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The US Accuses North Korea


Apr 7, 2008
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Syria 'had covert nuclear scheme'
The United States accuses North Korea of helping Syria build a nuclear reactor "not intended for peaceful purposes".
We only hear about the covert nuclear scheme of Iran, Syria and so on, but hardly hear anything about Israel's covert nuclear scheme. Israeli or American nuclear arsenal is good but others can't even have a nuclear programme, this hypocrisy must be put to an end, as soon as possible.:sick:
Syria 'had covert nuclear scheme'

The United States has accused North Korea of helping Syria build a nuclear reactor that "was not intended for peaceful purposes".

The site, said to be like one in North Korea, was bombed by Israel in 2007.

Syria must "come clean" about its secret nuclear programme, the White House said in a statement after CIA officials briefed members of Congress.

Syria has repeated denials that it has any nuclear weapons programme, or any such agreement with North Korea.

The construction of this reactor was a dangerous and potentially destabilising development for the region and the world

White House statement

But the White House said the "cover-up" operation that Syria carried out after the Israeli air strike reinforced the belief that the reactor "was not intended for peaceful activities".

"Until 6 September, 2007, the Syrian regime was building a covert nuclear reactor in its eastern desert capable of producing plutonium," the statement said.

"The Syrian regime must come clean before the world regarding its illicit nuclear activities."

The statement added that the US had long been "seriously concerned about North Korea's nuclear weapons programme and its proliferation activities".

But the White House insists it is committed to the on-going six-nation diplomacy, between North Korea and US, China, Japan, South Korea and Russia that led to a landmark deal with Pyongyang, in February 2007.

Ulterior motive?

North Korea agreed to give up its nuclear weapons in return for aid and its removal from a blacklist of state sponsors of terrorism. But the US has accused Pyongyang of missing the deadline to make a full nuclear declaration as promised.

The CIA briefing and statement coincides with the end of a two-day meeting between US and North Korean officials on Pyongyang's nuclear programme, which both sides say have gone well - fuelling speculation that a deal may be imminent.

The BBC's James Coomarasamy, in Washington, says the question being asked by some in the US capital is whether the reactor statement is designed to reinforce those diplomatic efforts or an attempt by some in the administration to undermine them.

Damning images?

The CIA briefings included pictures which the US says prove that North Koreans were working inside the secret site.

One of the images, which shows two men standing side by side, was said by the CIA to be of the head of the North Korean nuclear plant and the head of the Syrian atomic energy commission together in Syria.

The images - said to have been obtained by Israel - showed striking similarities between the Syrian facility and the North Korean reactor at Yongbyon, the US said.

However, the facility was not yet operational and there was no fuel for the reactor, officials said.

Israeli fears

Republican Congressman Pete Hoekstra, who attended the CIA briefing, said the US needed "good, clear, verifiable information" from the countries involved before North Korea could be removed from the terrorism blacklist, the AFP news agency quoted him as saying.

Mr Hoekstra criticised the Bush administration for waiting eight months to brief the intelligence committee and warned that it could jeopardise any future agreement with North Korea.

Syria's ambassador to the UN, Bashar Jaafari, denied the links.

"There was no Syria-North Korea co-operation whatsoever in Syria. We deny these rumours," he said.

North Korea has previously denied transferring nuclear technology to Syria.

The BBC's Katya Adler in Jerusalem says the apparent strike on the reactor, deep inside Syria, was seen by many in Israel as a sign of their military prowess.

But she says Israeli defence officials now have expressed concern over the revelation of classified data in the US.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Syria 'had covert nuclear scheme'
Here we go again. Another Iraq. Another report by the same intellengence agencies who said Saddam had WMD's. Another raise in oil prices. Another millions of innocent civilians killed. Summing it all up another war.
US keeps on accusing weak Muslim countries and destroying them one by one. Wake up Muslims the Jewish schemes are in full swing. Time is not far away when Pakistan will become an adversary instead of an ally.
US keeps on accusing weak Muslim countries and destroying them one by one. Wake up Muslims the Jewish schemes are in full swing. Time is not far away when Pakistan will become an adversary instead of an ally.

Is North Korea muslim?

I"ll agree that this is kinda suspicious, esp. after the non-existent WMDs, but then why did Israel bomb the place?
Is North Korea muslim?

I"ll agree that this is kinda suspicious, esp. after the non-existent WMDs, but then why did Israel bomb the place?

No, North Korea is not a Muslim state but it is not known to have enmity towards any Muslim state either, just like China, and of course China is also on the line of fire(Tibet is good indication of that), it's just matter of time. I hope you get my point.
Is North Korea muslim?

I"ll agree that this is kinda suspicious, esp. after the non-existent WMDs, but then why did Israel bomb the place?

Will North Korea ever be attacked?
Any damaging resolution in Security Council?
Why was Syria attacked? Because it is Muslim state.
Let's see how long can US economy sustain the war on terror and growing oil prices.:devil:
Will North Korea ever be attacked?
Any damaging resolution in Security Council?
Why was Syria attacked? Because it is Muslim state.
Let's see how long can US economy sustain the war on terror and growing oil prices.:devil:

Why does the US want to attack muslim states?
Conflict of civilizations maybe? Be it West vs. China or West vs. Islam...

:disagree: I don't agree. I've heard this several times, and I don't agree.

The fact is, considering the reach and sheer power of the US military establishment, it has been surprisingly benign in exerting its influence.

If Russia or China were that powerful, the lack of a public conscience (read free speech) would result in imperialism all over again.
Is North Korea muslim?

I"ll agree that this is kinda suspicious, esp. after the non-existent WMDs, but then why did Israel bomb the place?

north korea is not muslim but it is like an extended family with syria iran libya . Well we arabs regard them as our arab cousins loool. We love its charimatic leader Mr Kim Jong 11.

by the way this nuclear thing was a lot of BS. Kim jong was building us a secret amusement park but those dumb israelis took it as a threat.:partay:
10 North Koreans killed in raid on Syrian facility

TOKYO: Ten North Koreans could have been killed when Israel launched an air strike last year to destroy Syria’s alleged nuclear reactor, Japan’s public broadcaster NHK reported on Monday. Quoting unidentified South Korean intelligence sources, NHK said they were part of a North Korean team accused of helping Syria secretly build a nuclear reactor. They included agents of the military production bureau of the communist state’s ruling Workers Party as well as soldiers who had taken part in the construction of nuclear facilities back in North Korea, the network added. afp

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