8 pilots for each fighter
So you are trying to make the illusion that you can war
Why did Turkey kneel to Egypt in Libya and did not go beyond the red line, because it is a country that does not dare and is afraid to strike hard in Libya from the Egyptian army and a weapon for the Egyptian air force
The Turkish Minister of Defense: Why does he praise Egypt? Is his job to thank Egypt or because you follow the misfortune of those who cannot fight and lick their shoes?

Egypt does not fear Turkey. On the contrary, Egypt fears the Turks themselves
Your head of state says that the Egyptians love the Greeks, and do the Egyptians love the murderers of the Syrians, Iraqis and Libyans, and steal the wealth, land and water of Arab countries? Finally, there is no connection to Islam with Turkey, where Islam is an application and not slogans.

Euphrates River after Turkey stole the water

The Turkish humanitarian crimes against the people of Syria and Iraq and the theft of the water of the Euphrates River will not make there any friendship between the Arab peoples and Turkey. Rather, the future will be wars, and Egypt at that time will be with Iraq against the thieves of Turkish life.
Bullshit! Egypt has a big mouth… as always .Just a mouth, nothing else….can’t be against Turkey, because Egypt and Turkey act both on behalf the US…She was afraid to find herself facing Algeria’s armed forces…no more no less…
Ethiopia is laughing her *** of too…after the Sissi speeches..But what stopped Egypt on her tracks..is the fear that to face of our mustachoes.!
Meteor BVR missile, Scalp air to ground cruise missile and Aster 30 long range air defense missile are officially in Egypt..



Aster 30
Source for the Meteor?
Yes, already given in the Egyptian Armed forces thread..
Besides that.. many other sources confirmed that Egypt contracted the Meteor in its first deal of 24 Rafale in 2015.. but as we all know now, it was just tested 3 months ago on the French Rafale F3R standard.. so it will be delivered to the EAF as soon as possible.. with a few in Egypt already..
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Meteor BVR missile, Scalp air to ground cruise missile and Aster 30 long range air defense missile are officially in Egypt..


Great stuff, SC Bro. This weapon is a game changer in all aspect of A2A dominance. Honestly, start playing the Chinese methods of reverse engineering. This one is obviously a tough one to start with but open up an AIM-9, then the sky's the limit. I'm sure the Chinese started with the easy stuff but man were they smart and started building F-6 way back and now they're building stealth planes. And to think we were one of the first to build jets only to get mired ibn wars, we will catch up quick I have no doubt.
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Great stuff, SC Bro. This weapon is a game changer in all aspect of A2A dominance. Honestly, start playing the Chinese methods of reverse engineering. This one is obviously a tough one to start with but open up an AIM-9, then the sky's the limit. I'm sure the Chinese started with the easy stuff but man were they smart and started building F-6 way back and now they're building stealth planes. And to think we were one of the first to build jets only to get mired ibn wars, we will catch up quick I have no doubt.
Oh yes this Helwa Helwan HA-300

عندما صنعت مصر عدة نماذج أولية لمشروع طائرة مقاتلة محلية

Bro..The AIM-9 has been made under license in Egypt for a long time now..so that is an easy one to reverse engineer..

You'll never hear "reverse engineer" from the Egyptian Armed Forces..it is all in the dark..

Have you noticed that most Arab and other developing nations are mostly concentrated on the Electronics side of weapons.. and since it is the real heart of any weapon system out there.. it is a very positive move.. the rest is much easier as the technologies are already mastered, be it solid fuel, guidance, engines and so on,.
Oh yes this Helwa Helwan HA-300

عندما صنعت مصر عدة نماذج أولية لمشروع طائرة مقاتلة محلية

Ah yes, what could've been. Imagine had that program continued or picked up shortly after where things would've been now?

Bro..The AIM-9 has been made under license in Egypt for a long time now..so that is an easy one to reverse engineer..

You'll never hear "reverse engineer" from the Egyptian Armed Forces..it is all in the dark..

Have you noticed that most Arab and other developing nations are mostly concentrated on the Electronics side of weapons.. and since it is the real heart of any weapon system out there.. it is a very positive move.. the rest is much easier as the technologies are already mastered, be it solid fuel, guidance, engines and so on,.

