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The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’

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would you like it if i call you a Keyboard Crusader?

Feel Free,

If its for my percieved beliefs I am happy and if its for my service in the Armed Forces than even better.

The question is have you done anything for your Taliban Friends other than shed crocodile tears?

Why is this becoming a slanging match with members calling each other silly names...please grow up and just get to the topic at hand
I never said your a infidel, but your love for the Emo cult (they cut themselves when their depressed) show's that you admire western culture more than Islam!

But that's your own choice, but please, don't bash others who follow Islam, don't call them "women beaters" because you and i haven't seen anything, you and i haven't witnessed anything, so why should we be the judges of what Taliban do! If they were as bad as the world claims they are, then they would have been done with already!

When truth and falsehood come face to face, falsehood perishes because falsehood is bound to perish by nature!

Joke of the day just because i have a particular user name this means i am... :lol:
now have a user name that is Japanese now this means you are :blah::blah:
this is nothing more than rant & personal attack you have no right to comment on me & my faith . I had no other name in my mind so i just did it, Don't know why people here are so much worked up with my user name, No where i have admired western Culture & said anything against Islam, I don't need to clarify myself to you about my religion to & you are no one, i repeat no one to determine my faith & assume things you don't know of
just because i don't support Taliban does not mean i am no Muslim, GO GET A LIFE

about been witness how many Taliban have you seen doing good things, again nothing more than ranting

So next time even things out, if you speak against Taliban, you should also speak against atrocities committed by ISAF!

i have, had & will condemn all acts of nuisance by ISAF & i stand by it, This in no way means i justify the killings of innocents but you & your fellows indirectly justify the killings of Afghan people just for the greater good of God, pathetic, where in Islam is written you blow yourselves in markets in the name of God & kill your own brothers & sisters

Crimes against women take place everywhere on this earth! Innocent girls in india are sold into child sex slavery, women in india are beaten by their husbands just because they fail to bring dowry for their husband and his family!Many girls are still buried alive in rural india!

But you see, Americans and the west want to fuel their cause against the Muslims, so they will use any excuse to invade our lands, they only care for their own interest not the innocents suffering!

the most pathetic thing we Pakistanis do is we start comparing, EVIL IS EVIL, there is nothing in this world which says 'my evil is smaller than yours', Muslims are maligned no doubt, But take a good look don't we indirectly provide them with opportunities to malign us, Think about it? Our perception is so bad that Muslims are now universally called Terrorists, is the Gun the way out? NO WAY, how many higher education universities have been opened by Taliban who call themselves the Saviour of Islam, where in Islam is written you stop women from education?

The Koreans were Christian missionaries, also known as Rice Christians! They took advantage of innocent, poor, starving Afghans by offering them rice and food if they converted to Christianity! And we Muslims are commanded by Allah to prevent another Muslim from going astray from the right path!

Its like i give you food if you in return become a hindu, would you like that?
Seriously, ones religion and faith is not for sale!


Hunger is one thing that can turn people cannibals, agreed they were Christian Missionary but think for a moment if something like this happened to Muslim preaching Islam, what will be your reaction

& wow you can slaughter Koreans, is that justified in any case??? & if i am not wrong they took some money before releasing some the rest of 'em
We are only giving them reasons to Malign Islam nothing else, the line "Islam is religion of peace & i will kill you to prove that" is been used against us, THINK for God Sake
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:rofl: your kidding right? Do you know who brought opium production to a halt in the history of Afghanistan? Taliban did, and no one else! In fact, do you know how many people internationally lost their jobs due to the Taliban bringing an end to narcotics trade in Afghanistan? Millions of people all over the world in, including in the FBI and CIA lost their jobs because they weren't needed anymore and this took a big toll on the organizations of many countries that used illegal narcotics as a way to gain influence and money in poor nations. So basically this angered many people in Moscow, Washington, Beijing, and god knows where else! 76% (that's a lot) of the worlds opium came from Afghanistan before Taliban rule!

Even Hamas has a lot of money, but the problems is how are they supposed to spend it when they can't buy anything?

Like i said before, when you don't have skilled workers you can't build anything!


