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The Surgical Strike breaks Baahubali’s record, nears Rs 200 crore mark


Scums also have a right to feel worthy, so the did by doing what they could and made studio films where reality wasn't a help. For India, freaking one photo of surgical strike was impossible to produce but see they made a 3 hour feature film, because this is what they can.
The pleasure Indians could only dream about was shown in the movie, no wonder it got hit with such massive numbers.
Proves that how much gullible bhartis are into their army propaganda. Also shows their pure hatred for Pakistan. Let's hope aman ki asha idiots from Pakistan wakes up.

India is worshipping the saying, "a lie spoken thousand times..."
Make your people fool with this bullshit! When are you killing Hafiz Saeed in bollywood movie - do it early or he will spank your arses in reality
Movies make a mark in history. Therefore it is a win-win situation for Bollywood and Indian PR. But boasting about fair share of Indian heads might not be a good thing for Pakistan, which wants to project a soft image internationally.

LOL "mark in history"; dont be so delusional, the only consumers of Indian propaganda is gangus themeselves, as proven by the 70 years of bollywood that have had zero impact on anything.

Even if somehow someone not familiar with the situation was to watch it, they would easily determine the truth once they see the ridiculous claims of some ridiculous leopard urine powered strike force using invisible laser weapons.
Great. There should be a whole new genre in India called 'anti pak' or ' national pride' or whatever.
This can keep the public happy. Their forces cannot do what this Bollywood crap provides them.
India the only country in the world whose national hobby is trying to polish turds. This time the story of the so called unproven bullshit called Surgical Strikes. Oh FFS, grow a pair and show the proof or admit you effed up.
It will be good move by govt of India and its army to satisfy the egos of 1.5 Billions yindus... Keep making more and more movies... We Pakistanis are proud of our army .. and their blood is more priceless then the ugly yindus... we are fighting and we will be keep fighting until the last Pakistani but we never ever let hindus to enter our holly land .. We will never give damn fuk even whole world to fight with us along with u.... We will prefer to die for our country rather then be a slave like you hindus were once ruled by Muslims for 1000 years...
Fear not; For the crimson (=green) banner that proudly ripples in this glorious dawn, shall not fade,
Before the last fiery hearth that is ablaze within my homeland is extinguished.
For that is the star of my people, and it will forever shine;
It is mine; and solely belongs to my valiant nation.

Frown not, I beseech you, oh thou coy crescent!
Smile upon my heroic nation! Why the anger, why the rage?
Our blood which we shed for you shall not be worthy otherwise;
For freedom is the absolute right of my GOD-worshipping nation!
I have been free since the beginning and forever shall be so.

What madman shall put me in chains! I defy the very idea!
I'm like the roaring flood; trampling my banks and overcoming my body,
I'll tear apart mountains, exceed the Expanses and still gush out!
The horizons of the West may be bound with walls of steel,
But my borders are guarded by the mighty bosom of a believer.

Let it bellow out , do not be afraid! And think: how can this fiery faith ever be extinguished,
By that battered, single-fanged monster you call "civilization"?
My friend! Leave not my homeland to the hands of villainous men!
Render your chest as armour and your body as bulwark! Halt this disgraceful assault!
For soon shall come the joyous days of divine promise;
Who knows? Perhaps tomorrow? Perhaps even sooner!

View not the soil you tread on as mere earth - recognize it!
And think about the shroudless thousands who lie so nobly beneath you.
You're the glorious son of a martyr - take shame, grieve not your ancestors!
Unhand not, even when you're promised worlds, this heavenly homeland.

Who would not sacrifice their life for this paradise of a country?
Martyrs would burst forth should one simply squeeze the soil! Martyrs!
May God take my life, my loved ones, and all possessions from me if He will,
But let Him not deprive me of my one true homeland in the world.

Oh glorious God, the sole wish of my pain-stricken heart is that,
No heathen's hand should ever touch the bosom of my sacred foreheads
These Adhans and their testimonies are the foundations of my religion,
And may their noble sound prevail thunderously across my eternal homeland.

For only then, shall my fatigued tombstone, if there is one, prostrate a thousand times in ecstasy,
And tears of blood shall, oh Lord, spill out from my every wound,
And my lifeless body shall burst forth from the earth like an eternal spirit,
Perhaps only then, shall I peacefully ascend and at long last reach the heavens.

So ripple and wave like the bright dawning sky, oh thou glorious crescent,
So that our every last drop of blood may finally be blessed and worthy!
Neither you nor my kin shall ever be extinguished!
For freedom is the absolute right of my ever-free flag;
For independence is the absolute right of my GOD-worshipping nation!

Proves that how much gullible bhartis are into their army propaganda. Also shows their pure hatred for Pakistan. Let's hope aman ki asha idiots from Pakistan wakes up.

India is worshipping the saying, "a lie spoken thousand times..."
Their religious redemption lies in Pak's destruction...
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