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The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’

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Taliban invite journalists to Afghan battleground

In an emailed invitation to a foreign news agency, the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" -- as the Taliban called itself during its 1996-2001 rule invited "all independent mass media outlets of the world to send their reporters to Marjah".

Reporters who accepted would "see the situation with their own eyes and convey the facts to the public of the world," the email said.

ISAF never allow independent reporters because it will creat anger in muslim world after release of picture of innocient citizens killed by ISAF bombing.
ISAF never allow independent reporters because it will creat anger in muslim world after release of picture of innocient citizens killed by ISAF bombing.

Why worry what the ISAF thinks? The article points out that the lovely and brotherly Taliban wish your esteemed company as their embedded journalist and we look forward to learn the true story from you now?

Come on are U shirking from the honor of Jehad without weapon?

ISAF never allow independent reporters because it will creat anger in muslim world after release of picture of innocient citizens killed by ISAF bombing.

You must be kidding me. it is not the isaf but the Taliban who are anti journalists. The taliban took an italian journalist hostage and only freed him after their demand was met by the GoA, they beheaded the afghan driver and later on chopped off the head of afghan journalist(Ajmal Naqshbandi) who was accompanying the italian journalist.
The Taliban like journalists! Kidnapped for ransom or slaughtered like sheep, the Taliban considers journalists are good for money or eating!
You were just short of saying that.

Again, STOP putting words in my mouth, if i didn't say it, i didn't say it!

Nope, i dont consider everyone as angel and i dont consider pakisan as devil, i was just trying to tell you how you were wrong in your assessments and ideas.

But your here spewing all this nonsense against Pakistan, as if Pakistan was the only country involved in Afghanistan's civil war after Soviet withdrawal?

Iran and india also had a BIG hand in the war!

Ask the americans, i dont know. I never said and will never say that the americans are there to help us, they help themselves, but if we are clever enough we can take benefit from that situation.

Again, your hypocrisy is showing! You love it when America plays around with your country, invades it and makes things worse, and you love it when india uses Afghanistan to wage proxy wars against Pakistan, but when Pakistan retaliates you cry wolf?

No, i dont say that, but if you didnt allow that 2 millions afghans in your soil, you couldnt find any recruits to train to go to afghanistan and fight the russians, you were only interested to save pakistan,

If Pakistan hadn't supported the Mujahideen fight against Soviets then you people would have been singing the Soviet National Anthem today!

you are wrong to say you helped afghanistan, cuz you didnt.

Then who did, tell me who helped Afghanistan? Who let 3 million refuges cross border? If we wanted to we could have let all you Afghans die right at our border, but we didn't!

Do you know who the NA was? they were the mujahideen who were fighting against the russians(with the exception of one man) and they were under the protection and help of pakistan. later on you stopped supporting them and prefered Gulbudin, by helping him you fueled the civil war, thats how the NA asked for help from India, otherwise the so called NA was your servents before that.

Your argument holds no water! Like i repeated thousand times before, india used Afghanistan as a base to supply and fund BLA terrorist against Pakistan (this is before the Afghan civil war and before NA came into existence), so in retaliation we used Mujahideen factions against indian influence!

I might or might not be uneducated, but the fact is i know alot about my country. I can never forget the proxy wars, i have literally mentioned in alot of my posts, this is exactly what i am intended to say. it is all about proxy wars, india-pakistan, alqaeda-america, and others, it is a lie to say that you care about afghanistan, because you dont, you are only interested in your proxies. Freedom, muslims, freedom fighters, good taliban and bad taliban etc they are all the deception.

Like i said, if it wasn't for Pakistan supporting Mujahideen, you people would have been singing Soviet National Anthem today!

You did it for your own purpose.

And i'll repeat myself again, if it wasn't for Pakistan, you Afghans would have been singing the Soviet National Anthem, and your National Flag would have a Hammer and Sickle on it!

Only it is because of the pressure from your american masters.

You mean your American masters! You love it when they occupy your country!

We want the Americans and Karzai to reconcile with Taliban so that there can be a stable Afghanistan with a Stable government, and this in return will stabilize Pakistan! But the indians (whom you love so much) want to continue the war for their own purpose (indians don't give a damn about you)! They don't care how many suicide bombings or NATO air strikes kill innocent Afghans, they only want to harm Pakistan!

And pakistan want the taliban to fight! does that bring any peace?

Your proving my point, your really good at making up BS!

Since when did i say Pakistan wants Taliban to continue the war? Pakistan is helping Afghan Gov and America to RECONCILE with Taliban!

Do you even know what RECONCILE means? It means to bring to or more feuding sides/factions to an agreement so that a conflict can be brought to an END!

No, no hypocracy, just telling the truth.

And the truth is your a hypocrite, thanks for proving my point!;)

Tell me, why, of all countries who ****** up Afghanistan, you choose Pakistan?

Tell me, why?

your the one who is full of hatred towards Pakistan, not me!

Because pakistan did most of the things and still not leaving us alone.

How can we leave you alone:what:, your our neighbor, its not like we can pick Pakistan up and put it somewhere else on the map!

If india is going to use your soil against Pakistan then we're going to have to retaliate!

NO, i dont hate pakisan as a matter of fact i respect nation of pakistan. criticizing your wrong foreign policy is something else.

You should be criticizing America's foreign policy! If they hadn't abandoned Afghanistan in this mess, Afghanistan wouldn't be in a civil war and therefore Pakistan, Iran, and india wouldn't have the chance to be involved in Afghan conflict!

