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The Uyghur issue

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This thread about Chinese mis treatment over Uiyghur people. People need to know, Chinese sub-human behaviour and deal with you accordingly.
haha, welcom you to know. send your investigation team if you have guts or go to for crying in UN to see if it work. We have every rights to enforce our laws in our country, whether it is uyghur or not.

If you don't like it, suit yourself and do whatever you like to deal with us if you can. do we care about your whinning? absolutely not.
This thread about Chinese mis treatment over Uiyghur people. People need to know, Chinese sub-human behaviour and deal with you accordingly.

Moral, my friend... if you look at Chinese posters they lack morality of human beings.. though i have no surprised. They don't care for each others life. Why would they for any human beings life.
morality of human beings? this kind of words come from a country which committed genocide in Armenia, are you turks a clown of the world?
haha, welcom you to know. send your investigation team if you have guts or go to for crying in UN to see if it work. We have every rights to enforce our laws in our country, whether it is uyghur or not.

If you don't like it, suit yourself and do whatever you like to deal with us if you can. do we care about your whinning? absolutely not.

We may not be able to do something to day but your crimes against Turkic people will not be forgotten. 200-300 years ago you where no where near the power of Ottomans, who knows what we will became in the future and make you pay your for sins..

Also, world should know about true face of Chinese, you put so much effort to raise the international opinion by Olypics and stuff but it will not work.

morality of human beings? this kind of words come from a country which committed genocide in Armenia,

There is no Armenian genocide.

are you turks a clown of the world?

No, but you are sure the clown of PDF.
We may not be able to do something to day but your crimes against Turkic people will not be forgotten. 200-300 years ago you where no where near the power of Ottomans, who knows what we will became in the future and make you pay your for sins..

Also, world should know about true face of Chinese, you put so much effort to raise the international opinion by Olypics and stuff but it will not work.

There is no Armenian genocide.

No, but you are sure the clown of PDF.
Don't act like an indian to resort big mouth for feeling good.

no Armenian genocide? your western master disagree, and your US daddy also disagree. You'd better consult with them first.
Don't act like an indian to resort big mouth for feeling good.

no Armenian genocide? your western master disagree, and your US daddy also disagree. You'd better consult with them first.

We don't care about foreigners opinions... we struckt a deal with Chinese over HQ-9 missile, we didn't care what Westeners said... or we didn't care about who said what when we invaded Cyprus.

You know nothing my 1.50 cm friend. :lol:
Decleration from Turkish State Workers Union.

Türkiye sevdalıları olarak;
Soydaşımız ve dindaşımız olan,
Türkmeneli ve Doğu Türkistan’daki mazlumların;
Izdırabını, acısını ve özlemini yüreğimizde hissediyor ve onların sesi olmaya gayret ediyoruz.
Allah yardımcıları olsun.

Talip Geylan
Türk Eğitim Sen Genel Başkan Yardımcısı


do we care about your whinning? absolutely not.

must be like we don't care for your japanese whining? but furthermore there is much more acceptance to japanese rather than for chinese :)

so keep crying about japanese occupation of china.. but dont let it come to mind that uyghur feels the same..
Hunger striking Uighur prisoner in China insists innocence

Chinese authorities arrested a prominent Uyghur scholar for "separatist activities" has maintained his innocence from jail as his lawyer was allowed to meet him for the first time in months.

An economics professor at Beijing's Minzu University, Ilham Tohti, was taken to his native East Turkestan (Xinjiang) after being detained by the police in January.

Tohti's lawyer, Li Fangping, saw him on Thursday and learned that his client was put in shackles for three weeks upon arrival at the jail.

"He went on a hunger strike for some 10 days in January after they refused to provide him with Muslim food," Li told CNN on Friday. "They also denied him food for about 10 days in March after the Kunming incident."

"He looked okay but said he lost 16 kilograms and complained about ailments throughout the body, including in the liver, heart and eyes," Li added.

Li said Tohti emphasized that he has never supported separatism.

"He reiterated that he has advocated to improve the rule of law, democracy and ethnic harmony in Xinjiang," Li said.

Maya Wang, a Hong Kong-based researcher for Human Rights Watch said, "Unfortunately, the government is more interested in projecting what it wishes to do in Xinjiang rather than looking at what the real problems and ethnic grievances are in the region."

Hunger striking Uighur prisoner in China insists innocence | Asia-Pasific | Worldbulletin News
you turks can either send the army here to protect your uyghur borthers or evacuate them all to your holy land. As a last resort, you can also beg your US daddy for intervening. In short, moaning in this thread will bring you nowhere.
Who is your daddy?
morality of human beings? this kind of words come from a country which committed genocide in Armenia, are you turks a clown of the world?

wich armenia? there was no armenia.. dont live in a dreamworld there was no armenia my clown eating friend :)

but in the 50ties there had been a free uyghur land which you occupied and then genocided our brothers thanks to wang zhen..
but chinese weren't stupid just the plane with all big uyghur politicans crashed so Ehmetjan Qasim died and with him most famous uyghur deligation.. so you could easy take the country..

but uyghurs were fools to.. they went the way to communism and wanted to be political part with china.. they did not hear the warnings from the past:


Çin milletinin sözü tatlı, ipek kumaşı yumuşak imiş. Tatlı sözle, yumuşak ipek kumaşla aldatıp uzak milleti öylece yaklaştırırmış. Yaklaştırıp, konduktan sonra, kötü şeyleri o zaman düşünürmüş. İyi bilgili insanı, iyi cesur insanı yürütmezmiş. Bir insan yanılsa kabilesine, milletine, akrabasına kadar barındırmaz imiş. Tatlı sözüne, yumuşak ipek kumaşına aldanıp çok çok, Türk milleti, öldün; Türk milleti, öleceksin! Güneyde Çogay ormanına, Tögültün ovasına konayım dersen, Türk milleti, öleceksin! Orda kötü kişi şöyle öğretiyormuş: Uzak ise kötü mal verir, yakın ise iyi mal verir diyip öyle öğretiyormuş. Bilgi bilmez kişi o sözü alıp, yakına varıp, çok insan öldün! O yere doğru gidersen Türk milleti, öleceksin! Ötüken yerinde oturup kervan, kafile gönderirsen hiç bir sıkıntın yoktur. Ötüken ormanında oturursan ebediyen il tutarak oturacaksın. Türk milleti, tokluğun kıymetini bilmezsin. Acıksan tokluk düşünmezsin. Bir doysan açlığı düşünmezsin. Öyle olduğun için beslemiş olan kağanının sözünü almadan her yere gittin. Hep orda mahvoldun, yok edildin. Orda, geri kalanınla, her yere zayıflayarak ölerek yürüyordun.
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