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Britain vows to stand up to E.U(German) 'blackmail' for Migrants Quota system in U.K

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Britain will stand up to Brussels 'blackmail' and resist a bid to force the UK into a quota system for migrants which could see tens of thousands sent to Britain
  • Under Dublin Regulation, UK allowed to return migrants to 'point of entry' and it has sent back 12,000 people under the scheme since 2003
  • But Brussels officials now plan to link deportation scheme to refugee quota
  • Britain will 'strongly' resist any change, senior cabinet minister warns
  • Meanwhile, Austria demands a cap on how many refugees it takes this year
  • Thousands of people are travelling through icy weather to reach Europe

PUBLISHED: 00:38, 20 January 2016 | UPDATED: 17:04, 20 January 2016


A spokesman for David Cameron, pictured leaving Downing Street today, has insisted no formal proposals have been tabled

The UK will 'strongly' protest changes to EU migration rules that mean asylum seekers have to make a claim to stay in the first country they arrive in.

Under the so-called Dublin Convention, refugees have to claim asylum in the country they first enter and they can be returned there under EU rules.

But bureaucrats are set to try and push a change on Britain as David Cameron attempts to complete his renegotiation on Britain's membership of the EU next month.

The ultimatum from Brussels is expected to include a new push for Britain to take tens of thousands of migrants as part of a quota system in return for the right to deport people who reach the UK to claim asylum after travelling through several other countries.

It could throw the Prime Minister's renegotiation of Britain's EU membership into turmoil ahead of the referendum.

Reforms to the Dublin protocols had been due for debate on March and today a No 10 spokesman today insisted no proposal had been put to Britain so far.

At a briefing with journalists, International Development Secretary Justine Greening said: 'Yes, we would be concerned and strongly against any change against on initial country status that we have got right now.'

Britain has resisted signing up to a quota system on the basis it will draw more migrants from a war torn Middle East. Instead, the Government has gone to refugee camps to rescue the most needy.

But reports from Brussels emerged last night indicating Britain would be told to join a controversial quota scheme to take new arrivals from Greece or Italy or face being stopped from using EU deportation rules to its advantage.

The United Nations has estimated one million people will try and get into Europe this year, either by sailing across the Mediterranean or walking through the Balkans - an area currently suffering from freezing winter weather.

Eurosceptics last night accused the EU of 'mafia-style blackmail' to force the UK to submit to their refugee relocation plan.

More than 12,000 people have been removed from Britain to other EU countries under these rules since 2003 – a figure the Home Office has boasted is 'many more than we have received in return'.

But in proposals to be officially unveiled in March, the Dublin Regulation would be overhauled to include a mandatory mechanism sharing would-be refugees arriving on the frontline between EU member states.

European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker today said he wanted an additional summit added to European leaders' schedule specifically discuss the migration crisis.

Because the talks on Britain's membership of the EU, Mr Juncker said he was 'rather worried that we won't have enough time to tackle the refugee question in sufficient depth'.

If the Dublin regulations were changed would mean that, if Britain wanted to be able to deport asylum seekers who have travelled through other EU countries first, it would have to take refugees.


Justine Greening, pictured last week visiting refugees in Lebanon, has said Britain will strongly resist any change to the system of asylum applications in Europe

Tory MEP David Campbell Bannerman, of Conservatives for Britain, last night told the Mail: 'This is a complete disgrace. It's clear we no longer have control of our borders, just the controls the EU allows us if we are lucky.

'The linkage between the two is mafia-style blackmail.'

An EU source said: 'The UK retains the right to choose whether or not they participate in the new system.'

Meanwhile, Austria has put a cap on the number of refugees it wants to accept - 37,500 this year and a total of 127,500 through 2019.

The numbers were announced after a meeting of federal ministers and provincial governors.

Chancellor Werner Faymann said the figures are a 'guideline' while deputy chancellor Reinhard Mitterlehner called it an 'upper limit'. The two officials are from the two parties that make up Austria's coalition government.

