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The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’

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Well, i would choose PA and PAF because they are not occupying another country :cheesy:

Why should americans be different from pakistan? To afghans they are both the same, they are both foreigners and they are both fighting their proxy wars in afghanistan but by different methods, americans are sending their troops directly but pakistan is creating their monstors like the taliban to govern people on gun point. but at least at the moment we have got a parliament unlike the taliban time and a gov which has a milion times legitimacy compare to the taliban despite all the problems in general election process.
Really? But didn't PA dismantle TTP networks in SWAT valley and cleared them off from there? Didn't PA capture South Waziristan from TTP?:what:

who cares how many of the leaders you captured or killed, despite the fact that 2 of the most powerful leadership of the TTP was killed by the US drones. Mullah baradar is also captured but that does not mean everything is fine in Afghanistan. Dont you see all the problems in Pakistan? Nowhere is safe, people have lost confidence in everything and they are too scared to go out. schools, mosques, gov installations including army and isi headquarters are not safe. they are well capable of disruption and killing as much as they buddies are in afghanistan.
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So tell me, how many of their leaders have you killed and captured so far?

You kill/capture one commander, another one will pop out from somewhere!

Dont you think the same thing is correct with your Taliban? you have captured some of their leaders and americans have killed their top leaders but they are still well capable of operating in all pakistan and can generate one leader after another.
yes it is true,u never can fully defeat then,u can only supress them to an extent,every time u get relived they stand up again,this is never going to end
I'm so tired of hearing that TTP is bad whereas TTA is good.............There can never be a moderate devil, good devil and yeah who can forget, the bad devil !!!!!!!! There is only the devil(Who is Bad, for those who didn't know:cheesy:).
There are two sides, you are either with the left or the right, there is no intermediate option............For God's sake, Condor,Fundamentalist and Silentninja................MAKE UP YOUR MIND !!!!!! Where do you stand ?

You speak like George Bush himself.
'Either you are with us or against us'

My mind is made up like the hundreds of millions of Americans and the Europeans who oppose this... WAR.
I'm hesitant and ashamed to call it a War.

You speak like George Bush himself.
'Either you are with us or against us'

My mind is made up like the hundreds of millions of Americans and the Europeans who oppose this... WAR.
I'm hesitant and ashamed to call it a War.

I never said that !!!!!!!!!!!!:tongue:

You speak like George Bush himself.
'Either you are with us or against us'

My mind is made up like the hundreds of millions of Americans and the Europeans who oppose this... WAR.
I'm hesitant and ashamed to call it a War.

HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! please.......................I bet you won't find HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people who oppose this war in the whole world, Of which America and Europe are a small part of.
Even the Afghans themselves DESPISE the Taliban and are happy that ISAF intervened, so why do you support them.........when they were rejected by their own people ????????????????????
HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! please.......................I bet you won't find HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people who oppose this war in the whole world, Of which America and Europe are a small part of.
Even the Afghans themselves DESPISE the Taliban and are happy that ISAF intervened, so why do you support them.........when they were rejected by their own people ????????????????????

If they are rejected by people then ISAF should have establish a stable government like Iraq long back :D
If they are rejected by people then ISAF should have establish a stable government like Iraq long back :D

AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....................What do you think Karazai is running, a freak show ??????????????
If they are rejected by people then ISAF should have establish a stable government like Iraq long back :D

Let me tell you the difference: Government of Afghanistan(and the UN plus other countries) are the constructive force and the Taliban are destructive forces. do you know how easy it is to destroy and how difficult it is to build something? If you drop a glass, it will only take less than 10 seconds to smash into peices, you didnt lose energy, used your hands and job done - the glas is broke. Now if you want to make that glass, what do you think how much time, energy, planning, skills, resources and alot of other things are required? You need a factory for it, people to work, money, material etc. Taliban can disrupt peace and stability easily with their few thousands guys, no question about it, what else do they lose? Just nothing. They carry out a suicide bombing or attack somewhere and then run away. Being able to disrupt peace and kill people is someting and being popular is something esle.
Let me tell you the difference: Government of Afghanistan(and the UN plus other countries) are the constructive force and the Taliban are destructive forces. do you know how easy it is to destroy and how difficult it is to build something? If you drop a glass, it will only take less than 10 seconds to smash into peices, you didnt lose energy, used your hands and job done - the glas is broke. Now if you want to make that glass, what do you think how much time, energy, planning, skills, resources and alot of other things are required? You need a factory for it, people to work, money, material etc. Taliban can disrupt peace and stability easily with their few thousands guys, no question about it, what else do they lose? Just nothing. They carry out a suicide bombing or attack somewhere and then run away. Being able to disrupt peace and kill people is someting and being popular is something esle.

Well said !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, he's jealous that his country is being occupied, torn up, destroyed, and its being used by foreign and regional powers for their own gains!

While Pakistan, despite it hardships has come out stronger than before! Every challenge we face makes us stronger!

And with god blessing we continue to stand no matter how hard our enemies try to bring us down!
Dear friend, this is your problem. Despite all the hardships that you face, you refuse to acknowledge that these are there from within your country in today's time. Your soldiers are fighting bravely against terrorists who are of your own race, profess your faith, speak one of your languages and are nationals of your country and yet you find solace in blaming half the world for the mess your country is in.

On one side you claim that Islamic brotherhood is united and strong and will stand against every obstacle united and on the other hand you criticize them. Don't you think this criticism is applicable even against these TTP people who are Muslims by faith and yet don't hesitate to gun down a fellow Pakistani?

While on this forum, I have noticed people saying that Iranians, Indians, Israelis, Americans and what not nationalities are involved in sponsoring this terrorism in your country. Don't you then feel that your earlier criticism hold no value that would make your fellow Muslims kill your people for some foreign ideology and gains?

Your country is strong and you have good soldiers and there is no denying that fact. Despite being decades behind the West in terms of technology and development, your armed forces are professional and compensate by equivalent levels of ferocity. That is good because you need fierce soldiers at a time like this when terrorists, hooligans and the lawless run amuck freely in your country.

However, by putting blame on every neighbour around you and/or on some ally countries just because you have certain disagreements with them, doesn't really solve your problems. There are many intellectuals in Pakistan I have observed who have smartly and maturely recognized that the current situation in your country is in a way due to their own mistakes.

Unfortunately, such pragmatic and far-sighted people don't seem to be in position of power in your country for they would be able to not only solve your problems but also earn the respect of the entire world community including your strategic rival(s).

I would sincerely ask you to re-consider your mindset and look at the broader picture in not just your country but all around South and Western Asia, because your current mindset is not allowing you to even accept an ethnic Afghan's statements who is a national of Afghanistan and probably has seen more action than many of us who only analyse all those actions and predict its possibilities.

I hope you take my words in a positive way and realize that the world isn't Pakistan's enemy. We all see you as a part of Humanity and therefore want to help you even out of your own false fears and apprehensions.
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