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The UK's EU referendum: All you need to know

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

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i dont know. if we break apart we will just be minions of the great powers. the only nation sble to hold europe on its shoulders is germany now and if they get tired evrything will go down. russia sees all this as a big chance.

You are already the minions of the US, so be it.

What's point to keep maintaining a wannabe superpower like EU, but the de facto minion of the US?
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i dont know. if we break apart we will just be minions of the great powers. the only nation sble to hold europe on its shoulders is germany now and if they get tired evrything will go down. russia sees all this as a big chance.

No break. The EU will be fine. Germany and France.
@LeveragedBuyout @waz
I did some research on custom duties in the EU & i found out:-
The Custom duties on Trucks is 42% just to keep out Cheaper Chinese and Indian Trucks.

Under EU anti dumping Laws, the tarrifs on Chinese Solar Panels is between 17% and 42%. So much for the EU promoting Renewable Energy.

I found the " British will starve " statement to be nonsense.
The average tarrif on Agricultural Products is 18%. Most of the tarrifs exceeding 100% are on Agricultural Products.
Isoglucose has a tarrif of 604%.

Through the Common Agricultural Policy, the British have to subsidise inefficient French Farmers.

Then via external tarrifs, their ability to buy from American, Indian, African and Chinese farmers diminishes.

If anything, the EU is starving Britain.

Next, comes the question of clout, yes, the British will have to lower tariffs for the Chinese, Indians and Americans.
But this is a good thing. It will give the British the chance to focus on what they do best and it will expand the choices for the British Consumers away from the stuff produced by the EU dinosaur businesses. If the new Uk govt. doesn things right, they can opt for stuff from around the globe now which will now have less/no tariffs

As they say - "Bread of freedom is always bitter".
But the fact that is YOUR bread & yours alone to control makes it sweet :) That's what I think sir .

& If it isn't tasty, we can always blame our closest geo-political enemy or rival :P

We do not want anything from you, except for fair mutual trade.
He is talking about the weakening of the EU. Won't it be good for Russia & Putin to see it's biggest rival in Europe fall apart. THat will leave the field open for it to take over the Baltic states & get back Ukraine?

By the way do u live in Ukraine? I thought things were bad for Russians there.
We left an entity that no longer listened to us, or understood us. Some individual states did. Italy being one. That's the basis for continued friendship.
We will help in Europe, for example among many things anti smuggling operations, aid etc.
I apologise about making fun of your unemployment rate, things got heated in this thread.
Before the ECT came, we didn't just base our links on trade. That spirit will continue.

You are right and maybe the only good thing from Brexit would be if the EU is change something...but right now, it hurts.
Well the Scots arent going to back off now. They will go for independence now definitely.
scots routinely get drunk ..paint their face blue and watch braveheart... and declare independence.. its what they do every weekend.. nothing special...
@LeveragedBuyout @waz
I did some research on custom duties in the EU & i found out:-
The Custom duties on Trucks is 42% just to keep out Cheaper Chinese and Indian Trucks.

Under EU anti dumping Laws, the tarrifs on Chinese Solar Panels is between 17% and 42%. So much for the EU promoting Renewable Energy.

I found the " British will starve " statement to be nonsense.
The average tarrif on Agricultural Products is 18%. Most of the tarrifs exceeding 100% are on Agricultural Products.
Isoglucose has a tarrif of 604%.

Through the Common Agricultural Policy, the British have to subsidise inefficient French Farmers.

Then via external tarrifs, their ability to buy from American, Indian, African and Chinese farmers diminishes.

If anything, the EU is starving Britain.

Your research is spot on. I'm looking forward to massive trade between the UK and India, China etc.
but you left. all those things like cooperation, exchange programs and so on ends now. you reduce us to "business deals". We suffer heavily from that.

you want free trade but dont help in europe and pay your part to make europe a better place. you made fun about our unemployment rate and its true. maybe you can force a deal on us. you reduce friends you care for to "business partners" you dont care for.

Don't be so heart broken bruv. Thing is we will still cary on cooperating and trading with italy and Europe. So things aren't that bad. For example we brought in Germany and Italy into our Tyhoon fighter jet project making it a successfull pan-European project. This shows when european powers are really committed and have the will, they can achieve alot(Do you mean you will pull out from such projects since we are not part of E.U? )
Anyway, However, im afraid to say the E.U lacks this will and urge to reform/reinvent itself today. They are too complacent and that is a very dangerous thing when a union cant adapt to change. We tried several times to reform the E.U from inside but failed, as many countries seem to take a backseat on several issues, so we grew frustrated and now you see the results. I mentioned this in a thread here not long ago.


This is just one of many examples though. But it helped tipped the balance in leave's favour.

Europe needs urgent reforms and make sure it listens carefully to its people concerns instead of brushing them aside for political correctness, complacency and political reasons etc
But the fact that is YOUR bread & yours alone to control makes it sweet :) That's what I think sir .