Officials said the government will be examining legal options on how it can react if those numbers are exceeded.

Mr Faymann called the decision an 'emergency solution', but said Austria 'cannot accept everyone applying for asylum'.


Asylum applications in the surged in 2015, according to figures from the International Monetary Fund and they are expected to grow further this year


Migration last year was driven by a huge surge in the number of people fleeing Syria, while numbers from Afghanistan also surged

Not included are the 90,000 applications from last year, of which many are still being processed.

The Dublin Convention is an EU law which requires refugees arriving in Europe to claim asylum in their country of arrival.

It applies across the EU, while Switzerland, Norway and Iceland have also agreed to apply the provisions.

Denmark has its own deal with the EU on the rules.

The convention was signed in Dublin in July 1990 and came into force for 12 countries in October 1997.

Dublin II was created in 2003, expanding on the original provisions.

The goal of the laws is to discourage people from illegally travelling across Europe.

The explosion of the migrant crisis in 2015 strained the convention to breaking point as countries in south and east Europe were deluged with hundreds of thousands of migrants escaping conflict in a matter of months.

Several countries, including Germany, temporarily suspended the convention.

The European Council president warned yesterday that the EU will face the collapse of its Schengen border-free travel area unless migration policy is sorted out before the March summit. Donald Tusk told MEPs: 'We have no more than two months to get things under control.'

EU migration commission Dimitris Avramopoulos told a committee of MEPs that the 'Dublin Regulation'must be 'revised very deeply' to include a mechanism to distribute asylum seekers 'quasi-automatically'.

He said: 'The Commission will make a proposal by March of this year. Dublin should not be any more just a mechanism to allocate responsibility, but also a solidarity instrument among member states.

'In particular they need to have distribution key system under which applicants would be quasi-automatically distributed to a member state.

'Dublin must be revised very deeply. When Dublin was adopted the situation and the landscape was very different, things have changed.

'The ones who defend the old Dublin, I wonder whether they really understand the situation today.'

Meanwhile more migrants are arriving in Greece – the gateway to the EU – by boat each day than the figure for the whole of January last year. In the first 18 days of 2016, 31,244 people have come ashore on the country's islands at a rate of 1,735 a day.

Some 1,472 migrants were recorded crossing the Aegean in the whole of January last year.


More than 12,000 people have been sent to other EU countries from Britain since 2003. Pictured: Migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan walk this week in very cold weather, through snow in Macedonia to a camp

Britain will stand up to EU 'blackmail' and resist migrant quota bid | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

@Blue Marlin , @Steve781 , @Schutz , @Hamartia Antidote, @Vauban , @tay
LOL Germany(everybody knows they are the on pushing this law through) should know by now that Britain is no small eastern European country. So she should be careful, since if Germany continues this way, she might start another conflict(not war though) in Europe. She should know she will lost again of she tries to force other countries to adopt laws they don't want to(especially not Britain).:coffee:

Seems like at this rate, we might just quit the E.U for real during the referendum next year.Even though the 'referendum' strategy was initially just a renegotiation tactic for our interests. lol :sick:
Britain will stand up to Brussels 'blackmail' and resist a bid to force the UK into a quota system for migrants which could see tens of thousands sent to Britain
  • Under Dublin Regulation, UK allowed to return migrants to 'point of entry' and it has sent back 12,000 people under the scheme since 2003
  • But Brussels officials now plan to link deportation scheme to refugee quota
  • Britain will 'strongly' resist any change, senior cabinet minister warns
  • Meanwhile, Austria demands a cap on how many refugees it takes this year
  • Thousands of people are travelling through icy weather to reach Europe

PUBLISHED: 00:38, 20 January 2016 | UPDATED: 17:04, 20 January 2016


A spokesman for David Cameron, pictured leaving Downing Street today, has insisted no formal proposals have been tabled

The UK will 'strongly' protest changes to EU migration rules that mean asylum seekers have to make a claim to stay in the first country they arrive in.

