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The two hindu girls who were allegedly forced to convert are flirting with their husbands.

Don't know what's the truth behind this is but the girls are saying on media that they reverted willingly, here is the video.

Sorry but I hate the word "reverted".

As for the topic, the point of one of them being a bit young to marry aside, I think Muslim men can marry women of the two other Abrahamic faiths without the brides converting. Also, Tunisia passed a law last year via which Muslim women can marry non-Muslim men.
such reversion doesnt hold good
they are being held by their captors and will say what they are told
any "confession" under duress is inadmissible in the law

tell that to his crying parents.
I dont want any brother or father to see that day when his girls are taken away like this and then told they did it willingly

i think you getting too emotional brother if someone decided to kill himself all you can do is tell them what is right and what is wrong but you cant hold him or her long by doing that act.
Many prophets (PBUH) have their close relatives who denied to follow their foot steps, like Hazrat Noh's Son Hazrat Loot's (PBUTA) wife.
so i think you register your concern but take it as positive incidence.

Because their family says so.

Because it is illegal to marry minors.

Because its not the first time such a thing has happened?

we have an example like How our Quaid e azam waited for ruttie bai for 2 years.
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State should:

1. Take the men and women in custody
2. Declare the marriages null firstly
3. Present the women in front of a magistrate and then ask them what their religion is
4. If muslim, then ask them if they wish to be reunited with their parents. If hindu, reunite if women want to be reunited
5. If women refuse to be united with their families then they should be sent to Edhi Foundation
6. If women would like to be married to the same men, then they will have to wait until legal age to do so.

This is a rational approach. Handing these women back to their families against their wishes would bring harm upon them and it is the job if the state to give protection!
Even if this was somehow a love marriage, why is a man who looks like he's in his late 20's/30's even courting underage girls in the first place??

Those men were not aware of the law? o_O
No one asked them what do they understand about islam. Its not just saying the shada
Don't know what's the truth behind this is but the girls are saying on media that they reverted willingly, here is the video.

They are saying in the video that they reverted "willingly", they are still too young to get married though.[/QUOT
Are they 14 and 16 years old? lolllzzz where is my chashma
It is laughable really.
In the case of these underage women, we are expecting JUSTICE from the same JUDICIARY which let out one of the biggest convicts on bail today.
In most countries, there is a legal age limit. In the UK, according to the Sexual Offences Act 2003, it’s a criminal offense for any kind of sexual activity to take place between two people where one or both participants are under 16 and the one who is older would probably be jailed.

However, the underlying purpose of the law is to protect underage teenagers/children from sexual predators and in case both the participants are under the age of 16; they will be apprehended but chances are that they will get away with a reprimand and their parents will be informed.

In the Sindh province, it is illegal for anyone to get married under the age of 18. These girls are residents of Sindh province; hence, irrespective of the fact that the girls willingly ran away with the grooms, legally a 14 or 16-year-old girl marriage is null & void. If you do not believe in the law of the land then there is no argument believe what you will.

I am sure that most honorable members would have 14 /16-year-old sisters, daughters or nieces, do you honestly believe that a 14 or even 16-year boy or girl is capable of making correct decisions especially the ones affecting the rest of his/her life?
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If the girls ran away with an intent of marriage.They convert to Islam willingly.
Let them go and live ....

As far as constitution is concerned.
Max Law can do it to put these girls in some woman shelter homes until they turn 18
The thing is Nikah is done by Molvi not by the Judge.
Thus Judge cannot invalidate the marriage.Or it will be another big mess.

Its interesting to see what turns out of this turmoil.
( Mulla should be imprisoned for Wedlocking them knowingly these kids have no IDs)
Love is blind for few years after that its all resentments.
These girls have no idea what they have put their young selves into.
I hope they stay happy.
Their meaning of life carry different attributes.
If these girls are from village.
The chances of settling down with success are higher.

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