Actually i am a bit suprised after reading the comments posted by Pakistani members .it appears that majority of Pakistanis atleast on this forum have a soft corner for the Taliban.It is the same Taliban that killed 3000 people in Pakistan last year and around 300 so far this year.

I just don't understand.
:) Journalists are easiest prey to use for bargaining and its not something new which Taliban had discovered.

what is your opinion? was it a good act by the taliban or bad? they beheaded 2 innocent muslims. by the way one of the members above complained that the taliban's voice dont get heard because they dont have access to the journalists, thats why i told him the story of Ajmal Naqshbandi.
Actually i am a bit suprised after reading the comments posted by Pakistani members .it appears that majority of Pakistanis atleast on this forum have a soft corner for the Taliban.

Don't be, its nothing new!:pakistan:

It is the same Taliban that killed 3000 people in Pakistan last year and around 300 so far this year.


I just don't understand.

Of course you don't, because your country has never been invaded, plundered, and torn by war for more than 30 years, and has not been occupied by 2 superpowers in 3 decades time!

Afghanistan, Opium and the Taliban

" U.N. drug control officers said the Taliban religious militia has nearly wiped out opium production in Afghanistan -- once the world's largest producer -- since banning poppy cultivation last summer.

A 12-member team from the U.N. Drug Control Program spent two weeks searching most of the nation's largest opium-producing areas and found so few poppies that they do not expect any opium to come out of Afghanistan this year.

"We are not just guessing. We have seen the proof in the fields," said Bernard Frahi, regional director for the U.N. program in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He laid out photographs of vast tracts of land cultivated with wheat alongside pictures of the same fields taken a year earlier -- a sea of blood-red poppies. "
Feel Free,

If its for my percieved beliefs I am happy and if its for my service in the Armed Forces than even better.

The question is have you done anything for your Taliban Friends other than shed crocodile tears?


Nobody's shedding tears here:no:! your just mad that 40+ different countries armed to the teeth can't defeat a ragtag militia!

now that's something to laugh about:rofl:
Afghanistan, Opium and the Taliban

" U.N. drug control officers said the Taliban religious militia has nearly wiped out opium production in Afghanistan -- once the world's largest producer -- since banning poppy cultivation last summer.

A 12-member team from the U.N. Drug Control Program spent two weeks searching most of the nation's largest opium-producing areas and found so few poppies that they do not expect any opium to come out of Afghanistan this year.

"We are not just guessing. We have seen the proof in the fields," said Bernard Frahi, regional director for the U.N. program in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He laid out photographs of vast tracts of land cultivated with wheat alongside pictures of the same fields taken a year earlier -- a sea of blood-red poppies. "

I don't think any Journalist will go there, after all they can behead any one anytime by calling 'em 'American Spy', so better send some key Board Jehadis Down there, I think they want some action now :lol:

& about Burqa, The Brave God Fearing Maulana Aunt have tried to escape under Burqa & were humiliated in front of whole world & it will happen again & again :pakistan:
Now that's one really witty answer Emo. Appreciate the good comment. :-)
Joke of the day just because i have a particular user name this means i am... :lol:
now have a user name that is Japanese now this means you are :blah::blah:
this is nothing more than rant & personal attack you have no right to comment on me & my faith .

lol, look who's talking! Excuse me, but i wasn't the one who's calling Taliban women beaters, you don't even know the people and you judge them! So please practice what you preach;)

you are no one, i repeat no one to determine my faith & assume things you don't know of
just because i don't support Taliban does not mean i am no Muslim,

Who said your not a Muslims, did i say that? if i did can you kindly quote from my posts, or else what's the point of all this BS you just said?

Don't put words in my mouth, and i REPEAT, don't put words in my mouth


I i didn't have a life i wouldn't exist! doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that:disagree:

about been witness how many Taliban have you seen doing good things, again nothing more than ranting

Ranting according to you, but its useful info for me:agree:! I can provide you links to soooo many atrocities done at the hands of NATO, America, and british, just let me know when your ready:azn:

i have, had & will condemn all acts of nuisance by ISAF & i stand by it, This in no way means i justify the killings of innocents but you & your fellows indirectly justify the killings of Afghan people just for the greater good of God, pathetic, where in Islam is written you blow yourselves in markets in the name of God & kill your own brothers & sisters

Whoa, you need to take a chill pill! I never said i support Suicide bombings, neither did i say i justify the killings of innocent Afghans!