Under the so-called Dublin Convention, refugees have to claim asylum in the country they first enter and they can be returned there under EU rules.

But bureaucrats are set to try and push a change on Britain as David Cameron attempts to complete his renegotiation on Britain's membership of the EU next month.

The ultimatum from Brussels is expected to include a new push for Britain to take tens of thousands of migrants as part of a quota system in return for the right to deport people who reach the UK to claim asylum after travelling through several other countries.

It could throw the Prime Minister's renegotiation of Britain's EU membership into turmoil ahead of the referendum.

Reforms to the Dublin protocols had been due for debate on March and today a No 10 spokesman today insisted no proposal had been put to Britain so far.

At a briefing with journalists, International Development Secretary Justine Greening said: 'Yes, we would be concerned and strongly against any change against on initial country status that we have got right now.'

Britain has resisted signing up to a quota system on the basis it will draw more migrants from a war torn Middle East. Instead, the Government has gone to refugee camps to rescue the most needy.

But reports from Brussels emerged last night indicating Britain would be told to join a controversial quota scheme to take new arrivals from Greece or Italy or face being stopped from using EU deportation rules to its advantage.

The United Nations has estimated one million people will try and get into Europe this year, either by sailing across the Mediterranean or walking through the Balkans - an area currently suffering from freezing winter weather.

Eurosceptics last night accused the EU of 'mafia-style blackmail' to force the UK to submit to their refugee relocation plan.

More than 12,000 people have been removed from Britain to other EU countries under these rules since 2003 – a figure the Home Office has boasted is 'many more than we have received in return'.

But in proposals to be officially unveiled in March, the Dublin Regulation would be overhauled to include a mandatory mechanism sharing would-be refugees arriving on the frontline between EU member states.

European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker today said he wanted an additional summit added to European leaders' schedule specifically discuss the migration crisis.

Because the talks on Britain's membership of the EU, Mr Juncker said he was 'rather worried that we won't have enough time to tackle the refugee question in sufficient depth'.

If the Dublin regulations were changed would mean that, if Britain wanted to be able to deport asylum seekers who have travelled through other EU countries first, it would have to take refugees.


Justine Greening, pictured last week visiting refugees in Lebanon, has said Britain will strongly resist any change to the system of asylum applications in Europe

Tory MEP David Campbell Bannerman, of Conservatives for Britain, last night told the Mail: 'This is a complete disgrace. It's clear we no longer have control of our borders, just the controls the EU allows us if we are lucky.

'The linkage between the two is mafia-style blackmail.'

An EU source said: 'The UK retains the right to choose whether or not they participate in the new system.'

Meanwhile, Austria has put a cap on the number of refugees it wants to accept - 37,500 this year and a total of 127,500 through 2019.

The numbers were announced after a meeting of federal ministers and provincial governors.

Chancellor Werner Faymann said the figures are a 'guideline' while deputy chancellor Reinhard Mitterlehner called it an 'upper limit'. The two officials are from the two parties that make up Austria's coalition government.

Officials said the government will be examining legal options on how it can react if those numbers are exceeded.

Mr Faymann called the decision an 'emergency solution', but said Austria 'cannot accept everyone applying for asylum'.


Asylum applications in the surged in 2015, according to figures from the International Monetary Fund and they are expected to grow further this year


Migration last year was driven by a huge surge in the number of people fleeing Syria, while numbers from Afghanistan also surged

Not included are the 90,000 applications from last year, of which many are still being processed.

The Dublin Convention is an EU law which requires refugees arriving in Europe to claim asylum in their country of arrival.

It applies across the EU, while Switzerland, Norway and Iceland have also agreed to apply the provisions.

Denmark has its own deal with the EU on the rules.

The convention was signed in Dublin in July 1990 and came into force for 12 countries in October 1997.

Dublin II was created in 2003, expanding on the original provisions.

The goal of the laws is to discourage people from illegally travelling across Europe.

The explosion of the migrant crisis in 2015 strained the convention to breaking point as countries in south and east Europe were deluged with hundreds of thousands of migrants escaping conflict in a matter of months.

