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The Woes of Indian Muslims


Jun 14, 2010
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The Woes of Indian Muslims​


Muslims visit Khwaja Moinuddin Chisht, Khwaja Muin-ud-din Chishti Dargah, India's most important Muslim shrine. Comprising 15% of India's population, Muslims are often under-represented in the public and private sector.[/SIZE]

India’s Muslim population is estimated at a staggering 180 million and constitutes roughly 15% of the country’s population, but Muslims living in India suffer economically, politically, and socially. That the country’s largest religious minority does not enjoy equality under the Indian democracy is a grave challenge to the basic values of democracy, secularism, and pluralism in the “world’s largest democracy."

Discrimination against the Muslim community has historic roots (the community has been under-represented in politics and government jobs) but judging from a recent Sachar Committee Report (SCR), the situation is getting worse.

The Committee’s findings suggest that the situation is so bad that Muslims lag behind not only the Indian mainstream in nearly all spheres of progress, but also the Scheduled Castes/Tribes (SC/STs), considered the most backward sections, in many aspects. Literacy rate among Muslims (59%) was well below the national average (65%), owing mainly to the limited access to government schools.

In public employment, the picture seems even bleaker. Only 5% of the central government employees were Muslims. In the police force, their share was 3.3%. In administrative services, it was 2.2%. Muslims made up only 4.5% in Indian Railways and even then 98.7% were placed at lower levels. Representation of Muslims in Indian politics is disproportionally low. Although their share in the judiciary was 8%, only 2.7% of Indian judges are Muslim.

In the private sector, the situation is even worse. Poverty among Muslims is severe with 31% of them live below the poverty line (the second lowest of all groups). In terms of income and expenditure, Muslims shared the lowest strata, with an average Per-Capita-Expenditure (MPCE) for the year 2004-05 of only $14 against $23 of the general population. Land-ownership among Muslims was the lowest of all population categories.

The rise of anti-Muslim communalism in India is yet another woe for Muslims. As just one example, in the Gujarat massacre of 2002, over a thousand Muslims were killed and tens of thousands uprooted from their homes. The incident remains one of the worst communal killings in the country.

A recent report entitled, “What it means to be a Muslim in India Today” found that widespread communal profiling and targeting of Muslim youths by the police has produced feelings of alienation, fear, insecurity, and helplessness. Several testimonies from victims of the communal profiling reveal that Muslim youths live under the constant dread of being profiled as a terrorist, with the attendant fears of illegal and prolonged detention, denial of bail, torture, unfair and biased investigation and trial, and extra-judicial killings. This continues, despite recent revelations in a Wikileaks cable that Indian Muslims denounce terrorism and are, in large part, not attracted to extremism.

This level of discrimination does not just pose a threat to Muslims, but also threatens the communal harmony of the whole country. If this trend is not effectively checked, the “world’s largest democracy” will descend into a society with second-class citizenship for religious minorities — the antithesis of democracy.

The Woes of Indian Muslims @PolicyMic | Shahidur Rashid Talukdar
That the country’s largest religious minority does not enjoy equality under the Indian democracy is a grave challenge to the basic values of democracy, secularism, and pluralism in the “world’s largest democracy."

Talukdar apparently is running short on getting his bread on the table and so it is a grave challenge to him and he can do it with generalised claptrap aimed to sensationalise.

He should check the number of senior police officers in just West Bengal to realise that given the percentage, they are doing better in percentage than others!!

In public employment, the picture seems even bleaker. Only 5% of the central government employees were Muslims. In the police force, their share was 3.3%. In administrative services, it was 2.2%. Muslims made up only 4.5% in Indian Railways and even then 98.7% were placed at lower levels. Representation of Muslims in Indian politics is disproportionally low. Although their share in the judiciary was 8%, only 2.7% of Indian judges are Muslim.

