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Britain vows to stand up to E.U(German) 'blackmail' for Migrants Quota system in U.K

Britain and US being developed nations must take the lead in helping refugees. I have US and UK asking "other" nations to take care of minorities in its countries or take in refugees. But when it comes to their own countries, they act like pussies.

They as First world country must follow the example of Germany and Canada. If these were Christian refugees, British politicians would have been at the forefront to open the borders. Double standards.

At the same time, these lazy good for nothing Arabic nations too must take it majority of refugees instead of telling we will "pay" for them attitude.
At the same time, these lazy good for nothing Arabic nations too must take it majority of refugees instead of telling we will "pay" for them attitude.

Shows how much you actually know about the subject you are commenting on:

4.1 Million registered Syrian refugees:


Turkey: 1.9 million
Lebanon: 1.1 million
Jordan: 629,000
Iraq: 249,000
Egypt: 132,000

Germany: 98,700
Sweden: 64,700
Serbia: 49,500
Hungary: 18,800
Netherlands: 14,100
Denmark: 11,300

Austria: 18,600

Bulgaria: 15,000
Switzerland: 8,300
United Kingdom: 7,000
France: 6,700
Spain: 5,500



@Horus @waz
Shows how much you actually know about the subject you are commenting on:

4.1 Million registered Syrian refugees:


Turkey: 1.9 million
Lebanon: 1.1 million
Jordan: 629,000
Iraq: 249,000
Egypt: 132,000

Germany: 98,700
Sweden: 64,700
Serbia: 49,500
Hungary: 18,800
Netherlands: 14,100
Denmark: 11,300

Austria: 18,600

Bulgaria: 15,000
Switzerland: 8,300
United Kingdom: 7,000
France: 6,700
Spain: 5,500



@Horus @waz

Lol. Do not act as if u dono about the countries I am talking of.

Where is Saudi, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar in the list? The fat rich oil Arab states.

Saudis defended their zero intake of refugees by countering, they are funding refugee camps in Turkey, Lebanon etc
Now UK can't be racist ... it must share the burden and showcase the british values of Tolerance and Virtue... you know the kind it parades around the world and lectures everyone on.
Time to put your money where your mouth is.
Where is Saudi, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar in the list? The fat rich oil Arab states.
Please learn to use Google:

Also I am not a spokesperson for SA, or Qatar please don't ask me about their actions. You labelled "Arab" nations and last time I checked Turkey, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan and Arab nations. Cheers for providing your own lack of knowledge.
If Brexit happens, may be Grexit will happen too ? Personally I would love the disintegration of EU. Then we can have bilateral trade agreements with European countries without Italy holding it as hostage. :enjoy:
i think we will stay. is it a good idea well i dont know. but i dont want merkel in the drivers seat in regards to eu policy.
To be honest with you, i was thinking the same thing in the beginning. However, with each passing day an exit is looking more and more likely. The press here has always been mainly anti E.U , and they are making good use of Merkel's Germany's catastrophic policies recently to make the public vote Out this coming referendum.
Reason opinion polls were evenly divided For an IN OR OUT just last year.

But today over 50% say they will vote to leave if the referendum was carried out today.


I am afraid that with each passing month and with Merkel's crazy immigration policies the OUT camp will win the day by next year. It's a real possibility today unlike a few years ago. :agree: So don't be surprised by the results of the referendum next year if things keeps going on at this rate.
20 million jobs in the UK, 5 million of which depend upon our inclusion in the European Union. Britain needs to exit NATO and concentrate on Europe. Military partnerships with the U.S. means perpetual wars around the world. Bringing an endless stream of refugees to our borders.

Europe's focus and interest has always lied in building our economic might, which is being derailed by expensive pointless campaigns abroad, in addition to playing host to a number of refugees.

Finally some Brit realises this!

You sir, should challenge for the post of British PM.

However, considering how Tony Blair has reduced your position in trans-atlantic ties, you will face an uphill battle.

The sole premise of NATO is the boogeyman called Russia, who has absolutely done nothing to warrant the existence of NATO after 1991.

Keeping Europeans scared of this imaginary enemy, Every single European country has been pressed into going for US' wars.
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