Yeah I know, but eventually the secrecy has to come out if they've producing anything since they would have to test fire it live and the beauty of what the Chinese did is they never cared about anyone and put all their PL series on their planes and not even the US could do or say anything. We need to see our side develop that sort of attitude with just the right amount of caution.
Ah yes, what could've been. Imagine had that program continued or picked up shortly after where things would've been now?

Yeah I know, but eventually the secrecy has to cR&D and human resourcesome out if they've producing anything since they would have to test fire it live and the beauty of what the Chinese did is they never cared about anyone and put all their PL series on their planes and not even the US could do or say anything. We need to see our side develop that sort of attitude with just the right amount of caution.
The context is different from the Chinese one..where China was closed on itself for almost 40 years.. and when it came out it already had nukes and what have you.. so in its grand opening on the world again it was welcomed by the West as it offered cheap labour for production.. a smart business move and since the first principle of business and capitalism is maximizing profit.. it succeeded in getting the biggest companies in the world opening factories in there..and transferring machinery and high production tech.. China took off from there and invested wisely in R&D and human resources.. the rest is history now as it leads in many fields..

One of the best steps Egypt is following now is investing in R&D and human resources.. among many very positive steps..

Bro..getting out of secrecy is not always good.. look at the USA with all its might and still have its F-22 and F-35 hacked..HaHaHa..
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View attachment 742408

Your responses are still humorous, as you are talking about Turkish dreams, illusions, or comparisons that are not on the ground, such as comparing a product that has not entered service with equipment in service for years, or comparing an attack helicopter to a drone

Let's talk about what is the facts on the ground
The Turkish weapons program is based on a poor history of appropriation

The Turks boast that they are laying down arms, but how much is the cost?
We showed simple examples

Egypt MA1A1 tank industry program

Egypt signed a contract to set up the factory at a cost of $ 150 million in 1988
First batch of domestically produced tanks Samar requested 19 local modifications to be accepted into service and the Americans acquiesced
Egypt, in exchange for producing 540 tanks locally, the cost was 1 billion dollars, meaning that the cost of the tanks at the time was 2.3 million dollars per tank.
The average cost of a tank did not increase, even with the rise in global prices, exceeding $ 4 million. Rather, all supply deals included ammunition, spare parts and tank trucks.

The factory since 1992 until now

It produced 1130 tanks, and the Israelis say that Egypt produced 1,360 tanks
Egypt produced more than 130 M88A2 vehicles locally
Egypt produced dozens of metal bridges for the Egyptian army, licensed to cross water barriers 200 to 400 meters high
Egypt produced thousands of transport vehicles at the factory for the Egyptian army
Egypt has supplied thousands of vehicles for the Egyptian police force
The plant currently produces 1,000 ST-100/500 armored vehicles annually
The size of the factory's military and civilian production lines is 17 production lines
The factory provides services to more than 650 other Egyptian factories
The factory has also turned to the field of heavy civilian equipment in the field of construction or earthmoving heavy equipment

Let's see the disastrous Turkish situation
Turkey paid 670 million dollars to develop 170 tanks to Israel with the transfer of technology, Turkey failed to transfer technology, and Turkey failed to export the M60 program.

Turkey paid South Korea $ 70 million for South Korea to receive 4 ready-made models of the tank called ALTAY
Technical transfer packages $ 400-540 million to transfer tank body technology, artillery and fire management systems
Turkey failed to obtain an engine, and a local company assigned an engine development program by purchasing licenses to produce one of the English or Italian engines under a Turkish name to escape any European embargo.

The cost of the Turkish program since 2008 until now has exceeded 1 billion dollars, and the result is zero tanks
Simply, Turkey, since 2013, has been waiting for the Turkish tank, any delay of 8 years, and it is not expected to actually appear before another 2-3 years, as even with the start of production, the price will rise, and Turkey will not get its dream 1000 tanks, perhaps before 2033

Consequently, Egypt succeeded in producing more than 1130 tanks for zero, at a very low cost, and when the American production stopped
Egypt has turned to Russia to produce 500 T-90MS tanks. Production licenses for the Russian tank do not exceed 160 million dollars.
The cost of production is $ 2.5 million, and starting from 2026, Egypt will have introduced a new national tank

Turkey The cost of production of the Altay tank amounted to 13.75 million dollars, and yet there are no tanks
The Turkish project to produce 1,000 tanks has been planned since 1990, and now, after 31 years, zero tanks are in service
That is, Turkey spent more than 1.5 billion dollars in thirty years in calculating the cost of developing M60 tanks, and Turkey did not obtain the production of any Turkish tanks.