Several countries, including Germany, temporarily suspended the convention.

The European Council president warned yesterday that the EU will face the collapse of its Schengen border-free travel area unless migration policy is sorted out before the March summit. Donald Tusk told MEPs: 'We have no more than two months to get things under control.'

EU migration commission Dimitris Avramopoulos told a committee of MEPs that the 'Dublin Regulation'must be 'revised very deeply' to include a mechanism to distribute asylum seekers 'quasi-automatically'.

He said: 'The Commission will make a proposal by March of this year. Dublin should not be any more just a mechanism to allocate responsibility, but also a solidarity instrument among member states.

'In particular they need to have distribution key system under which applicants would be quasi-automatically distributed to a member state.

'Dublin must be revised very deeply. When Dublin was adopted the situation and the landscape was very different, things have changed.

'The ones who defend the old Dublin, I wonder whether they really understand the situation today.'

Meanwhile more migrants are arriving in Greece – the gateway to the EU – by boat each day than the figure for the whole of January last year. In the first 18 days of 2016, 31,244 people have come ashore on the country's islands at a rate of 1,735 a day.

Some 1,472 migrants were recorded crossing the Aegean in the whole of January last year.


More than 12,000 people have been sent to other EU countries from Britain since 2003. Pictured: Migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan walk this week in very cold weather, through snow in Macedonia to a camp

Britain will stand up to EU 'blackmail' and resist migrant quota bid | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

@Blue Marlin , @Steve781 , @Schutz , @Hamartia Antidote, @Vauban , @tay
LOL Germany(everybody knows they are the on pushing this law through) should know by now that Britain is no small eastern European country. So she should be careful, since if Germany continues this way, she might start another conflict(not war though) in Europe. She should know she will lost again of she tries to force other countries to adopt laws they don't want to(especially not Britain).:coffee:

Seems like at this rate, we might just quit the E.U for real during the referendum next year.Even though the 'referendum' strategy was initially just a renegotiation tactic for our interests. lol :sick:
Instead of taking in refegees, set aside your ego and bring peace to the affected countries, for how long will you continue to pay the price of US adventures?
20 million jobs in the UK, 5 million of which depend upon our inclusion in the European Union. Britain needs to exit NATO and concentrate on Europe. Military partnerships with the U.S. means perpetual wars around the world. Bringing an endless stream of refugees to our borders.
Europe's focus and interest has always lied in building our economic might, which is being derailed by expensive pointless campaigns abroad, in addition to playing host to a number of refugees.
Instead of taking in refegees, set aside your ego and bring peace to the affected countries, for how long will you continue to pay the price of US adventures?
WTH are some of you even on about?? lol
So you still don't know many of these so called 'refugees' are merely economic migrants?? They are no refugees fleeing war, just YOUNG HEALTHY MEN leaving their countries failed economic policies and thinking fleeing to Europe to live in an el dorado/heaven . lol Many of these YOUNG MEN come from countries other than war ravaged Syria, they come from Bengladesh, Pakistan, Egypt, Algeria, Iran, North Africa, etc . They are people who will still have made the perilous journey to western Europe WHETHER THERE IS A WAR IN SYRIA OR NOT. :agree: They simply use Syrian suffering as an opportunity to get to Europe. lol Old trick in the book. :lol:


So i suggest people here stop making naive remarks like they are just refugees fleeing wars caused by 'evil' western powers. That's music to our ears. If that was the case then why are the VAST MAJORITY OF THESE 'REFUGEES' YOUNG HEALTHY MEN' INSTEAD PF WOMEN AND CHILDREN LIKE WE OFTEN SEE IN SUBSAHARAN AFRICAN COUNTRIES SUFFERING FROM REAL WARS??

