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The US dollar will be easy to collapse

^ But China is already the #1 challenger to US hegemony. All we need to do is get everybody to start moving away from the dollar and then dump all our dollar to trigger hyperinflation in the US. Then US will need to close all its military bases in the world and that will create a huge power vaccum. In comes the Chinese carrier battle groups. Voila, you have a Pax Sinica enforced by an ocean superpower -- China -- whose currency the RMB is a major reserve currency around the world because it is the biggest trading nation in the world.

its now a common sense that we would now kick US$ and we cant accept Euro also if we have a look on the debt crisis of Eurozone. so we have only two options; first we would have an international currency or we would simply accept Yuan as a trading currency as China has as much foreign reserve that they would keep Yuan stabilized. US$ has created a terror in world trade as its value keep fluctuating on time to time and when it will collapse, no one knows. We would better prepare our self for the worse and get an international currency or accept Yuan
China will be the biggest loser if US dollar faces free fall. Their over 60% of foreign reserve, at $3.4tn, is in terms of US$ and if US$ collapse, overall value of Chinese foreign reserve will also collapse. China bought too much foreign currencies, mainly US$, just to keep Yuan lower to support export but they will have to pay a big price of it, if US$ collapse :)

if US dollar faces free fall, I think the obvious loser would be uh, the US, seeing as their entire economy would be disrupted.
if US dollar faces free fall, I think the obvious loser would be uh, the US, seeing as their entire economy would be disrupted.

and then Chinese companies will be able to buy resources of US very cheaply on the back of a stronger Yuan than US$, I know what you are waiting for………..;)

but, when a shop will be looted, whoever will get opportunity, will loot it. And trust me, it will not only be just Chinese but also many Indian, Russian, Brazilian, Mexican companies will also try to buy whatever they may find in US on the back of their strong currency than that of US$. But we hope it won’t result in collapse of WTO as its also likely that industrial jobs will then back to US/ EU from China as then making products inside US will then become cheaper than manufacturing the same in China. but I’m mainly laughing on Russia who recently joined WTO but they may see its collapse within just 4-5 years from now :lol:

we have example of Congo, Afghanistan etc whose land area is big but population is small but we hope US won’t become the same after 20-22 years from now. As, India/ China type countries have top class professionals, but not US who develop technologies from highly qualified immigrants. Its not really easy to copy technologies, trust me, as, Nakal ke liye bhi Akal honi chahiye, and US’s society don’t produce that type of professionals who may copy Indian/ Chinese or Russian technologies in future, if required. We will see too many things happening in future, by next 20-25 years, wait for a while :smokin:
and then Chinese companies will be able to buy resources of US very cheaply on the back of a stronger Yuan than US$, I know what you are waiting for………..;)

but, when a shop will be looted, whoever will get opportunity, will loot it. And trust me, it will not only be just Chinese but also many Indian, Russian, Brazilian, Mexican companies will also try to buy whatever they may find in US on the back of their strong currency than that of US$. But we hope it won’t result in collapse of WTO as its also likely that industrial jobs will then back to US/ EU from China as then making products inside US will then become cheaper than manufacturing the same in China. but I’m mainly laughing on Russia who recently joined WTO but they may see its collapse within just 4-5 years from now :lol:

we have example of Congo, Afghanistan etc whose land area is big but population is small but we hope US won’t become the same after 20-22 years from now. As, India/ China type countries have top class professionals, but not US who develop technologies from highly qualified immigrants. Its not really easy to copy technologies, trust me, as, Nakal ke liye bhi Akal honi chahiye, and US’s society don’t produce that type of professionals who may copy Indian/ Chinese or Russian technologies in future, if required. We will see too many things happening in future, by next 20-25 years, wait for a while :smokin:

i don't think industry can move back to US/EU. probably Africa. reason is, US/EU have to import natural resources since theirs are exhausted, which you can't do with a weak currency!
i don't think industry can move back to US/EU. probably Africa.
reason is, US/EU have to import natural resources since theirs are exhausted, which you can't do with a weak currency!

As per my calculation, after China and India, industries will first move to US/ EU and then to Africa, write down somewhere :tup:. Even if per capita income of around 18 African countries is below $1000 on PPP, its China who has most of the industries of the world even if Chinese per capita income would be more than $8,000 on PPP by 2011. Even if US/ EU doesn’t have highly qualified professionals, US does has institutions and good infrastructure, even if they will need to improve them also on time to time.:)

Sir, Im not talking in air and we have example that US’s and Eurozone economies might have been collapsed even this year if they might not have borrowed to pay for their expanses while debt of US is already above 100% to its GDP. Within just next 5 to 6 years from now, you will see that they will prefer to face recession and lower value of US$/ Euro as compare to borrow more to protect economy and keeping $ higher than Yuan to keep importing cheaper products from China. :agree:

Only a miracle can help US/ EU to avoid any recession like how Russia faced in between 1989 to 1998. Ruble was depreciated by over 400% during that period and per capita income of Russia came down to around $6,800 on PPP by 1998, as compare to around $15,500 in 1989, and they could reach to 1989 level by 2007, mainly on the back of high oil/ gas metal prices while Russia, a developed country, also had pretty good techs and institutions etc. But US doesn’t have that much minerals/ oil, gas, and other natural resources also. we will see too many things happening by next 20 years, mainly within next 7 to 8 years. I even guess, due to weak $, lifestyle of US will get changed in such a way that they will have to live with whatever natural resources they have, they won't be able to import much that time :coffee:
^^lol Maybe you are looking for a freefall of the $, but I doubt if it is at all in Chinas best interest. You really don't want to be the world police man !!! Trillions of dollars spent, not even a gallon of gas for me. Some big corps made loads of money, but thats about it.