China Unveils New Stealth Drone With Eye on Middle East Dictators
By David Brennan On 11/7/18 at 11:45 AM EST

View attachment 742415

Another disaster
The ANKA plane project UAV
Turkey paid 300 million dollars in the cost of developing and producing 12 Inca aircraft. The project was supposed to be production in 2012. Actual production was only completed by 2018.
The cost of one plane is 8 million dollars
As for the export deals of the ANKA plane to Tunisia, in a suspicious and corrupt deal by the Ghannouchi gang in Tunisia.
Egypt at this time bought the Chinese aircraft at the following costs

The plane, WING LOONJ 1, the price of the plane is $ 1 million, as part of an initial deal for 10 aircraft
The WING LOONG 1-D plane costs $ 2 million for 32 aircraft
The price of the aircraft, WING LOOONG 2, is 5 million dollars, for 76 aircraft
Egypt locally produced the WING LOONG 1-4 / 2
The cost of Egypt's possession of Chinese drones is much less expensive than Turkish aircraft, although the Chinese planes are modified according to Egyptian requirements.
Therefore, we find that 12 ANKA planes were purchased at the same value 4 times the number of Chinese drones, and the effectiveness of the Chinese aircraft for the price is stages higher than the Turkish
The result, it says, is Turkey as a factory, and its fleet is still smaller than the Egyptian unmanned aircraft fleet
Simply, the Turkish domestic production was not superior and did not give Turkey an advantage over Egypt, but rather a higher cost to Turkey

Another disaster

ATAK-129 plane project Turkey bought 59 aircraft from Italy at a price of 3200 million dollars

This number is equivalent to the cost of buying Egypt
46 AH-64 aircraft
46 KA-52 aircraft
And up to 150 GAZELLE aircraft
Does the T-129 lightweight aircraft compare to other aircraft, of course not
The Turkish planes are characterized by being extremely slow and easy to shoot down, as the Kurds shot them down with an antique SAM 7 missile because they did not have protection systems for them and did not have levels of armor that protect them from any injuries, even if they are light and weak in combat, and not like a gullible boxer. Top

The Apache helicopter is carrying 16 Hellfire missiles
The KA-52 carries up to 24 VIKHR & ATAKA anti-tank missiles

The Turkish plane ATAKA-129 carries 8 anti-tank missiles, and a naive man compares it to the Apache, or KA-52.

Simply result
Turkish weapons are not comparable at all to the equivalent weapons, whether in performance, price, or even capacity versus value. The Turkish limited fleets of Turkish weapons, such as attack helicopters, drones, or the Egyptian armor weapon cannot be compared to the Turks.

Simply, there are always criteria: Should a weapon of limited performance be produced, in order to say that it is local production, its effectiveness is weak and its cost is very high, as for another weapon, i.e. the return and performance must be against the cost and not propaganda

The Turks are one of their lies that it is Turkish weapons

Forbidding you to export the ATAKA-129 to Pakistan because the first 9 American aircraft ATAKA-129 was rejected by the Turkish army because it was not at the required level of competence and was transferred to the border police to hit the Turkish army tanks in case of any conflict over rule between the Turkish army and the Freedom and Justice Party gang in Turkey

Canada has banned the components of the drone aircraft from Turkey, so Turkey has been forced to use local components of modest level. Even the army will reject it.
Turkey is forced to go to Ukraine in order to acquire Ukrainian engines for aircraft because Turkey does not produce engines for helicopters, large drones, or even unmanned aircraft equipped with turbofan engines. Ukrainian engines are inferior to performance because they are technically backward for many years.
The ATALA-2 will fly like a farm tractor with the antique TV3-117 engine, which is technically behind the VK-2500 P3 engine.
Or the American engines, the Turks here in this case are forced on the technically backward Ukrainian engines because they have no alternative. Therefore, this will be reflected in Turkish weapons.
The Turks say that they will develop the Ukrainian engines, which is required annually and at any level at all
View attachment 742430

The Turkish boy is proud of his town's military products and forgets the levels of strategic weakness that we see in the arms embargo and preventing Turkey from obtaining fighters