I want peace in Afghanistan just as much as anyone who is tired of this war! But seriously do you think peace can be brought through war? Do you think Taliban will be defeated militarily?

If so, then your out of your mind because it will only cause more damage and collateral damage in both Afghanistan and Pakistan!

Reconciliation is more like it! Negotiating with Taliban will bring peace, not war! If you don't believe then go ahead, because history has proven it that war has always lead to the defeat of the occupier!

the most pathetic thing we Pakistanis do is we start comparing, EVIL IS EVIL, there is nothing in this world which says 'my evil is smaller than yours',

Again, stop putting words in my mouth! I never was comparing "Evil with Evil" (what's the difference?), my point was that western media doesn't highlight all the violence and human rights violations going on across the globe, but for some reason they are obsessed with Muslims countries!

Muslims are maligned no doubt, But take a good look don't we indirectly provide them with opportunities to malign us, Think about it?

I agree on this point, we have to admit our mistakes sometimes

Our perception is so bad that Muslims are now universally called Terrorists, is the Gun the way out? NO WAY

Yeah, gun isn't the way out, but when your land is illegally occupied, and the U.N doesn't do cr@p to help you, then yeah you have to resist with the gun!

, how many higher education universities have been opened by Taliban who call themselves the Saviour of Islam, where in Islam is written you stop women from education?

Wow, OMG, i'm astonished about your lack of knowledge about Taliban!

I hope this isn't too much to read:

"And you have criticized us for violating women's rights; now, who knows what happened before us. Only some symbolic schools, or symbolic posts were given to some women in the ministry, and that was called the restoration of women's rights. I can see some Afghans living here, and they will agree with me, that in the rural areas of Afghanistan, women were used as animals. They were SOLD actually. The first thing we have done is to give the self-determination to women, and it happened not in the history of Afghanistan. Throughout the history of Afghanistan, during all the so-called civilized kings or whatever, they didn't give this right to women, so women were sold. ! They didn't have the right to select their husbands, or to reject their husbands. First thing we have done is to let them choose their future. And you will know that throughout south Asia, women are killed under the title of honor killings. It happens when a woman's relation is detected with a man, whether or not the relation was sexual, they're both killed. But now this is not happening in our country. And the third thing that happened only in Afghanistan, was women were exchanged as gifts; this was not something religious; this was something cultural. When two tribal tribes were fighting among themselves, then in order to get their tribal issue reconciliated, they would exchange women, and then [they] would make, or announce reconciliation. And this has been stopped. If we [had to give] fundamental rights of woman, we had to start from zero; we couldn't jump in the middle. Now you've asked me about the rights of women s education and the rights of women's work. Unlike what is said here, women do work in Afghanistan. You're right that until 1997 I mean, in 1996 when we captured the capitol Kabul, we did ask women to stay home. It didn't mean that we wanted them to stay at home forever, but nobody listened to us. We said that there is no law, and there is no order, and have to stay at home. They were raped before us, everyday. So, after we disarmed the people, and after we brought law and order, and now women are working. You are right that women are not working in the ministry of defense, like here. We don t want our women to be fighter pilot, or to be used as objects of decoration for advertisements. But they do work. They work in the Ministry of Health, Interior, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Affairs, and so on. So, and we don t have any problem with women's education. We have said that we want education, and we will have education whether or not we are under anybody's pressure, because that is part of our belief. We are ordered to do that. When we say that there should be segregated schools, it does not mean that we don't want our women to be educated. It is true that we are against co-education; but it is not true that we are against women's education. We do have schools even now, but the problem is the resources. We cannot expand these programs. Before our government there were numerous curriculums that were going on; there were curriculums which preached the king for the kings, and there were curriculums which preached for the communists, and there were curriculums from all these seven parties [the previously mentioned]. So, the Students were confused as to what to study, and the first we have done today is to unify that curriculum, and that's going on. But we are criticized, and we say that instead of criticism, if you just help us once, that will make a difference. Because criticism will not make a difference. If you [talk?] criticism from New York, thousands of miles away, we don t care. But if you come there and help us, we do care. So actually there are more girls students studying in the faculty of medical sciences than boys are. This is not me who is saying this, it is the United Nations who has announced this. Recently we reopened the faculty of medical science in all major cities of Afghanistan and in Kandahar, there are more girl students than boys. ! But they are segregated. And the Swedish committees have also established schools for girls. I know they are not enough, but that s what we can do. So, that is what I say that we have restored. I don't say we are 100% perfect, and nobody will say that they are 100% perfect. We do have shortcomings, and we do need to amend our policies. But we can't do everything overnight."

