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The unreasonable criticism on Pakistan's defense budget

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Ours is in top 10 in the world as a% of GDP. And its even slightly more than 4 %. Just because you like to lick jarnails boots doesnt mean the rest of the nation has to sit and watch these incompetent generals.

When they take 4 % of the GDP for 5 lac personnel absolutely. You cannot expect miracles from a country who has experienced coups , Generals running rough shot over constitution , supreme court and whose main purpose in life was to get a 100 acre farmhouse in okara. People of Pakistan have had enough of these people. It was made for us the civilians. This country wasnt made for the military to make this into North Korea.

you gotta be shitting me....your logic makes my cat look like a PhD.
So India with a bigger economy can spend $72 billion and threatens us with total annihilation every day and we spend hardly $10 billion and face enemies both domestic and foreign from both sides but you have a problem spending money of defence. You are at best a complete coward and worse an Indian lover .

Yes we spend more money on defence related to GDP but we need to. Its like most Americans spend more money on medications than they on food. Its a matter of survival and there is nothing wrong with it.

Are you in your Senses. Military Pensions are 369 Billion this year and were 354 last year. Keep in mind due to Geopolitical Problems we have been forced to keep a huge military to keep conventional balance. Military also Employees Civilians their pensions are also included here.

Lets see Provincial Budgets Last Year.
Punjab : 2300 Billion
Sindh : 1217 Billion
KPK : 900 Billion
Blochistan : 419 Billion
AJK : 121 Billion
GB : 63 Billion

Combined this is over 5000 Billion.

If you go through the details of these Budgets the Pensions for Police, Civil servants, Government Hospitals, teachers and other Government employed are far more than Military Pensions Punjab alone Spent 244.9 Billion for pensions last year. Legitimate criticism is OK but dont make things up.

This kid seems to be a Nawaz stooge or an Indian imposter but either way his lack of knowledge and education is shocking.
you gotta be shitting me....your logic makes my cat look like a PhD.
So India with a bigger economy can spend $72 billion and threatens us with total annihilation every day and we spend hardly $10 billion and face enemies both domestic and foreign from both sides but you have a problem spending money of defence. You are at best a complete coward and worse an Indian lover .

Yes we spend more money on defence related to GDP but we need to. Its like most Americans spend more money on medications than they on food. Its a matter of survival and there is nothing wrong with it.

This kid seems to be a Nawaz stooge or an Indian imposter but either way his lack of knowledge and education is shocking.

Nope we dont have to spend. There are millions of other beneficial things we can do with that money. Creating a 'Nazuk dhor ' has been a favourite pasttime of these generals. 1947-2020 they keep on repeating the nazuk dhor sentence to prop up the budget. The more budget they get the more corruption they do. You tell me how these generals are getting multi millionaires with a sarkari naukri?

The military is suppose to be under the civilian government like all normal societies.
Nope we dont have to spend. There are millions of other beneficial things we can do with that money. Creating a 'Nazuk dhor ' has been a favourite pasttime of these generals. 1947-2020 they keep on repeating the nazuk dhor sentence to prop up the budget. The more budget they get the more corruption they do. You tell me how these generals are getting multi millionaires with a sarkari naukri?

The military is suppose to be under the civilian government like all normal societies.

Just move on man.....talking to you is making my IQ to go down.

when Indian hordes show up To rape our women I wonder what cowards like you would be doing.
Just move on man.....talking to you is making my IQ to go down.

when Indian hordes show up To rape our women I wonder what cowards like you would be doing.

No Indian is showing up here. Stop creating bogeymans and looting the nation in the name of nazuk dhor. You didnt tell me where are all these generals getting their millions and Billions from ? Not even the CEO of microsoft can afford such houses and farmhouses. They must have really high government salaries in Billions.
No Indian is showing up here. Stop creating bogeymans and looting the nation in the name of nazuk dhor. You didnt tell me where are all these generals getting their millions and Billions from ? Not even the CEO of microsoft can afford such houses and farmhouses. They must have really high government salaries in Billions.

I don’t know any billionaire general in my life and I know a few generals.

As I already mentioned cowards like you will happily accept any deal and surrender .

May be you don’t see rape as anything special but Indians are known to mass rape women of the area where they occupy land.... care to read this report?

I don’t know any billionaire general in my life and I know a few generals.

As I already mentioned cowards like you will happily accept any deal and surrender .

May be you don’t see rape as anything special but Indians are known to mass rape women of the area where they occupy land.... care to read this report?


