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The UAV Hunter- Yabhon NSR

I'm not picking on one strike sir but overall.

Mehsood's family members in the Taliban all are hardliners, I heard the new leader is tough too.

Overall numbers too are more of Islamic Mullah lies.

Were their missed shots, you bet,

but the sample of such missed shots is very very small.

New leader Fazlu is a whip, a pathetic cave dwelling barb arian, whose main goal is to attack Pakistani girls and their schools.

I'd consider him tough if he had to backbone to stand up to our soldiers and police officers.

Hiding in caves and forking young boys in the name of Islamism is not being tough in my book.

Let me tell you a story (God knows if it is true or not, as it belongs to a time long ago)

In the time of Jahiliyyah, there is a story that some tribals used to kill little girls and daughters, burying them alive.

Fazlu the traitor is nothing but the same tribal aping those who burry their girls and daughters.

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