Truth about Taliban & Buddha statues

You might also want to check this out, an actual interview of Taliban envoy before the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, its the story from the Talibans POV: http://www.defence.pk/forums/general-images-multimedia/43309-interview-taliban.html

Hunger is one thing that can turn people cannibals, agreed they were Christian Missionary but think for a moment if something like this happened to Muslim preaching Islam, what will be your reaction

I think a person should understand Islam in order to convert to it! For example, when a person converting to Islam recites the Kalima Sherrif he first has to understand its meaning, same goes for when a person converts he must understand Islam!

& wow you can slaughter Koreans, is that justified in any case???

Well, yeah it is, if you don't believe me then search it up for yourself!

On the day of judgment you will be responsible for that kid going astray from the path of Islam!

& if i am not wrong they took some money before releasing some the rest of 'em

At least they didn't torture the women!

We are only giving them reasons to Malign Islam nothing else, the line "Islam is religion of peace & i will kill you to prove that" is been used against us, THINK for God Sake

We, what we? You mean you? Appeasement isn't going to solve anything!

Tell me, what wrong did those 1 million+ innocent iraqi children do to America to deserve dying from being sanctioned? 1 million+ iraqi infants dies of malnutrition, but what was their fault?

like i said, we didn't do **** to these occupiers, they invaded our lands, and you want us to be nice? lol, got to be joking right:rofl:?
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Its really childish to say Taliban get there $$ from opium! Seriously, who are you fooling? Certainly not me;)!

We all know America is supporting a government made our of warlords and thugs who run narcotics business!

Lets not forget about Hamid Karzais brother!

Taliban have stated that they get their money from abroad from Muslims who sympathize with their cause, and there are more than a million ways to smuggle guns, weapons, and bombs through Afghanistan!

Taliban have said that western media is defaming them! But hey, what do they care, their winning the war anyways, and the world's sole "superpower" is trying to negotiate with them!

Seriously, keep this childish nonsense, its just too funny to read that i can't help but laugh:rofl:

But your here spewing all this nonsense against Pakistan, as if Pakistan was the only country involved in Afghanistan's civil war after Soviet withdrawal?

Iran and india also had a BIG hand in the war!

Nop, not nonsense, it makes a great deal of sense. You are right, pakistan was not the only proxy power in Afghanistan, but it was the most effective and number one. India was involved, iran was involved, but the suffer we took was mostly from pakistan. And dont say you helped us, you care about us, muslim brothers, jihad, freedom, etc, because non of those mean nothing, you were/are just busy pushing your proxy war with your rivals, brotherhood and muslimhood was something false.

Again, your hypocrisy is showing! You love it when America plays around with your country, invades it and makes things worse, and you love it when india uses Afghanistan to wage proxy wars against Pakistan, but when Pakistan retaliates you cry wolf?

Why should i differntiate between american and pakistan? they are both foreginers to us, you should never forget why america invaded afghanistan. americans are also busy fighting their proxy war in afghanistan just like the others. i am glad you mentioned the pakistani retaliation yourself, it only proves that you guys are interested in your proxies, brotherhood and muslimhood is nothing but a false statement.

