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The wave of immigration from Hong Kong is great for Britain

The main difference is that Hong Kong had a lot of freedoms which were generally respected by China and was allowed to keep their own system. These people actively destroyed their own city in cahoots with foreign forces which forced a clampdown and that is why they are fleeing. Also, Hong Kong is likely to become even more prosperous moving forward because stability is restored and the Mainland is helping them develop the Northern Territories in order to alleviate the overcrowded and run down conditions of central HK which was an overarching issue that has been festering for twenty years.

What's your excuse if 10 years from now people are still not happy. People are still walking out of Cuba and Iran decades after the switchover.
What's your excuse if 10 years from now people are still not happy. People are still walking out of Cuba and Iran decades after the switchover.

There will always be a minority in any society who are not happy. They are free to leave.

The majority in HK are pretty happy with the stability that has returned. I have some distant relatives who are in HK and they are pretty happy about not seeing acts of terrorism every day. They are happy about not worrying about someone throwing a flaming molotov into the subway entrance when they are using the metro. They are pretty happy with not seeing civilians being beat up by out of control maniacs on the street.
Oh Gosh, even a Frog should know that it is a UK Magazine spilling out Fake news like the famous British BBC = Bull Shi.t Broadcasting Corporation. There is NO WAVE of Immigration from HK when the Chinese Government has banned all OUTBOUND International FLights. Freaking Liars ! :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

I did not ask the opinion of a Chinese book licker

keep your opinion to yourself not interested
There will always be a minority in any society who are not happy. They are free to leave.

The majority in HK are pretty happy with the stability that has returned. I have some distant relatives who are in HK and they are pretty happy about not seeing acts of terrorism every day. They are happy about not worrying about someone throwing a flaming molotov into the subway entrance when they are using the metro. They are pretty happy with not seeing civilians being beat up by out of control maniacs on the street.

Fair enough..at least you aren't still saying:
"I see a deep inferiority complex, a colonial mentality and a deep self loathing".
How is this much different than people who decided to leave Iran after the Shah was overthrown or Cuba when Castro came to power.

The Cubans and Iranians who left were the elite who lost everything in a power struggle. They were the losers of history who had no choice.

The HKers who are leaving could've been the winners of history if they didn't riot. They didn't have everything taken from them, they chose to leave.
I don't see anything dignified about these people. I see a deep inferiority complex, a colonial mentality and a deep self loathing. There is nothing admirable about this lot.
The human dignity in their own mind. I don't know these people and I would not lay moral judgement upon them. I believe they have the right to pursue their own happiness in their own ways. This is not something admirable because it is a necessity.
The human dignity in their own mind. I don't know these people and I would not lay moral judgement upon them. I believe they have the right to pursue their own happiness in their own ways. This is not something admirable because it is a necessity.
Yes of course you don’t know them, otherwise you wouldn’t associate dignity with this lot.
Yes. I know their mindsets absolutely.
If you don't want to answer, that is fine. Please don't evade my question. I ask whether you know them, as actual persons, not some abstract ideas about their mindsets. I doubt you can do mind reading.
The Cubans and Iranians who left were the elite who lost everything in a power struggle. They were the losers of history who had no choice.

The HKers who are leaving could've been the winners of history if they didn't riot. They didn't have everything taken from them, they chose to leave.

I highly doubt the 300,000 Cubans who fled in the first ~3 years were all rolling in dough plus it was still over 50,000/yr to the mid 80's. I had one Cuban family living in an apartment near me in the mid 1970's and they certainly did not come across as being anywhere near elite.

I have an Iranian coworker who left about 20 years ago and I'm sure it didn't have anything to do with "losing everything" due to the 1979 Revolution.
I highly doubt the 300,000 Cubans who fled in the first ~3 years were all rolling in dough plus it was still over 50,000/yr to the mid 80's. I had one Cuban family living in an apartment near me in the mid 1970's and they certainly did not come across as being anywhere near elite.

I have an Iranian coworker who left about 20 years ago and I'm sure it didn't have anything to do with "losing everything".

In general those who leave due to a professed political belief are the extremists or elite who lost a power struggle much like how the Puritans lost the power struggle against the English crown after the fall of Oliver Cromwell and the Irish who lost against the British Empire and got hit by the British induced famine.

They portray themselves as poor refugees but it's likely a cleverly calculated scheme to get sympathy and welfare. How many of these poor refugees are driving BMWs and living in McMansions within a few years?

I trust someone that says they're in it for the money 100x more than someone that's in it for the politics. They're either lying which means they're in it for the money anyways but are a liar to boot, or they're not and they're extremists.
Maybe you should tell them being of Chinese descent has nothing to do with the current government in China. I doubt anybody in Brazil feels obligated to suddenly fall in line in what Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa says vs what his predecessor was saying...even if they are of Portuguese descent.
Chinese gov is the embodiment of ancient Chinese dynasty,especially Zhou dynasty.That's a reason why Chinese gov fit seamlessly with chinese society. Chinese gov is nothing like the liberal democracy patched up by few developed nation of the west in past century ,after they had pretty much already developed. You clearly researched nothing and went on to make ridiculous claims.

Mr serpentza fan boy, your friend seem to be typical byproduct of former anglo colony,very eager to seem rational & fit by Western media standard ,apparently a free thinker ,but seems to be unable to get that, the British gov would atleast let Tsai keep her lies to prop up their Taiwanese pet project,even when evidence is overwhelming, and any good reader of people and words can tell Tsai is a fraud,Tsai is the type of shameless clown to even beg UK gov to help cover up her lies to help confront china, and UK gov would 110% oblige, that's the minimum the British can do in their all-round anti china campaign in collaboration with the USA.
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In general those who leave due to a professed political belief are the extremists or elite who lost a power struggle much like how the Puritans lost the power struggle against the English crown after the fall of Oliver Cromwell and the Irish who lost against the British Empire and got hit by the British induced famine.

They portray themselves as poor refugees but it's likely a cleverly calculated scheme to get sympathy and welfare. How many of these poor refugees are driving BMWs and living in McMansions within a few years?

I trust someone that says they're in it for the money 100x more than someone that's in it for the politics. They're either lying which means they're in it for the money anyways but are a liar to boot, or they're not and they're extremists.
You certainly have not run away from your motherland. If you cannot imagine what it feels like, maybe talking with some Jews who ancestors ran away from Nazi would help.
Chinese gov is the embodiment of ancient Chinese dynasty,especially Zhou dynasty
That is an even more ridiculous claim. :D
You certainly have not run away from your motherland. If you cannot imagine what it feels like, maybe talking with some Jews who ancestors ran away from Nazi would help.

That is an even more ridiculous claim. :D
This is based on actual research by experts,maybe I'll reply tommorow in length ,too tired right now.
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