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The wave of immigration from Hong Kong is great for Britain

Most of these Hong kongers going to England are not multi millionaires. The rich in HK largely support the status quo because HK’s system is based on the late capitalist system of the west so these people are oligarchs and that is why their real estate prices are so out of reach.

Most of the people going to the UK are either middle class or unemployed student activists. They will find the reality of life in the UK very different from what they are expecting.

You are stating reality, only 90 k people applied for UK visas. 🇬🇧 gov mentality is sometimes stuck in the days of empire. When they first started this scheme UK gov was expecting upto 3 million hk people mostly middle class and millionaires.

Reality and UK gov expectations are totally different things sometimes.
I haven't seen a single such immigrant here from HK yet. It's overblown.
Well, its only about 30,000 I believe. They were predicting 3 million. LMAO
Dude, you are getting sloppy. First of all, the OP mentioned 34,000 visa in 2 months by May. Do you really think immigration from HongKong to UK only happened in two months? Second, there is nowhere in the OP that mentioned 3 millions. Where did you get it?
Dude, you are getting sloppy. First of all, the OP mentioned 34,000 visa in 2 months by May. Do you really think immigration from HongKong to UK only happened in two months? Second, there is nowhere in the OP that mentioned 3 millions. Where did you get it?
Hong Kong Chinese educated and monies will leave be a great loss to Chinese, if they all emigrate to the London. maybe why so many high rise tower blocks are going up in London for there coming. They might be big in numbers coming the big difference is they are not Calais boat peoples or 3d world immigration I doubt the English will complain on there numbers!
Hong Kong Chinese educated and monies will leave be a great loss to Chinese, if they all emigrate to the London. maybe why so many high rise tower blocks are going up in London for there coming. They might be big in numbers coming the big difference is they are not Calais boat peoples or 3d world immigration I doubt the English will complain on there numbers!

Their money isn't going anywhere. Their accounts have been frozen.

Government should start charging exit tax on them. They're going to leave anyways so no encouragement is needed. Why not make some money from it?
Hong Kong Chinese educated and monies will leave be a great loss to Chinese, if they all emigrate to the London. maybe why so many high rise tower blocks are going up in London for there coming. They might be big in numbers coming the big difference is they are not Calais boat peoples or 3d world immigration I doubt the English will complain on there numbers!

Great loss?

I don't think you understand China's size and scale. Hong Kong's GDP is smaller than an increasing number of mainland Chinese cities. It is a drop in the bucket compared to the overall Chinese economy. Even if half of Hong Kong left, it wouldn't really impact much of China, let alone a few tens of thousands leaving.

Many Mainland Chinese cities have surpassed Hong Kong in development and wealth.
Great loss?

I don't think you understand China's size and scale. Hong Kong's GDP is smaller than an increasing number of mainland Chinese cities. It is a drop in the bucket compared to the overall Chinese economy. Even if half of Hong Kong left, it wouldn't really impact much of China, let alone a few tens of thousands leaving.

Many Mainland Chinese cities have surpassed Hong Kong in development and wealth.
Even 100% Hongkongers leave Hongkong with all their money, China can fill the city by mainland Chinese within a week. And the city will smoothly run as usual. It will be like nothing happened and the former Hongkongers never existed.
Even 100% Hongkongers leave Hongkong with all their money, China can fill the city by mainland Chinese within a week. And the city will smoothly run as usual. It will be like nothing happened and the former Hongkongers never existed.
It will probably be run 5x smoother and the old slums of Kowloon with their iron cages will finally be torn down and replaced with beautiful parks and towers of glass and steel, because the rapacious slumlords have lost their power.
My teenage daughter, together with her friend, unlike my generation, does not listen to Western music, but only Chinese and Korean music and sometimes Japanese music. Except Harry Potter, she does not watch Western movies, but Korean movies, time and time again. (And even Western young generation seems to prefer Korean music to American music now, in 21st century).
You should be careful if your child watch k-pop, considering k-pop is american music in Korean. That's why it's so popular.

I don't know much about modern chinese pop, but nowadays I mostly listen to j-pop from anime and manga, and vietnamese folk songs and classical music.

Also, old canto-pop was great, like "Người Tình Mùa Đông"/"容易受傷的女人".
That is an even more ridiculous claim. :D
This is based on actual research by experts,maybe I'll reply tommorow in length ,too tired right now.

After the death of chairman mao,the gradual development of the system and market reform interacted symbiotically with the reintegration of the Chinese political & ideological thought with its long history as a unified state, stretching back to the Qin dynasty,221-207 BC,and it's even longer philosophical history stretching back to the Zhou dynasty,11th-221 century BC,it became clear that the regime of CCP is the ancient history of Chinese bureaucracy, based on written tradition with its foundation in the examination system based on the practical application of profound ethical application.
Meeting the interest of the mass of the population was the core philosophical principle of the bureaucratic government, same as socialist china,a key task for the bureaucracy was nurturing the market to achieve mass well-being through economic prosperity,same as cpc.
Only a small stream of Chinese history departed from the central philosophical core .
Far from crushing the market the state undertakes measures to enable the market to function more efficiently,through pragmatic and intelligent regulations.
The state use to organize huge arrays of public work,both large and small,including water conservancy and transport infrastructure, attempted to stabilize the price of key commodities necessary for mass well being,same as cpc.
Developed comprehensive famine prevention, famine alleviation schemes,and supported the spread of knowledge through encyclopedias .Under this system China led the world in market-driven innovation for two millennia same as what cpc is striving.
China's innovation in this period played a central role in Europe's rennaisance, this included aqua harness, paper and printing, advanced metallurgy through use of blast furnace, porcelain, tubular metal weapons,gun powder,compass, Stern post rudder ,watertight ship compartments,canal lock gates, even the key elements of the steam engine-double acting piston & inversion of rotaty and rectilinear motion,which was the quintessential innovations for the British industrial revolution,were developed independently in China,and found their way from china along the silk road.

Chinese intelligencia formed the core of the bureaucratic system for 2k years ,working within the bureacrating system ,and it was perfectly workable even with severe criticism of the system operated but was never ever targeted for the overthrow of the system itself,
In chinese long history before industrialization of the west,chinese bureaucracy nurtured and supported the market economy through undertaking few function with understanding that the market was not allowed to dominate the economy and society,it was always subject to regulation,by the ethically guided bureaucratic state.

It's easy to see how CPC retained the ancient chinese bureaucracy ,only the CPC is the true embodiment of ancient chinese bureaucracy style,the western liberal democracy has no similarity to that..
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