& If it isn't tasty, we can always blame our closest geo-political enemy or rival :P
This saying comes from the history of the Exodus. In the desert the Jews ate matzah - the bitter bread. But they were free.
He is talking about the weakening of the EU. Won't it be good for Russia & Putin to see it's biggest rival in Europe fall apart. THat will leave the field open for it to take over the Baltic states & get back Ukraine?

By the way do u live in Ukraine? I thought things were bad for Russians there.
Germany, Britain or France or EU are not rivals of Russia. Russian rival is the US and its militaristic NATO block. Britain will still be a member of NATO, so that nothing change for Russia.
Yes, I live in Ukraine. Madness of Maidan subsides little by little, life returns to normal. 5 million of my countrymen have become free from the Ukraine (Crimea and Donbass). I am sure that sooner or later all of Eastern Ukraine will reunite with Mother Russia.
Through the Common Agricultural Policy, the British have to subsidise inefficient French Farmers.

Complete BS. France is a net contributor to the EU budget so technically France pays for its farmers and more.

And farming is subsidised everywhere in the EU it's not specific to France at all. They are by no mean more inefficient than say British farmers.
5 million of my countrymen have become free from the Ukraine (Crimea and Donbass). I am sure that sooner or later all of Eastern Ukraine will reunite with Mother Russia.
Hahaha......good one. Keep expanding, gives us even more reason to urge those pussy european countries to increase their commitment towards NATO. Even though we know they won't as usual and tje burden will still fall under the U.S and U.K as. Always. lol
@LeveragedBuyout @waz
I did some research on custom duties in the EU & i found out:-
The Custom duties on Trucks is 42% just to keep out Cheaper Chinese and Indian Trucks.

Under EU anti dumping Laws, the tarrifs on Chinese Solar Panels is between 17% and 42%. So much for the EU promoting Renewable Energy.

I found the " British will starve " statement to be nonsense.
The average tarrif on Agricultural Products is 18%. Most of the tarrifs exceeding 100% are on Agricultural Products.
Isoglucose has a tarrif of 604%.

Through the Common Agricultural Policy, the British have to subsidise inefficient French Farmers.

Then via external tarrifs, their ability to buy from American, Indian, African and Chinese farmers diminishes.

If anything, the EU is starving Britain.

You have cut to the heart of the matter. While the proximal cause of Brexit was the issue of immigration, or the British financial contribution to the EU, or the democratic deficit of Brussels-imposed laws, the overarching theme has always been that the British outlook and the Continental outlook are fundamentally different.

Britain is a commercial nation (the very reason it became a sea-faring empire to begin with), and has been instrumental in implementing the free trade order we have today. Britain is governed by common law, and contrary to the ideology of the Continent, believes that whatever is not expressly forbidden is allowed. Britain has a much more laissez-faire attitude towards the size and role of government (i.e. small, hands-off), in contrast to the Continent's vision of a domineering government. The British have a long history of democracy based on individual rights, whereas the Continent's version is driven by collective rights. Etc cetera.

In short, the EU is made by the Continent for the Continent. The idea of a closed economy, hostile to competition, is well-suited to the Continental mindset, and alien to the British. The idea of a powerful superstate overseeing every aspect of trade, and increasingly, of life, is well-suited to the Continental mindset, and alien to the British. The idea of a distant, un-elected bureaucracy imposing rules on the citizenry is well-suited to the Continental mindset, and alien to the British.

And on and on. But try putting that on an election banner. It's much easier to distill down to "Immigration!" and "£13 billion contribution to the EU!" but the underlying differences remain. That's why Britain has always been an uneasy member of the EU, and why Britain in turn has never had any real influence in the EU. The stark truth is that the slogan of "Better Together" has always been a lie, and Britain and the EU can only realize true friendship by going their separate ways. Now the EU can become as totalitarian and protectionist as it wishes, and Britain can restore democracy and negotiate free trade deals with the world.

Is that not the definition of win-win?
Hahaha......good one. Keep expanding, gives us even more reason to urge those pussy european countries to increase their commitment towards NATO.

When the UK vote to exit the EU you call it democracy but you call it "expansion" when the people of Crimea vote to join Russia ? That is quite funny to me.
When the UK vote to exit the EU you call it democracy but you call it "expansion" when the people of Crimea vote to join Russia ? That is quite funny to me.

How did you found similarities between the Brexit vote and the referendum in Crimea, King Louis? Two referendums that have completely different goals... :D
How did you find similarities between a vote in one of the most democratic countries in the world- a country with a democratic traditions dating of centuries back in history and a vote in a occupied peninsula part of a country in a civil war started mostly with the help of one bigger country on her eastern borders- a vote that was everything else but democratic with a bunch of "polite green man" guarding the sections and forcing people to vote/not to vote? Where is the similarity in that in the first place?

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