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The Wahhabi Mind-Set

Go to Saudi Arabia and there nobody teaches "wahabbism"

That is just an outsider's term.

I have lived in Saudi for 12 years, i know what i am talking about. Learn the history, the House of Saud came in to power on the back of Wahabism.
I have lived in Saudi for 12 years, i know what i am talking about. Learn the history, the House of Saud came in to power on the back of Wahabism.
I lived in Saudi Arabia for 18 years and did Hajj and Umrah.

Nobody calls themselves "Wahabbi" in Saudi Arabia.

Nice try though.
See, there was nothing wrong with your birth, you were born a normal human being and a Muslim. The problem is the bad company you kept while growing up. No one ever recovers from 18 years of brainwashing. I actually feel sad for you. But what the heck, I can pray for you. May Allah SWT show you the true light that is The Holy Quran! :D

I lived in Saudi Arabia for 18 years
See, there was nothing wrong with your birth, you were born a normal human being and a Muslim. The problem is the bad company you kept while growing up. No one ever recovers from 18 years of brainwashing. I actually feel sad for you. But what the heck, I can pray for you. May Allah SWT show you the true light that is The Holy Quran! :D
Actually may Allah show you the light!

because there is no such thing as Wahabbism.

You must be one of those Neoliberals.

Pakistan will never accept those neoliberals. lol ;)
Nah, no additional titles needed. I'm trying hard to get rid of the first one, a feudal.......... I call myself a big maali nowadays! :D

Btw, we accepted Pakistan (never the other way around), and Pakistan still runs on most of our whims and wishes, so I don't know what the **** you're talking about........

You must be one of those Neoliberals.
Nah, no additional titles needed. I'm trying hard to get rid of the first one, a feudal.......... I call myself a big maali nowadays! :D

Btw, we accepted Pakistan (never the other way around), and Pakistan still runs on most of our whims and wishes, so I don't know what the **** you're talking about........
Aj to koi bara fatwa lagwane ka mood lgta hai :D
@Hell hound
I lived in Saudi Arabia for 18 years and did Hajj and Umrah.

Nobody calls themselves "Wahabbi" in Saudi Arabia.

Nice try though.

i have also done 4 Hajj and countless Umrah,

Thats correct that nobody calls them wahabis in Saudi. they call themselves muslims just how Qadyanis call themselves muslims.
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Nah yara, I'm not in the game of fatwas (taxing of mind and soul). I'd rather prefer to live and let live, however, if push comes to shove, then sky is the limit! :D

What I do find interesting is their shenanigans and utter lack of intellect (Salafists in general).

Aj to koi bara fatwa lagwane ka mood lgta hai :D
@Hell hound
Shirk is the unforgivable sin, it's mentioned dozens of times as being the worst sin in Islam.

Again .......... I am not debating what shirk is and what are its consequences. I am telling you what sectarianism is .......... and how it too like shirk carries grave consequences.
Again .......... I am not debating what shirk is and what are its consequences. I am telling you what sectarianism is .......... and how it too like shirk carries grave consequences.

But not as much as shirk.

Here it is Ladies and Gents

Their ultimate aim if and when they get majority

Of course, shrines are haram and Rasullulah (Peace Be Upon Him) specifically spoke against it.

Dude, you went overboard there. You can simply not call ANYONE who believes in Tawhid and The Day of Judgement a kaafir. Regarding Ahmadis, I don't know what to call them actually, it is for Allah SWT to judge them, however, they are not Muslims by any stretch of the imagination.

Back to topic, yes, Wahhabis / Salafists / Deobandis are some of the sickest Muslims out there, along with many others, however, kaafir they are NOT!

(reply for the comments below)

You sick little entitled ****. You have no idea about the molten dildos that await your kind in the hereafter. Seriously, Salafists like you sometimes make my blood boil, and I feel this deep urge to screw your men, women and children in despicable ways, however, Allah SWT clears my mind and sanity prevails.

I bet your momma has a moustache bigger than your daddy, you **** face! :D


Someone's clearly frustrated.

You obviously have no clue, Wahabis are the followers of Abdul Wahab of Najd. As i said before Not all Salafis are Wahabis. Do some research, you might find it interesting that Abdul Wahab family was actually from the Hanbali sect.

Salafism is almost exactly the same as Wahabism. Wahabism is just Saudi style Salafism.

I know that much, now tell me, what's your problem with him? Or Wahabis in general?

See, there was nothing wrong with your birth, you were born a normal human being and a Muslim. The problem is the bad company you kept while growing up. No one ever recovers from 18 years of brainwashing. I actually feel sad for you. But what the heck, I can pray for you. May Allah SWT show you the true light that is The Holy Quran! :D

Wait do you actually think we're the bad ones here?

You said you wanted to screw women and children, said I have dildos waiting for me in hell, and we are the bad ones?

I'm actually dying a little inside from the sheer nifaq of what you're saying.

Are you not familiar with the Sahih Hadith which states the Ummah will divide into 72 sects, and only one will enter paradise?

Or the fact that it is unanimously regarded by all 4 major madhabs that you have to practice Islam and not just "believe" in it? Many scholars to this day still consider someone who doesn't pray Salah, insults the Sahabah, or believes in a messenger after Rasulullah (Peace Be Upon Him) to be a kafir.

You don't become a disbeliever by disagreeing, you become a disbeliever by doing things which Islam strictly prohibits, like slandering the Sahabah, creating shrines, praying to the dead, not offering Salah, etc.

The Saudi government can't do that because it would make people go ballistic, and substantially cut down the revenue they receive from pilgrimages since many people these days belong to sects which under Salafism, constitute as kufr.

A similar thing happened with the Masjid of Rasulullah (Peace Be Upon Him). They wanted to tear it down, but they decided not to since everyone would go insane.

The Saudis would probably even face military action from numerous nations, such as Iran and probably even Pakistan (we've got a lot of Sufis).

All in all, they just can't do it.
The Hadith is about 73 sects.

Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: There will befall my Ummah exactly (all those) evils which befell the people of Isra'il, so much so that if there was one amongst them who openly committed fornication with his mother there will be among my Ummah one who will do that, and if the people of Isra'il were fragmented into seventy-two sects my Ummah will be fragmented into seventy-three sects. All of them will be in Hell Fire except one sect. They (the Companions) said: Allah's Messenger, which is that? Whereupon he said: It is one to which I and my companions belong.
(Tirmidhi Hadith No. 171)
@fatman17 obviously when someone start a thread there are few reasons of it, you just want to share or have some opinion as well about it?

because there are illiterate, dic*heads roaming around that have not studied the Quran. In my views Wahabis are as much non-Muslims as Qadyanis because Wahabis prefer Abdul Wahab over the prophet. And i have no issues with Qadyanis because they don't go around killing people that don't conform to their beliefs.
What you think which sect on right path? Which mentioned in Hadith.
The Hadith is about 73 sects.

Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: There will befall my Ummah exactly (all those) evils which befell the people of Isra'il, so much so that if there was one amongst them who openly committed fornication with his mother there will be among my Ummah one who will do that, and if the people of Isra'il were fragmented into seventy-two sects my Ummah will be fragmented into seventy-three sects. All of them will be in Hell Fire except one sect. They (the Companions) said: Allah's Messenger, which is that? Whereupon he said: It is one to which I and my companions belong.
(Tirmidhi Hadith No. 171)
@fatman17 obviously when someone start a thread there are few reasons of it, you just want to share or have some opinion as well about it?

What you think which sect on right path? Which mentioned in Hadith.

Not sure which one is on the right path, but i know that murdering Wahabis are not the right ones.
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