If Pakistan hadn't supported the Mujahideen fight against Soviets then you people would have been singing the Soviet National Anthem today!

i wish americans and pakistan as well as the others never helped us(so called help), then there wouldnt have been any death and destruciton for the last 30 years. by the way, you didnt help us, you helped yourself, if you didnt have a benefit in this so called help, you would never have done anyting, you only managed to save your own skin from the might of the soviets. if it wasnt for our suffering i think your national anthem would be in russian rather than Pak Sarzameen Ka Neshan.

Then who did, tell me who helped Afghanistan? Who let 3 million refuges cross border? If we wanted to we could have let all you Afghans die right at our border, but we didn't!

You did all those for your own benefit, simple as that.

Your argument holds no water! Like i repeated thousand times before, india used Afghanistan as a base to supply and fund BLA terrorist against Pakistan (this is before the Afghan civil war and before NA came into existence), so in retaliation we used Mujahideen factions against indian influence!

Here is another confesion by you confirming my point!!! it is all about proxy war, so never claim that you helped us, you helped yourself and dont put this false Ahsan on us.

Like i said, if it wasn't for Pakistan supporting Mujahideen, you people would have been singing Soviet National Anthem today!

Wish you didnt, we would then had our national anthem in russian toghether.

And i'll repeat myself again, if it wasn't for Pakistan, you Afghans would have been singing the Soviet National Anthem, and your National Flag would have a Hammer and Sickle on it!

And you too would have had a russian national anthem if the afghans didnt lose their lives fighting this war.

You mean your American masters! You love it when they occupy your country!

If americans are our masters, they are your master too. so same same situation.

We want the Americans and Karzai to reconcile with Taliban so that there can be a stable Afghanistan with a Stable government, and this in return will stabilize Pakistan! But the indians (whom you love so much) want to continue the war for their own purpose (indians don't give a damn about you)! They don't care how many suicide bombings or NATO air strikes kill innocent Afghans, they only want to harm Pakistan!

Yes, evil indians want war and angel pakistanis want peace and stability in afghanistan, the action of pakistan for the last 3 decades have shown us enough evidence to believe this BS.

Since when did i say Pakistan wants Taliban to continue the war? Pakistan is helping Afghan Gov and America to RECONCILE with Taliban!

Yes, they say it in the public.

your the one who is full of hatred towards Pakistan, not me!

No i am not, i am only criticizing the foreign policy. i have got many paksitani friends, i am very close with them. if you dont believe it then it is your problem and i dont have to emphasize on it anymore.

How can we leave you alone:what:, your our neighbor, its not like we can pick Pakistan up and put it somewhere else on the map!

If india is going to use your soil against Pakistan then we're going to have to retaliate!

Confirming my point again, proxy. dont say you supposedly care about us. brotherhood, freedom fighters, muslimhood etc are all false statments.

You should be criticizing America's foreign policy! If they hadn't abandoned Afghanistan in this mess, Afghanistan wouldn't be in a civil war and therefore Pakistan, Iran, and india wouldn't have the chance to be involved in Afghan conflict!

Wish you guys and other proxy powers had left us and abondaned us. in such a situation there wouldnt have been any civial war, and even if there was a war it wouldnt last long. proxy and civial wars need money and foreign back up and support without that non of these stupid factions would have been able to fight forever.

Hope we can put this mistrust behind and move on.

But your here spewing all this nonsense against Pakistan, as if Pakistan was the only country involved in Afghanistan's civil war after Soviet withdrawal?

Iran and india also had a BIG hand in the war!

Nop, not nonsense, it makes a great deal of sense. You are right, pakistan was not the only proxy power in Afghanistan, but it was the most effective and number one. India was involved, iran was involved, but the suffer we took was mostly from pakistan. And dont say you helped us, you care about us, muslim brothers, jihad, freedom, etc, because non of those mean nothing, you were/are just busy pushing your proxy war with your rivals, brotherhood and muslimhood was something false.

Again, your hypocrisy is showing! You love it when America plays around with your country, invades it and makes things worse, and you love it when india uses Afghanistan to wage proxy wars against Pakistan, but when Pakistan retaliates you cry wolf?