You think Rapes dont happen in Pakistan? There are daily rapes in our country. What are you doing to stop that? The women being raped in our society and small children are not coming from India. They are being raped by sick men in our own society.

So you know a few generals that is the reason you are getting triggered?


Care to explain where all these billions and billions are coming and going? Did their daddy left Pakistan in meeraas to them or what? Ghulam and servile people like you will always be happy in this corruption and happily lick their boots


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No Indian is showing up here. Stop creating bogeymans and looting the nation in the name of nazuk dhor. You didnt tell me where are all these generals getting their millions and Billions from ? Not even the CEO of microsoft can afford such houses and farmhouses. They must have really high government salaries in Billions.

It's people like you that drag the nation down to the hyenas to be fed.

You've seen last year Indian adventure and the threats they make to our sovereignty and still question the budget?

Your kind tried Aman Ki Asha garbage for a decade, and they still stabbed Pakistan in the back.

Be honest, is your family doing your rishta to an Indian girl because Pakistani female wouldn't bite, hence you mellowing out or were you a faggy from the beginning?
Wow .... cut and paste from unsubstantiated claims and outright propaganda .... wow I am so impressed.

as I said we have no shortage of ghatia and low life scums who live in the land defended by the blood of our soldiers ...

According to his logic if the Indian Army comes we'll just dance our tranny's on border.

No man people like this guy will dance for them and let them enjoy..

You think Rapes dont happen in Pakistan? There are daily rapes in our country. What are you doing to stop that? The women being raped in our society and small children are not coming from India. They are being raped by sick men in our own society.

So you know a few generals that is the reason you are getting triggered?

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Care to explain where all these billions and billions are coming and going? Did their daddy left Pakistan in meeraas to them or what? Ghulam and servile people like you will always be happy in this corruption and happily lick their boots

you are quoting Indian newspaper Economic times !!!!

and the second news is about some general who are caught and punished for corruption.....

Speaks volumes about your low IQ.... did you marry your cousin by any chance ???
Wow .... cut and paste from unsubstantiated claims and outright propaganda .... wow I am so impressed.

as I said we have no shortage of ghatia and low life scums who live in the land defended by the blood of our soldiers ...

No man people like this guy will dance for them and let them enjoy..

I'm surprised, I mean completely surprised. He's on a defense forum reads about LOC shelling day in and out and our civilians being shaheed, they flew across our border and failed, yet he wants to defund our military to give to civil government who already looted the country.

When you have Kurduglu's like him at home, why need enemies from the outside.

Speaks volumes about your low IQ.... did you marry your cousin by any chance ???

She probably left this dumb *** by now if he did marry one.
Stop throwing your nonsense here. Mr propagandist. India defence budget is 2.5%, while pakistan is 2.8.
I wish what you said is true.

This year’s defense budget without the defense pensions amounts to a mere 1.5 percent of the GDP, which is noticeably low considering the state of the military.

A different source:
Without the pension, the defence budget is only 1.5 percent of the GDP.

There's criticism coming Modi's way that this is the lowest military budget since 1960..but you feel free to cook up India's numbers to make Pakistani defense expenditure look more palatable.
I'm surprised, I mean completely surprised. He's on a defense forum reads about LOC shelling day in and out and our civilians being shaheed, they flew across our border and failed, yet he wants to defund our military to give to civil government who already looted the country.

When you have Kurduglu's like him at home, why need enemies from the outside.

Trust me I run into cowards like him all the time. These are mostly left over rot of Nawaz and Bhutto .... mostly corrupt elite who want to look tough talking against the army..
I wish what you said is true.

This year’s defense budget without the defense pensions amounts to a mere 1.5 percent of the GDP, which is noticeably low considering the state of the military.

A different source:
Without the pension, the defence budget is only 1.5 percent of the GDP.

There's criticism coming Modi's way that this is the lowest military budget since 1960..but you feel free to cook up India's numbers to make Pakistani defense expenditure look more palatable.

please bro everything that comes out of your press and Modi government is a pile of crap... so what ever makes you guys happy.

Bring your sister here so I can show you who the fag is.

Pakistan was made by the blood by sacrifices from millions of Pakistani civilians. Even in war against terrorism 70K civilians died .Sacrifices are made by the people of Pakistan the most. Not some whisky drinking general sitting in okara farmhouse who wouldnt give a flying ****.

dont being anyone’s sister here .... it’s obvious you are yourself an ugly creation with who knows result of what atrocity. watch your Indian mouth.
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