Becareful of what you wish for !!

Mate no one wants the US dollar to free fall we want an orderly transition between the has been (America) and the new super power designate (China) but the problem is American actions may precipitate this. After all do you think Chinese should let Americans borrow money so they can contain China. American government is very stupid they bite the hand that feeds them
Mate no one wants the US dollar to free fall we want an orderly transition between the has been (America) and the new super power designate (China) but the problem is American actions may precipitate this. After all do you think Chinese should let Americans borrow money so they can contain China. American government is very stupid they bite the hand that feeds them

Mate U.S is on a print and spend mode. Nobody was ever successful in doint that.

U.S is also certainly not Mozambique, its not like they are dumping trillions that the economy can't absorp without a freefall. The current leaders of both the parties are leading this U.S train all the way to the scene of the crash, albeit slowly.
Mate U.S is on a print and spend mode. Nobody was ever successful in doint that.

U.S is also certainly not Mozambique, its not like they are dumping trillions that the economy can't absorp without a freefall. The current leaders of both the parties are leading this U.S train all the way to the scene of the crash, albeit slowly.

But look at the earlier posts why are American & American lovers in denial?? They just cant face facts??
it clearly shows most pakistani member are seriously affected by mr. zahil hamid grandmother king story.
According to the Cabal - the neo-cons, Illuminati and the Bilderbergs - the only solution to all of the financial and political problems occurring around the world is a new international order. What they don't say is that most of these problems have been created by the same people who are offering a new international order as a solution. How can any sane person trust the same people who have screwed up the world so badly, to fix the problems?

Bl00dy absurd, what? :tdown:
Mate U.S is on a print and spend mode. Nobody was ever successful in doint that.

U.S is also certainly not Mozambique, its not like they are dumping trillions that the economy can't absorp without a freefall. The current leaders of both the parties are leading this U.S train all the way to the scene of the crash, albeit slowly.

People in the economic world are astute to the fact USA are simply applying quantitive easing to artificially stimulate the economy. Very naive long term.
Its like a doctor giving a patient pain killers to mask a pain. Eventually the pain killers will stop having the desired effect and the patient suffers even more pain.
The world will soon gradually change their stable rock currency and this will enrage the USA even more! Beware the world!!!!!!
Its like a doctor giving a patient pain killers to mask a pain. Eventually the pain killers will stop having the desired effect and the patient suffers even more pain.

More like a doctor giving a junky heroin
More like a doctor giving a junky heroin

Problem with the ‘Industrialized’ countries is that their most of the industries have been sifted to Asian tigers like China and India also, and whatever industries/ big brands they still have are being continuously bought by China/ India. Most of the production lines of Western companies have gone to China and now they are hardly working as 'Marketing' companies with their logo on the products being manufactured in China. if E7/BRICS are set to rise during this decade, G7 can hardly try to maintain their current economic size which doesn’t look easy. there is now limited source of earning by US + EU’s PIIGGS and they don’t have enough natural resources also like Canada and Australia also that they can sell those minerals and maintain lifestyle. Now they have to keep borrow debts and pay for their expanses. I believe, borrowing more debts will only add to the problems as it will keep increasing their debt burdens. US+ PIIGGS of EU would better try to minimize the effects of their heavy debts In place of borrowing more debt and waiting for the worse to come. :meeting:

There are many in the worlds who don’t like US because of their past of attacking other countries by financial/ political and military means and if you are also one of them then I would like to advise you to wait for few more years until debt of US cross even 200% of their GDP. If US might not have borrowed recently and might not have crossed debt ceiling of 100% of GDP in 2011, their economy might have fallen but not as bad as it will happen when they will face the same at the debt level of 200% to GDP, which they may reach within just next 4 to 8 years from now. you will have more fun, wait for a while :tup:

BRICS also have to bring themselves in a comfortable position before they face something like this. Export to GDP ratio of China was around 44% in 2007 but their export would be around 25% to GDP of China only by 2011 and they have to do more to reduce their dependence on export before US’s/ EU’s economy fall. Also Indian professionals’ need some time to back to India or move somewhere else by next 4-5 years and settle themselves before US would face a deep recession which will certainly drag EU also, especially PIIGGS economies. (PIIGGS: Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Great Britain, Spain) :pop:

we do need few years to prepare our self first :agree:

GDP of US was around $14.6tn in 2011 while their debt is likely to reach $16.4tn this year :disagree:
Obama’s request to increase the borrowing authority would boost the debt limit to a record $16.4 trillion.



The acronym PIGS has been around since 1997, coined during the economic crisis of Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain. Since then, the acronym has been expanded: Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Great Britain and Spain, or PIIGGS. Every one of these countries is in dire economic straits, having run up huge deficits. The deficit loans, enabling what many have called reckless spending by the PIIGGS countries, are coming due right now.

Britain's bulging budget deficits have helped catapult it into the ranks of the 'PIIGS,' according to research. A list of countries with the most vulnerable public finances puts Britain in fourth place behind Ireland, Greece and Portugal.
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