Why should i differntiate between american and pakistan? they are both foreginers to us, you should never forget why america invaded afghanistan. americans are also busy fighting their proxy war in afghanistan just like the others. i am glad you mentioned the pakistani retaliation yourself, it only proves that you guys are interested in your proxies, brotherhood and muslimhood is nothing but a false statement.

If Pakistan hadn't supported the Mujahideen fight against Soviets then you people would have been singing the Soviet National Anthem today!

i wish americans and pakistan as well as the others never helped us(so called help), then there wouldnt have been any death and destruciton for the last 30 years. by the way, you didnt help us, you helped yourself, if you didnt have a benefit in this so called help, you would never have done anyting, you only managed to save your own skin from the might of the soviets. if it wasnt for our suffering i think your national anthem would be in russian rather than Pak Sarzameen Ka Neshan.

Then who did, tell me who helped Afghanistan? Who let 3 million refuges cross border? If we wanted to we could have let all you Afghans die right at our border, but we didn't!

You did all those for your own benefit, simple as that.

Your argument holds no water! Like i repeated thousand times before, india used Afghanistan as a base to supply and fund BLA terrorist against Pakistan (this is before the Afghan civil war and before NA came into existence), so in retaliation we used Mujahideen factions against indian influence!

Here is another confesion by you confirming my point!!! it is all about proxy war, so never claim that you helped us, you helped yourself and dont put this false Ahsan on us.

Like i said, if it wasn't for Pakistan supporting Mujahideen, you people would have been singing Soviet National Anthem today!

Wish you didnt, we would then had our national anthem in russian toghether.

And i'll repeat myself again, if it wasn't for Pakistan, you Afghans would have been singing the Soviet National Anthem, and your National Flag would have a Hammer and Sickle on it!

And you too would have had a russian national anthem if the afghans didnt lose their lives fighting this war.

You mean your American masters! You love it when they occupy your country!

If americans are our masters, they are your master too. so same same situation.

We want the Americans and Karzai to reconcile with Taliban so that there can be a stable Afghanistan with a Stable government, and this in return will stabilize Pakistan! But the indians (whom you love so much) want to continue the war for their own purpose (indians don't give a damn about you)! They don't care how many suicide bombings or NATO air strikes kill innocent Afghans, they only want to harm Pakistan!

Yes, evil indians want war and angel pakistanis want peace and stability in afghanistan, the action of pakistan for the last 3 decades have shown us enough evidence to believe this BS.

Since when did i say Pakistan wants Taliban to continue the war? Pakistan is helping Afghan Gov and America to RECONCILE with Taliban!

Yes, they say it in the public.

your the one who is full of hatred towards Pakistan, not me!

No i am not, i am only criticizing the foreign policy. i have got many paksitani friends, i am very close with them. if you dont believe it then it is your problem and i dont have to emphasize on it anymore.

How can we leave you alone:what:, your our neighbor, its not like we can pick Pakistan up and put it somewhere else on the map!

If india is going to use your soil against Pakistan then we're going to have to retaliate!

Confirming my point again, proxy. dont say you supposedly care about us. brotherhood, freedom fighters, muslimhood etc are all false statments.

You should be criticizing America's foreign policy! If they hadn't abandoned Afghanistan in this mess, Afghanistan wouldn't be in a civil war and therefore Pakistan, Iran, and india wouldn't have the chance to be involved in Afghan conflict!

Wish you guys and other proxy powers had left us and abondaned us. in such a situation there wouldnt have been any civial war, and even if there was a war it wouldnt last long. proxy and civial wars need money and foreign back up and support without that non of these stupid factions would have been able to fight forever.

Hope we can put this mistrust behind and move on.

Actually, in your above post, all in all, you proved my points! And yeah, i never said we didn't have our own interest! We did, but like i said if we did interfere we did it because of india!

Hope we can put this mistrust behind and move on.

what do you think we're trying to do, if can get Taliban, America, and Afghan gov to reconcile then there would not be any indian influence left in Afghanistan, and in return we would keep our nose out of your internal affairs as long as you stay neutral in Pakistan-india conflict!
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