Anyway , even if they were refugees' as they claim, how come they dont seek refuge in the immediate peaceful stable countries?? there is wealthy Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and other gulf states in the region, stable Iran, Turkey, etc etc. Ok lets leave these neighboring countries, even when they manage to get in Europe they are still not content with living/claiming asylum in the first European country that welcomes them, they simply want to move further towards other northern/western European countries, ever asked yourself why?? lol i am sure you know the answer.:rofl:

I do welcome legitimate/REAL syrian refugees with women and children at risks here, but we all know other fellow peaceful/stable countries in the regions have used the Syrian civil war as another route/method to get to Europe, this has tarnished the reputation of the genuine Syrian women and children who are fleeing war in their country. We need to crack down harshly on these scammers who are causing a lot of trouble for genuine Syrian refugees who need all the help they can get. :(
lol you mad? take in more immigrants, Germany takes most in the EU
Germany can take in as much as they want(we will be cheering them. lol ) but they have no right to force other countries to follow their lead or tell them what to do. Afterall, Germany is Europe's human rights spokesman alias father Christmas:partay::lol:
Germany can take in as much as they want(we will be cheering them. lol ) but they have no right to force other countries to follow their lead or tell them what to do. Afterall, Germany is Europe's human rights spokesman alias father Christmas:partay::lol:
we can kick you out from EU and then you can your color beans again, youre poor
Britain will stand up to Brussels 'blackmail' and resist a bid to force the UK into a quota system for migrants which could see tens of thousands sent to Britain
  • Under Dublin Regulation, UK allowed to return migrants to 'point of entry' and it has sent back 12,000 people under the scheme since 2003
  • But Brussels officials now plan to link deportation scheme to refugee quota
  • Britain will 'strongly' resist any change, senior cabinet minister warns
  • Meanwhile, Austria demands a cap on how many refugees it takes this year
  • Thousands of people are travelling through icy weather to reach Europe

PUBLISHED: 00:38, 20 January 2016 | UPDATED: 17:04, 20 January 2016


A spokesman for David Cameron, pictured leaving Downing Street today, has insisted no formal proposals have been tabled

The UK will 'strongly' protest changes to EU migration rules that mean asylum seekers have to make a claim to stay in the first country they arrive in.

Under the so-called Dublin Convention, refugees have to claim asylum in the country they first enter and they can be returned there under EU rules.

But bureaucrats are set to try and push a change on Britain as David Cameron attempts to complete his renegotiation on Britain's membership of the EU next month.

The ultimatum from Brussels is expected to include a new push for Britain to take tens of thousands of migrants as part of a quota system in return for the right to deport people who reach the UK to claim asylum after travelling through several other countries.

It could throw the Prime Minister's renegotiation of Britain's EU membership into turmoil ahead of the referendum.

Reforms to the Dublin protocols had been due for debate on March and today a No 10 spokesman today insisted no proposal had been put to Britain so far.

At a briefing with journalists, International Development Secretary Justine Greening said: 'Yes, we would be concerned and strongly against any change against on initial country status that we have got right now.'

Britain has resisted signing up to a quota system on the basis it will draw more migrants from a war torn Middle East. Instead, the Government has gone to refugee camps to rescue the most needy.

But reports from Brussels emerged last night indicating Britain would be told to join a controversial quota scheme to take new arrivals from Greece or Italy or face being stopped from using EU deportation rules to its advantage.

The United Nations has estimated one million people will try and get into Europe this year, either by sailing across the Mediterranean or walking through the Balkans - an area currently suffering from freezing winter weather.

Eurosceptics last night accused the EU of 'mafia-style blackmail' to force the UK to submit to their refugee relocation plan.

More than 12,000 people have been removed from Britain to other EU countries under these rules since 2003 – a figure the Home Office has boasted is 'many more than we have received in return'.

But in proposals to be officially unveiled in March, the Dublin Regulation would be overhauled to include a mandatory mechanism sharing would-be refugees arriving on the frontline between EU member states.

European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker today said he wanted an additional summit added to European leaders' schedule specifically discuss the migration crisis.

Because the talks on Britain's membership of the EU, Mr Juncker said he was 'rather worried that we won't have enough time to tackle the refugee question in sufficient depth'.

