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The wildest thing you have done in your life...

F86 Saber

Feb 17, 2010
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I don't expect people to be too candid about their escapades, still it should be fun :).

Although this is by far not the wildest thing (It may not be appropriate to detail the wildest one here ;). It was at the time of our school farewell party when everyone was busy in the backyard of the school, four of us friends sneaked out, went to the class rooms and bent the wings of all the ceiling fans. And since nobody saw us we never got caught.
me and 3 friends drank a full bottle of smirnoff on the footpath of a road in vashi, mumbai.
I went on a safari in a dense jungle, nothing can be more wildest than that. (literally) ;)
me and 3 friends drank a full bottle of smirnoff on the footpath of a road in vashi, mumbai.
hey are u from Vashi...i am from Kharghar...x student of Fr.agnels engg collage vashi...
I dont know about the wildest ,
but the stupidest thing that ever happen to me was Kissing an unknown franco swiss chick , on top of Mount Titlis , in Switzerland , and then our Hair getting stuck together thanks to sudden change in body temperature while it was snowing lightly
I am still glad that it was just my hair , not my tongue which stuck to her.

Did i mention that i was the Kissee not the Kisser
It was something to do with me having the same Hairdo and wearing a similar red jacket to the person , the kiss was intended for , but the kisser could not make out the difference thanks to slightly weird weather , and decided to make out with me:oops:

It happened about 2 yrs ago , but it still brings a smile to my face whenever i think about it

I now have her as my friend on facebook , though i have never seen the person who she actually intended to kiss:)
hey are u from Vashi...i am from Kharghar...x student of Fr.agnels engg collage vashi...

No sir, i am not from Vashi...but i have a lot of friends in nerul and seawoods...when i was working in gujarat, i used to come to mumbai to enjoy. there is malayali restaurant in seawoods called Sanjo which i like very much.
My first ever date was in the parking lot of an elite class hospital in Lahore :p:
No sir, i am not from Vashi...but i have a lot of friends in nerul and seawoods...when i was working in gujarat, i used to come to mumbai to enjoy. there is malayali restaurant in seawoods called Sanjo which i like very much.
vete para la verga!!! u wasted my time...
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