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Taliban invite journalists to Afghan battleground

In an emailed invitation to a foreign news agency, the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" -- as the Taliban called itself during its 1996-2001 rule invited "all independent mass media outlets of the world to send their reporters to Marjah".

Reporters who accepted would "see the situation with their own eyes and convey the facts to the public of the world," the email said.
And you are Always Neutral? HUH!!

You give a new meaning to neutrality

Never seen a bigger HYPOCRITE.
I don't think any Journalist will go there, after all they can behead any one anytime by calling 'em 'American Spy', so better send some key Board Jehadis Down there, I think they want some action now :lol:

I hope you know a british Journalist Yvonne Ridley converted to Islam after she was captured by Taliban in Afghanistan!

She converted after she saw how well Taliban treated her with respect and honor!

Below is her whole story, you might want to watch all the parts to this video, she explains her experience under Taliban!

Seriously, Taliban aren't Americans, britishers or israelis who tortured their captives in Bagram, Guantanamo, and Abu Ghraib!

Taliban know how to treat a woman with respect, but Americans tortured Dr.Afia when they held her in Bagram!

But i understand you people have hatred for Islam!

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I hope you know a british Journalist Yvonne Ridley converted to Islam after she was captured by Taliban in Afghanistan!

She converted after she saw how well Taliban treated her with respect and honor!

Below is her whole story, you might want to watch all the parts to this video, she explains her experience under Taliban!

YouTube - 11/13/2007 Behind Enemy Lines by Yvonne Ridly Part 1 of 12

Seriously, Taliban aren't Americans, britishers or israelis who tortured their captives in Bagram, Guantanamo, and Abu Ghraib!

Taliban know how to treat a woman with respect, but Americans tortured Dr.Afia when they held her in Bagram!

But i understand you people have hatred for Islam!


before you jump in with your guns & declare me an Infidel I am a Muslim & a proud Muslim, so please

I condemn all inhumae acts conducted whether by Taliban or ISAF

Al right i agree i got she must have been treated good but have you ever heard of Taliban battering women???

Don't you know about Korean Hostages & recently the Italian one?



& this take some time & read all parts

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I hope you know a british Journalist Yvonne Ridley converted to Islam after she was captured by Taliban in Afghanistan!

She converted after she saw how well Taliban treated her with respect and honor!

Below is her whole story, you might want to watch all the parts to this video, she explains her experience under Taliban!

YouTube - 11/13/2007 Behind Enemy Lines by Yvonne Ridly Part 1 of 12

Seriously, Taliban aren't Americans, britishers or israelis who tortured their captives in Bagram, Guantanamo, and Abu Ghraib!

Taliban know how to treat a woman with respect, but Americans tortured Dr.Afia when they held her in Bagram!

But i understand you people have hatred for Islam!


Ok, thats one but what about these guys:
Pierre Billaud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Johanne Sutton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Volker Handloik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aziz Ullah Haidari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These are only some of the victims of Taliban, if you want to find more, i'm sure you can just google it up.
And you are Always Neutral? HUH!!

You give a new meaning to neutrality

Never seen a bigger HYPOCRITE.

jUST AMAZED how these key board jehadist avoided their brother burkha Talibans offer to be their embedded journalist. Yvonne converted to Islam not Taliban.

Get a life and go to help your taliban brothers.

You must be kidding me. it is not the isaf but the Taliban who are anti journalists. The taliban took an italian journalist hostage and only freed him after their demand was met by the GoA, they beheaded the afghan driver and later on chopped off the head of afghan journalist(Ajmal Naqshbandi) who was accompanying the italian journalist.

:) Journalists are easiest prey to use for bargaining and its not something new which Taliban had discovered.
before you jump in with your guns & declare me an Infidel I am a Muslim & a proud Muslim, so please

I never said your a infidel, but your love for the Emo cult (they cut themselves when their depressed) show's that you admire western culture more than Islam!

But that's your own choice, but please, don't bash others who follow Islam, don't call them "women beaters" because you and i haven't seen anything, you and i haven't witnessed anything, so why should we be the judges of what Taliban do! If they were as bad as the world claims they are, then they would have been done with already!

When truth and falsehood come face to face, falsehood perishes because falsehood is bound to perish by nature!

I condemn all inhumae acts conducted whether by Taliban or ISAF

So next time even things out, if you speak against Taliban, you should also speak against atrocities committed by ISAF!

Al right i agree i got she must have been treated good but have you ever heard of Taliban battering women???

Crimes against women take place everywhere on this earth! Innocent girls in india are sold into child sex slavery, women in india are beaten by their husbands just because they fail to bring dowry for their husband and his family!Many girls are still buried alive in rural india!

But you see, Americans and the west want to fuel their cause against the Muslims, so they will use any excuse to invade our lands, they only care for their own interest not the innocents suffering!

Don't you know about Korean Hostages & recently the Italian one?

The Koreans were Christian missionaries, also known as Rice Christians! They took advantage of innocent, poor, starving Afghans by offering them rice and food if they converted to Christianity! And we Muslims are commanded by Allah to prevent another Muslim from going astray from the right path!

Its like i give you food if you in return become a hindu, would you like that?

Seriously, ones religion and faith is not for sale!

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Wud you be able to have Col Imam join us in the discussions here. Its always balancing and so fascinating to have the other side of the story.

Perhaps our respected Super Mod BLAIN2 can play a crucial part in getting this done.
What say?
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