If we go to something else
Air defenses

Egypt has an air defense system since the seventies that included in the seventies 150 batteries
In the eighties it added to it
100 short-range air defense batteries
Includes 24 Sky Guard Amon batteries, which were produced in Egypt in the eighties and Egypt, with more than 20 modifications added to them
Sparrow missiles were assembled locally
16 Crotal battery and Egypt collected it with a license from Thomson France in the eighties after France benefited from the Egyptian modifications to the system
24 US Chapril battery
16 hook battery

Then she updated the Egyptian systems with a number

12 BUK M1 / M2 battery
24 TOR M2 wagon
7 IRIS-T SLM batteries are in service in Egypt, and 5 other batteries are currently under contract
5 battery HQ-17
5 battery HQ-18
4+ S-300VM / V4 battery
Belarus offered Egypt to develop a new medium-range system to replace 30 SAM-6 batteries and 16 HAWK batteries
It is based on the Buk-MB3K system, but Egypt has developed a newer generation of missiles
Egypt is a superior country in electronic warfare systems
They possess command and control networks that encompass the Western and Eastern regimes, while we are simply confronting Israel, which has more advanced electronic warfare systems than Turkey and we have programs that go beyond the limited Turkish capabilities because we exploit all global resources alongside local developments and do not rely only on one source

Turkey in exchange for hundreds of Egyptian missile batteries

24 Hawk batteries, a number of which were hit in Libya
4 The S-400 battery is deactivated
200 Arabs depend on the American Stinger missile
You cry and say Turkey's programs, and there is not one battery in service from HSAR A + systems, and the rest are Turkish pink dreams
Simply, Turkey currently does not have a real air defense that can stand up to any Greek air attack
Of course, you will say the Turkish F-16 will carry out the tasks of the air patrol, but the Turkish fleet is sympathetic besides that there are not enough pilots in the first place, so Turkey will remain in a very weak state for many years to come until the availability of pilots

Simply, you are comparing small countries in military capacity, such as Turkey, to an Egyptian monster, and you are trying to create illusions in the future. We are talking on the ground or facts.

Eastern Mediterranean
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I want to ask you one question in next August, what will Turkey do when the Egyptian SU-35 & RAFALE & MIG-29M commandos attack the Turkish soldiers in Libya, and Egypt grills them and sends them burnt bodies to Turkey. At that time, Turkey will say in the future it will own TFX, and it will own HURJET, and we have Weapon programs under development. Everyone will laugh at you, especially since you are Catherine since 1830, afraid that Egypt will defeat you again, so you were disciplined in Libya when Egypt announced a red line

If we see the situation, you are called Turkey, which is competing with Egypt militarily, and it is capable

On the ground shutter, Bloody Golden Fingre

When the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum was established, Turkey was isolated and expelled, and Egypt did not accept it
Military alliance with Greece We do not need to support a Greek military. On the contrary, we are the ones who support them, to illustrate a simple example
In the case of Turkish-Greek tensions
Did Egypt give Turkey any value in the mediator, or did it just give Turkey red lines, but France itself when it found the effectiveness of the red lines against Turkey, it also issued red lines, meaning Turkey, everyone issues orders and warnings to it, and it cancels all the illusions about which a Turkish military force talks about it that no one fears Rather, we issue orders to Turkey, and you must obey

We explain a catastrophic scenario for Turkey

Egypt can support Greece with 2 bastion coastal defense batteries
Or coastal CM-302 missile systems beside Greece's deployment of coastal missiles from Exocet
And air defense systems of Russian models
Egypt can simply support Greece, whether with Egyptian early warning services or drones
Or even 4 Rafale jets and a lot of equipment
Support with all Greece requirements of ammunition and spare parts for fighters, and even Mirage 2000 fighters
UF 16
The same thing, Egypt, which has a large fleet of drones, can support Greece with numbers of CH-B & WING LOONG 2 aircraft to increase the Greek air superiority against Turkey.
What if Egypt encroached on Greece with 30 WS-2D platforms next to whom Greece possesses MLRS to crush Turkish infantry when Turkey tries to seize any Greek island
The same thing supports Cyprus militarily against any Turkish intervention
Egypt can support Greece by transporting equipment and soldiers via 2 Egyptian LHD MISTRAL ships

Intelligence coordination and information exchange on the Turkish enemy, and also cooperation in electronic warfare systems