If the Dublin regulations were changed would mean that, if Britain wanted to be able to deport asylum seekers who have travelled through other EU countries first, it would have to take refugees.


Justine Greening, pictured last week visiting refugees in Lebanon, has said Britain will strongly resist any change to the system of asylum applications in Europe

Tory MEP David Campbell Bannerman, of Conservatives for Britain, last night told the Mail: 'This is a complete disgrace. It's clear we no longer have control of our borders, just the controls the EU allows us if we are lucky.

'The linkage between the two is mafia-style blackmail.'

An EU source said: 'The UK retains the right to choose whether or not they participate in the new system.'

Meanwhile, Austria has put a cap on the number of refugees it wants to accept - 37,500 this year and a total of 127,500 through 2019.

The numbers were announced after a meeting of federal ministers and provincial governors.

Chancellor Werner Faymann said the figures are a 'guideline' while deputy chancellor Reinhard Mitterlehner called it an 'upper limit'. The two officials are from the two parties that make up Austria's coalition government.

Officials said the government will be examining legal options on how it can react if those numbers are exceeded.

Mr Faymann called the decision an 'emergency solution', but said Austria 'cannot accept everyone applying for asylum'.


Asylum applications in the surged in 2015, according to figures from the International Monetary Fund and they are expected to grow further this year


Migration last year was driven by a huge surge in the number of people fleeing Syria, while numbers from Afghanistan also surged

Not included are the 90,000 applications from last year, of which many are still being processed.

The Dublin Convention is an EU law which requires refugees arriving in Europe to claim asylum in their country of arrival.

It applies across the EU, while Switzerland, Norway and Iceland have also agreed to apply the provisions.

Denmark has its own deal with the EU on the rules.

The convention was signed in Dublin in July 1990 and came into force for 12 countries in October 1997.

Dublin II was created in 2003, expanding on the original provisions.

The goal of the laws is to discourage people from illegally travelling across Europe.

The explosion of the migrant crisis in 2015 strained the convention to breaking point as countries in south and east Europe were deluged with hundreds of thousands of migrants escaping conflict in a matter of months.

Several countries, including Germany, temporarily suspended the convention.

The European Council president warned yesterday that the EU will face the collapse of its Schengen border-free travel area unless migration policy is sorted out before the March summit. Donald Tusk told MEPs: 'We have no more than two months to get things under control.'

EU migration commission Dimitris Avramopoulos told a committee of MEPs that the 'Dublin Regulation'must be 'revised very deeply' to include a mechanism to distribute asylum seekers 'quasi-automatically'.

He said: 'The Commission will make a proposal by March of this year. Dublin should not be any more just a mechanism to allocate responsibility, but also a solidarity instrument among member states.

'In particular they need to have distribution key system under which applicants would be quasi-automatically distributed to a member state.

'Dublin must be revised very deeply. When Dublin was adopted the situation and the landscape was very different, things have changed.

'The ones who defend the old Dublin, I wonder whether they really understand the situation today.'

Meanwhile more migrants are arriving in Greece – the gateway to the EU – by boat each day than the figure for the whole of January last year. In the first 18 days of 2016, 31,244 people have come ashore on the country's islands at a rate of 1,735 a day.

Some 1,472 migrants were recorded crossing the Aegean in the whole of January last year.


More than 12,000 people have been sent to other EU countries from Britain since 2003. Pictured: Migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan walk this week in very cold weather, through snow in Macedonia to a camp

Britain will stand up to EU 'blackmail' and resist migrant quota bid | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

@Blue Marlin , @Steve781 , @Schutz , @Hamartia Antidote, @Vauban , @tay
LOL Germany(everybody knows they are the on pushing this law through) should know by now that Britain is no small eastern European country. So she should be careful, since if Germany continues this way, she might start another conflict(not war though) in Europe. She should know she will lost again of she tries to force other countries to adopt laws they don't want to(especially not Britain).:coffee:

Seems like at this rate, we might just quit the E.U for real during the referendum next year.Even though the 'referendum' strategy was initially just a renegotiation tactic for our interests. lol :sick:

No thanks. Taking on hordes of young men who have abandoned their countries just won't happen. The German leader can harp all day. With the referendum on the horizon, this will be the straw that broke the camel's back.

we can kick you out from EU and then you can your color beans again, youre poor

No problem, the UK is the biggest net contributor to the EU. We have alliances the world over, many of those involving the commonwealth. I'd take New Zealand, Australia and Canada over many of the European states. Do make sure you ask the rest of the EU "partners" to cough up the funds you need to fill that gaping hole we will leave behind.
As i said before, i have no issues if we take genuine Syrian refugees especially the men and Children who are the most vulnerable. However, what we can see so far is the total opposite, since we see mainly healthy young men from other stable countries in the region seeking this favor than the Syrian women and children that really need it. So i welcome our government decisions to take some of these Syrian children at risk after proper screening on a case by case basis. :pop:

we can kick you out from EU and then you can your color beans again, youre poor
you are Russian remember Mr Putin's spokesman??:lol:
. Since when are you German??:rofl: You might be the one to be kicked out of Europe back to Czar Russia. Be careful. :laughcry:

No problem, the UK is the biggest net contributor to the EU. We have alliances the world over, many of those involving the commonwealth. I'd take New Zealand, Australia and Canada over many of the European states. Do make sure you ask the rest of the EU "partners" to cough up the funds you need to fill that gaping hole we will leave behind.

LOL Bro don't fall into that Russian Senheiser's trap.lol
You can talk about this with our German friend on here @Bundeswehr :enjoy:
No thanks. Taking on hordes of young men who have abandoned their countries just won't happen. The German leader can harp all day. With the referendum on the horizon, this will be the straw that broke the camel's back.

No problem, the UK is the biggest net contributor to the EU. We have alliances the world over, many of those involving the commonwealth. I'd take New Zealand, Australia and Canada over many of the European states. Do make sure you ask the rest of the EU "partners" to cough up the funds you need to fill that gaping hole we will leave behind.
it depends on who comes in, families then yes, come on in. but guy's, they can go to germany instead. but the family must pass the english test first. if we leave europe who cares, it not we will lose business to them, they need us and we need them. but i do have a hunch we are not leaving. david is changing his mind. first he said yes to leaving now he's saying no. it just politics, i dont think we are going anywhere
it depends on who comes in, families then yes, come on in. but guy's, they can go to germany instead. but the family must pass the english test first. if we leave europe who cares, it not we will lose business to them, they need us and we need them. but i do have a hunch we are not leaving. david is changing his mind. first he said yes to leaving now he's saying no. it just politics, i dont think we are going anywhere
hmmm......it's a tricky one as you said. Originally WE WERE NEVER GOING TO LEAVE THE E.U. The original battle plan was to use the so called referendum to get even more reforms from Brussels that suits our interests,since overall being in E.U is a NET GAIN for us, but seeing as things are going today at this rate, it's not far fetched to think we might REALLY leave for REAL next year when the referendum is held next year.
hmmm......it's a tricky one as you said. Originally WE WERE NEVER GOING TO LEAVE THE E.U. The original battle plan was to use the so called referendum to get even more reforms from Brussels that suits our interests,since overall being in E.U is a NET GAIN for us, but seeing as things are going today at this rate, it's not far fetched to think we might REALLY leave for REAL next year when the referendum is held next year.
i think we will stay. is it a good idea well i dont know. but i dont want merkel in the drivers seat in regards to eu policy.
we can kick you out from EU and then you can your color beans again, youre poor
Since when were you a patriotic German? Most of your posts seem to involve masturbating over Tsar Putin.

Instead of taking in refegees, set aside your ego and bring peace to the affected countries, for how long will you continue to pay the price of US adventures?
Most of them don't even come from war zones. They jusr want "a better life" as if they are somehow owed one without any effort.
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