In the private sector, the situation is even worse. Poverty among Muslims is severe with 31% of them live below the poverty line (the second lowest of all groups). In terms of income and expenditure, Muslims shared the lowest strata, with an average Per-Capita-Expenditure (MPCE) for the year 2004-05 of only $14 against $23 of the general population. Land-ownership among Muslims was the lowest of all population categories.

Speaks a lot about merits of the deprived.

Govt jobs are not handouts. There are exams and one has to qualify. If they don't, then what is the answer?

Let us for discussion say the Govt discriminates.

What about the private sector? They don't look at which community you are from. They are capitalists and they only see the balance sheet. If you bring money in for them, you can be the devil for all the care!


Therefore, does speak about the capabilities to get a job on one's own merits!!
Inspite of all this allegations, the richest Muslim entrepreneur in the World is an Indian Muslim-Azim Premjee(Chairman of Wipro, Nett personal wealth: 16.8 billion dollars). I don't find Muslims from any other countries like Pakistan coming even close to him.
if pakistani's or other muslim countries care so much for muslims here in india please take them to your country
we are more than happy to send them
just don't whine about everyday and post same crap again and again
if pakistani's or other muslim countries care so much for muslims here in india please take them to your country
we are more than happy to send them

This is the kind of thinking that results in the sorry state of Muslims & discrimination against them in India. All this talk of the alleged loyalty of Indian Muslims for Pakistan stems from this very thought. You should fight for your fellow Indian Muslims, rather than being "happy to send them over to Pakistan". Despite the issues in Pakistan, no one in Pakistan doubts the loyalty of the Hindu or Christian citizens, & I don't think any Pakistani would want to send over their Hindu citizens to India.
They are Indians first, Let us keep the UMMAH thing aside.
The main problem of Indian muslims is that they are reluctant to integrate into the Indian social and cultural fabric. They tend to bunch up together in an area, not mingling with others.

Christians are better integrated into India than muslims.

I cannot say the above is true for all states of India, but this was my observation when i stayed in North India.
The main problem of Indian muslims is that they are reluctant to integrate into the Indian social and cultural fabric. They tend to bunch up together in an area, not mingling with others.

Christians are better integrated into India than muslims.

I cannot say the above is true for all states of India, but this was my observation when i stayed in North India.

Not to mention victimhood mentality, rejection of modern education and total subservience to local mullahs and politicians who use them just for their political mileage. I can't believe they even fell for conspiracy theories like " Polio drops is a western conspiracy to sterlize Muslim children".

There is no doubt that the Muslims being the largest minority in India is the worst off. They should learn from other successful minorities like Sikhs, Parsis, Jains, Christians etc how to integrate to the mainstream and get the benefits out of it. No one can reform a community from outside, the change has to come from within.
Not to mention victimhood mentality, rejection of modern education and total subservience to local mullahs and politicians who use them just for their political mileage. I can't believe they even fell for conspiracy theories like " Polio drops is a western conspiracy to sterlize Muslim children".

There is no doubt that the Muslims being the largest minority in India is the worst off. They should learn from other successful minorities like Sikhs, Parsis, Jains, Christians etc how to integrate to the mainstream and get the benefits out of it. No one can reform a community from outside, the change has to come from within.

Well said, This is the reason why Indian Muslims are in woeful condition. I hope SOCOM got his answer. Now mods please close the thread. thanks
There are a lot influential Muslims in India pretty much in all fields.
Cricket - Yusuf Pathan, Zaheer Khan, Irfan Pathan
Soccer - Anwar Ali
Tennis - Sania Mirza
Aamir Khan, Amjad Khan, Fardeen Khan, Sharukh Khan, Emraan Hashmi, Faisal Khan, Farhan Khan, Feroz Khan, Irrfan Khan, Saif Ali Khan etc..
Mohammed Rafi, Shamshad Begum, AR Rahman, Javed Aktar etc..
President and nuclear scientist - Abdul Kalam
Vice President - Hamid Ansari

5th Richest man in India - Aziz Premji
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