All this will increase the superiority of Greece, which already possesses a better air force than Turkey after it developed the F-16 AESA refrigerators.
RAFALE began receiving 6 aircraft this year
It developed the contract for 24 F-35s
It is negotiating with France the MITAGE-2000-5 MK2 aircraft
And with Emirates on F-16 BLOCK 60

One of the factors of Turkish weakness against either Greece and Egypt is the separation of Turkey
21,000 Turkish commanders, officers, soldiers and pilots from the service, which is a military collapse of Turkey as well, and a huge disaster. The resonance of a professional officer requires 15 years of training.
A professional military commander who requires 25 years of training, therefore, there is nothing left in the Turkish army except for Erdogan without professionalism.

Why did Turkey run after bringing in Pakistani pilots to compensate for the expulsion of 300 combat pilots from the Turkish Air Force, which makes Turkey unable to operate even its weak fleet of F16 and F4 fighters?
Turkey is still unable to train all pilots, and it has more aircraft than pilots
Let's clarify a simple matter: Egypt provides 2 pilots for each fighter, while Turkey currently provides 0.8 pilots for each fighter
So you are trying to make the illusion that you can war
Why did Turkey kneel to Egypt in Libya and did not go beyond the red line, because it is a country that does not dare and is afraid to strike hard in Libya from the Egyptian army and a weapon for the Egyptian air force
The Turkish Minister of Defense: Why does he praise Egypt? Is his job to thank Egypt or because you follow the misfortune of those who cannot fight and lick their shoes?
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Egypt does not fear Turkey. On the contrary, Egypt fears the Turks themselves
Your head of state says that the Egyptians love the Greeks, and do the Egyptians love the murderers of the Syrians, Iraqis and Libyans, and steal the wealth, land and water of Arab countries? Finally, there is no connection to Islam with Turkey, where Islam is an application and not slogans.
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Euphrates River after Turkey stole the water

The Turkish humanitarian crimes against the people of Syria and Iraq and the theft of the water of the Euphrates River will not make there any friendship between the Arab peoples and Turkey. Rather, the future will be wars, and Egypt at that time will be with Iraq against the thieves of Turkish life.
Nice fighting with him by his style
ATAK-129 plane project Turkey bought 59 aircraft from Italy at a price of 3200 million dollars

This number is equivalent to the cost of buying Egypt
46 AH-64 aircraft
46 KA-52 aircraft
And up to 150 GAZELLE aircraft
Does the T-129 lightweight aircraft compare to other aircraft, of course not
The Turkish planes are characterized by being extremely slow and easy to shoot down, as the Kurds shot them down with an antique SAM 7 missile because they did not have protection systems for them and did not have levels of armor that protect them from any injuries, even if they are light and weak in combat, and not like a gullible boxer. Top

You are full of joke who knows nothing about military

Egypt is only buying , but Turkey is producing/developing ...
dont compare backward country Egypt which can not produce even missiles for Helicopters

even Russians lost over 300 Helicopters in Afghanistan ..... you ignorant little boy
and T-129 is the best to fight against terrorism in high altitude ( lighter , faster and better agile )
also T-129 with 8km MIZRAK missiles to turn M1A1 and T-90 Tanks into crap of metal

and now Turkey has Attack/Utility Helicopter and turboshaft engine technology ( only a few countries in the world )

not 59 but 83 T-129 Attack Helicopters will be produced .. ( and more 38 optional )

Turkish Projects ... ( 22 Arab countries including EEgypt can not produce even missiles )

-- T-129 5 tons class Attack Helicopter
-- T-629 6 tons class Attack Helicopter
-- T-929 10 tons class Attack Helicopter
-- T-625 6 tons class Utility Helicopter
-- T-925 10 tons class Utility Helicopter

-- 8 km CIRIT 70mm laser guided Rocket
-- 8 km MIZRAK anti Tank Missile
-- 25 km BOZDOGAN air to air Missile

-- MILDAR fire control Radar

-- TS-1400 turboshaft Engine

by 2023 , Turkey will become the 3rd country in the world that developed 10 tons class Attack Helicopter

-- American AH-64E
-- Russian KA-52
-- Turkish T-929

regional super power Turkey becomes global defense industry ... 8 Turkish defense companies in top 100
( Turkey is only muslim country on the list )
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